Ali M. Banaei-Moghaddam - مركز تحقيقات بيوشيمی و بيوفيزيك ibb
Dr. Ali M. Banaei-Moghaddam
![]() | Ali Mohammad Banaei-Moghaddam Assistant Professor of Plant Molecular genetics, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IBB), University of Tehran Tel: (+98)-21-66969192, (+98)-21-61113373 Fax: (+98)-21-66404680 - 66969192 E-mail: Web page: |
Laboratory of Genomics and Epigenomics (LGE) is interested in characterization and manipulation of genes involved in the manifestation of economically important traits in plant and microorganism model systems. To reach this goal, we use high throughput approaches for the identification of candidate genes. Afterwards, genetically modified organisms with improved performance will be generated by genome editing tools.
Currently the lab is focusing on these projects:
- Identification of master genes involved in C4 photosynthesis to introduce the characteristics of C4 into important C3 crops like rice.
- Genome editing of Bacillus subtilis via CRISPR/Cas9 technology to construct strains for industrial enzyme production.
- Deciphering the mechanism of action of antidiabetic medicinal plants and improvement of their properties by metabolic engineering.
- Enzyme engineering for producing industrially stable enzymes for Carbon sequestration.
Personal Records | Education | |||
Last name: Banaei-Moghaddam First name: Ali Mohammad Date of birth: August. 24, 1979 Position: Assistant Professor of Plant Molecular Genetics, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IBB), University of Tehran. Contact Info Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IBB), Department of Biochemistry, Laboratory of Genomics and Epigenomics (LGE), University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. P.O.Box: 13145-1365. E-mail: Office: Tel: (+98)-21-66969192, (+98)-21-61113373 Fax: (+98)-21-66404680 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2009-2014) Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) Ph.D. (2005-2010) Plant Molecular Genetics Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), Germany M.Sc. (2001-2004) Biochemistry Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IBB), University of Tehran, Iran B.Sc. (1997-2001) Cell Molecular Biology Faculty of science, University of Tehran, Iran |
Research Interests
• B-chromosomes
• Genome Evolution
• Functional genomics
- evolution of the C4 photosynthesis pathway
- molecular mechanisms of drought and salinity stress tolerance
• Gene Regulation
• Epigenomics
Skills and Expertise
Laboratory Skills
• Biochemical and Molecular Genetic Techniques:
Protein, DNA and RNA extraction, Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, western, southern and northern blot, Cloning, DNA library construction, Methylation sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP), Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequences (CAPS), chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), Real-Time PCR
• Bioinformatics:
Familiar with major Bioinformatics databases, some sequence analysis tools like LaserGene
• Cytogenetics Techniques:
FISH, GISH, Immunostaining, RNA FISH
Publications (Journal papers)
o Ma, W., Gabriel, T. S., Martis, M. M., Gursinsky, T., Schubert, V., Vrana, J., Dolezel, J., Grundlach, H., Altschmied, L., Scholz, U., Himmelbach, A., Behrens, S. E., Banaei-Moghaddam, A. M., and Houben, A. (2016) Rye B chromosomes encode a functional Argonaute-like protein with in vitro slicer activities similar to its A chromosome paralog, The New phytologist. doi: 10.1111/nph.14110. (co-coresponding author)
o Karimi-Ashtiyani, R., Ishii, T., Niessen, M., Stein, N., Heckmann, S., Gurushidze, M., Banaei-Moghaddam, A.M., Fuchs, J., Schubert, V., Koch, K., Weiss, O., Demidov, D., Schmidt, K., Kumlehn, J., and Houben, A. (2015). Point mutation impairs centromeric CENH3 loading and induces haploid plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1504333112
o Ishii, T., Karimi-Ashtiyani, R., Banaei-Moghaddam, A.M., Schubert, V., Fuchs, J., and Houben, A. (2015). The differential loading of two barley CENH3 variants into distinct centromeric substructures is cell type- and development-specific. Chromosome Res 23, 277-284.
o Banaei-Moghaddam, A.M., Martis, M.M., Macas, J., Gundlach, H., Himmelbach, A., Altschmied, L., Mayer, K.F., and Houben, A. (2015). Genes on B chromosomes: old questions revisited with new tools. Biochimica et biophysica acta 1849, 64-70.
o Houben, A., Banaei-Moghaddam, A.M., Klemme, S., and Timmis, J.N. (2014). Evolution and biology of supernumerary B chromosomes. Cell Mol Life Sci 71, 467-478.
o Banaei-Moghaddam, A.M., Meier, K., Karimi-Ashtiyani, R., and Houben, A. (2013). Formation and expression of pseudogenes on the B chromosome of rye. The Plant cell 25, 2536-2544.
o Klemme, S., Banaei-Moghaddam, A.M., Macas, J., Wicker, T., Novak, P., and Houben, A. (2013). High-copy sequences reveal distinct evolution of the rye B chromosome. The New phytologist 199, 550-558.
o Marques, A., Banaei-Moghaddam, A.M., Klemme, S., Blattner, F.R., Niwa, K., Guerra, M., and Houben, A. (2013). B chromosomes of rye are highly conserved and accompanied the development of early agriculture. Annals of botany 112, 527-534.
o Banaei-Moghaddam, A.M., Schubert, V., Kumke, K., Weibeta, O., Klemme, S., Nagaki, K., Macas, J., Gonzalez-Sanchez, M., Heredia, V., Gomez-Revilla, D., Gonzalez-Garcia, M., Vega, J.M., Puertas, M.J., and Houben, A. (2012). Nondisjunction in favor of a chromosome: the mechanism of rye B chromosome drive during pollen mitosis. The Plant cell 24, 4124-4134.
o Martis, M.M., Klemme, S., Banaei-Moghaddam, A.M., Blattner, F.R., Macas, J., Schmutzer, T., Scholz, U., Gundlach, H., Wicker, T., Simkova, H., Novak, P., Neumann, P., Kubalakova, M., Bauer, E., Haseneyer, G., Fuchs, J., Dolezel, J., Stein, N., Mayer, K.F., and Houben, A. (2012). Selfish supernumerary chromosome reveals its origin as a mosaic of host genome and organellar sequences. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109, 13343-13346.
o Moghaddam, A.M., Roudier, F., Seifert, M., Berard, C., Magniette, M.L., Ashtiyani, R.K., Houben, A., Colot, V., and Mette, M.F. (2011). Additive inheritance of histone modifications in Arabidopsis thaliana intra-specific hybrids. Plant J 67, 691-700.
o Arefian, E., Kiani, J., Soleimani, M., Shariati, S.A., Aghaee-Bakhtiari, S.H., Atashi, A., Gheisari, Y., Ahmadbeigi, N., Banaei-Moghaddam, A.M., Naderi, M., Namvarasl, N., Good, L., and Faridani, O.R. (2011). Analysis of microRNA signatures using size-coded ligation-mediated PCR. Nucleic acids research 39, e80.
o Ashtiyani, R.K., Moghaddam, A.M., Schubert, V., Rutten, T., Fuchs, J., Demidov, D., Blattner, F.R., and Houben, A. (2011). AtHaspin phosphorylates histone H3 at threonine 3 during mitosis and contributes to embryonic patterning in Arabidopsis. Plant J 68, 443-454.
o Sanei, M., Pickering, R., Fuchs, J., Banaei Moghaddam, A.M., Dziurlikowska, A., and Houben, A. (2010). Interspecific hybrids of Hordeum marinum ssp. marinum x H. bulbosum are mitotically stable and reveal no gross alterations in chromatin properties. Cytogenetic and genome research 129, 110-116.
o Banaei Moghaddam, A.M., Fuchs, J., Czauderna, T., Houben, A., and Mette, M.F. (2010). Intraspecific hybrids of Arabidopsis thaliana revealed no gross alterations in endopolyploidy, DNA methylation, histone modifications and transcript levels. TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics 120, 215-226.
Conference papers
1. Seifert, M., Banaei, A., Keilwagen, J., Mette, M.F., Houben, A., Roudier, F., Colot, V.,
Grosse, I. and Strickert, M. (2009) Array-based genome comparison of Arabidopsis
ecotypes using hidden Markov models, Proceedings of Biosignals, Second International
Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, ISBN: 978-989-8111-65-4,
p. 3-11.
Oral presentation
1. Banaei Moghadam, AM., Ghaffari, SM., Hosseini Salekdeh, G., Habibi Rezaei, M. Study of B-chromosomes effects on the proteom profile of Acanthophyllum axiusculum (caryophyllaceae)".Second B-hromosome Conference, 26.06 – 29.06.2004, Bubion Granada, Spain.
2. Banaei Moghadam, AM., Houben, A., Hosseini Salekdeh, G. Study of B-chromosome effects on proteome pattern of rye inbred lines. . IPK student conference; IPK,Gatersleben, 22.06-25.06.2005.
3. Banaei, A., Mette, F., Houben, A. Heterosis and the role of epigenetic
modification in regulation of gene expression. International symposium Heterosis in
plants, 18.5. – 20.5. 2006 Potsdam-Golm, Germany.
4. Banaei A., Mette F., Seifert M., Strickert M., Roudier F., Colot V., Houben A.
Analysis of relationship between intra-species hybridization and level of DNA/histone
modifications in Arabidopsis thaliana. IPK PhD student conference; IPK,Gatersleben,
5. Banaei A., Mette F., Seifert M., Strickert M., Roudier F., Colot V., Houben
Analysis of relationship between intra-species hybridization and level of DNA/histone
modifications in Arabidopsis thaliana. 2nd Tritigen COST action FA0604 Workshop ;
Albena, Bulgaria, 22.08-24.08.2008 (invited talk).
6. Banaei A., Seifert M., Strickert M., Roudier F., Colot V., Mette F., Houben, A.
Analysis of the relationship between intra-specifies hybridization and the dynamics of
DNA and histone methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana International. Conference on
Polyploidy, Hybridization and Biodiversity (ICPHB 2009), Saint Malo – France.
7. Banaei A., Mette F., Seifert M., Strickert M., Roudier F,. Colot V., Houben A.
Dynamics of chromatin modifications in response to intraspecific hybridization in
Arabidopsis thaliana. 4-5th Plant Science Student Conference 2009 (PSSC 2009), 23rd
June to 26th June, Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry (IPB), Halle, Germany.
8. Banaei, A., Fuchs, J. Michael Seifert,Marc Strickert, FrancoisRoudier, Czauderna, T.,
Vincent Colot, Strickert, M. Andreas Houben, Mette, M.F. Relationsship between intraspecies hybridization and DNA/histone modifications in Arabidopsis thatliana. International Conference on Heterosis in Plants. Stuttgart, 7.09. – 9.09.2009, Germany, (talk given by Mette, M.F).
9. Banaei A., Seifert M., Roudier F., Strickert M., Colot V., Mette M.F., Houben A. (2010) Additive inheritance of histone modifications after intraspecific hybridization in
Arabidopsis thaliana,SEB Annual Main Meeting, Prague, 30th june to 3rd of July.
10. Banaei A., (2011) Directed non-disjunction of rye B chromosomes. Japanese-German JSPS and DFG-funded workshop Frontiers of Plant Chromosome Research, Gatersleben, Germany, 2.10– 7.10.2011
11. Banaei-Moghaddam AM. (2014) Drive and Gene Activity of a Selfish Chromosome. Plant and Animal Genome XXII Conference, 11.01-15.01.2014, San Diego, USA
12. Banaei Moghadam, AM. (2014) Pseudogene formation on the B chromosome of rye and their expression. Third B-hromosome Conference, 7–9.04.2014, Gatersleben, Germany.
13. Banaei Moghaddam, AM. (2016) rye B-chromosomes carrying functional genes. Second International & Fourteenth Iranian Genetics Congress, 21-23.05.2016, Tehra, Iran (Invited speaker)
Poster presentation
1. Rezaei-Ghaleh N., Moshayedi P., Banaei-Moghadam A., A diffusion-limited
aggregation model for the morphology and plasticity of neurons. FENS Forum 10.07-14.07.2004, Lisbon, Portugal.
2. Ghaffari. S.M., A. Mohammad Banaei Moghadam, M. Habibi-Rezaei Ghasem, H.
salekdeh. Study of b-chromosomes effects on the proteome profile of Acanthophyllum
laxiusculum (Caryophyllaceae) . II international symposium on Biochemistry and
molecular Biology, 18.10-22.10.2004, Havana, Cuba.
3. Banaei, A., Mette, F., Houben, A. Analysis of the relationship between heterosis
and epigenetics modification of DNA and histones. DFG Meeting Chromatin mediated
biological decisions, 5.10.-7.10.2006, Marburg/Germany.
4. Ali Mohammad Banaei Moghaddam , VincentColot , Florian Mette and Andreas
Houben, Heterosis and chromatin structure: Does intraspecific hybridization
triggerepigenetic changes? 16th International Chromosome Conference (16th ICC), 25.08– 29.08.2007, Amsterdam.
5. Banaei, A., Florian Mette, Michael Seifert,Marc Strickert, FrancoisRoudier, Vincent
Colot, Andreas Houben . Analysis of relationship between intra-species
hybridization and level of DNA/histone modifications in Arabidopsis thaliana,
International Conference on Heterosis in Plants. Stuttgart, 7.9. – 9.9.2009, Germany.
6. Macas,J., Klemme, S. , Novák, P. , Neumann,P., Banaei Moghaddam,A.M. , Stein,N., Šimková,H., Doležel,J. , Houben, A., Comparative analysis of repetitive DNA based on bioinformatic analysis of next generation sequencing data reveals differences in repeat composition between A and B chromosomes of rye, EU-COST Action Workshop "Statistical challenges on 1000 euro genome sequences in plants", , 2011, Toulouse, France
7. Banaei Moghaddam, A.M., Roudier, F., Seifert, M., Berard, C., Magniette, M.L., Karimi Ashtiyani, R., Houben, A., Colot, V., Mette, M.F., Dynamics of histone modifications H3K4me2 and H3K27me3 in Arabidopsis thaliana in response to intraspecies hybridization, EMBO Conference Series Chromatin and Epigenetics , 1.06-5.07. 2011, Heidelberg, Germany
8. Banaei Moghaddam, A.M., Klemme, S., Schubert, V., Houben, A., Drive mechanism of a selfish chromosome, 18th international chromosome conference, 29.08-2.09.2011, Manchester, UK.
9. Klemme, S., Martis, M., Banaei Moghaddam, A. M., Meyer, K., Wicker, T., Macas, J., Scholz, U., Bull, F., Schmutzer, T., Simkova, H., Dolezel, J., Stein, N., Fuchs J., and Houben A., Evolution of a selfish chromosome, 18th international chromosome conference, 29.08-2.09.2011, Manchester, UK.
10. Karimi Ashtiyani, R., Rutten, T., Banaei Moghaddam, A. M., Schubert, V., Fuchs, J., and Houben, A. AtHaspin phosphorylates histone H3 at threonine 3 during mitosis and contributes to embryonic patterning in Arabidopsis, 18th international chromosome conference, 29.08-2.09.2011, Manchester, UK.
11. Martis, M., Klemme, S., Banaei- Moghaddam, A. M., Blattner, F. R., Macas, J., Schmutzer, T., Scholz, U., Gundlach, H., Wicker, T., Novak, P., Neumann, P., Simkova, H., Dolezel, J., Bauer, E., Haseneyer, G., Fuchs, J., Stein, N., Mayer, K. F. X., and Houben, A. A Selfish Supernumeray Chromosome Revealed its Origin as a Mosaic of Host Genome and Organellar Sequences, Plant and Animal Genome XX Conference, 14.01-18.01.2012, San Diego, USA
12. Banaei Moghaddam, A.M., Klemme, S, Kumke, K, Schubert, V, Nagaki, K, and Houben, A. Nondisjunction in favour of a chromosome- the mechanism of B chromosome accumulation. Gatersleben Research Conference, 23.04-25.04.2012, Gatersleben, Germany
13. Banaei-Moghaddam A. M., Carchilan M., Marques A., Klemme S. and Houben A. Nondisjunction in favor of a chromosome: Possible implication of non-coding RNAs. Non-coding RNA in plants conference, 10.07-12.07.2013, Leucorea Wittenberg, Germany
National Proceedings Book
Chapter of book
1. Andreas Houben, Ali Mohammad Banaei Moghaddam, and Sonja Klemme. Biology and evolution of B chromosomes. In: Greilhuber J, Dolezel J, Wendel J F (Eds.): Plant Genome Diversity, Vol. 2, Physical Structure and Evolution of Plant Genomes. Springer (2012).
• Visiting scientist Under supervision of Dr. Vincent Colot
- Plant Genomics Research Unit, CNRS (Evry, France) 1.11.2006-31.12.2006
- Arabidopsis Epigenetics and Epigenomics, Institut de Biologie de l'Ecole Normale
Supérieure (IBENS) (Paris, France) 1.11.2007-29.02.2008
Reviewer of several international journals, such as "PLOS ONE", "Plant Systematics and Evolution", Molecular Genetics and Genomics.
July 2014 – Present 2 Master Students
University of Tehran, College of Science, University of Tehran / Tehran, Iran
- Leading Teams (a training on leadership for young scientists), 2008, Institute of Plant
Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), Gatersleben, Germany.
- Presentation, 2008, Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK),
Gatersleben, Germany.
- Successful Dissertation, 2008, Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research
(IPK), Gatersleben, Germany.
- Methods for a Successful Presentation, 2009, Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop
Plant Research (IPK), Gatersleben, Germany.
- Scientific Writing, 2009, Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK),
Gatersleben, Germany.
- Methods in Population Genomics, 2009, Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop
Plant Research (IPK), Gatersleben, Germany.
- Meeting on advances and Challenges of RNA-seq Analysis, 2012. Martin Luther
University Halle – Wittenberg, Halle/ Saale, Germany.
Honors and Awards
• Ranked 2nd for the M.Sc. entrance exam, 2001, in Biochemistry and 4th in Medical
Biotechnology, held by Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, all over the
• Grant for participate in 2nd workshop on Tritigen COST action as invited speaker,
Albena, Bulgaria (2008).
• Winner of the poster prize at Non-Coding RNA in Plants conference donated by Nucleic Acids Research journal
Supervised MSc students
1) Ms. Zahra Hosseini (Plant Physiology, current) (Joint supervision with Prof. H. Akhani)
University of Tehran, College of Science
Sequence analysis of the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) genes in some species of Chenopodiaceae having C3 and C4 photosynthesis
2) Ms. Narges Meshkizadeh (Plant Systematics, current)
University of Tehran, College of Science
Cytogenetic analysis of some Astragalus species
Course Titles
• Bioinformatics, B.Sc
• Biological English Texts, B.Sc
• general biology, B.Sc
• General biology, B.Sc
• Molecular biology, B.Sc
• Comparative cytology and histology , M.Sc
• Genetics engineering of eukaryotes, M.Sc
• Genetics engineering of prokaryotes, M.Sc
• Genetics of prokaryotes , M.Sc
• Research methodology and experimental design , M.Sc
• Bioinformatics, Ph.D
• Especial discussions, Ph.D
• Genetic engineering, Ph.D
• Genetics and Evolution, Ph.D
Teaching Experience
Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IBB), University of Tehran
Lecturer, September 2014 – present
Teaching Genetics and Evolution for bioinformatics PhD candidates.
Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Tehran
Lecturer, September 2014
General Biology for undergraduate student
School of Biology, College of Science, University of Tehran
Lecturer, September 2014 – present
Teaching above mentioned courses for undergraduate, graduate students and PhD candidates