Thomas Haertle - مركز تحقيقات بيوشيمی و بيوفيزيك ibb
Dr. Thomas HAERTLÉ
Thomas Haertle
23 06 2017 21:26
کد خبر : 10025150
تعداد بازدید : 217
Thomas HAERTLÉ Professor PhD in Biochemistry, January 1976 A. Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland. Tel: +332 40 67 50 91 E- mail: |
Distinctions: Honorary Research Fellow of Hannah Research Institute, 1993, Ayr, Great Britain Doctorate honoris causa of Russian Academy of Sciences, April 2007, Kazan, Russia. Doctorate honoris causa of Sofia University, October 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria. Adjunct Professor in Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Teheran, Teheran, Iran | |
Experience: INRA since 1988, Head of the research group specialising in studies of protein and peptide chemistry, protein interactions, biological activities. Receptors of taste. Protein and protease engineering. Heterologous expression of proteins. Study of proteases from thermophiles. Study of Lactic Acid Bacteria and of their proteolytic activities and antibiotic metabolites protecting food products and plants against microbial spoilage and infections and decreasing allergenicity of proteins. Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, Department of Basic and Clinical Research, San Diego, CA. 1986-1987, study of purine metabolism in human lymphocytes; synthesis of nucleoside chain terminators and study of their antiviral properties. The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, San Diego, CA, 1984-1986. Study of Origins of Life on Earth. Template directed synthesis of oligoribonucleotides. Department of Biophysics, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France. 1982-1984, NMR studies of nucleic acids relaxation by paramagnetic ions (Co2+, lanthanides). Department of Biochemistry, Atomic Energy Center, Saclay, France. 1976-1978. Protein biochemistry and conformation studies of oligonucleotides and oligopeptides. A. Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland. 1972-1987. Protein and RNA biochemistry. Author of: over 330 publications, over 200 communications, 90 conferences, 2 books, 3 book chapters, 5 patents, several expertises. Hirsh Index ≈ 37 Expert in: ANSES - Agence Nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'Environnement et du travail and in EFSA - European Food Safety Agency. |
Dr. haertle publications
24 06 2017 20:39
کد خبر : 10025135
تعداد بازدید : 38
1) Zanyatkin I., Stroylova Y., Tishina S., Stroylov V., Melnikova A., Haertlé T., Muronetz V. Inhibition of prion propagation by 3,4-dimethoxycinnamic acid (2017) accepted in Phytotherapy Research. DOI: 10.1002/ptr.5824
2) Aissaoui N, Chobert JM, Haertlé T, Marzouki MN, Abidi F. (2017) Purification and Biochemical haracterization of a Neutral Serine Protease from Trichoderma harzianum. Use in Antibacterial Peptide Production from a Fish By-Product Hydrolysate. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 182(2):831-845. doi: 10.1007/s12010-016-2365-4.
3) Shafaei Z., Ghalandari B., Vaseghi A., Divsalar A., Haertlé T., Saboury A. A., Sawyer L. β- lactoglobulin: an efficient nanocarrier for advanced delivery systems. (2017) Nanomedicine
4) Hwanhlem N., Ivanova T., Jaffrès E., Haertlé T. and Dousset X. (2017) Inhibition of food spoilage and food borne pathogenic bacteria by a nisin Z- producing Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis KT2W2L. accepted in LWT - Food Science & Technology
5) Biscola V., Rodriguez de Olmos A., Choiset Y., Rabesona H., Garro M.S., Mozzi
F.,. Chobert J-M, Drouet M., Haertlé T., Franco B. D. G. M. (2017) Soymilk fermentation by Enterococcus faecalis VB43 leads to reduction in the immunoreactivity of allergenic proteins β-conglycinin (7S) and glycinin (11S). Accepted for publication in Beneficial Microbes
6) Saelao S., Maneerat S., Kaewsuwan S, Rabesona H., Choiset Y., Haertlé T., Chobert J.M. (2017) Inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus in vitro by bacteriocinogenic Lactococcus lactis KTH0-1S isolated from Thai fermented shrimp (Kung-som) and safety evaluation. Arch Microbiol DOI 10.1007/s00203-016-1324
7) Hwanhlem N., Ivanova T., Biscola V., Choiset Y., Haertlé T. (2017) Bacteriocin producing Enterococcus faecalis isolated from chicken gastrointestinal tract originating from Phitsanulok, Thailand: Isolation, screening, safety evaluation and probiotic properties. Food Control 78 , 187-195.
8) Kudryavtseva SS, Stroylova YY, Zanyatkin IA, Haertlé T, Muronetz VI. (2016)
Inhibition of Chaperonin GroEL by a Monomer of Ovine Prion Protein and Its
Oligomeric Forms. Biochemistry (Mosc). 81(10):1213-1220.
9) Janashia I., Choiset Y., Rabesona H., Hwanhlem N., Bakuradze N., Chanishvili N., Haertlé T. (2016) Protection of honeybee Apis mellifera by its endogenous and exogenous lactic flora against bacterial infections. Annals of Agr. Scie. 14, 3, 177–
10) Taghavi F, Habibi-Rezaei M, Bohlooli M, Farhadi M, Goodarzi M, Movaghati S,
Maghami P, Taghibiglou C, Amanlou M, Haertlé T, Moosavi-Movahedi AA. (2016) Antiamyloidogenic Effects of Ellagic Acid on Human Serum Albumin Fibril Formation Induced by Potassium Sorbate and Glucose. J Mol Recognit. 29(12):611-
618. doi: 10.1002/jmr.2560.
11) Saelao S., Maneerat S., Keasuwan S., Benjakul S., Rabesona H., Choiset Y., Haertlé
T., Chobert J.M. (2016) Purification, characterization and safety evaluation of bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis KTH0-1S isolated from Thai fermented shrimp (kung-som). Potential use as bio-preservative agent. Accepté dans Arch. of Microbiol.
12) Janashia I., Carminati D., Rossetti L., Zago M, Fornasari M. E., Haertlé T.,
Chanishvili N., Giraffa G. (2016) Characterization of fructophilic lactic microbiota of Apis mellifera from Caucasus mountains. Annals of Microbiology 66, 1387–1395. DOI 10.1007/s13213-016-1226-2
13) Le Lay C, Coton E, Le Blay G, Chobert JM, Haertlé T, Choiset Y, Van Long NN,
Meslet-Cladière L, Mounier J. (2016) Identification and quantification of antifungal compounds produced by lactic acid bacteria and propionibacteria. Int J Food Microbiol. 239:79-85. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2016.06.020.
14) Biscola V, Tulini FL, Choiset Y, Rabesona H, Ivanova I, Chobert JM, Todorov SD,
Haertlé T, Franco BD. (2016) Proteolytic activity of Enterococcus faecalis VB63F for reduction of allergenicity of bovine milk proteins. J Dairy Sci. 99(7):5144-54. doi:
15) Ghomrassi H, ben Braiek O, Choiset Y, Haertlé T, Hani K, Chobert JM, Ghrairi T.
(2016) Evaluation of marine bacteriocinogenic enterococci strains with inhibitory activity against fish-pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. Dis Aquat Organ. 118(1):31-
43. doi: 10.3354/dao02953.
16) Tulini FL, Hymery N, Haertlé T, Le Blay G, De Martinis EC. (2016) Screening for
antimicrobial and proteolytic activities of lactic acid bacteria isolated from cow, buffalo and goat milk and cheeses marketed in the southeast region of Brazil. J Dairy Res. 83(1):115-24. doi: 10.1017/S0022029915000606.
17) Hwanhlem N., Biscola V., El-Ghaish S., Jaffrès E., Dousset X., Haertlé T., Chobert J.-M., H-Kittikun A. (2015) Bacteriocin-producing Enterococcus faecalis KT2W2G isolated from mangrove forests in southern Thailand: purification, characterization and safety evaluation. Food Control. 54, 126-134.
18) Belkaaloul K., Haertlé T., Chobert J.M., Merah R., Taibi K., Saad El Hachemi
H.A., Hemch S., Amier A., Chekroun A., Saidi D. and Kheroua O. (2015) Protective
effect of Enterococcus faecalis DAPTO 512 on the intestinal tract and gut mucosa: Milk allergy application. Beneficial Microbes. 6(5), 679–686 DOI:
19) Tulini F.L., Bíscola V., Choiset Y., Hymery N., Le Blay G., Pereira De Martinis E.C., Chobert J.M, Haertlé T. Evaluation of the proteolytic activity of Enterococcus
faecalis FT132 and Lactobacillus paracasei FT700, isolated from dairy products in
Brazil, using milk proteins as substrates. (2015) Eur Food Res. Technol. 241: 385. Doi:10.1007/s00217-015-2470-6
20) Tulini F. L., Hymery N., Choiset Y., Chobert J.-M., Haertlé T., De Martinis E. C. P., Le
Blay G. Milk fermented with the probiotic candidate Lactobacillus paracasei FT700 induces differentiation of monocytes toward macrophages in vitro. (2015) J. Functional Foods. 15 (2015) 533–540,
21) El Ghaish S., El Baz A., Hwanhlem N., Zommara M., Ayad E., Choiset Y., Haertlé T., Chobert J.M. Bacteriocin production and safety evaluation of non-starter Enterococcus faecium IM1 and Enterococcus hirae IM1 strains isolated from
homemade Egyptian dairy products. (2015) Eur Food Res Technol 240 (6) : 1211 -
1223. DOI 10.1007/s00217-015-2424-z
22) Hwanhlem N., Jaffrès E., Dousset X., Pillot G., Choiset Y., Haertlé T., H-Kittikun A.,
and Chobert J.-M. Application of a nisin Z-producing Lactococcus lactis subsp.
lactis KT2W2L isolated from brackish water for biopreservation in cooked peeled and ionized tropical shrimps during storage at 8 °C under modified atmosphere packaging. (2015) Eur. J. Food Technol. 240:1259–1269 DOI 10.1007/s00217-015-
23)Abidi F, Aissaoui N, Chobert JM, Haertlé T., Marzouki MN. Neutral Serine Protease from Penicillium italicum. Purification, Biochemical Characterization, and Use for Antioxidative Peptide Preparation from Scorpaena notata Muscle. (2014) Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 174(1):186-205. doi: 10.1007/s12010-014-1052-6.
24)Dib W., Biscola V., Choiset Y., Chobert J.-M., Haertlé T., Chekroun A., Saidi D.,
Kheroua O. Characterization of a new isolate of Lactobacillus brevis WD19 from Algerian goat milk with proteolytic activity (2014) Glob Adv Res J Agric Scie
3(12), 423-432.
25)Teodoro A., P., Jeronymo-Ceneviva A. B., Todorov S.D., Franco Gombossy Melo B.D., Choiset Y., Chobert J.-M., Haertlé, T., Dousset X., Penna Barretto A.L. Leuconostoc mesenteroides: bacteriocinogenic strain isolated from Brazilian water-buffalo mozzarella cheese. (2014) Probiotics & Antimicro. Prot. 6, 186-
26)Shojaei F., Tavakolinia N., Divsalar A., Haertlé T., Saboury A.A., Nemat-Gorgani M., Abbracchio M.P. Biochemical and immunological aspects of protein aggregation in neurodegenerative diseases (2014) J Iran Chem Soc 11, 1503–
27)Delavari B., Saboury A.A., Atri M.S., Ghasemi A., Bigdelia B., Khammari A.,
Maghami P., Moosavi-Movahedi A.A., Haertlé T., Goliaei B. Alpha-lactalbumin: a
new carrier for vitamin D3 food enrichment. (2015) Food Hydrocolloids 45, 124 -
28)Barbosa M. S., Todorov S.D., Ivanova I.V., Chobert J.M., Haertlé T. and Franco B.D.G.M. Improving safety of salami by application of bacteriocins produced by an autochthonous Lactobacillus curvatus isolate. (2015) Food Microbiology 2015,
46, 254-262.
29)El Mecherfi K.-E., Rouaud O., Curet S., Negaoui H., Chobert J.-M., Kheroua O., Saidi
D., Haertlé T. Peptic hydrolysis of bovine beta lactoglobulin under microwave treatment reduces its allergenicity in an ex vivo murine allergy model. (2015) Intl J Food Scie and Technol. 50, 2, 356–364
30)Kanso H. H., Mallem M.Y., Rabesona H., Haertlé T., Chobert J.-M., Guerrero F., is J.- C. Vasorelaxant effects of cameline and bovine casein hydrolyzates in thoracic aorta and mesenteric arteries. (2014) Intl Dairy J. 39(1), 113-120. Http://
31)Dib W., Chekroun A., El Ghaish S., Choiset Y., Chobert J.M., Haertlé T., Saidi D.,
Kheroua O. Effects of orally administered Enterococcus faecium on the immune systemic response and intestinal epithelial structure in Balb/c mice immunized by bovine beta-lactoglobulin. (2014) Intl J. Pharmacy and Pharm Scie. 6, 587 -
32)Stroylova Y.Y., Semenyuk P.I, Asriyantz R.A., Gaillard C., Haertlé T., Muronetz V.I.
Creation of catalitycally active particles from enzymes cross-linked by a natural
bifunctional agent – homocysteine thiolactone. (2014) Biopolymers 101(9):975-
84. doi: 10.1002/bip.22514.
33) Dib W., Chekroun A., El Ghaish S., Choiset Y., Chobert J.M., Haertlé T., Saidi D., Kheroua O. Effects of orally administered Enterococcus faecium on the immune systemic response and intestinal epithelial structure in Balb/c mice immunized
by bovine β-lactoglobulin. (2014) International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 6, 7, 587-590
34)Mensi A, Borel P, Goncalves A, Nowicki M, Gleize B, Roi S, Chobert JM, Haertlé T, Reboul E. β-Lactoglobulin as a Vector for β-Carotene Food Fortification. (2014) J Agric Food Chem.62(25):5916-24. doi: 10.1021/jf501683s
35)Belguesmia Y., Rabesona H., Mounier J., Pawtowsky A., Le Blay G., Barbier G., Haertlé T. and Chobert J.M. Characterization of antifungal organic acids produced by Lactobacillus harbinensis K.V9.3.1Np immobilized in gellan-xanthan beads during batch fermentation. (2014) Food Control 36, 205-211.
36)Migaw S., Ghrairi T., Belguesmia Y., Choiset Y., Berjeaud J.M, Chobert J.M., Hani K. and Haertle´ T. Diversity of bacteriocinogenic lactic acid bacteria isolated from Mediterranean fish viscera. (2014) World J Microbiol Biotechnol 40(4):1207-17. doi: 10.1007/s11274-013-1535-6
37)Barbosa M.S., Todorov S.D., Belguesmia Y., Choiset Y., Rabesona H., Ivanova I. II.,
Chobert J.M., Haertlé T. and Franco B. D. G. M. Purification and characterization of the bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus sakei MBSa1 isolated from Brazilian salami. (2014) J. of Appl. Microbiol. 116(5):1195-208. doi: 10.1111/jam.12438.
38)Ghalandari B., Divsalar A., Saboury A.A., Haertlé T., Parivar K., Bazl R., Eslami- Moghadam M., Amanlou M. Spectroscopic and theoretical investigation of oxali- palladium interactions with β-lactoglobulin. (2014) Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 118, 1038–1046.
39)Hwanhlem N., Biscola V., El-Ghaish S., Jaffrès E., Dousset X., Haertlé T., H-
Kittikun A. and Chobert J.M. Bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria isolated from mangrove forests in southernThailand as potential bio-control agents: purification and characterization of bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis KT2W2L. (2013) Probiotics & Antimicro. Prot. (2013) 5:264–278. DOI 10.1007/s12602-013-9150-2
40)Razmi M., Divsalar A., Saboury A.A., Izadi Z., Haertlé T., Mansuri-Torshizi H. Beta- Casein and its Complexes with Chitosan as Nanovehicles for Delivery of a Platinum Anticancer Drug. (2013) Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 112,
41)Sitohy M., Osman, Ahmed Gharib A., Chobert J.M., and Haertlé T. Absence of toxicity from methylated soybean protein and methylated ß-lactoglobulin in Wistar Albino rats. (2013) Food and Chemical Toxicology 59, 618-625. DOI10.1016/j.fct.2013.06.026.
42) Dib W., Biscola V., Choiset Y., Chobert J.-M., Haertlé T., Chekroun A., Saidi D., Kheroua O. Characterization of a new isolate of Lactobacillus brevis WD19 from Algerian goat milk with proteolytic activity (2014) Glob Adv Res J Agric Scie 3(12),
43) Teodoro A., P., Jeronymo-Ceneviva A. B., Todorov S.D., Franco Gombossy Melo
B.D., Choiset Y., Chobert J.-M., Haertlé, T., Dousset X., Penna Barretto A.L. Leuconostoc mesenteroides: bacteriocinogenic strain isolated from Brazilian water- buffalo mozzarella cheese. (2014) Probiotics & Antimicro. Prot. 6, 186-197.
44) Shojaei F., Tavakolinia N., Divsalar A., Haertlé T., Saboury A.A., Nemat-Gorgani M., Abbracchio M.P. Biochemical and immunological aspects of protein aggregation in neurodegenerative diseases (2014) J Iran Chem Soc 11, 1503–1512.
45) Delavari B., Saboury A.A., Atri M.S., Ghasemi A., Bigdelia B., Khammari A., Maghami P., Moosavi-Movahedi A.A., Haertlé T., Goliaei B. Alpha-lactalbumin: a new carrier for vitamin D3 food enrichment. (2015) Food Hydrocolloids 45, 124 -
46) Pescuma M., Hebert E.M., Haertlé T., Chobert J.M., Mozzi F., Font de Valdez G.
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus CRL 454 cleaves allergenic peptides of β- lactoglobulin. (2015) Food Chemistry. 170, 407-14. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.08.086.
47) Barbosa M. S., Todorov S.D., Ivanova I.V., Chobert J.M., Haertlé T. and Franco B.D.G.M. Improving safety of salami by application of bacteriocins produced by an autochthonous Lactobacillus curvatus isolate. (2015) Food Microbiology 2015, 46,
48) Taheri-Kafrani A, Tavakkoli Koupaie N, Haertlé T. β-Lactoglobulin mutant Lys69Asn has attenuated IgE and increased retinol binding activity. (2015) J Biotechnol.
212:181-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2015.08.006.
49) Kazem-Farzandi N, Taheri-Kafrani A, Haertlé T. β-lactoglobulin mutation Ala86Gln
improves its ligand binding and reduces its immunoreactivity. (2015) Int J Biol
Macromol. 81:340-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2015.08.013.
50) El Mecherfi K.-E., Rouaud O., Curet S., Negaoui H., Chobert J.-M., Kheroua O., Saidi D., Haertlé T. Peptic hydrolysis of bovine beta lactoglobulin under microwave treatment reduces its allergenicity in an ex vivo murine allergy model. (2015) Intl J Food Scie and Technol. 50, 2, 356–364
51) Kanso H. H., Mallem M.Y., Rabesona H., Haertlé T., Chobert J.-M., Guerrero F., is J.- C. Vasorelaxant effects of cameline and bovine casein hydrolyzates in thoracic aorta and mesenteric arteries. (2014) Intl Dairy J. 39(1), 113-120. Http://
52) Dib W., Chekroun A., El Ghaish S., Choiset Y., Chobert J.M., Haertlé T., Saidi
D., Kheroua O. Effects of orally administered Enterococcus faecium on the
immune systemic response and intestinal epithelial structure in Balb/c mice
immunized by bovine beta-lactoglobulin. (2014) Intl J. Pharmacy and Pharm
Scie. 6, 587 - 590.
53) Stroylova Y.Y., Semenyuk P.I, Asriyantz R.A., Gaillard C., Haertlé T., Muronetz V.I. Creation of catalitycally active particles from enzymes cross-linked by a natural bifunctional agent – homocysteine thiolactone. (2014) Biopolymers 101(9):975-84. doi: 10.1002/bip.22514.
54) Dib W., Chekroun A., El Ghaish S., Choiset Y., Chobert J.M., Haertlé T., Saidi D., Kheroua O. Effects of orally administered Enterococcus faecium on the immune systemic response and intestinal epithelial structure in Balb/c mice immunized by bovine β-lactoglobulin. Accepté pour la publication dans International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
55) Mensi A, Borel P, Goncalves A, Nowicki M, Gleize B, Roi S, Chobert JM, Haertlé T,
Reboul E. β-Lactoglobulin as a Vector for β-Carotene Food Fortification. (2014) J Agric Food Chem.62(25):5916-24. doi: 10.1021/jf501683s
56) Belguesmia Y., Rabesona H., Mounier J., Pawtowsky A., Le Blay G., Barbier G., Haertlé T. and Chobert J.M. Characterization of antifungal organic acids produced by
Lactobacillus harbinensis K.V9.3.1Np immobilized in gellan-xanthan beads during batch fermentation. (2014) Food Control 36, 205-211.
57) Migaw S., Ghrairi T., Belguesmia Y., Choiset Y., Berjeaud J.M, Chobert J.M., Hani
K. and Haertle´ T. Diversity of bacteriocinogenic lactic acid bacteria isolated from
Mediterranean fish viscera. (2014) World J Microbiol Biotechnol 40(4):1207-17. doi:
58) Barbosa M.S., Todorov S.D., Belguesmia Y., Choiset Y., Rabesona H., Ivanova I. II.,
Chobert J.M., Haertlé T. and Franco B. D. G. M. Purification and characterization of
the bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus sakei MBSa1 isolated from Brazilian salami. (2014) J. of Appl. Microbiol. 116(5):1195-208. doi: 10.1111/jam.12438.
59) Ghalandari B., Divsalar A., Saboury A.A., Haertlé T., Parivar K., Bazl R., Eslami- Moghadam M., Amanlou M. Spectroscopic and theoretical investigation of oxali- palladium interactions with β-lactoglobulin. (2014) Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 118, 1038–1046.
60) Hwanhlem N., Biscola V., El-Ghaish S., Jaffrès E., Dousset X., Haertlé T., H- Kittikun A. and Chobert J.M. Bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria isolated from mangrove forests in southern Thailand as potential bio-control agents: purification and characterization of bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis KT2W2L. (2013) Probiotics & Antimicro. Prot.
5:264–278. DOI 10.1007/s12602-013-9150-2
61) Cherkashin A., Chobert J.-M. Efimochkina N. Sheveleva S., Haertlé T. Antibiotic
Resistance of lactic Acid Bacteria Used in Russian Dairy and Probiotic Products
(2013) European Researcher, 44, 3-2, 654-659.
62) Razmi M., Divsalar A., Saboury A.A., Izadi Z., Haertlé T., Mansuri-Torshizi H. Beta- Casein and its Complexes with Chitosan as Nanovehicles for Delivery of a Platinum Anticancer Drug. (2013) Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 112, 362–367.
63) Sitohy M., Osman, Ahmed Gharib A., Chobert J.M., and Haertlé T. Absence of toxicity from methylated soybean protein and methylated ß-lactoglobulin in Wistar Albino rats. (2013) Food and Chemical Toxicology 59, 618-625. DOI10.1016/j.fct.2013.06.026.
64) Semenyuk P.I., Muronetz V.I., Haertlé T. and Izumrudov V.A. Effect of
poly(phosphate) anions on glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase structure and thermal aggregation: comparison with influence of poly(sulfoanions). (2013) BBA - General Subjects 1830 (10) 4800–4805.
65) Divsalar A., Saboury A.A., Haertlé T., Sawyer L., Mansouri-Torshizi H., L. Barzegar
A Spectroscopic and Calorimetric Study of 2,2'-Dibipyridin Cu(II) Chloride Binding
to Bovine beta-Lactoglobulin. (2013) J Solution Chem 42. 705–715 DOI
66) Faizullin D. A., Konnova T. A., Haertlé T., Zuev Yu. F. (2013) Self-Association and
Secondary Structure of Beta-Casein. Bioorganicheskaya Chimia 39, 411-441. Файзуллин Д. А., Коннова Т. А., Эртле Т., Зуев Ю. Ф. САМОАССОЦИАЦИЯ И ВТОРИЧНАЯ СТРУКТУРА БЕТА_КАЗЕИНА БИООРГАНИЧЕСКАЯ ХИМИЯ,
2013, том 39, № 4, с. 411–41.
67) Mensi A., Choiset Y., Rabesona H., Haertlé T., Borel P. and Chobert J.-M.
Interactions of ß-lactoglobulin variants A and B with vitamin A. Competitive binding
of retinoids and carotenoids. (2013) J. Agric. Food Chem 61, 4114-4119, DOI:
68) Divsalar A., Saboury A.A., Haertlé T., Sawyer L., Mansouri-Torshizi H., and Barzegar L. Spectroscopic and Calorimetric Study of 2,2′-Dibipyridin Cu(II) Chloride Binding to Bovine β-Lactoglobulin. (2013) J Solution Chem DOI 10.1007/s10953-
69) Mehranfar F., Bordbar A.K., Haertlé T., Moosavi-Movahedi A.A. and Farzi N.
Micellar Properties of β-Casein-Cationic Surfactant Solutions. (2013) Monatshefte für
Chemie – Chemical Monthly 144, 3, 1291–1297. DOI 10.1007/s00706-013-0951-5
70) Stroylova Y. Y., Konnova T., Zuev Y. F., Chobert J.M. Choiset Y. Haertlé T. and
Muronetz V.I. Selective Introduction of Sulfhydryl Groups into Recombinant
Proteins for Study of Protein–Protein Interactions, (2013) Chromatographia, 76:621–
628, DOI 10.1007/s10337-013-2463-1
71) Mensi A., Choiset Y., Haertlé T., Reboul E., Borel P., Chobert J.-M. Interlocking of β-carotene in beta-lactoglobulin aggregates produced under high pressure. (2013) Food Chemistry 139, 253–260.
72) Konnova T.A., Faizulin D.A., Haertlé T., Zuev Yu. F. Micellisation of beta casein in hydro-ethanolic solutions. (2013) Compte Rendus d'Académie des Sciences de Russie
448, 4. 480-483
73) Коннова Т. А., Фаизуллин Д. А., Эртле Т., Зуев Ю. Ф..
74) Ahmadova A., Todorov S.D., Hadji-Sfaxi I., Choiset Y., Rabesona H., Messaoudi S.,
Kuliyev A.A., Franco B.D.G.M., Chobert J.M., Haertlé T. Antimicrobial and antifungal activities of Lactobacillus curvatus strain isolated from homemade Azerbaijani cheese. (2013) Anaerobes 20, 42-49. DOI
75) Abidi F., Aissaoui N., Gaudin J.-C., Chobert J.-M., Haertlé T., Marzouki M.N. MS Analysis and Molecular Characterization of Botrytis cinerea Protease Prot-2. Use in
Bioactive Peptides Production (2013) Appl Biochem Biotechnol DOI
76) Ghamari F, Ghaffari SM, Salami M, Moosavi-Movahedi F, Farivar F, Johari A, Saboury AA, Chobert JM, Haertlé T, Moosavi-Movahedi AA. Synergic study of α- glucosidase inhibitory action of aloin and its antioxidant activity with and without camel β-casein and its peptides. (2013) Protein Pept Lett., 20, 607-612
77) Limanska N.V., Ivanytsia T.V., Basiul O., Krylova K., Biscola V., Chobert J.M, Ivanytsia V.O. and Haertlé T. Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum on germination and growth of tomato seedlings. (2013) Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 35, 1587-1595.
78) Ahmadova A., Todorov S.D., Choiset Y., Rabesona H., Mirhadi Zadi T., Kuliyev A., Gombossy de Melo Franco B.D., Chobert J.M., Haertlé T. Evaluation of antimicrobial activity, probiotic properties and safety of wild strain Enterococcus faecium AQ71 isolated from Azerbaijani Motal cheese. (2013) Food Control. 30, 631-
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118) Badraghi J., Moosavi-Movahedi A.A., Saboury A.A., Yousefi R., Sharifizadeh
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123) Pescuma M., Hébert E., Dalgalarrondo M., Haertlé T., Mozzi F., Chobert J.- M., Font de Valdez G. Effect of exopolysaccharides on hydrolysis of beta- lactoglobulin by Lactobacillus acidophilus CRL 636 in an in vitro gastric/pancreatic system. (2009) J. Agric. Food Chem. 57, 5571–5577.
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153) Bordbar A.-K., Dazhampanah H., Mousavi S. H.-A. and Haertlé T. Analysis of Ligand Binding Curves on Basis of Mean Intrinsic Thermodynamic Quantities. (2007) Int. J. of Biol. Macromol.40/4, 367-373.
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157) Sitohy M., Chobert J.-M., Karwowska U., Gozdzicka-Jozefiak A. and Haertlé
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158) Gulahmadov S. Gurban oglu, Batjargal Batdorj, Dalgalarrondo M., Chobert J.-
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159) Tsiroulnikov K., Rezaei H., Dalgalarrondo M., Chobert J.-M., Grosclaude J.,
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163) Chobert J.-M., Sitohy M., El-Zahar K., Dalgalarrondo M., Choiset F., Haertlé T. Study of conformational changes of ewe's holo(native) and apo alpha-lactalbumin by spectroscopy and trypsinolysis. (2006) J. Food Biochem. 30, 390–404.
164) Barbana C., Pérez M. D., Sánchez L., Dalgalarrondo M., Chobert J.-M.,
Haertlé T. and Calvo M. Interaction of bovine alpha-lactalbumin with fatty acids as determined by partition equilibrium and fluorescence spectroscopy (2006) Intl. Dairy Journal 16, 18 - 25.
165) Wehbi Z., Pérez M.-D., Dalgalarrondo M., Sánchez L., Calvo M., Chobert J.-
M. and Haertlé T. Study of ethanol-induced conformational changes of holo and apo
alpha -lactalbumin by spectroscopy and limited proteolysis." (2006) Molecular
Nutrition & Food Research. 50 (1) 34-43.
166) Sitohy M., Chobert J. M., Haertle T. Esterified Whey Proteins Can Protect
Lactococcus lactis against Bacteriophage Infection. Comparison with the Effect of
Native Basic Proteins and l-Polylysines. (2005) J Agric Food Chem.53 (9), 3727-
167) Durzyński Ł., Gaudin J. C., Myga M., Szydłowski J., Goździcka-Józefiak A.
and Haertlé T. Olfactory-like receptors cDNAs are present in human lingual cDNA
libraries. (2005) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Com. 333, 264-272.
168) Gousterova A., Braikova D., Goshev I., Christov P., Tishinov K., Vasileva- Tonkova E., Haertlé T. and Nedkov P. Degradation of keratin and collagen containing wastes by newly isolated thermoactinomycetes or by alkaline hydrolysis. (2005) Letters in Applied Microbiology, 40, 335–340.
169) Varfolomeev S., Efremenko E., Beletskaya I., Bertini I., Blackburn G.M., Bogdanov A., Cunin R., Eichler J., Galaev I., Gladyshev V., O'Hagan D., Haertlé T., Jarv J., Karyakin A., Kurochkin I., Mikolajczyk M., Poroikov V., Sakharov I., Spener F., Voyer N., and Wild J. Postgenomic Chemistry (2005) Pure Appl. Chem., Vol. 77, No. 9, pp. 1641–1654.
170) Rezaei H., Eghiaian F., Perez J, Doublet B., Choiset Y., Haertlé T.,
Grosclaude J. Sequential generation of two structurally distinct ovine prion protein soluble oligomers displaying different biochemical reactivities. (2005) J. Mol. Biol.
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171) El-Zahar K., Sitohy M., Choiset Y., Métro F., Haertlé T., Chobert J-M. Peptic
hydrolysis of ovine beta-lactoglobulin and alpha-lactalbumin. Exceptional susceptibility of native ovine beta-lactoglobulin to pepsinolysis (2005) International Dairy Journal 15, 17-27.
172) Chobert J.-M., El-Zahar K., Sitohy M., Dalgalarrondo M., Métro F., Choiset F., Haertlé T. Angiotensin I-converting-enzyme (ACE)-inhibitory activity of tryptic peptides of ovine beta-lactoglobulin and of milk yoghurts obtained by using different starters. (2005) Lait 85, 141-152.
173) Tsiroulnikov K., Rezai H., Bonch-Osmolovskaya E., Nedkov P., Gousterova A., Cueff V., Godfroy A., Barbier G., Métro F., Chobert J.-M., Clayette P., Dormont D., Grosclaude J. and Haertlé T. Hydrolysis of the amyloid prion protein and non- pathogenic Meat and Bone Meal (MBM) by anaerobic thermophilic prokaryotes and Streptomyces subsp. (2004) J. Agric Food Chem. 52, 6353-6360.
174) Tsiroulnikov K., Rezai H., Bonch-Osmolovskaya E., Nedkov P., Gousterova
A., Cueff V., Godfroy A., Barbier G., Métro F., Chobert J.-M., Clayette P., Dormont D., Grosclaude J. and Haertlé T. Utilisation des microorganismes dans l'hydrolyse des amyloïdes et l'hydrolyse des farines animales. Productions animales, 2004, Numéro spécial, 97-103.
175) Jayat D., Gaudin J.-C., Chobert J.-M., Burova T.V., Holt C, McNae I., Sawyer L. and Haertlé T. A recombinant C121S mutant of bovine beta-lactoglobulin is more susceptible to peptic digestion and to denaturation by reducing agents and heating. (2004) Biochemistry 43, 6312-6321.
176) El-Zahar, K., Sitohy, M., Choiset Y., Métro F., Haertlé T. and Chobert, J.-M.
Antimicrobial activity of ovine whey protein peptic hydrolysates. (2004) Milchwissenschaft, 59, 653-656.
177) El-Zahar, K., Chobert, J.-M., Sitohy, M., Dalgalarrondo M. and Haertlé T.
Proteolysis of ewe milk caseins and whey proteins during fermentation of yoghurt
(2004) J. Food Biochem., 28, 319-335.
178) El-Zahar K, Sitohy M, Dalgalarrondo M, Choiset Y, Metro F, Haertlé T, Chobert JM. Purification and physicochemical characterization of ovine beta- lactoglobulin and alpha-lactalbumin. (2004) Nahrung. 48, 177-183.
179) Zuev, Y., Faizullin, D., Idiyatullin, B., Mukhitova, F., Chobert, J.-M., Fedotov V. and Haertlé T. Aggregation of sodium dodecyl sulfate in micellar solution of bêta- casein analyzed by 1H self-diffusion, relaxation and FTIR spectroscopy. (2004) Colloid Polym Sci 282, 264 – 269.
180) Mironov, N.A., Breus, V.V., Gorbatchuk, V.V., Solomonov, B.N. and Haertlé, T. Effects of hydration, lipids and temperature on the binding of the volatile aroma terpenes by beta-lactoglobulin powders. (2003) J of Agric Food Chem. 51(9),
2665 - 2673.
181) Mikhailova, A., G., Rumsh, L., D., Dalgalarrondo, M. Chobert, J.-M. et
Haertlé, T. Evolution of activities of mutated anionic trypsins in lowered temperatures. (2003) Biokhimiya 68 (8) 926-33.
182) Rezaei, H., Choiset, Y., Debey, P., Grosclaude, J. and Haertlé, T. Study of stability of variants of ovine prions with different susceptibilities to scrapie. (2003) J. of Thermal Anal and Calorimetry 71, 237 - 247.
183) Atanassova, M., Choiset, Y., Dalgalarrondo, M., Chobert, J.-M., Dousset, X.,
Ivanova, I., and Haertlé, T. Isolation and partial biochemical characterization of a proteinaceous anti-yeast compound produced by Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei strain M3 from Bulgarian yellow cheese. (2003) Intl J of Food Microbiol.
87, 63– 73.
184) El-Zahar, K., Chobert, J.-M., Sitohy, M., Dalgalarrondo M. and T. Haertlé.
Proteolytic degradation of ewe milk proteins during the fermentation of yoghurts and during their storage. (2003) Die Nahrung-Food. 47, 199-206.
185) Bertrand-Harb, C., Ivanova, I., Dalgalarrondo, M. and Haertlé, T. The state of the evolution of beta-lactoglobulin and alpha-lactalbumin content during yoghurt
fermentation. (2003) Int Dairy J. 13, 39 – 45.
186) Pantev, A., Kabadjova, P., Valcheva, R., Danova, S., Dousset, X., Haertlé, T.
Chobert, J.-M. and Ivanova, I. Effects of Composition of Nitrogen Sources on the Bacteriocin Production by Enterococcus faecium A 2000. (2002) Folia Microbiologica. 47(6), 659 - 62.
187) Rezaei, H., Choiset, Y., Egdiaian, F., Treguer, E., Mentre, P., Debey, P., Grosclaude, J. and Haertlé, T. Amyloidogenic unfolding intermediates differentiate sheep prion protein variants. (2002) J. Mol. Biol. 322 (4) 799-814.
188) Chevalier F, Chobert J-M., Dalgalarrondo, M., Choiset, Y., Haertlé T.
Maillard glycation of ß-lactoglobulin induces conformation changes. (2002) Die
Nahrung-Food. 2, 58-63.
189) Burova, T.V., Grinberg, V. Ya., Haertlé, T., Tolstoguzov, V. B. Effect of polysaccharides on the stability and renaturation of soybean trypsin (Kunitz) inhibitor. (2002) Macromolecular Bioscience 2, 286-292.
190) Sitohy, M., Chobert, J.-M. Gaudin, J.-C., Renac, T. and Haertlé, T. When positively charged milk proteins can bind DNA. (2003) J. Food Biochem. 26, 511 –
191) Bertrand-Harb C., Baday A., Dalgalarrondo M., Chobert J.-M. and Haertlé T.
Thermal modifications of structure and co-denaturation of α-lactalbumin and ß- lactoglobulin induce changes of solubility and susceptibility to proteases. (2002) Die Nahrung-Food 46 (4) 283-289.
192) Pantev, A., Kabadjova, P., Dalgalarrondo, M., Haertlé, T., Ivanova, I., Dousset, X., Prévost and Chobert, J.-M. Isolation and partial characterization of
antibacterial substance produced by Enterococcus faecium A 2000 (2002) Folia
Microbiologica 47(4), 391-400.
193) Pantev A., Valcheva R., Danova S., Ivanova I., Minkov I., Haertlé T., and
Chobert J.-M. Effect of Enterococcin A 2000 on biological and synthetic phospholipid membranes. (2003) Int. J. Food Microbiol. 80(2), 145-152.
194) Cayot, P., Rossier, H., Roullier, L., Haertlé, T. and Tainturier, G.
Electrochemical modifications of proteins: Disulfide bonds reduction. (2002) Food
Chemistry 77, 309-315.
195) Sitohy, M. Chobert, J.-M. and Haertlé, T. Improvement of solubility and of
emulsifying properties of milk proteins at acid pHs by esterification. (2001) Die
Nahrung-Food, 45, 87- 93.
196) Chevalier, F., Chobert, J.-M., and Haertlé, T. Improvement of functional properties of beta-lactoglobulin glycated through the Maillard reaction is related to the nature of sugars. (2001) Int. Dairy Journal. 11, 145 – 152.
197) Sitohy, M., Chobert J.-M. and Haertlé, T. Simplified short-time method for the esterification of milk proteins. (2001) Michwissenschaft 56, 127-131.
198) Chevalier, F., Chobert, J.-M., and Haertlé, T. Characterisation of the Maillard
reaction products of beta-lactoglobulin glucosylated in mild conditions. (2001) J. of
Food Biochemistry 25, 33 - 55.
199) Sitohy, M. Chobert, J.-M. and Haertlé, T. Susceptibility to trypsinolysis of esterified milk proteins. (2001) Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 28(4), 263 - 271.
200) Burova, T. V., Lecompte, F., Galet, C., Delpech, S., Monsallier, F., Haertlé,, T. and Combarnous, Y Conformational stability and in vitro bioactivity of porcine Luteinizing Hormone. (2001) Mol. Cell. Endocrynology 176 (1-2) 129 - 134.
201) Sitohy, M., Chobert J.-M. and Haertlé, T. Peptic hydrolysis of methyl-, ethyl-
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202) Atanassova M. R., Chipeva V., Ivanova I., Haertlé T. Determination of the
growth stages of Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei M3 from Bulgarian yellow cheese by electroconductivity. (2001) J Microbiol Methods. 46 (3). 227-33.
203) Chevalier F., Chobert J.-M., Genot C. and Haertlé T. Scavenging of free radicals, anti-microbial and cytotoxic activities of the Maillard reaction products of ß- lactoglobulin glycated with several sugars. (2001) J. Agric. Food Chem, 49, 5031-
204) Chevalier F, Chobert J-M., Mollé D., Haertlé T. Maillard glycation of beta- lactoglobulin with several sugars: Comparative study of the properties of the obtained polymers and of the substituted sites. (2001) Le Lait, 81, 651-666.
205) Sitohy, M. Chobert, J.-M. and Haertlé, T. Factors influencing pepsinolysis of methyl-, ethyl- and propyl-ester derivatives of beta-lactoglobulin. (2001) J. Food Biochem. 25, 181 – 198.
206) Gaudin J-C., Breuils L. and Haertlé T. New GPCRs from human lingual cDNA library. (2001) Chem. Senses 26, 1157-1166.
207) Haertlé T. The fate of our farm animals and present decline of animal product market. (2001) Die Nahrung-Food 5, 303.
208) Sitohy, M., Chobert, J.-M. and Haertlé, T. Study of the formation of complexes between DNA and esterified dairy proteins (2001) Int. Dairy J. 11 (11/12), 873-883.
209) Sitohy, M., Chobert, J.-M. Gaudin, J.-C. and Haertlé, T. Esterified milk proteins inhibit DNA replication in vitro.(2001) Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 29, 4-5, 259-
210) Sitohy, M. Chobert, J.-M., Schmit, M., Gozdzicka-Jozefiak A. and Haertlé, T.
Interactions between esterified whey proteins (α-lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin) and
DNA studied by differential spectroscopy. (2001) J. Prot. Chem. 20 (8), 633-640.
211) Kozin, S., A., , Bertho, G., Mazur, A.K., Rabesona, H., Girault, J., P., Haertlé, T. Takahashi, M., Debey, P., Hui Bon Hoa, G. Sheep prion protein synthetic peptide spanning helix 1 and beta-strand 2 (residues 142-166) shows beta-hairpin structure in solution. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276 (49) 46364-46370.
212) Fik, E., Dalgalarrondo, M., Haertlé, T., Gozdzicka-Jozefiak, A. Comparative biochemical analysis of lectin and nuclease from Chelidonium majus L. (2000) Acta Biochemica Polonica 47, 413 - 420.
213) Rahali, V., Chobert, J., M., Haertlé, T., Guéguén. Emulsification of chemical and enzymatic hydrolysates of beta-lactoglobulin: characterisation of the peptides absorbed at the interface. (2000) Die Nahrung-Food 44, 89 – 95.
214) Ochirkhuyag, B., Chobert, J.-M.. Dalgalarrondo, M.,. Haertlé, T.
Characterisation of mare caseins. Identification of alpha s1- and alpha s2- caseins. (2000) Le Lait 60, 223 - 235.
215) Burova, T.V., Rabesona, H., Choiset, Y., Jankowski, C. K., Sawyer, L. and Haertlé, T. Why has porcine VEG protein unusually high stability and suppressed binding ability? (2000) Biophys. Bioch. Acta 1478, 267 - 279.
216) Vorob'ev, M., Dalgalarrondo, M., Chobert, J.-M. and Thomas Haertlé. Kinetics of ß-casein hydrolysis by wild type and engineered trypsin. (2000) Biopolymers 54,
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217) Grinberg, V. Ya., Burova, T.V., Haertlé, T., Tolstoguzov, V. B. Interpretation of DSC data on protein denaturation complicated by kinetic and irreversible effects. (2000) J. Biotechnol. 79, 269 – 280.
218) Grinberg, V. Ya. and Haertlé, T. Reducer driven baric denaturation and oligomerisation of whey protein. (2000) J. Biotechnol. (Industrial Proteins, issue) 79,
205 – 209.
219) Rezaei, H., Marc, D., Choiset, Y., Takahashi, M., Hui Bon Hoa, G., Haertlé,
T., Grosclaude, J. and Debey, P. High yield purification and physico-chemical properties of full-length recombinant allelic variants of sheep prion protein linked to scrapie susceptibility. (2000) Eur. J. Biochem. 267, 2840 – 2849.
220) Barciszewski, J., Szymanski, M. and Haertlé, T. Analysis of rape (Brassica
napus L.) seeds napins structure and potential roles of theses storage proteins. (2000) J. of Prot. Chem. 19, 249 – 254.
221) Dimova, E.Y., Nedkov, P. P., Haertlé, T. and Nedkov, P.T. Molecular mass distribution and amino acid content of cosmetic collagen preparation. (2000) Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. Eq. 14, 76 – 80.
222) Sitohy, M. Chobert, J.-M. and Haertlé, T. Study of factors influencing protein esterification using beta-lactoglobulin as model. (2000) J. Food Biochem. 24, 381 –
223) Sitohy, M., Chobert, J. -M., Popineau, Y., Haertlé, T. Mild method of L- methionine grafting and simultanous phosphorylation of soybean globulins improves their functional properties. (1999) Die Nahrung-Food. 43, 3 - 8.
224) Haertlé, T. and Chobert, J.-M. Recent progress in processing of dairy proteins
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225) Moutiez, M. , Burova, T. V., Haertlé, T., Quéméneur, E. On the non-respect of the thermodynamic cycle by DsbA variants. (1999) Protein Science 8, 106 - 112.
226) Briand, L., Chobert, J.-M., Gantier, R., Declerck, N., Tran, V., Leonil, J., Mollé, D. and Haertlé, T. Impact of the lysine-188 and aspartic acid-189 inversion on activity of trypsin. (1999) FEBS letters. 442/1, 43-47.
227) Groubet, R., Chobert, J.-M., Haertlé, T. Functional properties of milk proteins glycated in mild conditions. (1999) Sciences des Aliments., 19, 425 - 440.
228) Haertlé, T. Third millenary el Dorado and European Food Science. (1999) Die
Nahrung-Food, 43, 1, 1 - 2.
229) Koistinen, H., Koistinen, R., Seppälä, M., Burova, T. V., Choiset, Y., Haertlé,
T. Glycodelin and β-lactoglobulin, lipocalins with high structural similarity, differ in ligand binding properties. (1999) FEBS letters 450, 158 – 162.
230) Burova, T., V., Choiset, Y., Jankowski, C., K., Haertlé, T. Conformational stability and binding properties of porcine odorant-binding protein. (1999)
Biochemistry.38, 15043-15051.
231) Chobert, J.-M., Briand, L., Haertlé, T. How to make ß-lactoglobulin susceptible to peptic hydrolysis. In ‘Impact of food research on new product development' Ed R. Ali, P. J. Barlow and J. R. Whitaker Publ HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry University of Karachi 1999, pp 159 – 181.
232) Mansouri, A., Guéant, J.L, Capaumont, J., Pelosi, P. Nabet, P. and Haertlé, T.
Plasma membrane receptor for beta-lactoglobulin and retinol-binding protein in murine hybridomas. (1998) Biofactors 7 (4) 287-98.
233) Burova, T. V., Grinberg, V. Ya., Tran, V. and Haertlé, T. What may be bovine beta-lactoglobulin Cys121 good for ? (1998) Int. Dairy J.. 8, 83 - 86.
234) Ochirhuyag, Balrdorj, Chobert, J.-M., Dalgalarrondo, M., Choiset, Y. and
Haertlé, T. Characterisation of whey proteins from Mongolian yak, khainak and
Bactrian camel. (1998) J. Food Biochem 22, 105-124.
235) Pouvreau, L., Chobert, J.-M., Briand, L., Quillien, L., Tran, V., Gueguen, J., and Haertlé, T. Effect of pea and bovine trypsin inhibitors on wild and modified trypsins. (1998) FEBS letters, 423, 167 - 172.
236) Grinberg, V. Ya., Dalgalarrondo, M., Grinberg, N. V., Burova, T. V. and Haertlé, T. Ethanol induced conformational transitions in holo-α-lactalbumin : Spectral and calorimetric studies. (1998) Biopolymers 46, 253-265.
237) Chobert, J.-M., Briand, L., Haertlé, T. Impact of G187W/K188F/D189Y
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238) Chobert, J.-M., Briand, L., Léonil, J., Mollé, D. and Haertlé, T. Engineering of
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239) Chobert, J.-M., Briand, L., Tran, V., et Haertlé, T. Building of a cation switch in trypsin. (1998) Die Nahrung-Food 42, 139-140.
240) Grinberg, V. Ya., Dalgalarrondo, M., Grinberg, N. V., Burova, T. V. and
Haertlé, T. Conformational transitions of holo α-lactalbumin in hydro-ethanolic solutions. (1998) Die Nahrung-Food 42, 183 - 184.
241) Nacka, F., Chobert, J. -M., Burova, T. V., Leonil, J. and Haertlé, T. Induction of new physicochemical and functional properties by glycosylation of whey proteins. (1998) J. Prot. Chem. 5, 495-503.
242) Krzyzaniak, A., Burova, T., Haertlé, T. and Barciszewski, J. The structure and properties of napin - seed storage protein from rape (Brassica napus L.). (1998) Die Nahrung-Food. 42, 201 - 204.
243) Burova, T. V., Choiset, Y., Tran, V. and Haertlé, T. Role of free Cys121 in stabilisation of bovine beta-lactoglobulin B. (1998) Prot. Engineering 11, 1065-1073.
244) Atanassova, M., Dousset, X., Montcheva. P., Ivanova, I. and Haertle, T..
Microbiological study of kefir grains. Isolation and identification of high activity
bacteriocin producing strains. In Proceedings of IXth Bulgarian Congress of
Microbiology. 14-18 octobre 1998, Sofia, Bulgaria, vol. II ‘Applied Microbiology'. pp
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245) Pantev. A., Danova. S., Ivanova. I., Haertlé. T. A novel method for purification of bacteriocin produced by Streptococcus thermophilus t81. In Proceedings of IXth Bulgarian Congress of Microbiology. 14-18 octobre 1998, Sofia, Bulgaria, vol. II
‘Applied Microbiology'. pp 171 – 177.
246) Chobert, J.-M., Briand, L., Léonil, J., Mollé, D, Tran, V.. and Haertlé, T. How the substitution of K188 of trypsin binding site by aromatic amino acids can influence the processing of ß-casein. (1998) Bioch. Bioph. Res. Com. 246, 847 - 858.
247) Dib, R., Caucheteux, S., Godfroy, A., Barbier, G., Chobert, J.-M. And Haertlé,
T. Purification and characterisation of extracellular proteinase from Pyroccoccus abyssi, Strain 549. (1998) in Marine Microorganisms for Industry Y. Le Gal and A. Muller-Fuega Editors, IFREMER Publ. pp 75-82.
248) Dib, R., Chobert, J.-M., Dalgalarrondo, M., Barbier, G., and Haertlé, T.
Purification, molecular properties and specificity of thermoactive and thermostable proteinase from Pyroccoccus abyssi, strain st 549, hyperthermophilic archea from deep-sea hydrothermal ecosystem.(1998) FEBS letters 431, 279 - 294.
249) Campagna, S., Vitoux, B., Humbert, G., Girardet, J. M., Linden, G., Haertlé, T.
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250) Jegouic, M., Grinberg, V. Ya, Guingant, A., Haertlé, T. Baric oligomerisation of alpha -lactalbumin/beta-lactoglobulin mixtures. (1997) J. Agric. Food Chem. 45, 19
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251) Safi, A., Aimone-Gastin, I., Maineult, I., Vitoux, B., Vadailhet, M., Zaid, A.,
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252) Creuzenet, C., Durant, C., Haertlé, T. Interaction of alpha s2 and beta-casein
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253) Chobert, J.-M., Briand, L., Dufour, E., Dib, R., Dalgalarrondo, M., Haertlé, T.
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254) Mansouri, A. Haertlé, T., Gérard, A., Gérard, H., Guéant, J.L. Retinol free and retinol complexed beta-lactoglobulin binding sites in bovine germ cells. (1997) Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1357, 107 - 114.
255) Briand, L., Chobert, J.-M., Tauzin, J., Declerck, N., Léonil, J., Mollé, D., Tran, V., Haertlé, T. Regulation of trypsin activity by a Cu2+ chelation of the substrate binding site. (1997) Prot. Engineering, 10, 551-560.
256) Venien, A., Astier, C., Briand, L., Chobert, J.-M., Haertlé T. and Levieux, D.
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257) Balrdorj Ochirhuyag, Chobert, J.-M., Dalgalarrondo, M., Choiset, Y. and
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258) Jegouic, M., Grinberg, V. Ya, Guingant, A., Haertlé, T. Reducer driven baric oligomerisation of alpha-lactalbumin. (1997) in High Pressure Research in the Biosciences and Biotechnology. K. Heremans Ed. Leuven University Press, Leuven Belgique.pp 427-430.
259) Guéant, J.L., Safi, A, Aimone-Gastin, I., Rabesona, H., Bronowicki, J.-P.,
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260) Fik, E., Gozdzicka-Jozefiak, A., Haertlé, T., Mirska, I. and Kedzia W. New plant glycoprotein against methicillin resistant Staphylococci and Enterococci. (1997) Acta Microbiol. Polonica 46, 325-327.
261) Dufour, E., Dalgalarrondo, M., Goutefongea, R., Hervé, G., Haertlé, T.
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262) Couture, L., Naharisoa, H., Grebert, D., Remy, J.-J., Pajot-Augy, E. Bozon, Haertlé, T., Salesse, R. Peptide and immunochemical mapping of the ectodomain of the porcine LH receptor. (1996) J. Mol. Endocrinol. 16, 15 - 25.
263) Couture, L., Remy, J.-J., Naharisoa, H., Troalen, F., Pajot-Augy, E. Bozon,
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264) Remy, J. -J., Couture, L., Naharisoa, H., Haertlé, T., Salesse, R. Immunisation against exon 1 decapeptides from the lutropin/ choriogonadotropin receptor or the follitropin receptor as potential male contraceptive. (1996) J. Reproductive Immunology 32, 37 - 57.
265) Remy, J. -J., Couture, L., Pantel, J., Haertlé, T, Naharisoa, H., Bozon, V. Pajot- Augy, E., Robert, P., Troalen, F., Salesse, R., Bidart, J. -M. Mapping of HCG-receptor complexes. (1996) Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 125, 79-91.
266) Dib, R., Chobert, J. -M., Dalgalarrondo, M., Haertlé, T. Secondary structure changes and peptic hydrolysis of beta-lactoglobulin induced by diols. (1996) Biopolymers 39, 23 - 30.
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