Dr. AliAkbar Saboury

Dr.Ali Akbar Saboury

07 02 2016 07:22

کد خبر : 10028791

تعداد بازدید : 60


Ali Akbar Saboury
Distinguished Professor
PhD in Physical Chemistry, 1996
University of Tarbiat Modarres, Tehran, Iran
Tel: +98 21 66956984 Fax: +98 21 66404680 
E-mail: saboury@ut.ac.ir                 

                                      Ali Akbar Saboury was born in July 1960 in Kashmar, in the North-East of Iran. He completed his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry in 1996. Now, he is professor and the head of Biophysics in institute of biochemistry and biophysics,university of Tehran. He researches on the protein denaturation thermodynamically and the enzyme kinetic using spectroscopy and microcalorimetry techniques. He supervises research works leading to the degree of M.Sc and Ph.D. He is associate member of Abdus-Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP; Triest, Italy) and actives in many international societies and journals.                                                                                                                                                       



10 02 2016 07:28

کد خبر : 10028732

تعداد بازدید : 72


Personal Records                                                



Name: Ali Akbar Saboury         
Date of Birth: 18 July 1960              
Place of Birth: Kashmar, Iran             
Marital Status: Married, 2 Children
Appointment: Professor 
Office Address: Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics,  
University of Tehran P.O.Box 13145-1384 Tehran,Iran    
Telephone: 0098 21 66956984   
Fax: 0098 21 66404680           
E-Mail: saboury@ut.ac.ir
Web Site: ibb.ut.ac.ir/~saboury
From: University of Ferdowsy, Mashad, Iran (1986)
Major: Pure Chemistry
From: Institute of Chemistry, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran (1989)
Major: Physical Chemistry
Thesis: Electrochemical Oxidation of Adenine
From: University of Tarbiat-Modarres, Tehran, Iran (1996)
Major: Physical Chemistry
Thesis: Thermodynamic studies on the interaction of urease  with  surfactants and inhibitors, accompanying novel theories for ligand binding to macromolecule and protein denaturation



14 02 2016 05:55

کد خبر : 10028672

تعداد بازدید : 56

Research interests
Studies on thermodynamic aspects of protein denaturation with the aim of obtaining additional information regarding protein structure-function relationship. Protein denaturation is done in many ways including thermal denaturation, chemical denaturation (by urea or guanidine hydrochloride), solvent denaturation, salt denaturation and interaction of proteins with surfactants. Different techniques such as equilibrium dialysis, isothermal titration microcalorimetry, differential scanning calorimetry, spectroscopy and densiometry are used for this purpose. Also kinetics of activation and inactivation of enzymes attached to ligands (inhibitor, activator, denaturant) and comparative studies related to kinetic and thermodynamic parameter involved. 
A brief review of a representative project
A new equation with a useful simple graphical method, very similar to the Scatchard plot (heat divided by ligand concentration versus heat) was introduced to obtain the equilibrium constant and the enthalpy of binding using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) data for a set of independent binding sites. The equilibrium constant and molar enthalpy of binding measured by a linear pseudo-Scatchard of calorimetric data for a system with a set of independent binding sites (such as binding fluoride ions on urease and monosaccharide methyl -D-mannopyranoside on concavalin-A) was remarkably like that obtained from a normal fitting Wiseman method and other our technical methods. On applying this pseudo-Scatchard graphical method to study the binding of copper ion on myelin basic protein (MBP), a concave downward curve obtained was consistent with the positive cooperativity in the binding. A graphical fitting simple method for determination of thermodynamic parameters was also introduced. This method is general, without any assumption and restriction made in previous method. This general method was applied to the binding of cyanide ion on catalase and product inhibition study of adenosine deaminase and carbonic anhydrase.



05 03 2016 22:03

کد خبر : 10027899

تعداد بازدید : 190

International Articles:
1) A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Evaluation of Hill coefficient from Scatchard and Klotz plot", Biochemical Education 22 (1994), 48-49.

2) A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Clarification of calorimetric and van't Hoff enthalpies for evaluation of protein transition states", Biochemical Education 22 (1994), 210-211.

3) A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Derivation of the thermodynamic parameters involved in the elucidation of protein thermal profiles", Biochemical Education 23 (1995), 164-167.

4) A. K. Bordbar, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The shapes of Scatchard plots for systems with two sets of binding sites", Biochemical Education 24 (1996), 172-175.

5) A. A. Saboury, A. K. Bordbar and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The enthalpy of unfolding for jack bean urease with interaction of n-alkyl trimethylammonium bromides", Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 28 (1996), 1077-1082.

6) A. K. Bordbar, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Saboury, "Comparative thermodynamical stability of bovine and pigeon hemoglobin by interaction with sodium n-dodecyl sulphate", Thermochimica Acta 287 (1996), 343-349.

7) A. A. Saboury, A. K. Bordbar and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Resolution of two sets of binding sites for cationic surfactant-urease interaction", Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 69 (1996), 3031-3035.

8) A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A simple novel method for studding combined inhibitory effects of ethylurea and (N,N)dimethylurea on jack bean urease", Journal of Enzyme Inhibition 11 (1997), 217-222.

9) A. K. Bordbar, A. A. Saboury, M. R. Housaindokht and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Statistical effects of the binding of ionic surfactant to protein", Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 192 (1997), 415-419.

10) A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, K. Nazari and A. A. Saboury, "Thermodynamic denaturation of horseradish peroxidase with sodium n-dodecyl sulphate and n-dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide", Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 9 (1997), 123-130.

11) M. H. Moghaddamnia, A. A. Saboury, G. H. Hakimelahi and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Denaturation of adenosine deaminase with urea and guanidine hydrochloride", Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 44 (1997), 417-421.

12) K. Nazari, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Enthalpy investigation for enlighten of transition concentration for the interaction of horseradish peroxidase with surfactant", Thermochimica Acta 302 (1997), 131-135.

13) A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A simple method for determination of inhibition constant by isothermal titration microcalorimetry. The effect of fluoride ion on urease", Journal of Enzyme Inhibition 12 (1997), 273-279.

14) O. A. Amire, J. Masoudi, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Enthalpy change of allosteric transition in human haemoglobin A", Thermochimica Acta 303 (1997), 219-224.

15) M. Ghadermarzi, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A microcalorimetry and spectroscopy study on the interaction of catalase with cyanide ion", Polish Journal of Chemistry 72 (1998), 2024-2029.

16) A. A. Saboury, "Isothermal titration microcalorimetric method for studying the combined ligand binding with application to the binding of ethylurea and (N,N)dimethylurea on urease", Thermochimica Acta 320 (1998), 97-100.

17) A. A. Saboury, M. U. Dahut, S. Ghobadi, J. Chamani and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Thermodynamic studies on the interaction of cobalt with alpha-amylase", Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 45 (1998), 667-671.

18) A. A. Saboury, M. Miroliae, M. Nemat-Gorgani and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Kinetics denaturation of yeast alcohol dehydrogenase and the effect of temperature and trehalose. An isothermal microcalorimetry study", Thermochimica Acta 326 (1999), 127-131.

19) S. Z. Bathaie, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Saboury, "Energetic and binding properties of DNA upon interaction with dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide", Nucleic Acid Research 27 (1999), 1001-1005.

20) A. A. Saboury, A. A. Shamsaei, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and H. Mansori-Torshizi, "Thermodynamics of binding 2,2'-bipyridineglycinato palladium (II) chloride on human serum albumin", Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 46 (1999), 917-922.

21) A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Saboury, "Elucidation of binding sites for protein denaturation by surfactant", Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan 21 (1999), 248-259.

22) A. A. Saboury, "New representations for isothermal titration calorimetric data analysis", Scientific Sindh 6 (1999), 11-21.

23) R. Yousefi, A. A. Saboury, M. Ghadermarzi and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Effects of cysteine on the inactivation of bovine liver catalase", Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 21 (2000), 567-570.

24) G. Ataie, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, G. H. Hakimelahi, J. Ru. Hwu and S. C. Tsay, "The enthalpy and enzyme activity of modified histidine residues of adenosine deaminase and diethyl pyrocarbonate complexes", International Journal of Biological Macromolecule 27 (2000), 29-33.

25) A. A. Saboury and F. Karbassi, "Thermodynamic studies on the interaction of calcium with alpha-amylase", Thermochimica Acta 362 (2000), 121-129.

26) H. Iloukhani, J. B. Parsa and A. A. Saboury, "Excess molar enthalpies of binary mixtures containing N,N-dimethylformamide + six 2-alkanols (C3-C8) at 300.15 K", Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 45 (2000), 1016-1018.

27) A. A. Saboury, "A simple method for isothermal titration calorimetric data analysis", Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan 22 (2000), 204-208.

28) A. A. Saboury, "A new form of Scatchard plot to study binding of fluoride ion by urease by isothermal titration calorimetry", Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 37 (2000), 347-350.

29) M. Taimoori, H. Modarres, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A theoretical and experimental heat of mixing study for polymer-polymer mixtures", Polymer Engineering and Science 41 (2001), 867-872.

30) M. R. Housaindokht, J. Chamani, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Three binding sets analysis of β-lactalbumin with interaction of tetradecyl trimethylammonium bromide", Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 22 (2001), 145-148.

31) A. A. Saboury, S. Saeidian, H. Sanati, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and F. Alasti, "Thermodynamic studies of myelin basic protein upon interaction with zinc", Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 48 (2001), 827-831.

32) M. U. Dahot, A. A. Saboury, S. Ghobadi and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Properties of alpha amylase from Moringa Oleifera Seeds", Online Journal of Biological Science 1 (2001), 747-749.

33) A. A. Saboury, N. Sarri-Sarraf and S. Saeidian, "Thermodynamics of binding copper ion by myelin basic protein", Thermochimica Acta 381 (2002), 147-151.

34) M. Rezaei-Tavirani, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, B. Ranjbar, A. A. Saboury, M. R. Housaindokht and G. H. Hakimelahi, "The thermodynamic domains analysis of fresh and incubated human apotransferrin", Thermochimica Acta 383 (2002), 103-108.

35) A. Mahmoudi, K. Nazari , A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Saboury "Enthalpy analysis of horseradish peroxidase in the presence of Ni2+: A stabilization study", Thermochimica Acta 385 (2002), 33-39.

36) D. Ajloo, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, G. H. Hakimelahi, A. A. Saboury and H. Gharibi, "The effect of dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide on the formation of methemoglobins and hemichrome", Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 26 (2002), 185-196.

37) A. Arabzadeh, S. Z. Bathaie, H. Farsam, M. Amanlou, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Studies on mechanism of 8-methoxypsoralen-DNA interaction in the dark", International Journal of Pharmaceutics 237 (2002), 47-55.

38) A. A. Saboury, "Stability, activity and binding properties study of α-amylase upon interaction with Ca2+ and Co2+", Biologia 57 (2002), 221-228.

39) A. A. Saboury, A. Divsalar, G. Ataie, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. R. Housaindokht and G. H. Hakimelahi, "A Product inhibition study on adenosine deaminase by spectroscopy and calorimetry", Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 35 (2002), 302-305.

40) N. S. Sarraf, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Product inhibition study on carbonic anhydrase using spectroscopy and calorimetry", Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 17 (2002), 203-206.

41) G. H. Hakimelahi, M. Pasdar, S. Hakimelahi, A. Khalafi-Nejad, M. N. Soltani, N.-W. Mei, H.-C. Mei, A. A. Saboury, M. Rezaei-Tavirani and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of a cephalosporin-monohydroguaiaretic acid prodrug activated by a monoclonal antibody--lactamase conjugate", Bioorganic & Medical Chemistry 10 (2002), 2927-2932.

42) G. H. Hakimelahi, K.-S. Shia, M. Pasdar, S. Hakimelahi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, A. Khalafi-Nejad, M. N. Soltani-Rad, V. Osyetrov, K.-P. Wang, J.-H. Liao and F.-T. Luo, "Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of a series of -lactam-based prodrugs", Bioorganic & Medical Chemistry, 10 (2002), 3489-3498.

43) S. Z. Bathaie, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, B. Ranjbar and A. A. Saboury "The mechanistic study of the histone H1-DNA complex dissociation by sodium n-dodecyl sulphate", Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 28 (2003), 17 – 25.

44) J. Chamani, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, M. Gharanfoli and G. H. Hakimelahi, "Calorimetric indication of the molten globule like–state of cytochrome c induced by n–alkyl sulfates at low concentrations", Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 35 (2003),199 - 207.

45) A. A. Saboury, "New methods for data analysis of isothermal titration calorimetry", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 72 (2003), 93-103.

46) A. K. Bordbar, A. R. Ghaderi, E. Safaei, S. Tangestaninejad, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi–Movahedi, "An isothermal titration microcalorimetric study on the interaction of three water-soluble porphyrins with histone H2B", Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 24 (2003), 547-551.

47) A. A. Saboury, F. Hosseini-Kishani, M. Rezaei-Tawirani and B. Ranjbar, "Thermodynamic studies on the interaction of nickel with human serum albumin", Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics 30 (2003), 732-737.

48) F. Karbassi, K. Haghbeen, A. A. Saboury, B. Ranjbar and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Activity, structural and stability changes of mushroom tyrosinase by sodium dodecyl sulfate", Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 32 (2003), 137-143.

49) H. Mansoori Torshizi, M. Eslami Moghaddam and A. A. Saboury, "A microcalorimetry and spectroscopy study on the interaction of bovine serum albumin with 2,2'-bipyridine octylglycinato palladium (II) nitrate", Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 35 (2003), 886-890.

50) A. A. Saboury, "Application of a new method for data analysis of isothermal titration calorimetry in the interaction between human serum albumin and Ni2+", Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 35 (2003), 1975-1981.

51) A. A. Saboury, A. Divsalar, G. Ataie, M. Amanlou, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and G. H. Hakimelahi, "Inhibition study of caffeine on adenosine deaminase by spectroscopy and isothermal titration calorimetry", Acta Biochimica Polonica 50 (2003), 849-855.

52) C. O. Aboluwoye, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, D. Ajloo, J. Chamani and A. Marashi, "Electrostatic and hydrophobic effectors control on the sulfhydryl reactivities of hemoglobins", Ultra Science 15 (2003), 311-320.

53) A. Gharanfoli, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, S. Safarian, J. Chamani and A. A. Saboury "Calorimetric evidence for conformational transitions of RNase A in the presence of cytidine 2´, 3´-cyclic phosphate", Thermochimica Acta 411 (2004), 37-42.

54) S. Shareefi Borojerdi, K. Haghbeen, A. A. Karkhane, M. Fazli and A. A. Saboury, "Successful Raman resonance study of cresolase activity of mushroom tyrosinase", Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 314 (2004), 925-930.

55) G. Ataie, S. Safarian, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, B. Ranjbar, G. Cristalli and S. Mardanian, "Kinetic and structural analysis of adenosine deaminase
upon interaction with acetaminophen", Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 19 (2004), 71-78.

56) A. A.Moosavi-Movahedi, A. R.Golchin, K. Nazari, J. Chamani, A.A. Saboury, S.Z. Bathie and S. Tangestani-Nejad, "Microcalorimetry, energetics and binding studies of DNA-dimethyltin dichloride complexes", Thermochimica Acta 414 (2004), 233-241.

57) A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, S. Safarian, G. H. Hakimelahi, G. Ataei, D. Ajloo, S. Panjehpour, S. Riahi, M. F. Moosavi, S. Mardanian, N. Soltani, A. Khalafi-Nezhad, H. Sharghi, H. Moghadamnia and A. A. Saboury, "QSAR analysis for ADA upon interaction with a series of adenine derivatives as inhibitors", Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids 23 (2004), 613-624.

58) F. Karbassi, K. Haghbeen, A. A. Saboury, , M. Rezaei-Tavirani and B. Ranjbar, "Concomitant calorimetric, spectrophotometric and circular dichroism studies on the impact of sodium dodecyl sulfate on the mushroom tyrosinase structure", Biologia 59 (2004) 319-326.

59) C. O. Aboluwoye, Z. Moosavi–Movahedi, J. Chamani, A. A. Moosavi–Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, M. Gharanfoli, M. Zahedi, S. Safarian and A. Marashi, "Effect of bilirubin on the sulphydryl reactivity of Cys 34 sulphydryl group of human serum albumin", International Journal of Chemistry 14 (2004), 25-30.

60) A. A. Saboury, N. Sarri-Sarraf, and M. U. Dahot "Effect of spontaneous hydrolysis of p-nitrophenylacetate in aqueous solutions on kinetic characteristics of carbonic anhydrase", Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan 26 (2004), 69-72.

61) M. U. Dahot, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Inhibition of -amylase activity by calcium, magnesium and zinc determined by spectrophotometry and isothermal titration calorimetry", Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 19 (2004), 157-160.

62) F. Karbassi, A. A. Saboury, M. T. Hassan Khan, M. Iqbal Choudhary and Z. S. Saifi, "Mushroom tyrosinase inhibition by two potent uncompetitive inhibitors", Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 19 (2004), 349-353.

63) A. A. Saboury, "A simple method for determination of binding isotherm by isothermal titration calorimetry and its application to the interaction between Cu2+ and myelin basic protein", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 77 (2004), 997-1004.

64) A. A. Saboury, F. Karbassi, K. Haghbeen, B. Ranjbar, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and B. Farzami, "Stability, structural and suicide inactivation of Mushroom tyrosinase after acetylation by N-Acetylimidazole", Inernational Journal of Biological Macromolecule 34 (2004), 257-262.

65) N. S. Sarraf, A. A. Saboury, B. Ranjbar and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Structural and functional changes of bovine carbonic anhydrase as a consequence of temperature", Acta Biochimica Polonica 51 (2004), 665-671.

66) A. A. Saboury, S. Bagheri, G. Ataie, M. Amanlou, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, G. H. Hakimelahi, G. Cristalli and S. Namaki, "Binding properties of adenosine deaminase interacted with theophylline", Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 52 (2004), 1179-1182.

67) K. Haghbeen, A. A. Saboury and F. Karbassi, "Substrate share in the suicide inactivation of mushroom tyrosinase", Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1675 (2004), 139-146.

68) K. Nazari, A. R. Golchin, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, G. H. Hakimelahi, A. Shokravi and S. Tangestani-Nejad, "Microcalorimetric and binding studies of DNA upon interaction with [pyridine diamine]2[Co(phenanthroline dicarboxylate)2]", Thermochimica Acta 428 (2005), 157-163.

69) G. H. Hakimelahi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, V. Osetrov, G. A. Khodarahmi and K.-S. Shia "Carbapenem-based prodrugs. Design, synthesis and bilogical evaluation of carbapenems", European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 40 (2005), 339-349.

70) N. S. Sarraf, S. Mamaghani-Rad, F. Karbassi and A. A. Saboury, "Thermodynamic studies on the interaction of copper ions with carbonic anhydrase", Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 26 (2005), 1051-1056.

71) R. Yousefi, S. K. Ardestani, A. A. Saboury, A. Kariminia, M. Zeinali and M. Amani, "Investigation on the surface hydrophobicity and aggregation kinetics of human calprotectin in the presence of calcium" Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 38 (2005), 407-413.

72) M. Amani, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, G. Floris, S. Longu, A. Mura, S. Z. Moosavi-Nejad, A. A. Saboury and F. Ahmad "Comparative study of the conformational lock, dissociative thermal inactivation and stability of Euphorbia latex and lentil seedling amine oxidases" The Protein Journal. 24 (2005), 183-191.

73) N. Gheibi, A. A. Saboury, H. Mansuri-Torshizi, K. Haghbeen and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The inhibition effect of some n-alkyl dithiocarbamates on Mushroom tyrosinase", Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 20 (2005), 393-399.

74) A. A. Saboury, M. S. Atri, M. H. Sanati, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, and K. Haghbeen, "Effects of calcium binding on the structure and stability of human growth hormone", Inernational Journal of Biological Macromolecule 36 (2005), 305-309.

75) N. Gheibi, A. A. Saboury, K. Haghbeen and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Activity and structural changes of mushroom tyrosinase induced by n-alkyl sulfates", Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 45 (2005), 104-107.

76) A. A. Saboury, S. Ghasemi and M. U. Dahot, "Thermodynamics of binding magnesium ion on -Amylase", Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 42 (2005), 326-329.

77) M. S. Atri, A. A. Saboury, M. Rezaei-Tavirani, M. H. Sanati, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. Sadeghi, H. Mansuri-Torshizi, N. Khodabandeh, "Binding properties and conformational change of human growth hormone upon interaction with Fe+3", Thermochimica Acta 438 (2005), 178-183.

78) H. Tevakkoli, H. Ghourchian, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Saboury, "Histidine and serine roles in catalytic activity of choline oxidase from Alcaligenes species studied by chemical modifications", Process Biochemistry 41 (2006), 477-482.

79) A. A. Saboury, M. S. Atri, M. H. Sanati and M. Sadeghi, "Application of a simple calorimetric data analysis on the binding study of calcium ions by human growth hormone", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 83 (2006), 175-179.

80) A. A. Saboury, M. S. Atri, M. H. Sanati, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, G. H. Hakimelahi and M. Sadeghi, "A thermodynamic study on the interaction between magnesium ion and human growth hormone", Biopolymers 81 (2006), 120-126.

81) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, E. Tazikeh and A. A. Saboury, "Using the new developed equation to reproduce the enthalpies of transfer of urea from water to aqueous ethanol, propan-1-ol and acetonitrile at 298 K", Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 27 (2006), 208-211.

82) A. A. Saboury, "A review on the ligand binding studies by isothermal titration calorimetry", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 3, (2006), 1-21.

83) A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. Gharanfoli, S. Jalili, F. Ahmad, J. Chamani, G. H. Hakimelahi, M. Sadeghi, M. Amani and A. A. Saboury, "The correlation of Rnase A enzymatic activity with the changes in the distance between Nd2-His12 and Nd1-His119 upon addition of stabilizing and destabilizing salts", The Protein Journal 25 (2006), 117-125.

84) A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and H. Mansoori-Torshizi, "Comparative analysis of refolding of chemically denatured -lactoglobulin types A and B using the dilution additive mode", International Journal of Biological Macromolecule 38 (2006), 9-17.

85) A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Conformational and structural analysis of bovine β-lactoglobulin-A upon Interaction with Cr+3", The Protein Journal 25 (2006), 157-165.

86) A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, C.-F. Yen, J. Chamani, G. A. Khodarahmi, A. A. Saboury and G. H. Hakimelahi,"Design, Synthesis, and Antibacterial Activity of Novel Carbacephemes", Letters in Drug Design & Discovery 3 (2006), 91-97.

87) A. A. Saboury and M. S. Atri, "Metal ions binding study on human growth hormone by isothermal titration calorimetry", Journal of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry 2 (2006), 169-182.

88) N. Gheibi, A. A. Saboury and K. Haghbeen, "Substrate construes the copper and nickel ions impacts on the mushroom tyrosinase activities", Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 27 (2006), 642-648.

89) Z. Moosavi-Movahedi, S. Safarian, M. Zahedi, M. Sadeghi, A. A. Saboury, J. Chamani, H. Bahrami, A. Ashraf-Modarres and AA Moosavi-Movahedi "Calorimetric and binding dissections of HSA upon interaction with bilirubin", The Protein Journal 25 (2006), 193-201.

90) P. Pirzadeh, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, B. Hemmatinejad, F. Ahmad, M. Shamsipur and A. A. Saboury "Chemometric studies of lysozyme upon interaction with sodium dodecyl sulfate and β-cyclodextrin", Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 52 (2006), 31-38.

91) G. Rezaei Behbahani, A. A. Saboury and E. Tazikeh,"Using the Extension Coordination Model (ECM) to reproduce the enthalpies of transfer of tetraethylurea from water to aqueous ethanol, propan-1-ol and acetonitrile at 298 K", Acta Chimica Slovenica 53 (2006), 363-366.

92) N. Gheibi, A.A. Saboury, K. Haghbeen and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The effect of some osmolytes on the activity and stability of mushroom tyrosinase", Journal of Biosciences 31 (2006), 355-362.

93) S. Hashemnia, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi H. Ghourchian, F. Ahmad, G. H. Hakimelahi and A. A. Saboury "Diminishing of aggregation for bovine liver catalase through acidic residues modification", International Journal of Biological Macromolecule 40 (2006), 47-53.

94) A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and H. Mansoori-Torshizi and B. Hemmatinejad, "Comparative and structural analysis of the interaction between -lactoglobulin type A and B with a new anticancer compound (2,2'-bipyridin n-hexyl dithiocarbamato Pd(II) nitrate)", Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Sociey 27 (2006), 1801-1808.

95) A. A. Saboury, S. Zolghadri, K. Haghbeen and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The inhibitory effect of benzenethiol on the cresolase and catecholase activities of mushroom tyrosinase", Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 21 (2006), 711-717.

96) G. Rezaei-Behbehani and A. A. Saboury, "Using a new solvation model for thermodynamic study on the interaction of nickel with human growth hormone", Thermochimica Acta, 452 (2007), 76-79.

97) J. Hong, S. Rezaei-Zarchi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, S. Ahmadian and H. Ghourchian, "Nafion-methylene blue functional membrane and its application in chemical- and Bio-Sensing", Analytical Letters 40 (2007) , 483-496.

98) A. Barzegar, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, N. Sattarahmadi, M. A. Hosseinpour-Faizi, M. Aminbakhsh, F. Ahmad, A. A. Saboury, M. R. Ganjali and P. Norouzi, "Spectroscopic studies of the effects of glycation of human serum albumin on L-Trp binding", Protein and Peptide Letters 14 (2007), 13-18.

99) M. Amani, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, G. Floris, A. Mura, B. I. Kurganov, F. Ahmad and A. A. Saboury "Two-state irreversible thermal denaturation of Euphorbia characias latex amine oxidase", Biophysical Chemistry 125 (2007), 254-259.

100) Z. Moosavi-Movahedi, H. Bahrami, M. Zahedi, K. Mahnam, J. Chamani, S. Safarian, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A theoretical elucidation of bilirubin interaction with HSA's lysines: First electrostatic binding site in IIAsubdomain", Biophysical Chemistry 125 (2007), 375-387.

101) S. Nafisi, A. A. Saboury, N. Keramat, J.-F. Neault and H. A. Tajmir-Riahi, "Stability and structural features of DNA intercalation with ethidium bromide, acridine orange, methylene blue", Journal of Molecular Structure 827 (2007), 35-43.

102) A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, R. Yousefi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and H. Mansoori-Torshizi, "Spectroscopic and Cytotoxic Studies of the Novel Designed Palladium (II) Complexes: β-lactoglobulin and K562 as the targets", International Journal of Biological Macromolecul 40 (2007), 381-386.

103) R. Yousefi, S. K. Ardestani, M. Imani, A. A. Saboury and A. Kariminia, "ROS induction by human calprotectin in K562 and the reversal effect of vitamine E" Research Journal of Biological Sciences 2 (2007), 215-220.

104) A. A. Saboury, M. Alijanianzadeh and Hasan Mansoori-Torshizi, "The role of alkyl chain length in the inhibitory effect n-alkyl xanthates on mushroom tyrosinase activities", Acta Biochemica Polonica 54 (2007), 183-192.

105) P. Norouzi, M. R. Ganjali, P. Daneshgar, R. Dinarvand, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Saboury, "Development of fast Fourier transform continuous cyclic voltammetry at Au microelectrode in flowing solutions as a novel method for sub-nanomolar monitoring of lidocaine in injection and biological fluids", Analytica Chimica Acta 590 (2007), 74-80.

106) S. Rezaei-Zarchi, A. A. Saboury, H. Ghourchian, J. Hong, A. Barzegar, P. Norouzi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. R. Ganjali and A. Javed, "Electrochemical Investigation of the Effect of Some Organic Phosphates on Hemoglobin", Journal of Biosciences 32 (2007), 271-278.

107) M. Shamsipur, F. Mizani, A. A. Saboury, H. Sharghi and R. Khalifeh, "Highly selective and sensitive membrane sensors for copper(II) ion based on a new benzo-substituted macrocyclic diamide 6,7,8,9,10-hexahydro-2H-1,13,4,7,10-benzodioxatriaza cyclopenta-decine-3,11(4H,12H)-dione" Electroanalysis 19 (2007), 587-596.

108) M. Alijanianzadeh, A. A. Saboury, H. Mansuri-Torshizi, K. Haghbeen and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The inhibitory effect of some n-alkyl xanthates on the cresolase and catecholase activities of mushroom tyrosinase", Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 22 (2007), 239-246.

109) M. Ghaderi, S. Z. Bathaie, A. A. Saboury, H. Sharghi and S. Tangestani-Nejad "Interaction of a Fe derivative of TMAP (Fe(TMAP)OAc) with DNA in comparison with Free-base TMAP", International Journal of Biological Macromolecule 41 (2007), 173-179.

110) N. Sattarahmady, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, F. Ahmad, G. H. Hakimelahi, M. Habibi-Rezaei, A. A. Saboury, N. Sheibani and C. M. Sorenson "Formation of the molten globule-like state during prolonged glycation of human serum albumin", Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects 1770 (2007), 933-942.

111) M. Alijanianzadeh and A. A. Saboury, "Temperature dependence of activation and inhibition of mushroom tyrosinase by ethyl xanthate", Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Societ, 28 (2007), 758-762.

112) A. Bayandori-Moghaddam, M. R. Ganjali, R. Dinarvand, P. Norouzi, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Electrochemical behavior of caffeic acid at single-walled carbon nanotube:graphite-based electrode", Biophysical Chemistry 128 (2007), 30-37.

113) D. Ajloo, H. Behnam, A. A. Saboury, F. Mohamadi-Zonoz, B. Ranjbar, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi,, Z. Hasani, K. Alizadeh, M. Gharanfoli and M. Amani, "Thermodynamic and structural studies on the human serum albumin in the presence of a polyoxometalate", Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 28 (2007), 730-736.

114) S. Rezaei-Zarchi, A. A. Saboury, H. Ghourchian, J. Hong, P. Norouzi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. R. Ganjali and A. Javed, "A new method of hemoglobin concentration determination using a bromine-modified silver electrode", Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 47 (2007) 153-158.

115) G. Ataie, S. Bagheri, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, S. Safarian, S. Namaki, and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A kinetic comparison on the inhibition of adenosine deaminase by purine drugs", Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 6 (2007), 43-50.

116) S. Rezaei-Zarchi, A. A. Saboury, H. Ghourchian, J. Hong, A. Barzegar, P. Norouzi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. R. Ganjali and A. Javed, "Electrochemical recognition of metalloproteins by bromide-modified silver electrode - A new method", International Journal of Molecular Sciences 8 (2007), 723-735.

117) A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. Amani, S. Z. Moosavi-Nejad, S. Hashemnia, F. Ahmad, G. Floris, A. Mura, M. Rezaei-Tavirani, G. H. Hakimelahi, A. A. Saboury and R. Yousefi, "Thermal dissection of Lentil seeding amine oxidase domains by differential scanninig calorimetry", Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry 71 (2007), 1644-1649.

118) A. Bayandori-Moghaddam, M. R. Ganjali, R. Dinarvand, A. A. Saboury, T. Razavi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and P. Norouzi, "Fundamental studies of the cytochrome c immobilization by the potential cycling method on nanometer-scale nickel oxide surfaces", Biophysical Chemistry 129 (2007), 259-268.

119) S. Rezaei-Zarchi, A. A. Saboury, P. Norouzi, J. Hong, S. Ahmadian, M. R. Ganjali, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. Bayandori-Moghaddam and A. Javed, "Use of silver nanoparticles as an electron transfer facilitator in electrochemical ligand-binding of haemoglobin", Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 37 (2007), 1021-1026.

120) A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and H. Mansoori-Torshizi and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi,, "Binding properties of a new anti-tumor component (2,2'-bipyridin octylglycinato Pd(II) nitrate) with bovine -lactoglobulin-A and –B", Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 25 (2007), 173-182.

121) A.A. Moosavi-Movahedi, P. Pirzadeh, S. Hashemnia, S. Ahmadian, B. Hemmatinejad, M. Amani, A.A. Saboury, F. Ahmad, M. Shamsipur, G.H. Hakimelahi, F.-Y. Tsai, H. H. Alijanvand, R. Yousefi, "Fibril formation of lysozyme upon interaction with sodium dodecyl sulfate at pH 9.2", Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 60 (2007), 55-61.

122) D. Ajloo, A. A. Saboury, N. Haghi-Asli, G. Ataie-Jafari, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. Ahmadi, K. Mahnam and S. Namaki, "Kinetic, thermodynamic and statistical studies on the inhibition of adenosine deaminase by aspirin and diclofenac", Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 22 (2007), 395-406.

123) A. A. Saboury, H. Ghourchaei, M. H. Sanati, M. S. Atri, M. Rezaei-Tawirani and G. H. Hakimelahi, "Binding properties and structural changes of human growth hormone upon interaction with cobalt ion", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 89 (2007), 921-927.

124) G. Rezaei-Behbehani and A. A. Saboury, "A new method for thermodynamic study on the binding of magnesium with human growth hormone", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 89 (2007), 852-861.

125) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. A. Saboury A. Fallah-Baghery, "A thermodynamic study on the binding of calcium ion with myelin basic protein", Journal of Solution Chemistry 36 (2007), 1311-1320.

126) P. S. Pourhosseini, A. A. Saboury, F. Najafi and M. N. Sarbolouki, "Interaction of insulin with a triblock coplymer of PEG-(Fumaric-Sebacic acids)-PEG: Thermodynamic and Spectroscopic studies", Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Proteins and Proteomics 1774 (2007), 1274-1280.

127) R. Yousefi, M. Imani, S. K. Ardestani, , A. A. Saboury, N. Gheibi and B. Ranjbar, "Human calprotectin: Effect of calcium and zinc on its secondary and tertiary structures, and role of pH in its thermal stability" Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 39 (2007), 795-802.

128) S. Rezaei-Zarchi, A. A. Saboury, J. Hong, P. Norouzi, A. Bayandori Moghaddam, H. Ghourchian, M. R. Ganjali, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. Javed and A. Mohammadian, "Electrochemical behavior of redox proteins immobilized on riboflavin-nafion film modified gold electrode", Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 28 (2007), 2266-2270.

129) A. Molaei-Rad, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, H. Ghourchiana,N. Safari, J. Hong, Z. Moosavi-Movahedi, K. Nazari, A. A. Saboury and P. R. Jamaat, "Effects of substituted metal-free porphyrins in apo-horseradish peroxidase", Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 11 (2007), 836-845.

130) G. Rezaei Behbehani, A. A. Saboury and E. Taleshi, "A direct calorimetric determination of denaturation enthalpy for lysozyme in sodium dodecyl sulfate", Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 61 (2008), 224-228.

131) A. Barzegar, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, S. Rezaei-Zarchi, A. A. Saboury, M. R. Ganjali, P. Norouzi, G. H. Hakimelahi and Fu-Yuan Tsai, "The mechanisms underlying the effect of α-cyclodextrin on the aggregation and stability of alcohol dehydrogenase", Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 49 (2008), 203-211.

132) A. Bayandori-Moghaddam, M. R. Ganjali, R. Dinarvand, T. Razavi, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and P. Norouzi, "Direct electrochemistry of cytochrome c on electrodeposited nickel oxide nanoparticles", Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 614 (2008), 83-92.

133) A. Bayandori-Moghaddam, M. R. Ganjali, R. Dinarvand, S. Ahadi and A. A. Saboury, "Myoglobin immobilization on electrodeposited nanometer-scale nickel oxide particles and direct voltammetry", Biophysical Chemistry 134 (2008), 25-33.

134) M. Hassanisadi, A. Barzegar, R. Yousefi, M. Dalgalarrondo, J.-M. Chobert, T. Haertle, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Chemometric study of the aggregation of alcohol dehydrogenase and its suppression by -caseins: a mechanistic perspective", Analytical Chimica Acta 613 (2008), 40-47.

135) A. Barzegar, R. Yousefi, A. Sharifzadeh, M. Dalgalarrondo, J.-M. Chobert, M. R. Ganjali, P. Norouzi, M. R. Ehsani, A. Niasari-Naslaji, A. A. Saboury, T. Haertle and A.A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Chaperone activities of bovine and camel β-caseins: Importance of their surface hydrophobicity in protection against alcohol dehydrogenase aggregation", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 42 (2008), 392-399.

136) G. Rezaei Behbehani, A. A. Saboury and E. Taleshi, "A comparative study on direct calorimetric determination of denaturation enthalpy for lysozyme in sodium dodecyl sulfate and dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide", Journal of Solution Chemistry 37 (2008), 619-629.

137) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. A. Saboury and A. Fallah- Baghery, "A thermodynamic study on the binding of cobalt ion with myelin basic protein", Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 29 (2008), 736-740.

138) G. Rezaei Behbehani, A. A. Saboury and E. Taleshi, "Determination of partial unfolding enthalpy for lysozyme upon interaction with dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide using an extended salvation model", Journal of Molecular Recognition 21 (2008) 132-135.

139) F. Valiyev, F-Y. Tsai, A. A. Saboury, H.-J. Liu, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, and G. H. Hakimelahi, "Design, synthesis, and antiviral activity of novel phosphoramidates", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 5 (2008), 228-237.

140) A.A. Moosavi-Movahedi, F. Semsarha, H. Heli, K. Nazari, H. Ghourchian, J. Hong, G. H. Hakimelahi, A.A. Saboury and Y. Sefidbakht, "Micellar histidinate hematin complex as an artificial peroxidase enzyme model: Voltammetric and spectroscopic investigations", Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 320 (2008), 213-221.

141) S. Rezaei-Zarchi, A. A. Saboury, A. Barzegar, S. Ahmadian, A. Bayandori-Moghaddam and A. Javed, " Nano-composition of riboflavin-nafion functional film and its application in biosensing", Journal of Biosciences 33 (2008), 279-287.

142) M. Amani, R. Yousefi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, F. Pintus, A. Mura, G. Floris, B. I. Kurganov and A. A. Saboury "Structural changes and aggregation process of Cu/Containing amine oxidase in the presence of 2,2,2΄-trifluoroethanol", Protein and Peptide Letters 15 (2008), 521-527.

143) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. A. Saboury, A. Fallah-Baghery and A. Abedini, "Application of an extended solvation theory to study on the binding of magnesium ion with myelin basic protein", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 93 (2008), 479-483.

144) D. Ajloo, E. Taghizadeh, A. A. Saboury, E. Bazyari and K. Mahnam, "Effects of surfactant, salt and solvent on the structure and activity of adenosine deaminase: molecular dynamic and spectrophotometric studies", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 43 (2008), 151-158.

145) N. Sattarahmady, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. Habibi-Rezaei, S. Ahmadian, A. A. Saboury, H. Heli and N. Sheibani, Detergency effect of nanofibrillar amyloid formation on glycation of human serum albumin Carbohydrate Research 343 (2008), 2229-2234.

146) K. Mahnam, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, H. Bahrami, G. H. Hakimelahi, G. Ataie, S. Jalili, A. A Saboury, F. Ahmad, S. Safarian and M. Amanlou "Efficient factors in protein modification: Adenosine deaminase esterification by Woodward reagent K", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 5 (2008), 464-465.

147) A. Bayandori-Moghaddam, M. R. Ganjali, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and P. Norouzi, Electrodeposition of nickel oxide nanoparticles on glassy carbon surfaces: application to the direct electron transfer of tyrosinase", Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 38 (2008), 1233-1239.

148) R. J. Heinrich, A. A Saboury, M. Sadeghizadeh and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Sequence refinement of the human tyrosinase clone (Oculocutaneous albinism OCA 1A)", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 5 (2008), 519-521.

149) A. Hekmat, A. A. Saboury, A. Divsalar and M Khanmohammadi, "Conformational and structural changes of choline oxidase from Alcaligenes species by changing pH values", Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 29 (2008), 1510-1518.

150) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. A. Saboury and A. Fallah- Baghery, "A new approach for titration calorimetric data analysis on the Binding of Magnesium Ion with myelin basic protein", Journal of Solution Chemistry, 37 (2008), 1127-1135.

151) S. Rezaei-Zarchi, A. A. Saboury and A. Javed, "Electrochemical study of horseradish peroxidase using the nanosilver-modified graphite electrode and its application to hydrogen peroxide biosensor", Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems 11 (2008), 199-203.

152) A. Asadi, A. A. Saboury A.A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. Divsalar and M. N. Sarbolouki, "Interaction of bovine serum albumin with some novel PEG-containing diblock copolymers", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 43 (2008), 262-270.

153) M. Salami, R. Yousefi, M. R. Ehsani, M. Dalgalarrondo, J.-M. Chobert, T. Haertlé, S. H. Razavi, A.A. Saboury, A. Niasari-Naslaji, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Kinetic characterization of camel and bovine milk proteins hydrolysis using pancreatic enzymes", International Dairy Journal 18 (2008), 1097-1102.

154) H. Ramshini, N. Rezaei-Ghaleh, A. Ebrahim-Habibi, A. A. Saboury, and M. Nemat-Gorgani, "Thermally induced changes in the structure and activity of yeast hexokinase B", Biophysical Chemistry, 137 (2008), 88-94.

155) A. A. Saboury and M. Alijanianzadeh, "Ethyl xanthate and propyl xanthate as activators and inhibitors of mushroom tyrosinase in different concentrations", Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 55 (2008), 937-942.

156) H. Mansouri-Torshizi, M. Islami-Moghaddam, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, "2,2'-Bipyridinebutyldithiocarbamatoplatinum(II) and palladium(II) complexes: synthesis, characterization, cytotoxicity and rich DNA-binding studies",
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 16 (2008), 9616-9625.

157) A. Mohammadi, A. Bayandori-Moghaddam1, Rassoul Dinarvand, J. Badraghi, F. Atyabi, A. A. Saboury, "Bioelectrocatalysis of methyldopa by adsorbed tyrosinase on the surface of modified glassy carbon with carbon nanotubes", International", Journal of Electrochemical Science 3 (2008), 1248 – 1257

158) A. Hekmat, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, H. Ghourchian and F. Ahmad, "Effects of pH on the activity and structure of choline oxidase from Alcaligenes species", Acta Biochimica Polonica 55 (2008), 549-557.

159) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and N. Gheibi, "A new approach for Thermodynamic Study on binding some metal ions with human growth hormone", Journal of Solution Chemistry, 37 (2008), 1645-1655.

160) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and M. J. Bagheri, "A Thermodynamic Study on the Binding of human Serum Albumin with New synthesized anti cancer Pd (II) complex", Journal of Solution Chemistry 37 (2008), 1785-1794.

161) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. A. Saboury and A. Divsalar, "Thermodynamic study of the binding of calcium and magnesium ions with myelin basic protein using the extended solvation theory" Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 40 (2008), 964-969.

162) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. A. Saboury and A. Divsalar, "Using the extended solvation theory for thermodynamic study on the interaction of magnesium and cobalt ions with human growth hormone", Journal of Korean Chemical Society 52 (2008), 608-613.

163) K. Mahnam, H. Bahrami, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, M. Iranmanesh, G. H. Hakimelahi M. N. Soltani Rad and A. Khalafi-Nezhad, "A theoretical Iinvestigation of mechanism of the adenosine deaminase modification: Reaction of glutamate residue with Woodward reagent K", Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 7 (2008), 1121-1145.

164) S. Rezaei-Zarchi, A. A. Saboury and A. Javed, "Characterization study for nanocompositions of methylene blue and riboflavin-nafion on the electrode surface", Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 4 (2008), 119-126.

165) H. Mansoori-Torshizi, M. Islami-Moghaddam, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Diimine platinum(II) and palladium(II) complexes of dithiocarbamate derivative as potential antitumor agents: synthesis, characterization, cytotoxicity and detail DNA-binding studies", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 26 (2009), 575-586.

166) A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, H. Mansoori-Torshizi, F. Ahmad, M. Islami-Moghaddam, F. Ahmad and G. H. Hakimelahi, "Comparative studies on the interaction between bovine β-lactoglobulin type A and B and a new designed Pd(II) complex with anti-tumor activity at different temperatures", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 26 (2009), 587-598.

167) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and A. Hekmat, "A thermodynamic study on the binding of PEG-stearic acid copolymer with lysozyme", Journal of Solution Chemistry 38 (2009), 219-229.

168) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, F. Faridbod and M. R. Ganjali, "A high performance theory for thermodynamic study on the binding of human serum albumin with erbium chloride", Chinese Journal of Chemistry 27 (2009), 289-294.

169) P. Norouzi, R. Dinarvand, M. R. Ganjali, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury and A. Tamaddoni, "Application of adsorptive voltammetry for the detection of sub-nano molar cyclizine in biological fluids and tablets using fast Fourier transform continuous cyclic voltammetry in a flowing system", Analytical Sciences 25 (2009), 505-510.

170) J. Badraghi, R. Yousefi, A. A. Saboury , A. Sharifzadeh, T. Haertlé, F. Ahmad and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Effect of salts and sodium dodecyl sulphate on chaperone activity of camel alpha-S1-CN: Insulin as the target protein", Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 71 (2009), 300-305.

171) A. A Saboury, "Enzyme inhibition and activation: A General Theory", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 6 (2009), 219-229.

172) S. Rezaei-Zarchi, A. Javed, M. J. Ghani, S. Ahmadian, H. Bari-Abarghouei, S. A. Hashemizadeh and A. A. Saboury, "Electrochemically different behaviors of cytochrome c in the presence of organic phosphates", Analytical & Bioanalytical Electrochemistry 1 (2009), 2-10.

173) M. Salami, R. Yousefi, M. R. Ehsani, S. H. Razavi, Jean-Marc Chobert, T. Haertlé, A. A. Saboury, M. S. Atri, A. Niasari-Naslaji, F. Ahmad and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Digestion and antioxidant activity of native and MG state of camel -lactalbumin: possible use in infant formula", International Dairy Journal, 19 (2009), 518-523.

174) G. Rezaei Behbehani, A. Divsalar, A.A. Saboury, F. Faridbod and M.R. Ganjali, "A high performance meothod for thermodynamic study on the binding of human serum albumin with erbium chloride", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 96 (2009), 663-668.

175) P. Daneshgar, A.A. Moosavi-Movahedi, P. Norouzi, M. R. Ganjalia, A. Madakar-Sobhani and A. A. Saboury, "Molecular interaction of human serum albumin with paracetamol: Spectroscopic and molecular modeling studies", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 45 (2009), 129-134.

176) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, F. Faridbod and M. R. Ganjali, "A new approach for Thermodynamic Study on the Binding of human Serum Albumin with Cerium Chloride", Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 30 (2009), 1262-1266.

177) F. Mohammadi, A. K. Bordbar, A. Divsalar, K. Mohammadi and A. A. Saboury, "Interaction of curcumin and diacetylcurcumin with the lipocalin member -lactoglobulin", The Protein Journal 28 (2009), 117-123.

178) F. Mohammadi, A. K. Bordbar, A. Divsalar, K. Mohammadi and A. A. Saboury, "Analysis of binding interaction of curcumin and diacetylcurcumin with human and bovine serum albumin using fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy", The Protein Journal 28 (2009), 189-196.

179) M. Islami-Moghaddam, H. Mansouri-Torshizi , A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury "Synthesis, characterization, cytotoxic and DNA binding studies of diimine Platinum(II) and Palladium(II) complexes of short hydrocarbon chain ethyldithiocarbamate ligand", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 6 (2009), 552-569.

180) A. A. Saboury, C. O. Aboluwoye and N. S. Sarraf, "pH Dependence study of the kinetic reaction of bovine carbonic anhydrase with 2,2'-dithiobispyridine in the absence and presence of surfactants", Journal of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry 6 (2009), 57-61.

181) M. Saeidifar, H. Masouri-Torshizi, G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "A thermodynamic study of new designed complex of ethylendiamine 8-hydroxyquinolinato palladium (II) chloride with calf thymus DNA", Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 30 (2009), 1951-1955.

182) G. Rezaei Behbehani , A .A. Saboury, M. Mohebbian, S. Tahmasbi Sarvestani and M. Poorheravi, "Thermodynamic Study of CN ion Inhibition of Jack bean urease using the extended solvation theory", Chinase Chemical Letters 20 (2009), 1389-1392.

183) N. Gheibi, A. A. Saboury, K. Haghbeen, F. Rajabi and A. A. Pahlavani, "Dual effects of aliphatic carboxylic acids on cresolase and catecholase reactions of mushroom tyrosinase", Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 24 (2009), 1076-1081.

184) A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, S. J. Mousavy, A. Divsalar A. Babaahmadi, K. Karimian, A. Shafiee, M. Kamarie, N. Poursasan, B. Farzami, G. H. Riazi, G. H. Hakimelahi, F.-Y. Tsai, F. Ahmad, M. Amani and A. A. Saboury, "The effects of deferiprone and deferasirox on the structure and function of β-thalassemia hemoglobin", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 27 (2009), 319-339.

185) S. Zolghadri, A. A. Saboury, A. Golestani, A. Divsalar, S. Rezaei-Zarchi and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Binding process of nanosilver to bovine hemoglobin at different temperatures", Journal of Nanoparticle Research 11 (2009), 1751-1758.

186) A. Divsalar, M. J. Bagheri, A. A. Saboury, H. Mansoori-Torshizi and M. Amani, "Investigation on the interaction of new designed anti-cancer Pd(II) complexes with different aliphatic tails and Human serum albumin", Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (2009), 14035-14042.

187) J. Badraghi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, R. Yousefi, A. Sharifzadeh , J. Hong, T. Haertlé, "Dual behavior of sodium dodecyl sulfate as enhancer or suppressor of insulin aggregation and chaperone-like activity of camel S1-casein", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 45 (2009), 511-517.

188) D. Ajloo, L. Najafi and A. A. Saboury, "Effects of dimaine, diacid and dintitro derivatives on the inhibition of adenosine deaminase: Experimental, molecular docking and QSAR studies" Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 30 (2009), 2523-2531.

189) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. A. Saboury, M. Mohebbian, S. Tahmasebi, M. Poorheravi, "A Structural and calorimetric study between Jack bean urease and cyanide ion ", Journal of Solution Chemistry 38 (2009), 1612-1621.

190) A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, F. Ahmad and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Effect of temperature and chromium (III) ion on the structure of bovine beta-lactoglobulin-A", Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 20 (2009), 1782-1789.

191) G. Rezaei Behbehani, A. Divsalar and A.A. Saboury, "A novel method for thermodynamic study on the inding of milk carrier protein BLG-A with Cr+3" Polish Journal of Chemical Technology 11 (2009), 24-29.

192) E. Tazikeh, A. A. Saboury, G. Rezaei-Behbehani and M. Monajjemi, "A calorimetric study on the interaction of zinc ion with human growth hormone", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology: Transaction A 33 (2009), 317-326

193) M. S. Atri, A. A. Saboury, R. Yousefi, M. Dalgalarrondo, J.-M. Chobert, T. Haertle and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Comparative studies on heat stability and structure of bovine and camel α-lactalbumin", Journal of Dairy Research 77 (2010), 43-49.

194) G. Rezaei Behbehani, A.A. Saboury, M. Mohebbian, S. Ghammamy, "Application of a simple calorimetric data analysis on the binding study of cyanide ions by jack been urease", Chinese Chemical Letters 21 (2010), 457-460.

195) A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, H. Sepassi Tehrani, M. Amanlou, M. N. Soltani Rad, G. H. Hakimelahi, F.-Y. Tsai, G. Ataie, A. A. Saboury, F. Ahmad, A. Khalafi-Nezhad, N. Poursasan and A. Sharifizadeh, "Kinetic and conformational studies of adenosine deaminase upon interaction with oxazepam and lorazepam", Protein and Peptide Letters 17 (2010), 197-205.

196) F. Mohammadi, A. K. Bordbar, A. Divsalar, K. Mohammadi and A. A. Saboury, "Circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy study on the interaction of bisdemethoxycurcumin and diacetylbisdemethoxycurcumin with human serum albumin", Canadian Journal of Chemistry 88 (2010), 155-163.

197) A. A. Saboury, E. Poorakbar and G. Rezaei-Behbehani, "A thermodynamic study of the interaction between urease and copper ions", Journal of Science, IR Iran, 21 (2010), 15-20.

198) H. Masouri-Torshizi, M. Saeidifar, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and S. Shahraki, "Interaction studies of a novel, water-soluble and anti-cancer palladium (II) complex with calf thymus DNA", Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 31 (2010), 435-441.

199) E. Tazikeh, G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. A. Saboury, A. Divsalar and M. Monajjemi, "Thermodynamic study on the interaction of copper ion with human growth hormone", Journal of Solution Chemistry 39 (2010), 153-164.

200) E. Amin, A. A. Saboury H. Mansuri-Torshizi and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Potent inhibitory effects of benzyl and p-xylidine-bis dithiocarbamate sodium salts on activities of mushroom tyrosinase", Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 25 (2010), 272-281.

201) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. Divsalar, A.A. Saboury, F. Faridbod and M.R. Ganjali, "A thermodynamic study on the binding of human serum albumin with lanthanum ion", Chinese Journal of Chemistrys 28 (2010), 159-163.

202) A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, H. Mansoori-Torshizi and F. Ahmad, "Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of a Palladium (II) Complex: β-lactoglobulin and K562 as targets", The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114 (2010), 3639-3647.

203) M. Rahban, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and A. Golestani, "Nanotoxicity and spectroscopy studies of silver nanoparticle: Calf thymus DNA and K562 as targets", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (2010), 5798-5803.

204) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A.A. Saboury and E. Yahaghi, "A thermodynamic study of Nickel ion interaction with bovine carbonic anhydrase II molecule", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 100 (2010), 283-288.

205) S. Zolghadri, A. A. Saboury, E.Amin and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A spectroscopic study on the interaction between ferric oxide nanoparticles and human hemoglobin", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 7 (2010), S145-S153.

206) G. Rezaei Behbehani, A. A. Saboury, L. Barzegar, O. Zarean, J. Abedini and M. Payeghadr "A thermodynamic study on the interaction of nickel ion with myelin basic protein by isothermal titration calorimetry", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 101 (2010), 379-384.

207) H. Masouri-Torshizi, M. Saeidifar,A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury "Interaction studies between a 1,10-phenanthroline adduct of palladium(II) dithiocarbamate anti-tumor complex and calf thymus DNA. A synthesis spectral and In-vitro study", Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 77 (2010), 312-318.

208) G. Rezaei Behbehani, A. A. Saboury, O. Zarean, L. Barzegar and S. Ghamamy, "Thermodynamic study of myelin basic protein upon interaction with Hg2+ ion using extension solvation model", Chinese Journal of Chemistry 28 (2010), 713-718.

209) M. R. Ganjali, F. Faridbod, A. A. Saboury, N. Davarkhah, A. Divsalar, G. Rezaei Behbehani and P. Norouzi, "A new approach for protein binding isotherm analysis by means of an electrochemical microsensor", Journal of Electrochemical Science 5 (2010), 630-638.

210) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. Taherkhani,. A. A. Saboury and A. Divsalar, "Calorimetric study on the binding of lysozyme upon
interaction with β-cyclodextrin", Journal of Thermodynamics & Catalysis 1: 103 (2010), 3 Pages.

211) M. R. Ganjali, F. Faridbod, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, P. Norouzi, G. Rezaei Behbehani and S. Abdolahzadeh, "Nano-composite carbon pate electrode used for biophysical study of Ho3+ ion interaction with human serum albumin V", Journal of Electrochemical Science 5 (2010), 852-866.

212) A. A. Saboury, E. Poorakbar and G. Rezaei-Behbehani, "A calorimetric study of the interaction of silver ion with jack bean urease", Turkish Journal of Chemistry 34 (2010), 631-638.

213) F. Faridbod, M. R. Ganjali, A. A. Saboury and P. Norouzi, "Pico-level monitoring of ampicillin by using a novel cerium fluorescence probe", Analytical Letters 43 (2010), 2193-2199.

214) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, R. Hajian, Z. Rezaei, E. Yahaghi and L. Barzegar, "A thermodynamic study on the binding of Cobalt and iron ions with bovine carbonic anhydrase II molecule at different temperatures", Journal of Solution Chemistry 39 (2010), 1142-1152.

215) E. Amin, A. A. Saboury H. Mansuri-Torshizi, S. Zolghadri and A. K. Bordbar, "Evaluation of synthesized p-phenylene-bis and phenyl dithiocarbamate sodium salts as mushroom tyrosinase inhibitors", Acta Biochimica Polonica 57 (2010), 277-283.

216) G. Rezaei Behbehani, A. A. Saboury, S. Tahmasebi-Servestani, M. Mohebbian, M. Payeghadr and J. Abedini, "A Thermodynamic study on the binding of theophylline with human serum albumin", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 102 (2010), 793-798.

217) G. Rezaei Behbehani, A. A. Saboury, E. Poorakbar and L. Barzegar, "Application of the extended solvation model for thermodynamic study of copper ion binding to jack bean urease", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 102 (2010), 1141-1146.
218) A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, L. Ahadi, E. Zemanatiyar and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "Investigation of effects of newly synthesized Pt(II) complex against human serum albumin and leukemia cell line of K562", BMB Reports 43 (2010), 766-771.

219) H. Masouri-Torshizi, M. Saeidifar, G. Rezaei Behbehani, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "DNA binding studies and cytotoxicity of ethylendiamine 8-hydroxyquinolinato palladium(II) chloride", Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 57 (2010), 1299-1308.

220) A. A. Saboury and S. Amiri, "A microcalorimetry Study of the binding of nickel ion by human growth hormone", Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engeenering 29 (2010), 31-36.

221) F. Faridbod, M. R. Ganjali, B. Larijani, S. Riahi, A. A. Saboury, M. Hosseini, P. Norouzi and C. Pillip, "Interaction study of pioglitazone with albumin by fluorescence spectroscopy and molecular docking", Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 78 (2011), 96-100.

222) G. Rezaei Behbehani, A. A. Saboury, F. Sabbaghy, "A calorimetric study on the interaction of zinc and cadmium ions with jack bean urease", Chinese Journal of Chemistry 29 (2011), 446-450.

223) H. Ramshini, C. Parrini, A. Relini, M. Zampagni, B. Mannini, A. Pesce, A. A. Saboury, M. Nemat-Gorgani, F. Chiti, "Large proteins have a great tendency to aggregate but a low propensity to form amyloid fibrils", PLoS One 6 (2011), 1-10.

224 H. Masouri-Torshizi, M. Saeidifar, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Study on interaction of DNA from calf thymus with 1,10-phenanthrolinehexyl dithiocarbamatopalladium(II) nitrate as potential antitumor agent", Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 28 (2011), 805-814.

225) H. Masouri-Torshizi, M. Saeidifar, Z. Yekke Ghasemi, M. Khastan, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "DNA binding studies and cytotoxicity of the novel 1,10-phenanthroline palladium(II) complexes of dithiocarbamate derivatives", Journal of the Korean Chemical Society" 55 (2011), 70-80.

226) M. S. Atri, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedia, B. Goliaei, Y. Sefidbakht, H. Hadi-Alijanvand, A. Sharifizadeh and A. Niasari-Naslaji, "Structure and stability analysis of cytotoxic complex of camel α-lactalbumin and unsaturated fatty acids produced at high temperature", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, 28 (2011), 919-928.

227) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, L. Barzegar, A. A. Saboury and S. Ghammami, "A thermodynamic investigation on the binding of mercury ion with myelin basic protein at different temperatures", Chinase Chemical Letters, 22 (2011), 623-625.

228) H. Masouri-Torshizi, M. Saeidifar, F. Khosravi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and Z. Yekke-Ghasemi, "DNA binding and thermodynamic parameters, structure and cytotoxicity of newly designed platinum(II) and palladium(II) anti-tumor complexes", Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society" 32 (2011), 947-955.

229) E. Tazikeh, G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. A. Saboury, M. Monajjemi, R. Zafar-Mehrabian, M. Ahmadi-Golsefidi, H. Rajabzadeh, M. T. Baei and S. Hasanzadeh, "Thermodynamic studies of the binding of mercuric ion to human Growth Hormone at the different of temperatures", Journal of Solution Chemistry 40 (2011), 575-586.

230) A. Javid, S. Ahmadian, A. A. Saboury and S. Rezaei-Zarchi, "Anticancer effect of doxorubicin loaded heparin based super-paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles against the human ovarian cancer cells", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 74 (2011), 143-149.

231) L. Barzegar, G. Rezaei-Behbehani and A. A. Saboury, " A thermodynamic study of Zinc ion interaction with bovine carbonic anhydrase II at different temperature", Journal of Solution Chemistry 40 (2011), 843-848.

232) H. Rajabzadeh, D. Nourouzian, H. Hadi Alijanvand, A. Divsalar, J. Badraghi, A. Barzegar, M. Monjjemi, K. Zare, N. Sheibani, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi , "Kinetic stabilization of lysozyme upon interaction of β–cyclodextrin through partial unfolding of protein", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 8 (2011), 553-561.

233) N. Gheibi, A. A. Saboury and M. Sarreshtehdari, "Non-Essential Activation of Co2+ and Zn2+ on Mushroom Tyrosinase:Kinetic and Structural Stability" Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 32 (2011), 1500-1506.

234) M. Falahati, L. Ma'mani, A. A. Saboury, A. Shafiee and A. R. Badiei, "Aminopropyl functionalized cubic Ia3d mesoporous silica nanoparticles KIT-6 as an efficient support for immobilization of superoxide dismutase", Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1814 (2011), 1195-1202.

235) G. Rezaei Behbehani, A. A. Saboury, A. Taherkhani, L. Barzegar and A. Mollaagazade, "A thermodynamic study on the binding of mercury and silver ions to urease", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 105 (2011), 1081-1086.

236) H. Mansouri-Torshizi, M. Saeidifar, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Manuscript Title: Binding studies of a novel anti-tumor palladium(II) complex to calf thymus DNA", Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids 30 (2011), 405-422.

237) A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, L. Ahadi, E. Zemanatiyar, M. J. Bagheri, H. Mansoori-Torshizi, D. Ajloo and R. H. Sarma "Biological evaluation and interaction of a newly designed anti-cancer Pd(II) complex and human serum albumin", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 29 (2011), 283-296.

238) D. Ajloo, S. Hajipour, A. A. Saboury and S. Zakavi, "Effect of cationic prophyrins on the structure and activity of adenosine deaminase" Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 32 (2011), 3411-3420.

239) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. Taherkhani, L. Barzegar A. A. Saboury and A. Divsalar, "Refolding of lysozyme upon interaction with -cyclodextrin", Journal of Science, IR Iran, 22 (2011), 117-120.

240) M. Salami, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, F. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. R. Ehsani, R. Yousefi, M. Farhadi, A. Niasari-Naslaji, A. A. Saboury, J.-M. Chobert and T. Haertle, "Biological activity of camel milk casein following enzymatic digestion", Journal of Dairy Research 78 (2011), 471-478.

241) H. Mansouri-Torshizi, M. Saeidifar, F. Khosravi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and F. Hassani, "DNA-binding and antitumor activity of -diimineplatinum (II) and palladium(II) dithiocarbamate complexes" Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications, Volume 2011, Article ID 394506, 11 pages.

242) H. Mansouri-Torshizi, M. Eslami-Moghadam, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "DNA-Binding studies of some potential antitumor 2,2'–bipyridine Pt(II)/Pd(II) complexes of piperidinedithiocarbamate. Their synthesis, spectroscopy and cytotoxicity ", Acta Chimica Slovenica 58 (2011), 811-822.

243) M. Alijanianzadeh, A. A. Saboury, M. R. Ganjali, H. Hadi Alijanvand and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The Inhibitory effect of ethylenediamine on mushroom tyrosinase", International Journal of Biological Macromolecule 50 (2012), 573-577.

244) M. Falahati, A. A. Saboury, A. Shafiee, L. Ma'mani and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Immobilization of superoxide dismutase onto ordered mesoporous silica nanoparticles and improvement of its stability", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), 157-161.

245) M. Falahati, A. A. Saboury, L. Ma'mani, A. Shafiee and H. A. Rafieepour, "Effect of functionalization of mesoporous nanoparticles on the interaction and stability of confined enzyme", International Journal of Biological Macromolecule 50 (2012), 1048-1054.

246) A. Divsalar, S. Ebrahim-Damavandi, A. A. Saboury, A. Seyedarabi and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Calorimetric and spectroscopic investigations of -lactoglobulin upon interaction with copper", Journal of Dairy Research, 79 (2012), 209-215.

247) M. Falahati, A. A. Saboury, A. Shafiee, S. M. Rezayat-Sorkhabadi, E. Kachooei, L. Ma'mani and T. Haertle, "Highly Efficient Immobilization of Beta-Lactoglobulin in Functionalized Mesoporous nanoparticles: A Simple and Useful Approach for Enhancement of Protein Stability", Biophysical Chemistry, 165-166 (2012), 13-20.

248) J. Hong, W. Wang, K. Huang, W.-Y. Yang, Y.-X. Zhao, B.-L. Xiao, Y.-F. Gao, Z. Moosavi-Movahedi, S. Ahmadian, M. Bohlooli, A. A. Saboury, H. Ghourchian, N. Sheibani , A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A Self-assembled nano-cluster complex based on cytochrome c and nafion: An efficient nano- structured peroxidase", Biochemical Engineering Journal, 65 (2012), 16-22.

249) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, M. Mirzaie, M. Mehreshtiagh, L. Barzegar, A. A. Saboury and S. Mohammadi Gorgi, "Inhibitory effects of p-phenylene-bis and phenyl dithiocarbamate on mushroom tyrosinase", Journal of Solution Chemistry 41 (2012), 581-588.

250) A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, M. Nabiuni, Z. Zare, M. Esmaeil Kefayati and S. A. Seyedarabi"Characterization and side effect analysis of a newly designed nanoemulsion targeting human serum albumin for drug delivery"Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 98 (2012), 80-84.

251) S. Rezaei-Zarchi, S. Imani, S. Soufian, Y. Panahi, A. A. Saboury and M. R. Arefi, "An effector of hemoglobin structure: The guanosine 3', 5'-triphosphate", Croatia Chemica Actas 85 (2012), 59-62.

252) G. Rezaei Behbehani, L. Barzegar, M. Mohebbian and A. A. Saboury, "A competetive interaction between copper ions with alzheimer's β amyliod peptide and Human Serum Albumin", Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications, Volume 2012, Article ID 208641, 4 pages

253) M. Alijanianzadeh, A. A. Saboury, M. R. Ganjali, H. Hadi Alijanvand and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Inhibition of mushroom tyrosinase by a new synthesized ligand: inhibition kinetics and computational simulations ", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 30 (2012), 448-459.

254 L. Alaei, A.A.Moosavi-Movahedi, H. Hadi, A.A. Saboury, F. Ahmad and M. Amani, "Thermal inactivation and conformational lock of bovine carbonic anhydrase", Protein and Peptide Letters 19 (2012), 852-858.

255) A. Hekmat, A. A. Saboury and A. Divsalar, "Synergistic effect of the combination of doxorubicin with silver nanoparticles on ct DNA structure and T47D cell line proliferation", Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 8 (2012), 968-982.

256) R. Silavi, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "A short review on the structural-functional relationship of artificial catecholase tyrosinase and nuclease activities of Cu-complexes", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 30 (2012), 752-772.

257) A. Sharifizadeh, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. Salami and R. Yousefi, "A new aspect to chaperone-like activity of bovine β-casein by protein-protein interactions study", International Journal of Biological Macromolecule, 51 (2012), 901-907.

258) S. Bagheri, J. Davoodi, A. A. Saboury and A. H. Salmanian, "A mechanistic insight into caspase-7 inhibition by BIR1-2 domains of XIAP and cIAP1", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), 615-623.

259) A. Fallahbagheri, A. A. Saboury, L. Ma'mani, M. Taghizadeh, R. Khodarahmi, S. Ranjbar, M. Bohlooli, A. Shafiee, A. Foroumadi, N. Sheibani and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Effects of silica nanoparticle supported ionic liquid on thermal reversibility of human carbonic anhydrase II", International Journal of Biological Macromolecule 51 (2012), 933-938.

260) H. Derakhshankhah, A. A. Saboury, R. Bazl, H. A. Tajmir-Riahi, M. Falahati, D. Ajloo, H. Mansouri-Torshizi, A. Divsalar, A. Hekmat, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Synthesis, nanotoxicity and spectroscopy studies of a new copper (II) complex: Calf thymus DNA and K562 as targets", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), 737-746.

261) R. Bazl, M. R. Ganjali1, A. A. Saboury, A. Foroumadi, P. Nourozi and M. Amanlou, "A new strategy based on pharmacophore-based virtual screening in adenosine deaminase inhibitors detection and in-vitro study", DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 20 (2012), 64 (6 pages).

262) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, L. Barzegar, M. K. Kiani-Savadkoohi, M. Mohebbian, B. Samak Abedi, A. A. Saboury and A. Divsalar, "Thermodynamic study of human serum albumin upon interaction with Ytterbium (III) ", E-Journal of Chemistry, Volume 2013, Article ID 696394, 4 pages.
DOI 10.1155/2013/696394

263) A. Hekmat, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The effects of mobile phone radiofrequency (940 MHz) on the structure of calf thymus DNA", Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 88 (2013), 35-41.

264) M. Bohlooli, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, F. Taghavi, M. Habibi-Rezaei, A. Seyedarabi, A. A. Saboury and F. Ahmad "Thermodynamics of a molten globule state of human serum albumin by 3-β-hydroxybutyrate as a ketone body",
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 54 (2013), 258-263.

265) H. Zare, A. A. Moosavi-Movahed, M. Salami, M. Mirzaei, A. A. Saboury and N. Sheibani, "Purification and autolysis of the ficin isoforms from fig (Ficus carica cv. Sabz) latex", Phytochemistry 87 (2013), 16-22.

266) D. Ajloo, M. Sangian, M. Ghadamghahi, M. Evini, A. A. Saboury, "Effect of two imidazolium derivatives of ionic liquids on the structure and activity of adenosine deaminase", International Journal of Biological Macromolecule 55 (2013), 47-61.

267) S. M. H. Hosseini, Z. Emam-Djomeh, S. H. Razavi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, M. S. Atri and P. Van der Meeren, "β-lactoglobulin-sodium alginate interaction as affected by polysaccharide depolymerization using high intensity ultrasound", Food Hydrocolloids 32 (2013), 235-244.

268) F. Ghamari, S. M. Ghaffari, M. Salami, F. Moosavi-Movahedi, F. Farivar, A. Johari, A.A. Saboury, J.-M. Chobert, T. Haertle and A.A.Moosavi-Movahedi, "Synergic study of α-glucosidase inhibitory action of aloin and its antioxidant activity with and without camel β-casein and its peptides", Protein and Peptide Letters 20 (2013), 607-612.

269) M. Saeidifar, H. Mansouri-Torshizi, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Spectroscopic investigation on the binding of the antitumoral Pd (II) complex to human serum albumin", Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 60 (2013), 133-139.

270) F. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, H. Hadi Alijanvand, M. Bohlooli, M. Salami and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Thermal inactivation and conformational lock studies on horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase: A structural mechanism for β-sheets disaster", International Journal of Biological Macromolecule, 58 (2013), 66-72.

271) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, M. Mehreshtiagh, L. Barzegar, and A. A. Saboury, "A calorimetric investigation for the bindings of mushroom tyrosinase to p-phenylene-bis dithiocarbamate and xanthates", Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 78 (2013), 255-263.

272) S. M. H. Hosseini, Z. Emam-Djomeh, S. H. Razavi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, M. A. Mohammadifar, A. Farahnaky, M. S. Atri and P. Van der Meeren, "Complex coacervation of β-lactoglobulin–κ–carrageenan aqueous mixtures as affected by polysaccharide sonication", Food Chemistry, 142 (2013), 215-222.

273 P. S. Pourhosseini, A. A. Saboury, F. Najafi, A. Divsalar and M. N. Sarbolouki, "Characterization and release behavior of polymersomes of PEG-(fumaric-sebacic acids)-PEG triblock copolymer in aqueous solution", Polymer (Korea) 37 (2013), 294-301.

274) M. Saeidifar, H. Mansouri-Torshizi, Y. Palizdar, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity studies of a novel palladium(II) complex and evaluation of DNA-binding aspects", Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids 32 (2013), 366-388.

275) A. Hekmat, A. A. Saboury, A. Divsalar and A. Seyedarabi, " Structural effects of TiO2 nanoparticles and doxorubicin on DNA and their antiproliferative roles on T47D cells", Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 13 (2013), 932-951.

276) G. Rezaei Behbehani, L. Barzegar, M. Mehreshtiagh, A. A. Saboury and A. Divsalar, "The effect of n-alkyl xanthates on mushroom tyrosinase activity", Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 90 (2013), 477-480.

277) A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, T. Haertle, L. Sawyer, H. Mansuri-Torshizi and L. Barzegar, "Spectroscopic and calorimetric study of 2,2'-di bipyridin Cu(II) chloride binding to bovine ß-lactoglobulin", Journal of Solution Chemistry 42 (2013), 705-715.

278) Y. Sefidbakht, S. Hosseinkhani, M. Mortazavi, I. Tavakolnia, M. R. Khellat, M. Shakiba-Herfeh, M. Saviz, R. Faraji-Dana, A. A. Saboury, N. Sheibani and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Effects of 940 MHz EMF on Luciferase solution: Structure, function and dielectric studies", Bioelectromagnetics 34 (2013), 489-498.

279) A. Divsalar, S. Khodabakhshian, A. A. Saboury, H. Mansuri-Torshizi and M. Evini, "Probing of the interaction between human serum albumin and a new synthesized Pd(II) complex using spectroscopic methods", Journal of Science, IR Iran 24 (2013), 105-111.

280) A. A. Saboury, "A brief history of the journal (IJCCE)", Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 32 (2013), 1-2.

281) A. Divsalar, Z. Izadi, A. A. Saboury, M. Nabiuni, M. Razmi and H. Mansuri-Torshizi, "Cytotoxic and spectroscopic studies on binding of a new synthesized bipyridin ethyl dithiocarbamate Pt(II) nitrate complex to the milk carrier protein of BLG", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 10 (2013), 951-959.

282) M. Saeidifar, H. Mansouri-Torshizi, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Novel 2,2'-bipyridine palladium(II) complexes with glycine derivatives: synthesis, characterization, cytotoxic assays and DNA-binding studies", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 10 (2013), 1001-1011.

283) A. Javid, S. Ahmadian, A. A. Saboury, S. M. Kalantar and S. Rezaei-Zarchi, "Chitosan coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for doxorubicin delivery: Synthesis and anticancer effect against human ovarian cancer cells", Chemical Biology & Drug Design 82 (2013), 296-306.

284) F. Taghavi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. Bohlooli, H. Hadi
Alijanvand, M. Salami, P. Maghami, A. A. Saboury, M. Farhadi, R. Yousefi , M. Habibi-Rezaei and N. Sheibani, "Potassium sorbate as an AGE activator for human serum albumin in the presence and absence of glucose", International Journal of Biological Macromolecule 62 (2013), 146-154.

285) M. Razmi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, Z. Izadi, T. Haertlé and H. Mansuri-Torshizi, "Beta-Casein and its Complexes with Chitosan as Nanovehicles for Delivery of a Platinum Anticancer Drug", Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 112 (2013), 362-367.

286) S. Moradi, D. Ajloo, T. Lashkarbolouki, R. Alizadeh,A. A. Saboury, "Physicochemical studies on the interaction of gold(III)trichloro phenanthridine complex with calf thymus DNA", Monatshefte für Chemie 114 (2013), 1499-1505.

287) A. Fallahbagheri, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, M. Taghizadeh, R. Khodarahmi, L. Ma'mani, N. Bijari, M. Bohlooli and A. Shafiee, A. Foroumadi, N. Sheibani and, "Modified β-casein restore the thermal reversibility of human carbonic anhydrase II: Salt bridge mechanism", Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 60 (2013), 298-304.

288) R. Rahimi-Vaghar, A. A. Saboury, A. Divsalar and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "Heme releasing from human hemoglobin upon interaction with a new synthesized complex of 1,10-phenanthroline-n-butyl dithiocarbamato Pd (II) nitrate", Physical Chemistry Research 1 (2013), 185-196.

289) H. Sepassi Tehrani, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, H. Ghourchian, F. Ahmad, A. Kiany, M. S. Atri, Sh. Ariaeenejad, K. Kavousi and A. A. Saboury, "Effect of compatible and non-compatible osmolytes on the enzymatic activity and thermal stability of bovine liver catalase", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 31 (2013), 1440-1454.

290) M. Bohlooli, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, F.Taghavi, P. Maghami, A. A. Saboury, Z. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. Farhadi, J. Hong, N. Sheibani and M. Habibi-Rezaei, "Investigation of thermal reversibility and stability of glycated human serum albumin", International Journal of Biological Macromolecule 62 (2013), 358-364.

291) R. Bazl, M. R. Ganjali, H. Derakhshankhah, A. A. Saboury, M. Amanlou and P. Nourozi, "Prediction of tyrosinase inhibition for drug design using the genetic algorithm–multiple linear regressions", Medicinal Chemistry Research 22 (2013), 5453-5465.

292) B. Ghalandari, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, T. Haertlé, K. Parivar, R. Bazl, M. Eslami-Moghadam and M. Amanlou, "Spectroscopic and theoretical investigation of oxali-palladium Interactions with β-lactoglobulin Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 118 (2014), 1038-1046.

293) F. Taghavi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. Bohlooli, M. Habibi-Rezaei, H. Hadi Alijanvand, M. Amanlou, N. Sheibani, A. A. Saboury and F. Ahmad, "Energetic domains and conformational analysis of human serum albumin upon co-incubation with sodium benzoate and glucose", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 32 (2014), 438-447.

294) A. Javid, S. Ahmadian, A. A, Saboury, S. M. Kalantar and S. Rezaei-Zarchi, "Novel biodegradable heparin-coated nanocomposite system for targeted drug delivery", RSC Advances (An International Journal to Further the Chemical Sciences) 4 (2014), 13719-13728.

295) M. Saeidifar, H. Mansouri-Torshizi, Y. Palizdar, M. Eslami-Moghaddam, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Synthesis, characterization, cytotoxicity and DNA binding studies of a novel anionic organopalladium(II) complex", Acta Chimica. Slovenica 61 (2014), 126–136.

296) P. S. Pourhosseini, R. Amani, A. A. Saboury, F. Najafi and M. Imani, "Effect of block lengths on the association behavior of poly (L-lactic acid)/ poly (ethylene glycol) (PLA-PEG-PLA) micelles in aqueous solution", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 11 (2014), 467-470.

297) H. Mansouri-Torshizi, S. Shahraki, Z. Sori Nezami, A. Ghahghaei, S. Najmedini, A. Divsalar, H. Ghaemi and A. A. Saboury, "Platinum(II)/palladium(II) complexes with n-propyldithiocarbamate and 2,2′-bipyridine: synthesis, characterization, biological activity and interaction with calf
thymus DNA", Complex Metals: An Open Access Journal 1 (2014), 23-31.

298) A. Javid, S. Ahmadian, A. A. Saboury, S. M. Kalantar, S. Rezaei-Zarchi and S. Shahzad, "Biocompatible APTES–PEG modified magnetite nanoparticles: Effective carriers of antineoplastic agents to ovarian cancer", Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 173 (2014), 36-54.

299) M. Goodarzi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. Habibi-Rezaei, M. Shourian, H. Ghourchian, F. Ahmad; M. Farhadi; A. A. Saboury, and N. Sheibani, "Hemoglobin fructation promotes heme degradation through the generation of endogenous reactive oxygen species", Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 130 (2014), 561-567.

300) M. Bohlooli, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, F. Taghavi, A. A. Saboury, P. Maghami, A. Seyedarabi, F. Moosavi-Movahedi, F. Ahmad and M. Habibi-Rezaei "Inhibition of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) formation from human serum albumin upon incubation with 3-β-hydroxybutyrate", Molecular Biology Reports 41 (2014), 3705-3713.

301) E. Kachooei, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, F. Khodagholi, F. Mozafarian, P. Sadeghi, H. Hadi-Alijanvand, A. Ghasemi, A. A. Saboury, M. Farhadi and N. Sheibani, "Inhibition study on insulin fibrillation and cytotoxicity by paclitaxel", The Journal of Biochemistry (Japan) 155 (2014), 361-373.

302) A. A. Saboury, "Ten years of JICS", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 11 (2014), 1231-1233.

303) M. Amanlou, A. A. Saboury, R. Bazl, M. R. Ganjali1, and S. Sheibani, "Adenosine deaminase activity modulation by some street drug: molecular docking simulation and experimental investigation", DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 22 (2014), 42 (8 pages).

304) H. Derakhshankhah, A. A. Saboury, A. Divsalar, H. Mansouri-Torshizi, I. Bamery, D. Ajloo, M. R. Ganjali, H. Ilkhani
and H. R. Khavasi, "Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of a new designed copper(II)-dien-diamine-bridged complex", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 11 (2014), 1381-1390.

305) M. Bohlooli, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. Ghaffari-Moghaddam, A. A. Saboury, M. Khajeh, S. Najafi, N. Poormolaie, F. Taghavi, N. Poursasan, M. Sancholi, S. Esmaeilzadeh, M. Naderi and S. Shahraki, "Comparative study of thermal domains analyzing of glycated and non-glycated human serum albumin", Thermochimica Acta 594 (2014), 24-30.

306) F. Farivar, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, S. Yousefnejad, M. Salami, A. A. Saboury. A. Niasari-Naslaji, "Deconvolution and binding study of camel and human serum albumins upon interaction with sodium dodecyl sulphate", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 11 (2014), 1449-1457.

307) J. Behruzi, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Honey bee venom decreases the complications of diabetes by preventing hemoglobin glycation", Journal of Molecular Liquids 199 (2014), 371-375.

308) A. Divsalar, M. Razmi, A. A. Saboury and A. Seyedarabi, "The design and characterization of a novel β-casein nanovehicle loaded with platinum anticancer drug for oral drug delivery", Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 14 (2014), 892-900.

309) B. Ghalandari, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and K. Parivar, "The new insight into oral drug delivery system based on metal drugs in colon cancer therapy through β-lactoglobulin/oxali-palladium nanocapsules", Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, Biology 140 (2014), 255-265.

310) F. Shojaei, N. Tavakolinia, A. Divsalar, T. Haertlé, A. A. Saboury, M. Nemat-Gorgani and M. Pia Abbracchio, "Biochemical and immunological aspects of protein aggregation in neurodegenerative diseases", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 11 (2014), 1503-1512.

311) S. Shahraki, H. Mansouri-Torshizi, , Z. Sori-Nezami, A. Ghahghaei, F. Yaghoubi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, F. H. Shirazi, "The effects of extending of co-planarity in a series of structurally relative polypyridyl palladium(II) complexes on DNA-binding and cytotoxicity properties", Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 13 (2014), 1279-1294.

312) A. Salehzadeh-Yazdi, Y. Asgari, A. A. Saboury, A. Masoudi-Nejad, "Computational analysis of reciprocal association of metabolism and epigenetics in the budding yeast: a genome-scale metabolic model (GSMM) approach", PLoS One, 9 (2014), e111686. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0111686

313) L. Fotouhi, S. Yousefinejad, N. Salehi, A. A. Saboury, N. Sheibani and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Application of merged spectroscopic data combined with chemometric analysis for resolution of hemoglobin intermediates during chemical unfolding" Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 136 (2015), 1974-1981.

314) M. Ahmadi, A. Madadlou and A. A. Sabouri, "Isolation of micro and nanocrystalline cellulose particles and fabrication of crystalline particles-loaded whey protein cold-set gel", Food Chemistry 174 (2015), 97-103.

315) K. Bagherzadeh, F. Shirgahi Talari, A. H. Sharifi, M. R. Ganjali, A. A. Saboury and M. Amanlou, "A new insight into mushroom tyrosinase inhibitors: Docking, pharmacophore-based virtual screening and molecular modeling studies", Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 33 (2015), 487-501.

316) B. Ghalandari, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and K. Parivar, "β-lactoglobulin nanocapsules as a chemotherapy agent carrier for oral drug delivery system", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 12 (2015), 613-619.

317) B. Ghalandari, A. Divsalar, M. Eslami-Moghadam, A. A. Saboury. T. Haertle, M. Amanlou and K. Parivar "Probing of the interaction between β-lactoglobulin and anticancer of oxaliplatin", Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 175 (2015), 974-984.

318) M. Bohlooli, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, F. Taghavi, A. Shockravi, Z. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. Farhadi, A. A. Saboury, M. Khajeh, N. Poursasan, M. Goodarzi, F. Farivar, M. Valipour, M. Amanlou, N. Sheibani and M. Habibi-Rezaei, "Thermal reversibility and disaggregation of human serum albumin upon incubation with 3-b hydroxybutyrate: A proposed mechanism for thiol reaction", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 120 (2015), 403-409.

319) M. Jahadi, K. Khosravi-Darani, M. R. Ehsani, M. R. Mozafari, A. A. Saboury and P. S. Puorhosseini, "The encapsulation of flavourzyme in nanoliposome by heating method", Journal of Food Science and Technology 52 (2015), 2063-2072.

320) B. Delavari, A. A. Saboury, M. S. Atri, A. Ghasemi, B. Bigdelia, A. Khammari, P. Maghami, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, T. Haertlé and B. Goliaei, "Alpha-lactalbumin: a new carrier for vitamin D3 food enrichment", Food Hydrocolloids, 45 (2015), 124-131.

321) M. S. Atri, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi3, K. Kavousi, S. Ariaeenejad, "Effects of zinc binding on the structure and thermal stability of camel alpha lactalbumin", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 120 (2015), 481-488.

322) D. Ajloo, M. Eslami-Moghadam, Kh. Ghadimi, M. Ghadamgahi, A. A. Saboury, A. Divsalar, M. Sheikh Mohammadi and Kh. Yousefi, "Synthesis, characterization, spectroscopy, cytotoxic activity and molecular dynamic study on the interaction of three palladium complexes of phenanthroline and glycine derivatives with calf thymus DNA" Inorganica Chimica Acta 430 (2015), 144-160.

323) D. Ajloo, S. Shabanpanah, B. Shafaatian, M. Ghadamgahi, Y. Alopour, T. Lashgarbolouki and A. A. Saboury, "Interaction of three new tetradentates Schiff bases containing N2O2 donor atoms with calf thymus DNA" International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 77 (2015), 193-202.

324) M. Mazaheri, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury , M. Habibi-Rezaei, M. Shourian, M. Farhadi and N. Sheibani, "Curcumin Mitigates the Fibrillation of Human Serum Albumin and Diminishes the Formation of Reactive Oxygen Species", Protein & Peptide Letters. 22 (2015), 348-353.

325) M. Jahadi, K. Khosravi-Darani, M. R. Ehsani, A. A. Saboury, A. Zoghi, K. Eghbaltalab, Puorhosseini, R. Ferdowsi and M. R. Mozafari, "Effect of protease loaded nanoliposome produced by heating method on yield and composition of whey and curd during the production of Iranian brined cheese", Nutrition and Food Sciences Research 2 (2015), 49-53.

326) A. Divsalar, M. Razmi, A. A. Saboury, H. Mansouri-Torshizi and F. Ahmad, "Biological evaluation of a new synthesized Pt(II) complex by cytotoxic and spectroscopic studies", Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics 71 (2015), 1415–1424

327) S. Shahraki, H. Mansouri-Torshizi, A. Heydari, A. Ghahghaei, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, H. Ghaemi, M. Doostkami and S. Zareian, "Platinum(II) and Palladium(II) complexes with 1,10-phenanthroline and pyrrolidine dithiocarbamato ligands: synthesis, DNA-binding and anti-tumor activity in leukemia K562 cell lines", Iranian Journal of Science & Technology 39A2 (2015), 187–198.

328) M. Saeidifar, H. Mansouri-Torshizi and A. A. Saboury, "Biophysical study on the interaction between two palladium(II) complexes and human serum albumin by Multispectroscopic methods", Journal of Luminescence, 167 (2015), 391-398.

329) S. Zolghadri, A. A. Saboury, M. S. Atri and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Differential propensity of citrate and polyethylene glycol coated silver nanoparticles to hemoglobin", Toxicology and Industrial Health 31 (2015), 721-726.

330) M. Pirhaghghi, A. .A. Saboury, F. Najafi, P. S. Pourhosseini and H. Ghourchian, "Biophysical studies on the interaction of insulin with a cationic gemini surfactant", Journal of Science, IR Iran, 26 (2015), 105-115.

331) M. Moradi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, B. Ghalandari and A. R. Harifi, "Inhibitory effects of deferasirox on the structure and function of bovine liver catalase: A spectroscopic and theoretical study", Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 33 (2015), 2255-2266.

332) M. S. Atri, A. A. Saboury and F. Ahmad, "Biological Applications of Isothermal Titration Calorimetry", Physical Chemistry Research 3 (2015), 319-330.

333) M. Mazaheri, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, F. Khodagholi, F. Shaerzadeh and N. Sheibani, "Curcumin protects β-lactoglobulin fibril formation and fibril-induced neurotoxicity in PC12Cells", PLoS One, 10(7) (2015): e0133206.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0133206

334) Z. Moosavi-Movahedi, H. Gharibi, H. Hadi-Alijanvand, M. Akbarzadeh, M. Esmaili, M. S. Atri, Y. Sefidbakht, M. Bohlooli, K. Nazari, S. Javadian, J. Hong, A. A. Saboury, N. Sheibani and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Caseoperoxidase, mixed β-casein-SDS-hemin-imidazole complex: A nano artificial enzyme", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 33 (2015), 2619-2632.

335) B. Ghalandari, A. Divsalar, A. Komeili, M. Eslami-Moghadam, A. A. Saboury and K. Parivar, "Mathematical analysis of drug release for gastrointestinal targeted delivery using β-lactoglobulin nanoparticle", Biomacromolecular Journal 1 (2015), 204-211.

336) M. Oftadeh, G. Rezaei-Behbahani, A. A. Saboury and S. Rafiei, "Investigation of the effects of various cyclodextrins on the stabilisation of human serum albumin by a spectroscopic method", Australian Journal of Chemistry 68 (2015), 1894-1899.

337) S. Shahraki, H. Mansouri-Torshizi, M. Sadeghi, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Novel Pt(II) complex and its Pd(II) analogue. Synthesis, characterization, cytotoxicity and DNA-interaction", Biomacromolecular Journal 1 (2015), 242-253.

338) M. Ahmadi, A. Madadlou and A. A. Saboury, "Whey protein aerogel as blended with cellulose crystalline particles or loaded with fish oil", Food Chemistry 196 (2016), 1016-1022.

339) M. Hadian, S. M. H. Hosseini, A. Farahnaky. G. R. Mesbahi, G. H. Yousefi and A. A. Saboury, "Isothermal titration calorimetric and spectroscopic studies of -lactoglobulin-water-soluble fraction of Persian gum interaction in aqueous solution", Food Hydrocolloids 55 (2016), 108-118.

340) M. Saeidifar, A. Khanlarkhani, M. Eslami-Moghaddam, H. Mansouri-Torshizi and A. A. Saboury,"Investigation of the binding behavior between the S-heterocyclic aromatic palladium(II) complex and human serum albumin: Spectroscopic approach" Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds 36 (2016), 40-57.

341) M. Eslami-Moghadam, M. Saidifar, A. Divsalar, H. Mansouri Torshizi, A. A. Saboury, H. Farhangian and M. Ghadamgahi, "Rich spectroscopic and molecular dynamic studies on the interaction of cytotoxic Pt(II) and Pd(II) complexes of glycine derivatives with Calf thymus DNA", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 34 (2016), 206-222.

342) B. Koohshekan, A. Divsalar, M. Saeidifar and A. A. Saboury, B. Ghalandari, A. Gholamian and A. Seyedarab, "Protective effects of aspirin on the function of bovine liver catalase: A spectroscopy and molecular docking study", Journal of Molecular Liquids 218 (2016), 8-15.

343) Gh. Hosseinzadeh, A. Maghari, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Unfolding of insulin at the surface of ZnO quantum dots" International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 86 (2015), 169-176.

344) S. Farhadian, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury and M. Evini, "Influence of putrescine on the structure, enzyme activity and stability of α-chymotrypsin", RSC Advances 6 (2016) 29264-29278.

345) E. Zareian Jahromi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, S. Khaleghizadeh, H. Mansouri-Torshizi and I. Kostova, "Palladium complexes: New candidates for anti-cancer drugs", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 13 (2016), 967-989.

346) M. Jahadi, K. Khosravi-Darani, M. R. Ehsani, M. R. Mozafari, A. A. Saboury, A. Zoghi, and M. Mohammadi, "Modelling of proteolysis in Iranian brined cheese using proteinase-loaded nanoliposome", International Journal of Dairy Technology 69 (2016), 57-62

347) O. Abazari, Z. Shafaei, A. Divsalar, M. Eslami-Moghadm, B. Ghalandari and A. A. Saboury, "Probing the biological evaluations of a new designed Pt(II) complex using spectroscopic and theoretical approaches: Human hemoglobin as a target", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 34 (2016), 1123-1131.

348) H. Alizadeh Zeinabad, A. R. Zarrabian, A. A. Saboury, A. M. Alizadeh and M. Falahati, "Interaction of single and multi wall carbon nanotubes with the biological systems: tau protein and PC12 cells as targets", Scientific Reports 6 (2016), Article Number: 26508.

349) M. B. Shahsavani, S. Ahmadi, S. M. Nabavizadeh, M. Rashidi, Z. Asadi, N. Erfani, A. Ghasemi, A. A. Saboury, A. Niazi, A. Bahaoddini, R. Yousefi, "Anticancer activity assessment of two novel binuclear Pt (II) complexes: Importance of non conventional structures to overcome insufficiencies of the classical platinum drugs", Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology 161 (2016), 345-354.

350) D. Ajloo, N. Mahmoodabadi, M. Ghadamgahi and A. A. Saboury, "Spectroscopy and computational studies on the interaction of octhyl, dodecyl and hexadecyl derivatives of anionic and cationic surfactants with adenosine deaminase", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 34 (2016), 1495-1511.

351) M. Eslami-Moghadam, A. Divsalar, A. Abolhosseini Shahrnoy and A. A. Saboury, "Synthesis, cytotoxicity assessment, and interaction and docking of novel palladium(II) complexes of imidazole derivatives with human serum albumin", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, 34 (2016), 1751–1762.

352) S. Farhadian, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury, A. Kazemi Babaheydari, F. Raisi and E. Heidari, "Molecular aspects of the interaction of spermidine and α-chymotrypsin", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 92 (2016), 523-532.

353) P. Esfandfar, M. Falahati and A. A. Saboury, "Spectroscopic studies of interaction between CuO nanoparticles and bovine serum albumin", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, 34 (2016), 1962-1968.

354) S. Farhadian, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury and L. Momeni, "Counteraction of lactose on the thermal stability and activity of α-chymotrypsin: Thermodynamic, kinetic and docking studies", RSC Advancess 6 (2016), 72201-72212.

355) Z. Izadi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and L. Sawyer, "Beta-lactoglobulin-pectin nanoparticles-based oral drug delivery system for potential treatment of colon cancer", Chemical Biology & Drug Design 88 (2016), 209-216.

356) M. Hosseini Koupaei, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury, F. Davar, A. Semnani and M. Evini, "Green synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles and their effect on the stability and activity of proteinase K", RSC Advances 6 (2016), 42313-42323.

357) L. Momeni, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury and S. Farhadian, "The effect of spermine on the structure, thermal stability and activity of bovine pancreatic trypsin", RSC Advances, 6 (2016), 60633-60642.

358) L. Momeni, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury and S. Farhadian, "Comparative studies on the interaction of spermidine with bovine trypsin by multi-spectroscopic and docking methods", The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 120 (2016), 9632-9641.

359) L. Fotouhi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, S. Yousefinejad, , M. Shourian, N. Sheibani, M. Habibi-Rezaei, A. A. Saboury, "Hydrophobic behavior, ROS production and heme degradation of hemoglobin upon interaction with n-alkyl sulfates", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 13 (2016), 2103-2111.

360) H. Soleymani, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, F. Rahmani, J. Maleki, S. Yousefinejad and P. Maghami, "Vitamin E induces regular structure and stability of human insulin, more intense than vitamin D3" International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 93 (2016), 868-878.

361) Z. Aghili, S. Taheri, H. Alizadeh Zeinabad, L. Pishkar, A. Rahimi, A. A. Saboury, M. Falahati, "Interaction of Fe nanoparticles with lysozyme by biophysical and molecular docking studies", PLoS One, 11(10) (2016): e0164878.
doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0164878

362) M. Hosseini Koupaei, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury, F. Davar and F. Raisi, "The Effect of spermidine on the structure, kinetic and stability of proteinase K: Spectroscopic and computational approaches", RCS Advances 6, (2016), 105476-105486.

363) Kh. Abbasi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, M. Eslami-Moghadam, B. Ghalandari and H. Ghourchian, "Destructive effect of anticancer oxali-palladium on heme degradation through the generation of endogenous hydrogen peroxide", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 34 (2016), 2493-2504.

364) A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, S. Hosseinkhani, A. Lohrasbi-Nejad, M. Habibi-Rezaei, P. Maghami, M. Atri and L. Fotouhi, "Protein stability, folding, disaggregation and etiology of conformational malfunctions", Biomacromolecular Journal 2 (2016), 8-20.

365) H. Derakhshankhah, M. J. Hajipour, E. Barzegari, A. Lotfabadi, M. Ferdousi, A. A. Saboury, R. Dinarvand, E. Poh Ng, M. Raoufi, H. Awala, S. Mintova and M. Mahmoudi, "Zeolite nanoparticles inhibit Aβ-fibrinogen interaction and formation of consequent abnormal structural clot", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (2016), 30768–30779.

366) E. Tazikeh-Lemeski, E. Mozaffari and A. A. Saboury, "Isothermal titration calorimetry and molecular dynamics simulation studies on the binding of indometacin with human serum albumin", Biomacromolecular Journal 2 (2016), 34-43.

367) H. Alizadeh Zeinabad, E. Kachooei, A. A. Saboury, I. Kostova, F. Attar, M. Vaezzadeh and M. Falahati, "Thermodynamic and conformational changes of protein toward interaction with nanoparticles: A spectroscopic overview", RSC Advances 6 (2016), 105903-105919.

368) M. Bohlooli, A. A. Saboury, F. Taghavi, M. Habibi-Rezaei, S. Sarvari and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi "Fasting reduces the binding between sugar and protein; New insights into diabetic complications", Biomacromolecular Journal 2 (2016), 93-96

369) A. Abaee, A. Madadlou and A. A. Saboury, "The formation of non-heat-treated whey protein cold-set hydrogels via non-toxic chemical cross-linking", Food Hydrocolloids 63 (2017), 43-49.

370) L. Momeni, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury, S. Farhadian and F. Reisi, "A spectroscopic and thermal stability study on the interaction between Putrescine and bovine trypsin",
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 94 (2017), 145-153.

371) M. Hossein Beyki, M. Mohammadirad, F. Shemirani and A. A. Saboury, "Magnetic cellulose ionomer/layered double hydroxide: An efficient anion exchange platform with enhanced diclofenac adsorption property", Carbohydrate Polymers, 157 (2017), 438-446.

372) M. Hosseini Koupaei, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury and F. Davar, "Molecular investigation on the interaction of spermine with proteinase K by multispectroscopic techniques and molecular simulation studies" International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 94 (2017), 406-414.

373) M. Saeidifar, H. Mansouri-Torshizi and A. A. Saboury, "Insights into the binding of two antitumor Pd(II) complexes with human serum albumin", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 14 (2017), 189-200.

374) A. Gholamian, A. Divsalar, M. Saeidifar, B. Ghalandari, A. A. Saboury and B. Koohshekan ʺGeneration of reactive oxygen species via inhibition of liver catalase by oxalli-palladium: A spectroscopic and docking studyʺ, Process Biochemistry 52 (2017), 165-173.

375) L. Momeni, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury and M. Evini, "Interaction of TiO2 nanoparticle with trypsin analyzed by kinetic and spectroscopic methods", Monatsh Chemistry 148 (2017), 199-207.

376) M. Hosseini Koupaei, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury and F. Davar, "Conjugation of biogenic Polyamine (Putrescine) with Proteinase K: Spectroscopic and theoretical Insights",
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 98 (2017), 150-158.

377) L. Pishkar, S. Taheri, S. Makarem, H. Alizadeh Zeinabad, A. Rahimi, A. A. Saboury and M. Falahati, "Studies on the interaction between nanodiamond and human hemoglobin by surface tension measurement and spectroscopy methods", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 35 (2017), 603-615.

378) L. Momeni, S. Mahmodian, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury and S. Farhadian, "The functional and structural stabilization of trypsin by sucrose", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 99 (2017), 143-149.

379) Y. Entezari Heravi, H. Sereshti, A. A. Saboury, J. B. Ghasemi, M. Amirmostofian and C.T. Supuran, "3D QSAR studies, pharmacophore modeling, and virtual screening of diarylpyrazole–benzenesulfonamide derivatives as a template to obtain new inhibitors, using human carbonic anhydrase II as a model protein", Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 32 (2017), 688–700.

380) R. Karamzadeh, M. H. Karimi-Jafari, A. A. Saboury, G. Hosseini-Salekdeh and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi,"Red/Ox States of human protein disulfide isomerase regulates binding affinity of 17 beta-estradiol", Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 619 (2017), 35-44.

381) S. Farhadian, B. Shareghi and A. A. Saboury, "Exploring the thermal stability and activity of α-chymotrypsin in the presences of spermine", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 35 (2017), 435-448.

382) H. Pourjabbari Khameneh, T. Ghorbanian Bolouri, F. Nemati, F. Rezvani, F. Attar, A. A. Saboury and M. Falahati, "A spectroscopic study on the absorption of carbonic anhydrase onto the nanoporous silica nanoparticle", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 99 (2017), 739-745.

383) L. Momeni, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury, "Spectroscopic analysis of the interaction between NiO nanoparticles and bovine trypsin", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 35 (2017), 1381-1388.

384) Y. Entezari Heravi, S. Bua, A. Nocentini, S. Del Prete, A. A. Saboury, H. Sereshti, C. Capasso, P. Gratteri and, C. T. Supuran, "Inhibition of malassezia globosa carbonic anhydrase with phenols", Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 25 (2017), 2577–2582.

385) L. Karami, E. Tazikeh and A. A. Saboury, "Molecular dynamics simulation and free energy studies on the interaction of salicylic acid with human serum albumin (HSA)", Physical Chemistry Research 5 (2017), 483-496.

386) A. Khammari, A. A. Saboury, M. H. Karimi-Jafari, M. Khoobi, A. Ghasemi, S. Yousefinejad and O. K. Abou-Ziede, "Insights into the molecular interaction between two polyoxygenated cinnamoylcoumarin derivatives and human serum albumin", Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics 19 (2017), 10099--10115.

387) F. Taghavi, M. Habibi-Rezaei, M. Amani, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The status of glycation in protein aggregation", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 100 (2017), 67-74.

388) Z. Shafaei, B. Ghalandari, A. Vaseghi, A. Divsalar, T. Haertlé, A. A. Saboury and L. Sawyer, "β-Lactoglobulin: An efficient nanocarrier for advanced delivery systems", Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 13 (2017), 1685-1692.

389) L. Karami, A. A. Saboury, E. Rezaee and S. A. Tabatabai, ʺInvestigation of the binding mode of some oxadiazole derivatives as amide-based inhibitors for soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) by
molecular docking and MM-GBSAʺ, European Biophysics Journal 46 (2017), 445-459.

390) S. Kazemi Noureini, H. Esmaeili, F. Abach, S. Khiali, B. Islam, M. Kuta. A. A. Saboury, M. Hoffmann, J. Sponer, G. N. Parkinson and S. Haider, "Selectivity of major isoquinoline alkaloids from Chelidomium majus towards telomeric G-quadruplex: A study using a modified transition-FRET (t-FRET) assay", Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – General Subjects 1861 (2017), 2020-2030.

391) M. Rahban, N. Salehi, A. A. Saboury, S. Hosseinkhani, M. H. Karimi-Jafari, R. Firouzi, N. Rezaei-Ghaleh and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Histidine substitution in the most flexible fragments of firefly luciferase modifies its thermal stability", Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 629 (2017), 8-18.

392) N. Alasvand, M. Saeidifar, A. A. Saboury and M. Mozafari, "Controllable synthesis and characterization of palladium (II) anticancer complex-loaded colloidal gelatin nanoparticles as a novel sustained-release delivery system in cancer therapy", IET Nanobiotechnology 11 (2017), 591-596.

393) M. Saeidifar, Z. Sohrabi Jam, S. Sahahraki, A. Khanlarkhani, M. Javaheri, A. Divsalar, H. Mansouri-Torshizi and A. A. Saboury, "Multi-spectroscopic and electrochemical approaches of the interaction between a new binuclear agent and DNA", Journal of Molecular Structure & Dynamics 35 (2017), 2557–2564.

394) Z. Shafaei, O. Abazari, A. Divsalar, B. Ghalandari, A. Poursoleiman, A. A. Saboury and F. Ahmad, "Effect of a synthesized amyl-glycine1, 10-phenanthroline platinum nitrate on structure and stability of human blood carrier protein, albumin: Spectroscopic and modeling approaches", Journal of Fluorescence 27 (2017), 1829-1838.

395) H. Derakhshankhah, Z. Izadi, L. Alaei, A. Lotfabadi, A. A. Saboury, R. Dinarvand, A. Divsalar, A. Seyedarabi, E. Barzegari, and M. Evini, "Colon cancer and specific ways to deliver drugs to the large intestine", Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 10 (2017), 1317-1327.

396) T. Naderi-Joloudar, A. A. Saboury, M. Dehghan Shasaltaneh, S. Bahramikia, M. A. Ebrahimi and A. Ghasemi, "Inhibitory effect of safranal and crocin, two principle compounds of Crouus sativus, on fibrilization of lysozyme", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 14 (2017), 2407-2416.

397) V. Jafari Azad , S. Kasravi, H. Alizadeh Zaienabad, M. Memar Bashi Aval, A. A. Saboury, A. Rahimi, M. Falahati, "Probing the conformational changes and peroxidase-like activity of cytochrome c upon interaction with iron nanoparticles", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 12 (2017), 2565-2577.

398) P. S. Pourhosseini, R. Amani, A. A. Saboury, F. Najafi and M. Imani, "Micelles of polylactide (PLA) and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) triblock copolymers (LAn-EOm-LAn) as an insulin delivery system: Spectroscopic studies", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 14 (2017), 2637–2648.

399) M. Mahdavimehr, A. A. Meratan, M. Ghobeh, A. Ghasemi, A. A. Saboury and M. Nemat-Gorgani, "Inhibition of HEWL fibril formation by Taxifolin: mechanism of action", PLoS One .
12(11) (2017): e0187841. doi.org/10.1371/journal. pone.0187841

400) S. Rafiee; K. Asadollahi; G. H. Riazi, S. Ahmadian and A. A. Saboury, "Vitamin B12 Inhibits Tau Fibrillization via Binding to Cysteine Residues of Tau", ACS Chemical Neuroscience 8 (2017), 2676–2682.

401) F. Aliakbari, A. A. Shabani, H. Bardania, H. A. Eslampanah Seyedi, H. Mohammad-Beigi, A. Tayaranian Marvian, M. Nasouti, A. A. Vafaei, S. A. Shojaosadati, A. A. Saboury, G. Christiansen and D. Morshedi, "Neurotoxicity of pre-incubated alpha-synuclein with neutral nanoliposomes on PCl2 and SHSY5Y cell lines", Scientica Iranica F 24 (2017), 3542-3553.

402) G. Asghari, M. S. Atri, A. A. Saboury and M. Mohadjerani, ʺStudy of the interaction of Cinnamaldehyde with alpha-lactalbumin: spectroscopic and molecular docking investigationʺ, Biomacromolecular Journal 3 (2017), 123-132.

403) H. Nedaei, A. A. Saboury, Z. Zolmajd Haghighi and A. Ghasemi, "Nile red compensates for thioflavin T assay biased in the presence of curcumin",   Journal of Luminescence 195 (2018), 1-7.

404) A. Mansouri, M. Mousavi, F. Attar, A. A. Saboury and M. Falahati, "Interaction of manganese nanoparticle with cytochrome c: A multi-spectroscopy study", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 106 (2018), 78-86.

405) M. Fekri Noodeh, A. Divsalar, A. Seyedarabi and A. A. Saboury, "Antiproliferative and interaction studies of a synthesized Palladium(II) complex with human Hemoglobin", Journal of Molecular Liquids 249 (2018), 265-271.

406) F. Aliakbari, A. A. Shabani, H. Bardania, H. Mohammad-Beigi, A. Tayaranian Marvian, F. Dehghani Esmatabad, A. A. Vafaei, S. A. Shojaosadati, A. A. Saboury, G. Christiansen, Daniel E. Otzen and D. Morshedi, "Formulation and anti-neurotoxic activity of baicalein-incorporating neutral nanoliposome",  Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 161 (2018), 578-587.

407) M. Besharati Vineh, A. A. Saboury, A. Poostchi, A. M. Rashidi and K. Parivar, "Stability and activity improvement of horseradish peroxidase by covalent immobilization on functionalized reduced graphene oxide and biodegradation of high phenol concentration", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 106 (2018), 1314-1322.

408) S. Bagheri, R. Squitti, T. Haertlé, M.Siotto and A. A. Saboury, ʺRole of copper in the onset of Alzheimer's Disease compared to other metalsʺ, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 9: Article Number 446 (2018). doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2017.00446

409) F. Kazemi, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Structural analysis of the interaction between free, glycated and fructated hemoglobin with propolis nanoparticles: A spectroscopic study", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 109 (2018), 1329-1337.

410) Z. Seraj, A. Seyedarabi, A. A. Saboury, M. Habibi-Rezaei, S. Ahmadian and A. Ghasemi, "Unraveling the novel use of 'aroma' from small molecules in preventing hen egg white lysozyme fibril formation", PLoS One 13(1) (2018): e0189754. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. pone.0189754

411) A. Leilabadi-Asl, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and K. Parivar, "Probing the interaction of two chemotherapeutic drugs of Oxali-Palladium and 5-Fluorouracil simultaneously with milk carrier protein of β-lactoglobulin", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 112 (2018), 422-432.

412) R. Ghobadi, A. Divsalar, A. R. Harifi-Mood and A. A. Saboury, "Spectroscopic investigation of bovine liver catalase interactions with a novel phen-imidazole derivative of platinum", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 36 (2018), 656-662.

413) Z. Allahdad, M. Varidi, R. Zadmard and A. A. Saboury,  "Spectroscopic and docking studies on the interaction between caseins and beta-carotene", Food Chemistry 255 (2018), 187-196.

414) E. Kachooei, F. Mozaffarian, F. Khodagholi, P. Sadeghi, L. Karami, A. Ghasemi, E. Vahdat, A. A. Saboury, N. Sheibani and A. A.  Moosavi Movahedi, ʺPaclitaxel inhibits lysozyme fibrillation by increasing colloidal stability through formation of off-pathwayʺ, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 111 (2018), 870-879.

415) M. Teimouri, F. Khosravinejad, F. Attar, A. A. Saboury, I. Kostova, G. Benelli and M. Falahati, "Gold nanoparticles fabrication by plant extracts: synthesis, characterization, degradation of 4-nitrophenol from industrial wastewater, and insecticidal activity – A review", Journal of Cleaner Production 184 (2018), 740-753.

416) M. Besharati Vineh, A. A. Saboury, A. Poostchi and L. Mamani, "Physical adsorption of horseradish peroxidase on reduced graphene oxide nanosheets functionalized by amine: A good system for biodegradation of high phenol concentration in wastewaterʺ, International Journal of Environmental Research  12 (2018), 45–57.

417 M. Haghighi, Z. Emam-Djomeh, M. S. Yarmand, M. Rafiee-Tehrani, A. A. Saboury, D. J. McClements, "Design and fabrication of pectin-coated nanoliposomal delivery systems for a bioactive polyphenolic: Phloridzin", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 112 (2018), 626-637.

418) L. Shahriyary, G. Riazi, M. R. Lornejad, M. Ghezlou, B. Bigdeli, B. Delavari, F. Mamashli, S. Abbasi, J. Davoodi and  A. A. Saboury, "Effect of glycated insulin on the blood-brain barrier permeability: An in vitro study", Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 647 (2018), 54-66.

419) S. Farhadian, B. Shareghi, . Momeni, O. K. Abou-Zied , V. A. Sirotkin, M. Tachiya, A. A. Saboury, "Insights into the molecular interaction between sucrose and α-chymotrypsin", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 114 (2018), 950-960.

420) A. Nocentini, S. Bua, S. Del Prete, Y. Entezari Heravi, A. A. Saboury, A. Karioti, F. Carta, A. Rita Bilia, C. Capasso, P. Gratteri and C. T. Supuran, "Natural polyphenols selectively inhibit β-carbonic anhydrase from dandruff-producing fungus Malassezia globosa: activity and modelling study", ChemMedChem 13 (2018),  816-823.

421) M. Bayat, H.  Gourabi, A.  khammari, F.  Ahmad and A. A. Saboury, "A comparative study of structure, stability and function of sc-tenecteplase in the presence of stabilizing osmolytes", Journal of Biotechnology, 280 (2018), 1-10.

422) S. Nourizadeh, A. Divsalar, M. Fekri, B. Ghalandari, M. Eslami-Moghadam, A. A. Saboury and S. Abbasi, "Multiple spectroscopic, docking and cytotoxic study of a synthesized 2,2′ bipyridin phenyl isopentylglycin Pt(II) Nitrate complex: Human serum albumin and breast cancer cell line of MDA-MB231 as targets", Journal of Fluorescence 28 (2018), 551-559.

423) R. Ghobadi, A. Divsalar, A. R. Harifi Mood, A. A. Saboury and M. Eslami-Moghadam,, "How a promising anti-cancer derivative of palladium consisting phen-imidazole ligand affects bovine liver catalase functionality", Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 364 (2018), 288-296.

424) H. Nedaei, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Meratan, L, Karami, L. Sawyer, B. Kaboudin, N. Jooyan and A. Ghasemi, "Polyphenolic self-association accounts for redirecting a high-yielding amyloid aggregation", Journal of Molecular Liquids 266 (2018), 291-298.

425) F. Isfahani, D. Ajloo, A. Kanaani and A. A. Saboury, "Photochromic properties of an anthraquinone derivative in the presence of human serum albumin", Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 205 (2018), 298-311.

426) E. Poorakbar, A.  Shafiee, A. A. Saboury, B. Lame Rad, K.  Khoshnevisan, H.  Derakhshankhah, M. R.  Ganjali, M.  Hosseini and L.a  Ma'mani,  "Synthesis of magnetic gold-mesoporous silica nanoparticles core shell to immobilize cellulase enzyme: enhancing Activity and thermal stability", Process Biochemistry 71 (2018), 92-100.

427) L. Momeni, B. Shareghi, S. Farhadian, S. Vaziri, A. A. Saboury and F. Raisi, "A molecular simulation and spectroscopic approach to the binding affinity between trypsin and 2-propanol and protein conformation", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 119 (2018), 477-485.

428) A. Lotfabadi, M. J. Hajipour, H. Derakhshankhah, A. Peirovi, S. Saffar, E. Shams, E. Fatemi, E. Barzegari, S. Sarvari, F. Moakedi, F. Atyabi, M. Ferdousi, A. A. Saboury and R. Dinarvand, "Biomolecular Corona Dictates Aβ Fibrillation Process", ACS Chemical Neuroscience 9 (2018), 1725-1734.

429) S. Abbasi, S. Gharaghani, A.  Benvidi, M. Rezaeinasab and A. A. Saboury, ʺAn in-depth view of the potential dual effect of thymol in inhibiting xanthine oxidase activity: Electrochemical measurements in combination with four-way PARAFAC analysis and molecular docking insightsʺ, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 119 (2018), 1298-1310 .

430) F. Mamashli, J. Badraghi, B. Delavari, H. Lanjanian, M. Sabbaghian, M. Hosseini and A. A. Saboury, ʺImprovement of versatile peroxidase activity and stability by a cholinium-based ionic liquidʺ, Journal of Molecular Liquids 272 (2018), 597-608.

431)  E. Pourfakhraei, J. Badraghi, F. Mamashli, M. Nazari and A. A. Saboury, "Biodegradation of asphaltene and petroleum compounds by a highly potent Daedaleopsis sp", Journal of Basic Microbiology 58 (2018), 609-622.

432) M. Nouri, N. Esfahanizadeh, M. Ghofrani Shahpar, F. Attar, N. Sartipnia, K. Akhtari, A. A. Saboury and M. Falahati, "Cobalt oxide nanoparticles mediate tau denaturation and cytotoxicity against PC-12 cell line", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 118 (2018) 1763–1772.

433) M. Ghaeidamini, A. N. Kharat, T. Haertlé, F. Ahmad and A. A. Saboury, ʺβ-Cyclodextrin-Modified Magnetic Nanoparticles Immobilized on Sepharose Surface Provide an Effective Matrix for Protein Refoldingʺ, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 122  (2018), 9907-9919.

434) B. Delavari, F. Mamashli, B. Bigdeli, A. Poursoleiman, L. Karami, Z. Zolmajd-Haghighi, A. Ghasemi, S. Samaei-Daryan, M. Hosseini, T. Haertlé, V. Muronetz, Ø. Halskau, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, B. Goliaei, A. Hossein Rezayan and A. A. Saboury, "α-Lactalbumin as a Carrier for Doxorubicin and Paclitaxel", Scientific Reports, 8 (2018), Article Number: 17345.

435) M. Eslami-Moghadam, S. Hosseini, M. Saeidifar and A. A. Saboury, "Biological effect and molecular docking studies of two anticancer palladium and platinum complexes of morpholine dithiocarbamate on human serum albumin as blood carrier protein", Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 96 (2018), 1276-1285.

436) A. Leilabadi-Asl, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and K. Parivar, "Comparing the interactions and structural changes in milk carrier protein of -lactoglobulin upon binding of 5-Fluorouracil and oxali-palladium", Biomacromolecular Journal 4 (2018), 28-34.

437) M. Amiri, D. Ajloo, M. Fazli, A. Mokhtarieh, G. Grivani and A. A. Saboury, "Spectroscopic, electrochemical, docking and molecular dynamics studies on the interaction of three oxovanadium (IV) Schiff base complexes with bovine serum albumin and their cytotoxicity against cancer", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 36 (2018), 3753-3772.

438) S. Mirzaei, Z. Hadadi, F. Attar, S. Elaheh Mousavi,S. Sh.  Zargar, A. Tajik, A. A. Saboury, S. M. Rezayat and M. Falahati, "ROS-Mediated heme degradation and cytotoxicity induced by iron nanoparticles: Hemoglobin and lymphocyte cells as targets", Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 36 (2018), 4235-4245.

439) S. Khorramian, M. Seidifar, A. Zamanian and A. A. Saboury, "Synthesis and characterization of biocompatible ferrofluid based on magnetite nanoparticles and its effect on immunoglobulin G as an immune protein", Journal of Molecular Liquids 273 (2019), 326-338.

440) Z. Allahdad, M. Varidi, R. Zadmard, A. A. Saboury and T. Haertlé, "Binding of β-carotene to whey proteins: Multi-spectroscopic techniques and docking studies", Food Chemistry, 277 (2019), 96-106.

441) M. Sharifi, M. R. Avadi, F. Attar, F. Dashtestani, H. Ghorchian, S. M. Rezayat, A. A. Saboury and M. Falahati, "Cancer diagnosis using nanomaterials based electrochemical nanobiosensors", Biosensors and Bioelectronics 126 (2019), 773-784.

442) M. Hosseini Koupaei, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury, F. Davar, V. A. Sirotkin, M. H.  Hosseini Koupaei and Z. Enteshari, "Catalytic Activity, Structure and Stability of Proteinase K in the Presence of Biosynthesized CuO Nanoparticles", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 122 (2019), 732-744.

443) S. Jafari, H. Derakhshankhah, L. Alaei, A. Fattahi, B. Shiri Varnamkhasti and A. A. Saboury, "Mesoporous silica nanoparticles for therapeutic/diagnostic applications", Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 109 (2019), 1100-1111

444) P. Mehdizadeh, S. S. Hashemi-Fesharaki, M. Nouri, M. Ale-Ebrahim, K. Akhtari, K. Shahpasand, A. A. Saboury and M. Falahati, "Tau folding and cytotoxicity of neuroblastoma cells in the presence of manganese oxide nanoparticles: Biophysical, molecular dynamics, cellular, and molecular studies", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 125 (2019), 674-682.

445) F. Attar, M. Ghofrani Shahpar, B. Rasti, M. Sharifi, A. A. Saboury, S. M. Rezayat and M. Falahati, "Nanozymes with intrinsic peroxidase-like activities", Journal of Molecular Liquids 278 (2019), 130-144.

446) S. Zolghadri, A. Bahrami, M. T. Hassan Khan, J. Munoz-Munoz, F. Garcia-Molina4, F. Garcia-Canovas and A. A. Saboury, "A comprehensive review on tyrosinase inhibitors", Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 34 (2019), 279-309.

447) M. Hajimohammadjafartehrani, S. Haji Hosseinali, A. Dehkohne, P. Ghoraeian, M. Ale-Ebrahim, K. Akhtari, K. Shahpasand, A. A. Saboury, F. Attar and M. Falahati, "The effects of nickel oxide nanoparticles on Tau protein and neuron-like cells", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 127 (2019), 330-339.

448) S. Meknatkhah, P. Sharif Dashti, M. S. Mousavi, A. Zeynali, Sh. Ahmadian, S. Karima, A. A. Saboury and G. H. Riazi, ʺPsychological stress effects on myelin degradation in the cuprizone-induced model of demyelinationʺ, Neuropathology 39 (2019), 14-21.

449) A. Fardanesh, S. Zibaie, B. Shariati, F. Attar, F. Rouhollah, K. Akhtari, K. Shahpasand, A. A. Saboury and  M. Falahati, "Amorphous aggregation of Tau in the presence of titanium dioxide nanoparticles: Biophysical, computational and cellular studies", International Journal of Nanomedicine 14 (2019), 901-911.

450)  F. Kazemi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and A. Seyedarabi, "Propolis nanoparticles prevent the structural changes in human hemoglobin during glycation and fructation", Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 177 (2019), 188-195.

451) M. Sharifi, S. Haji Hosseinali, A. A. Saboury, E. Szegezde and M. Falahati "Involvement of planned cell death of necroptosis in cancer treatment by nanomaterials: Recent advances and future perspectives", Journal of Controlled Release 299 (2019), 121-137.

452) H. Derakhshankhah, N. Hosseini, F. Taghavi, S. Jafari, A. Lotfabadi, M. R. Ejtehadi, S. Shahbazi, A. Fattahi, A. Ghasemi, E. Barzegari, M. Evini, A. A. Saboury, S. M. Kamali Shahri, B. Ghaemi, Eng-poh Ng, H. Awala, F. Omrani, I. Nabipour, M. Raoufi, R. Dinarvand, K. Shahpasand, S. Mintova, M. J. Hajipour and M. Mahmoudi, "Molecular interaction of fibrinogen with zeolite nanoparticles", Scientific Reports 9 (2019), Article Number: 1558.

453) M. Bayat, L. Karami, H.  Gourabi, F.  Ahmad, K. Dormiani, M. H. Nasr Esfahani and A. A. Saboury, "Stabilizing osmolytes' effects on the structure, stability and function of tc-tenecteplase: A one peptide bond digested form of tenecteplase", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 130 (2019), 863-877.

454) M. Falahati, F. Attar, M. Sharifi, T. Haertle, J.-F. Berret, R. H. Khan, A. A. Saboury,  "A health concern regarding the protein corona, aggregation and disaggregation", Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects 1863 (2019), 971-991.

455) S. Sadeghi-kaji, B. Shareghi, S. Farhadian  and A. A. Saboury, "Spectroscopic and molecular docking studies on the interaction between spermidine and pancreatic elastase", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 131 (2019), 473-483.

456) A. Poursoleiman, M. H. Karimi-Jafari, Z. Zolmajd-Haghighi, M. Bagheri, T. Haertlé, G. Rezaei Behbehani, A. Ghasemi, Y. Y. Stroylova, V.I. Muronetz and  A. A. Saboury, ʺPolymyxins interaction to the human serum albumin: A thermodynamic and computational studyʺ, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 217 (2019), 155-163.

457) N. Babaknejad, B. Shareghi and A. A. Saboury, "Spectroscopic investigations on the interaction between cadmium telluride semiconductor nanoparticle and bovine alkaline phosphatase", Spectroscopy Letters 52 (2019), 81-90.

458) S. Sadeghi-kaji, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury, S. Farhadian  and R. Hemmati, "A molecular investigation into the interaction of SiO2 nanoparticles with elastase by multispectroscopic techniques and kinetic studies ", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 134 (2019), 216-222.

459) F. Mamashli, J. Badraghi, B. Delavari, H. Lanjanian, M. Sabbaghian, M. Hosseini and A. A. Saboury, ʺHydrated urea-based deep eutectic solvent as a suitable co-solvent for versatile peroxidaseʺ, Journal of Solution Chemistry 48 (2019), 689-701.


460) S. Sadeghi-kaji, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury and S. Farhadian, "Investigation on the structure and function of porcine pancreatic elastase (PPE) under the influence of putrescine: A spectroscopy and molecular simulation study", Journal of Molecular Liquids 289 (2019),  Article No. 111115.

461) B. Ghalandari, A. Poursoleiman, M. Fekri, A. Komeili, A. Divsalar, M. Eslami-Moghadam, S. K. Kamrava and A. A. Saboury, "Biological evaluations of new designed Pt(II) and Pd(II) complexes using spectroscopic and molecular docking approaches: Human serum albumin and human colorectal cancer cell line as targets", Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 37 (2019), 3422-3433.

462) S. Ghannadi, H. Abdizadeh, M. Miroliaei and A. A. Saboury, "Immobilization of alcohol dehydrogenase on titania nanoparticles to enhance enzyme stability and remove substrate inhibition in the reaction of formaldehyde to methanol", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58 (2019), 9844-9854.

463) M. Sharifi, F. Attar, A. A. Saboury, K. Akhtari, N. Hooshmand, A. Hasan,  M. A. El-Sayed and M. Falahati, "Plasmonic gold nanoparticles: Optical manipulation, imaging, drug delivery and therapy", Journal of Controlled Release 311-312 (2019), 170-189.

464) P. Eskandari, B. Bigdeli, M. Porgham Daryasari, H. Baharifar, B. Bazri, M. Shourian, A.Amani, A. Sadighi, B. Goliaei, M. Khoobi, J. Shen and A. A. Saboury, ʺGold-Capped mesoporous silica nanoparticles as an excellent enzyme-responsive nanocarrier for controlled doxorubicin deliveryʺ, Journal of Drug Targeting, 27 (2019), 1084-1093.

465) F. Aliakbari, S. Haji Hosseinali, Z. Khalili Sarokhani, K. Shahpasdand, A. A. Saboury, K. Akhtari and M. Falahati, "Reactive oxygen species generated by titanium oxide nanoparticles stimulate the hemoglobin denaturation and cytotoxicity against human lymphocyte cell", Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 37 (2019), 4875-4881.

466) S. Bagheri, A. A. Saboury and T. Haertle, "Adenosine deaminase inhibition", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 141 (2019), 1246-1257.

467) B. Delavari, B. Bigdeli, F. Mamashli, B. Bazri, M. Khoobi, A. Ghasemi, H. Baharifar, S. Dehghani, E. Gholibegloo, A. Amani, N. Riahi Alam, Sh. Ahmadian, B. Goliaei, N. S. Aslik, A. H. Rezayan, A. A. Saboury and P. Varamini, "Theranostic α-lactalbumin-polymer based nanocomposite as a drug delivery carrier for cancer therapy", ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 5 (2019), 5189-5208.

468) M. J. Sohrabi, A. R. Dehpou, F. Attar, A. Hasan, N. Mohammad-Sadeghi, A. A. Meratan, F. M. Aziz, A. Salihi, M. S. Shekha, K. Akhtari, K. Shahpasand, S. M. M. Hojjati, M. Sharifi, A. A. Saboury, S. M. Rezayat, S. E. Mousavi and M. Falahati, "Silymarin-albumin nanoplex: Preparation and its potential application as an antioxidant in nervous system in vitro and in vivo", International Journal of Pharmaceutics 572 (2019), 118824.

469) A. Najaran, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and N. Hayati Roodbari, "Probing the interaction of newly synthesized Pt(II) complex on human serum albumin using competitive binding site markers", Journal of Fluorescence 29 (2019), 827–835.

470) A. Hekmat and A. A. Saboury, "Structural effects of the syntheticcobalt–manganese-zinc ferrite nanoparticles (Co0.3Mn0.2Zn0.5Fe2O4 NPs) on DNA and its Antiproliferative Effect on T47Dcells", BioNanoScience 9 (2019),821–832.

471) P. Ashoo, R. Yousefi, S. M. Nabavizadeh, M. D. Aseman, S. Paziresh, A. Ghasemi and A. A. Saboury, "Three Pt-Pt Complexes with Donor-Acceptor Feature: Anticancer Activity, DNA Binding Studies and Molecular Docking Simulation", Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 19 (2019), 1762-1774.

DOI: 10.2174/1871520619666190702114211 

472) E. Amin, A. A. Saboury, H. Mansuri-Torshizi and S. Zolghadri, "Inhibition properties and thermodynamic changes of binding of p-perazine-bis and p-peridine dithiocarbamate sodium salts to mushroom tyrosinase", Iranian  Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 38 (2019), 127-136.

473) H. Keshmiri-Neghab, B. Goliaei, A. A. Saboury, G. Esmaeeli Djavid, M. Pornour and M. Grusch, "Modulation of cardiac optogenetics by vitamin A", Biofactors 45 (2019), 983-990.

474) N. Babaknejad, B. Shareghi and A. A. Saboury, "Study of alkaline phosphatase interaction with putrescine using multi-spectroscopic and docking methods", Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 185 (2020), 110509.

475) M. Falahati, F. Attar, M. Sharifi, A. A. Saboury, A. Salihi, F. M Aziz, I. Kostova, C. Burda, P. Priecel, J. A Lopez-Sanchez, S. Laurent, N. Hooshmand and M. A El-Sayed, "Gold nanomaterials as key suppliers in biological and chemical sensing, catalysis, and medicine", Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects 1864 (2020), 129435.

476) M. Mohammadi, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury and S. Farhadian, "Spermine as a possible endogenous allosteric activator of carboxypeptidase A: multispectroscopic and molecular simulation studies", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 38 (2020), 101-113.

477) M. Sharifi, M. J. Sohrabi, S. Haji Hosseinali, P. Hashemi Kani, A. Jouya Talaei, A. Hasan, A. K. Yasin Karim, N. M. Qadir Nanakali, A. Salihi, F. M. Aziz, B. Yan, R. H. Khan, A. A. Saboury and M. Falaha, "Enzyme immobilization onto the nanomaterials:Application in enzyme stability and prodrug-activated cancer therapy", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 143 (2020), 665-676.

478) S. Sadeghi-Kaji, B. Shareghi and A. A. Saboury and S. Farhadian, "Spermine as a porcine pancreatic elastase activator: Spectroscopic and molecular simulation studies", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 38 (2020), 78-88.

479) S. Sadeghi-Kaji, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury and S. Farhadian, "Investigating the interaction of porcine pancreatic elastase and propanol: A spectroscopy and molecular simulation study", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 146 (2020), 687-691.

480) S. Moradi, , B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury and S. Farhadian, "Investigation on the interaction of acid phosphatase (sweet potato) with putrescine using docking, simulations methods and multispectroscopic techniques", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 150 (2020), 90-101.

481) M. Sharif, S. Haji Hosseini, R. H. Alizadeh, A. Hasan, F. Attar, A. Salihi, M. Sabir Shekha, K. M Amen, F. M. Aziz, A. A. Saboury,  K. Akhtari, A. Taghizadeh, N. Hooshmand, M. EL-sayed and M. Falahati, "Plasmonic and chiroplasmonic nanobiosensors based on gold nanoparticles in medical diagnostic", Talanta 212 (2020), 120782.

482) Z. Dehghani, A. A. Meratan, A. A. Saboury and M. Nemat-Gorgani"a-Synuclein fibrilation products trigger the release of hexokinase I from mitochondria: Protection by curcumin, and possible role in pathogenesis of Parkinson's desease", Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1862 (2020), 183251.

483) M. Mohammadi, B. Shareghi and A. A. Saboury, "Comparative studies on the interaction of spermidine with carboxypeptidase a using multispectroscopic and docking methods", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 147 (2020), 821-831.

484) N. Fatahian Kolhar, M. Saeidifar, H. Ramshini and A. A. Saboury, "Interaction, cytotoxicity and sustained release assessment of a novel anti-tumor agent using bovine serum albumin nanocarrier", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 38 (2020), 2546-2558.

485) N. Moradian, H. D. Ochs, C. Sedikies, M. R. Hamblin, C. A. Camargo, J A. Martinez, J. D. Biamonte, M. Abdollahi, P. J. Torres, J. J. Nieto, S. Ogino, J. F. Seymour, A. Abraham, V. Cauda, S. Gupta, S. Ramakrishna, F. W. Sellke, A. Sorooshian, A. Wallace Hayes, M. Martinez-Urbistondo, M. Gupta, L. Azadbakht, A. Esmaillzadeh, R. Kelishadi, A. Esteghamati, Z. Emam-Djomeh, R. Majdzadeh, P. Palit, H. Badali, I. Rao, A. A. Saboury, L. J. Mohan Rao, H. Ahmadieh, A. Montazeri, G. Paolo Fadini, D. Pauly, S. Thomas, A. A. Moosavi-Movahed, A. Aghamohammadi, M. Behmanesh, V. Rahimi-Movaghar, S. Ghavami, R. Mehran, L. Q. Uddin, M. Von Herrath, B. Mobasher and N. Rezaei, "The Urgent Need of Integrated Science to Fight COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond", Journal of Translational Medicine 18 (2020), 205 (Page 1-7).

486) Z. Allahdad, A. Khammari, L. Karami, A. Ghasemi, V. Sirotkin, T. Haertle and A. A. Saboury, " Binding studies of crocin to β-lactoglobulin and its impact on both components", Food Hydrocolloids 108 (2020), 106003.

487) M. Sharifi, A. Yasin Karim, N. M. Qadir Nanakali, A. Salihi, F. M. Aziz, J. Hong ,R. H. Khan, A. A. Saboury, A. Hasan, O. K. Abou-Zied and M. Falahati, "Strategies for enzyme immobilization on nanomatrix supports and intracellular delivery of enzymes", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 38 (2020), 2746–2762.

488) O. Abazari, Z. Shafaei, A. Divsalar, M. Eslami-Moghadm, B. Ghalandari, A. A. Saboury and A. Moradi, "Interaction of the synthesized anticancer compound of the methyl‑glycine 1,10‑phenanthroline platinum nitrate with human serum albumin and human hemoglobin proteins by spectroscopy methods and molecular docking", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 17 (2020), 1601-1614.

489) Z. Allahdad, M. Varidi, R. Zadmard, T. Haertlé , L. Sawyer and A. A. Saboury, "Efficiency of milk proteins in eliminating practical limitations of β-carotene in aqueous systems", Food Chemistry 330 (2020), 127218.

490) T. Nematian, A. Shakeri, Z. Salehi and A. A. Saboury, "Lipase immobilized on functionalized superparamagnetic few-layer graphene oxide as an efcient nanobiocatalyst for biodiesel production from Chlorella vulgaris bio-oil", Biotechnolgy Biofuels 13 (2020) 57.

491) S. S. Jafaripour, S. Gharaghani, E. Nazarshodeh, S. Haider and A. A. Saboury, "In silico drug repositioning of FDA-approved drugs to predict new inhibitors for alpha-synuclein aggregation", Computational Biology and Chemistry 88 (2020), 107308.

492) F. Fateminasab, A. K. Bordbar, S. Shityakov and A. A. Saboury, "Molecular insights into inclusion complex formation between β- and γ-cyclodextrins and rosmarinic acid", Journal of Molecular Liquids 314 (2020), 113802.

493) E. Poorakbar, A. A. Saboury, B. Lame Rad and K.  Khoshnevisan, "Immobilization of cellulase onto core‑shell magnetic gold nanoparticles functionalized by aspartic acid and determination of its activity", The Protein Journal 39 (2020), 328-336.

494) H. Akrami, B. F. Mirjalili, O. Firuzi, A. Hekmat, A. A. Saboury, R. Miri, O. Sabzevari, M. Pirali-Hamedani, F. Jeivad, S. Moghimi, S. Emami, A. Foroumadi, and M. Khoobi "Cytotoxic activity and DNA binding property of new aminopyrimidine derivatives", Letters in Drug Design & Discovery 17 (2020), 640-654.

495) F. Fateminasab, A. K. Bordbar, S. Shityakov and A. A. Saboury, "Comprehensive physico-chemical characterization of serotonin inclusion complex with 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin", Journal of Solution Chemistry 49 (2020), 915-944.

496) M. Besharati Vineh, A. A. Saboury, A. Poostchi and A. Ghasemi, "Biodegradation of phenol and dyes with horseradish peroxidase covalently immobilized on functionalized RGO-SiO2 nanocompositeʺ, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 164 (2020), 4403-4414.

497) S. Moradi, B. Shareghi and A. A. Saboury, "Spectroscopic analysis of the interaction between Co3O4 nanoparticles and acid phosphatase", Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, 151 (2020), 637-647.

498) S. Jafari, A. A. Saboury, H. Tajerzadeh, P. Hayati, M. Dehghanian, F Pashaei Soorbaghi, M. Ghorbani,  V. Kashani and H. Derakhshankhah, "Optimization and development of drug loading in hydroxyapatite- polyvinyl alcohol nanocomposites via response surface modelling approach", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 17 (2020), 1141-1151.

499) B. S. Varnamkhasti,  S. Jafari, F. Taghavi, L. Alaei, Z. Izadi, A. Lotfabadi, M. Dehghanian, M. Jaymand, H. Derakhshankhah, A. A. Saboury, "Cell penetrating peptides: as a promising theranostics strategy to circumvent the blood-brain barrier for CNS diseases", "Current Drug Delivery, 17 (2020),375-386.

500) M. Saeidifar, R. Sabbaghzadeh, , H. Mansouri Torshizi and A. A. Saboury,  " Binding evaluation of human serum albumin and a Pd(II) bischelate complex bearing N,O- alanine and O,O-malonate ligands: synthesis, characterization, biological investigation and molecular docking ", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 18 (2021), 61-74.

501) N. Ghanbari, Z. Salehi, A. A. Khodadadi, M. A. Shokrgozar and A. A. Saboury, "Glucosamine-conjugated graphene quantum dots as versatile and pH-sensitive nanocarriers for enhanced delivery of curcumin targeting to breast cancer", Materials Science & Engineering C 121 (2021), 111809.

502) I. A. Zanyatkin, Y. U. Stroylova, A. K. Melnikova, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, T. Haertlé and V. I. Muronetz, ʺUnusual spiral structures formed by glycated b-casein in the presence of thioflavin T: amyloid transformation?ʺ, Mendeleev Communications 31 (2021), 73-75.

503) M. Mohammadi, B. shareghi, S. Farhadian and A. A. Saboury, "The effect of sorbitol on the structure and activity of carboxypeptidase A: Insights from a spectroscopic and computational approach", Journal of Molecular Liquids 330 (2021), 115710.

504) N. Ghanbari, Z. Salehi, A. A. Khodadadi, M. A. Shokrgozar, A. A. Saboury and F. Farzaneh, "Tryptophan-functionalized graphene quantum dots with enhanced curcumin loading capacity and pH-sensitive release", Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 61 (2021), 102137.

505) Z. Shams, A. Divsalar, B. Ghalandari, F. Sanginabadi, A. A. Saboury and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "Protein interaction and in vitro cytotoxicity studies of newly designed palladium (II) nitrate complexes: spectrochemical, theoretical and biological assessments", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 18 (2021), 873-886.

506) H. Nedaei and A. A. Saboury, "Triton™ X-100 behaves similarly to tyrosine-containing and tryptophan-free proteins in UV-Vis spectroscopy", Physical Chemistry Research 9 (2021), 253-260.

507) F. Azarakhsh, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and A. Eidi, "Simultaneous delivery of oxali-palladium and Iron nanoparticles by β-Casein ", Journal of Molecular Liquids 333 (2021), 115999.

508) A. Hasan, B. Ahamad Paray, A. Hussain, F. Ali Qadir, F. Attar, F. Mohammad Aziz, M. Sharifi, H. Derakhshankhah, B. Rasti, M. Mehrabi, K. Shahpasand, A. A. Saboury and M. Falahati, "A review on the cleavage priming of the spike protein on coronavirus by angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 and furin", Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 39 (2021), 3025-3033.

509)  F. Kazemi, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Binding interaction of glycated, fructated and native human hemoglobin with bulk propolis", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science 45 (2021), 785-793.

510) L. Alaei, Z. Izadi, S. Jafari, F. Jahanshahi, M. Jaymand, P. Mohammadi, B. Ahamad Paray, A. Hasan, M. Falahati, B. Shiri Varnamkhasti, A. A. Saboury, Z. Moosavi-Nejad, M. Sheikh-Hosseini and H. Derakhshankhah, "Irreversible thermal inactivation and conformational lock of alpha glucosidase", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 39 (2021), 3256–3262.

511) S. Bagheri and A. A. Saboury, "Hypothesis of using albumin to improve drug efficacy in cancers accompanied by hypoalbuminemia", Xenobiotica 51 (2021), 778–785.

512) S. Moradi, S. Farhadian, B. Shareghi and A. A. Saboury, "Molecular aspects of the interaction of acid phosphatase with TiO2 Nanoparticles: Kinetic and multispectroscopic studies", Journal of Molecular Structure, 1245 (2021), 131268.

513) S. Bagheri and A. A. Saboury, "What role do metals play in Alzheimer's disease?", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 18 (2020), 2199-2213.

514) H. Keshmiri-Neghab, M. H. Soheilifar, A. A. Saboury, B. Goliaei, J. Hong, and G. Esmaeeli Djavid, "Optogenetic stimulation of primary cardiomyocyte expressed ChR2",  Journal of Laser in Medical Sciences 12 (2021), e32.

515) E. Darvishi · Z. Shekarbeygi · S. Yousefinezhad · Z. Izadi · A. A. Saboury · H. Derakhshankhah · B. S. Varnamkhasti "Green synthesis of nanocarbon dots using hydrothermal carbonization of lysine amino acid and its application in detection of duloxetine", Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 18 (2021), 2863-2872.

516) M. Rahban, A. Stanek, A. Hooshmand, Y. Khamineh, S. Ahi, S. N. Kazim, F. Ahmad, V. Muronetz, M. Samy Abousenna, S. Zolghadri and A. A. Saboury, "Infection of human cells by SARS CoV-2 and molecular overview on gastrointestinal, neurological and hepatic problems in COVID-19 patients", Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (2021), 4802.

517) S. Ashkevarian, J. Badraghi, F. Mamashli, B. Delavari and A. A. Saboury, "Covalent immobilization and characterization of Rhizopus oryzae lipase on core-shell cobalt ferrite nanoparticles for biodiesel production", Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 37 (2021), 128-136.

518) H. Khabbaz, M. H. Karimi-Jafari, A. A. Saboury and B. BabaAli, ʺPrediction of antimicrobial peptides toxicity based on their physico-chemical properties using machine learning techniquesʺ, BMC Bioinformatics 22 (2021), 549.

519) F. Toosi-Moghdam, M. Khoobi, A. A. Saboury, Z. Allahdad, A. Khammari, A. Seyedarabi, L. Karami, A. Ghasemi and L. Saso "Binding of α-Lipoic acid to human serum albumin: Spectroscopic and Molecular modeling studies", Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, 152 (2021), 1589-1602.

520) N. Tavakoli, A. Divsalar, T. Haertle, L. Sawyer,  A. A. Saboury and V. Muronetz, Design of milk protein-based delivery systems for the cancer treatment, Journal of Nanostructure Chemistry 11 (2021). 483-500.

521) S. Moradi, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury and S. Farhadian, "Evaluation of the effect of MnFe2O4 nanoparticles on the activity parameters and stability of acid phosphatase", Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, 152 (2021), 175-184.

522) S. Moradi, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury and S. Farhadian, "The influence of Cadaverine on the structure, stability, and activity of acid phosphatase", Journal of Molecular Structure 1247 (2022), 131372.

523) A. Zare-Karizak, A. Divsalar, A. Leilabadi-Asl, F. Fateminasab, S. Shityakov, and A. A. Saboury, ʺMolecular insights into the interaction of 5-fluorouracil and Fe3O4 nanoparticles with beta-casein: An experimental and theoretical studyʺ, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 267 (2022), 120538.

524) S. Bagheri, A. A. Saboury, T. Haertle, M. Rongioletti and L. saso, "Probable reasons of neuron copper deficiency in the brain of patients with Alzheimer's disease: The complex role of amyloid", Inorganics 10 (2022), 6.

525) E. Shokri, M. Hosseini, M. Naderi Boldaji, K. Shahsavar, A. Amiri-Sadeghan, N. Nasiri, D. Chang, Y. Li, M. R. Ganjali and A. A. Saboury, "A Novel DNA /hemin complex with enzyme-like activity selected from a hairpin DNAs library at zero H2O2 concentration", Molecular Catalysis 519 (2022), 112156.

526) M. Mohammadi, B. shareghi, S. Farhadian and A. A. Saboury, "The interaction of xylitol with Carboxypeptidase A: the influence of xylitol on enzyme structure and activity", Journal of Molecular Structure 1250 (2022), 131877.

527) H. Keshmiri-Neghab, M. H. Soheilifar, M. Grusch, M. Marques Ortega, G. Esmaeeli Djavid, A. A. Saboury  and B. Goliaei, "The state of the art of biomedical applications of optogenetics", Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 54 (2022), 202-216. http://doi.org/10.1002/lsm.23463

528) A. Noruzi, B. Gholampour, S. Gholampour, S. Jafari, R. Farshid, A. Stanek and Ali Akbar Saboury, "Current and future perspectives on the COVID-19 Vaccine: A scientometric review", Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (2022), 750.

529) H. Nedaei,  N. Rezaei-Ghaleh, K. Giller, S. Becker, L. Karami, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, C. Griesinger and A. A. Saboury, "The Calcium-free form of Atorvastatin inhibits amyloid-β(1-42) aggregation in vitro", Journal of Biological Chemistry 298 (2022), 101662.

530) Z. Moeini, Z. Seraj, T. Zohoorian Abootorabi, M. Ashrafi-Kooshk, G. H. Riazi, A. A. Saboury and A. Seyedarabi, "Unravelling the novel effects of three volatile compounds in preventing fibril formation of disease related tau and α-synuclein protein- towards identifying candidate aromatic substances for treating neurodegenerative diseases", Frontiers in Pharmacology 13 (2022), 793727.

531) B. Gholampour, S. Gholampour, A. Noruzi, C. Arsenault, T. Haertle and A. A. Saboury, "Retracted articles in oncology in the last three decades: Frequency, reasons, and themes", Scientometrics 127  (2022), 1841–1865.

532) P. S. Pourhosseini, R. Ghasemi-Tabesh, M. Pirhaghi, S. Fayazzadeh, A. A. Saboury and F. Najafi, "Urathane-containing cationic gemini surfactants with amphiphilic tails: Novel near-neutral protein carriers with minor effects on insulin structure", Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 645 (2022), 128865.

533) F. Fateminasab, A. K. Bordbar, B. Asadi, S. Shityakov, A. Zare Karizak, I. Mohammadpoor-Baltork and A. A. Saboury, "Modified β-cyclodextrins: rosmarinic acid inclusion complexes as functional food ingredients show improved operations (solubility, stability and antioxidant activity)", Food Hydrocolloids, 131 (2022), 107731.

534) M. Soleimanpour, S. S. Mirhaji, S. Jafari, H. Derakhshankhah, F. Mamashli, H. Nedaei, M. R. Karimi, H. Motasadizadeh, Y. Fatahi, A. Ghasemi, M. S. Nezamtaheri, M. Khajezade, M. Teimouri, B. Goliaei, C. Delattre and A. A. Saboury, "Designing a new alginate-fibrinogen biomaterial composite hydrogel for wound healing" Scientific Reports 12 (2022), 7213.

535) M. Rahban, S. Zolghadri, N. Salehi, F. Ahmad, T. Haertlé, N. Rezaei-Ghaleh, L. Sawyer and A. A. Saboury, ʺThermal stability enhancement: fundamental concepts of protein engineering strategies to manipulate the flexible structureʺ, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 214 (2022), 642-654.

536) D. Atarod, F. Mamashli, A. Ghasemi, F. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. Pirhaghi, H. Nedaei, G. Riazi, V. Muronetz, T. Haertle, J. Tatzelt and A. A. Saboury, "Bivalent metal ions induce formation of α-Synuclein fibril polymorphs with different cytotoxicities", Scientific Reports, accepted 12 (2022), 11898.



01 09 2018 07:02

کد خبر : 10024266

تعداد بازدید : 131

A) Life Sciences and Chemistry

1) Gh. Habibi, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Thermodynamics of Pb2+ effects on human serum albumin", Journal of Environmental Sudies 23 (1998), 25-30.

2) S. Mansoury and A. A. Saboury, "Thermodynamics study on the effect of some osmolytes on the stability of glucose oxidase", Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engeenering 18 (2000), 5-10.

3) G. Ataie, F. Zenozi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, S. Safarian, M. Habibi-Rezaei, L. Gachkar and S. Mardanian, "A Thermodynamic and kinetic comparative study on the adenosine deaminase from intestine and spleen", Pejouhandeh 10 (2005), No. 44, 65-72.

4) R. Yousefi, M. S. Atri, M. Salami, A. Niasari-Naslaji, A. A. Saboury and A.A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Anti-cancer and antibacterial properties of proteins and peptides of milk", Razi 18, 1132-1137.

5) N. Gheibi and A. A. Saboury, "Inhibition of n-butyl, n-hexyl and n-octyl dithoicarbamate and some linear acides on the activity of mushroom tyrosinase", Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engeenering 28  (2009), 17-31.

6) A. Divsalar, J. Behroozi, A. A.  Saboury and N. Poursasan, ″Preservative effects of aspirin on human hemoglobin glycation in diabetic condition″, Armaghane-Danesh 18 (2013), 453-461.

7) Z. Esmaeilzaei, A. A. Saboury, H. Mansouri-Torshizi, M. Saeidifar and  A. Divsalar, ″Studies of the interaction of Ni (II) complexes bearing planar aromatic ligands with calf thymus DNA″, Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engeenering 32 (2014), 1-13.

8) A. Gholamian‚ A. Divsalar‚ M. Eslami-Moghadam‚ M. Saiedifar and A. A. Saboury, ″The effects of oxali-palladium on the function and structure of liver catalase″, Arak Medical University Journal 17 (2014), 40-49.

9) Kh Abbasi-Tejarag, A. Divsalar‚ A. A. Saboury, M. Eslami-Moghadam and N. Poursasan, ″In vitro study of oxali-palladium effect on human hemoglobin″, Journal of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences 16 (2014), 110-119.

10) A. Divsalar, J. Behroozi and A. A.  Saboury, ″Investigating the synergic effect of Bee venom and aspirin on inhibition of glycation in diabetic conditions″, Quarterly Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences 21 (2014), 482-492.

11) A. Divsalar, J. Behroozi and A. A.  Saboury, ″Preventing Human Hemoglobin Glycation Via Bee Venom″, Medical Journal of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and Health Services 36 (2014), 10-17

12) M. Moradi, A. Divsalar, M. Saeidifar, A. A.  Saboury and M. Tahmaseb, ″In vitro studying of deferasirox side effects on the structure and the function of bovine liver catalase″, Journal of Fasa University of Medical Sciences 4 (2014), 258-267.

13) U. Sahebi, A, Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, ″Investigating the human hemoglobin fructation in the presence of propolis in vitro″, Feyz (Journal of Kashan University of Medical Sciences) 18 (2015), 553-563.

14) S. Noorizadeh, A. Divsalar, M. Eslami-Moghaddam and A. A.  Saboury, "A structural study on the interaction of the anti-cancer compound of Platinum complex with human serum albumin", Nova Biologica Reperta 2(2016): 250-259.

15) H. Keshmiri-Neghab, B. Goliaei, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Overview on differential scanning calorimetry applications for early stage of cancers: Brief report", Tehran University Medical Journal 74  (2016),  371-375.

16) M. Mazaheri, A. A. Saboury, M. Habibi-Rezaei, M. Farhadi and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Curcumin, a molecule with multiple forces and biological modulators",  Iranian Journal of Nutrition Sciences & Food Technology 12 (2017), 121-132.

17) S. Zolghadri and A. A. Saboury, "Effects of PEGylated silver nanoparticles on the structure, function and concentrations of different forms of hemoglobin",  Research on Medicine 42 (2018), 79-85.

18) A. Mameshli, A. A. Saboury, S. H. Moghadmnia and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A look to the convergence of modern and traditional medicine", Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine 11 (2020), 263-272.

19) F. Azadimanesh, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Investigation on the physico-chemical and anticancer properties of nano oxalli-palladium using aqueous extract of silybum marianum", Nanomeghyas 8 (2021), 80-88.

20) S. Kialashaki, H. Ghanbari, A. A. Saboury and H. Derakhshankhah, "The Size Effect of Fe Nanoparticles on Hen Egg-White Lyzozyme Structure and Activity", Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engeenering, in press (2022).


B) Scientometry Articles

1) A. A. Saboury, "Research report status of Iran in 2002", Rahyaft (Science Policy Quarterly) 28 (2003), 87-95.

2) A. A. Saboury, "Standardizing scientific journals and the criteria for evaluation of ISI", Rahyaft (Science Policy Quarterly) 29 (2003), 83-88.

3) A. A. Saboury, "Application of journal impact factor in  ISI journals ranking", Rahyaft (Science Policy Quarterly) 30 (2003), 72-78.

4) A. A. Saboury, "A survey on science production in 2003", Rahyaft (Science Policy Quarterly) 31 (2003), 21-23.

5) A. A. Saboury, "Middle eastern nations making their mark", Rahyaft (Science Policy Quarterly) 31 (2003), 90-93.

6) A. A. Saboury, "Promotion on science production in South Korea", Rahyaft (Science Policy Quarterly) 32 (2004), 58-64.

7) A. A. Saboury, "Ranking of Science in USA", Rahyaft (Science Policy Quarterly) 33 (2004), 49-58.

8) A. A. Saboury and N. Poursasan, "Science production in 2004", Rahyaft (Science Policy Quarterly) 34 (2005), 60-66.

9) A. A. Saboury, " Evaluation of the Iranian Journals indexed in the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI)", Rahyaft (Science Policy Quarterly) 36 (2005), 52-62.

10) A. A. Saboury and N. Poursasan, "Science production in Iran 2005", Rahyaft (Science Policy Quarterly) 37 (2006), 49-52.

11) A. A. Saboury, "Science production in Iran 2006", Rahyaft (Science Policy Quarterly) 38 (2006), 40-45.

12) A. A. Saboury, "Iran science production in 2007", Rahyaft (Science Policy Quarterly) 41 (2007), 35-40.

13) A. A. Saboury, "Iran science production in 2008", Rahyaft (Science Policy Quarterly) 43 (2008), 21-31.

14) A. A. Saboury, "Documentary production on humanities and social sciences", Pazhuhesh va Hawzeh  36 (2009), 95-130.

15) S. Naderi-Jolodar, K. Koosha and A. A. Saboury, "Quality assesment of the articles written by Iranian scholars in social sceines published in ISI: Indexed journals by their impact factors", Informology 7 (2009), 20-38.

16) A. A. Saboury, "Iran science production in 2009", Science Cultivation  1 / No. 1 (2011), 6-10.

17) S. Naderi-Jolodar and A. A. Saboury, "30 Years in science: Secular movements in knowledge creation", Science Cultivation  1 (2011), 51-64.

18) A. A. Saboury, "Mutation of Science in Iran" in Daramad 2 (Knowledge & Culture) [Editor: Dr. E. Kalantari] (2010), 123-131.

19) A. A. Saboury, "Iran science production in 2010", Science Cultivation  1 / No. 2 (2011), 16-23.

20) P. Daneshgar, F. Taghavi, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Biological sciences; Pioneering research in Iran and the world", Science Cultivation  1 / No. 2 (2011), 24-30.

21) A. A. Saboury, "Iran science production in 2011", Science Cultivation  2  (2012),  6-14.

22) A. A. Saboury, "Evaluation of the quality of knowledge: Invalid journals", Science Cultivation  3  (2013),  33-42.

23) A. A. Saboury, "Iran scietific documents in 2012", Science Cultivation  3  (2013),  96-103.

24) A. A. Saboury, "International scientific documents published by university of Tehran until the end of 2012″, Journal of Academic Librarianship and Information Research  46 (2013),  33-49.

25) M. Alijanianzadeh and A. A.  Saboury, ″A survey of scientific publication by the Islamic Azad University from beginning to February 2013″, International Journal of Information Science and Management 12 (2014), 1-10.

26) F. Taghavi and A. A. Saboury, "Avoid from research misconduct and its inhibition mechanism", Science Cultivation  4  (2014),  43-48.

27) M. Pirhaghghi and A. A. Saboury, "Science production in the field of bioscience: Comparing Iran with the word and regional superior powers", Science Cultivation  4  (2014),  10-18.

28) A. A. Saboury, "Iran scietific documents in 2013", Science Cultivation  4  (2014), 94-100.

29) M. Pirhaghghi and A. A. Saboury, "Peer-Reviewed journals ", Science Cultivation  4  (2014),  106-117.

30) A. H. Rajabzadeh-Asarha, N. Naghshineh and A. A. Saboury, "Familiarity of UT researchers with the issue of research misconducts″, Journal of Academic Librarianship and Information Research  47 (2014),  375-396.

31) M. Pirhaghghi and A. A. Saboury, "The critical size of research groups and it's study in iran", Science Cultivation  5  (2015),  6-11.

32) P. Eskandari and A. A. Saboury, " Publish or perish, but not at any cost ", Science Cultivation  5  (2015),  38-43.

33) A. A. Saboury, "Iran scietific documents in 2014", Science Cultivation  5  (2015), 6-17.

34) F. Kazemi and A. A. Saboury, "Pseudoscience", Science Cultivation  6  (2016),  14-19.

35) L. Karami, M. Pirhaghi and A. A. Saboury, "Conventional and new indicators for scientometric", Science Cultivation 6 (2016), 6-13.

36) A. A. Saboury, "Iran scientific documents in 2015", Science Cultivation  6  (2016), 92-102.

37) Z. Zolmajd Haghighi, A. Ghasemi, A. Poursoleiman, A. Aghaei and A. A. Saboury, "The prevalence of wrong and nonreplicable data publication", Science Cultivation  7  (2017), 21-27.

38) A. A. Saboury, "Iran scietific documents in 2016", Science Cultivation  7  (2017), 72-79.

39) N. Moradi, A. A. Saboury and A. Noruzi, "Evaluation of authorship patterns in Iranian articles and its relation to citations", Caspian Journal of Scientometrics. 4 (2017); 36-44

40) A. A. Saboury, "Iran scietific documents in 2017", Science Cultivation  8  (2018), 1-13.

41) T. Zohoorian Abootorabi and A. A. Saboury, "The scientific authorship policy: Vancouver Statement", Science Cultivation  8  (2018), 82-88.

42) F. Mamashli and A. A. Saboury, "Be human first, scientist second", Science Cultivation  8  (2018), 148-150.

43) Z. Eslami, R. Hakimzadeh and A. A. Saboury, "Comparative study of explanation the framework for assessment he quality of research in Iran's higher education system with the countries of Britain, Australia, the Netherlands, Italy and Hong Kong", Journal of Research in Educational SystemsScience Cultivation 42 (2018), 59-76.

44) A. A. Saboury, "Evaluation of Iran scietific documents in 2018", Science Cultivation  9  (2019), 1-13.

45) M. Pirhaghi, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Overview on American association for the advancement of Science", Science Cultivation  9  (2019), 29-37.

46) M. Shahlaei, M. Saeidifar and A. A. Saboury, "Twenty things I wish I'd known when I started my PhD", Science Cultivation 9 (2019), 97-100.

47) A. A. Saboury, "Evaluation of Iran scietific documents in 2019", Science Cultivation  10  (2020), 68-99.

48) B. Gholampour, A. A. Saboury and A. Noruzi, "Visualizing hot and emeging topics in biochemistry and molecular biology in Iran", Iranian Journal of Information Processing and Management  35  (2020), 1119-1148.

49) S. S. Mirhaji, M. Soleymanpour,  A. A. Saboury and  A.  Bazargan, "A look at the Corona virus and the evolution of university education in the world: Challenges and perspectives", Environmental Hazards Management 7 (2020), 197-223.

50) A.Shaabani, P. Salehi, A. A. Saboury, J. Feiz, B. Karimi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, R. Yousefi and M. R. Vasheghani-Farahani, "Outlooks on the publishing of research paper in scientific journals ", Science Cultivation  11  (2021), 2-27.

51) A. A. Saboury, "Some important necessities for the advancement of science in Iran", Science Cultivation  11  (2021), 37-46.

52) A. A. Saboury, "Evaluation of Iran scietific documents in 2020", Science Cultivation  11  (2021), 115-123.

53) E. Vaziri and A. A. Saboury, "Plan-S: Requirements and Challenges", Science Cultivation  11  (2021), 134-143.

54) E. Vaziri, A. A. Saboury, M. Feizabadi and M. Mohammadi, "Factors influencing scientific collaborations from the viewpoint of Iranian Science diplomacy researchers", Journal of National Studies on Librarianship and Information Organization32 (2021), 78-94.

55) E. Vaziri and A. A. Saboury, "International scientific cooperation as a driver for Science and technology diplomacy", Science Cultivation  12  (2022), 13-20.

56) A. A. Saboury, "Evaluation of Iran scietific documents in 2021", Science Cultivation  12  (2022), 103-117.




05 03 2016 22:15

کد خبر : 10027884

تعداد بازدید : 48

International Proceedings

1) A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Evaluation of Hill coefficient from Scatchard and Klotz plots", First International Congress of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (FICCCE), University of Shahid Beheshty, Tehran, Iran (1-3 Sept. 1993).
2) A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Free energy distribution of the interaction of binding sites for co-operative and antico-operative systems", 4th International Symposium on Protein Structure Function Relationship, HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan  (20-25 Jan. 1995).
3) A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. K. Bordbar, "The enthalpy of unfolding for jack bean urease with interaction of n-alkyl trimethylammonium bromides", 7th Congress of the Federation of Asia and Oceanian Biochemists and Molecular Biologists (FAOBMB), Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Sydney, Australia (24-29 Sept. 1995).
4) A. K. Bordbar, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, Z. H. Zaidi and A. Abbasi, "Thermodynamical investigation of bovine and pigeon hemoglobins by interaction with sodium n-dodecyl sulphate", 7th Congress of the Federation of Asia and Oceanian Biochemist and Molecular Biologists (FAOBMB), Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Sydney, Australia (24-29 Sept. 1995).
5) A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury and A. K. Bordbar, "Titration microcalorimetry and binding studies on urease by interaction with homologous series of cationic surfactants", Fortieth Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (17-21 Feb. 1996).
Biophysical Journal 70(1996), A64 (Su-Pos 184).
6) A. K. Bordbar, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A theoretical investigation on binding of ionic surfactants to proteins", Fortieth Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (17-21 Feb. 1996).
Biophysical Journal 70(1996), A439 (W-Pos 356).
7) A. A. Saboury, A. K. Bordbar and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A novel method for analysis of surfactant binding to protein", International Symposium by the Association of Biomolecular Research Facilities (ABRF), Bethesda, USA (30 March - 2 April 1996).
8) A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, B. Shareghi, A. K. Bordbar and A. A. Saboury, "The mechanistic study on the interaction of deamino acid  oxidase and n-dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide for the lighten of transition midpoint", International Symposium by the Association of Biomolecular Research Facilities (ABRF), Bethesda, USA (30 March - 2 April 1996).
9) A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A novel method of kinetic study for synergic effects of ethylurea and (N,N)dimethylurea on jack bean urease", Tenth Symposium of the Protein Society, Bethesda, USA (3-7 Aug. 1996).
10) M. Panjepoor, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, G. H. Hakimelahi and J. R. Hwu, "Evaluation of adenosine deaminase inhibition by a new dinucleotide", Tenth Symposium of the Protein Society, Bethesda, USA (3-7 Aug. 1996).
11) A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A new equation for thermodynamic evaluation of ligand-protein binding by using isothermal titration calorimetry", 41st Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Baltimore Convention Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA (2-6 March 1997).
Biophysical Journal 72(1997), A217 (Tu-Pos 460).
12) J. Masoudi, A. K. Bordbar, O. A. Amire, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Effect of sodium n-dodecyl sulphate on structure and oxygenation of hemoglobin", 41st Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Baltimore Convention Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA (2-6 March 1997).
Biophysical Journal 72(1997), A82 (M-Pos 331).
13) A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and K. Nazari, "Thermodynamic studies on the interaction of horseradish peroxidase with surfactants", 17th International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, California (24-29 August 1997).
FASEB Journal 11 (9) (1997), 257, Suppl. S. Jul 31 1997.
14) A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, B. Shareghi, C. O. Aboluwoye and A. A. Saboury, "Kinetic studies on the reaction of sulphydryl reagents with D-amino acid oxidase in the presence of guanidine hydrochloride", 17th International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, California (24-29 August 1997).
FASEB Journal 11 (9) (1997), 259, Suppl. S. Jul 31 1997.
15) A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and M. Ghadermarzi, "Thermodynamic studies on the interaction of bovine liver catalase and cyanide", 5th International Symposium on Protein Structure Function Relationship, HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan (6-9 Jan. 1997).
16) A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Saboury, "Elucidation of binding sites for protein denaturation by surfactant", 5th International Symposium on Protein Structure Function Relationship, HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan  (6-9 Jan. 1997).
17) A. A. Saboury, K. Nazari and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Thermodynamics elucidation of the transition point for denaturation profile of horseradish peroxidase by surfactants", Second European Symposium of the Protein Society, Cambridge, England (12-16 Apr. 1997).
18) A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, J. Masoudi and O. A. Amire, "The enthalpy change of allostery of human haemoglobin-A according the oxygenation process", Second European Symposium of the Protein Society, Cambridge, England (12-16 Apr. 1997).
19) A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Evaluation of the binding characteristic for protein-surfactant interaction accompanied with a definition of a typical linkage function", Eleventh Symposium of the Protein Society, Bethesda, USA (12-16 July 1997).
20) A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. H. Moghaddamnia, A. A. Saboury, G. H. Hakimelahi and J. R. Hwu, "Conformational stability studies of adenosine deaminase against chemical denaturants", Eleventh Symposium of the Protein Society, Bethesda, USA (12-16 July 1997).
21) A. A. Saboury, M. U. Dahut and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Effect of cobalt binding on the activity and thermal denaturation of  -amylase", 42nd Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, H. Roe Bartle Hall, Kansas City Convention Center, Kanas City, Missouri, USA (22-26 Feb. 1998).
Biophysical Journal 74 (1998), A369 (Th-Pos 137).
22) A. A. Saboury, "New methods for studying the combined inhibitory effects", 8th Congress of the Federation of Asia and Oceanian Biochemist and Molecular Biologists (FAOBMB), Kuala Lumpur (Istana Hotel), Malaysia (22-26 November 1998).
23) M. Miroliae, A. A. Saboury, M. Nemat-Gorgani and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A microcalorimetry and spectroscopy study on the spontaneous inactivation of yeast alcohol dehydrogenase", 8th Congress of the Federation of Asia and Oceanian Biochemist and Molecular Biologists (FAOBMB), Kuala Lumpur (Istana Hotel), Malaysia (22-26 November 1998).
24) A. A. Saboury, J. Chamani, M. R. Housaindokht and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Thermodynamics of denaturation of apo- and halo- -lactalbumin with n-dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide", Twelfth Symposium of the Protein Society, San Diego, California, USA (25-29 July 1998).
25) A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, N. Zohari, A. A. Saboury and M. R. Gholami, "The effect of glycine and alanine on the urease stability and activity in the presence of n-dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide", Twelfth Symposium of the Protein Society, San Diego, California, USA (25-29 July 1998).
26) J. Chamani, M. R. Housaindokht, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Saboury, "Analysis of binding isotherms for bovine  -lactalbumin and n-tetradecyl trimethylammonium bromide based on three sets of binding sites", 43rd Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Hall C, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (13-17 Feb. 1999).
Biophysical Journal 76(1999), A103 (Su-Pos 418).
27) A. A. Shamsaei, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and H. Mansori-Torshizi, "Human serum albumin binding studies of 2,2-bipyridineglycinato palladium (II) chloride", 43rd Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Hall C, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (13-17 Feb. 1999).
Biophysical Journal 76(1999), A101 (Su-Pos 408).
28) S. Safarian, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Saboury, "Distinction of Km's for high cooperative and non-cooperative sites of RNase, a using Hill plot", 43rd Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Hall C, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (13-17 Feb. 1999).
Biophysical Journal 76(1999), A179 (M-Pos 147).
29) A. A. Saboury, A. A. Shamsaei, H. Mansori-Torshizi and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Thermodynamic studies of the interaction of human serum albumin with 2,2-bipyridineglycinato palladium (II) chloride", 37th IUPAC Congress: Molecular Basis of the Life Sciences, Berlin, Germany (Aug. 14-19, 1999).
30) G. Ataei, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Saboury, "The analysis of adenosine active site by chemical modification", Thirteen Symposium of the Protein Society, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (24-28 July 1999).
31) A. A. Saboury, F. Karbassi and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Effect of calcium binding on the stability and biological activity of -amylase", 44th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, New Orleans, Louisians, USA (12-16 Feb. 2000).
Biophysical Journal 78 (2000), A156 (918-Pos).
32) Z. Moosavi-Movahedi, S. Safarian, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Free energy and the position of dissociation protons for acidic conformational states of cytochrom-C by titrimetry", 44th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, New Orleans, Louisians, USA (12-16 Feb. 2000).
Biophysical Journal 78 (2000), A421 (2484-Pos).
33) D. Ajloo, M. R. Dayer, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The conformational stability and oxygen affinity for hemoglobins in high altitude and low land", 44th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, New Orleans, Louisians, USA (12-16 Feb. 2000).
Biophysical Journal 78 (2000), A167 (985-Pos).
34) S. Z. Bathaie, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, H. Gharibi, A. A. Ziaee and A. A. Saboury, "Investigation on the hydrophobic effect in DNA-surfactant interaction by ion selective memberane electrode", 8th International Conference on ElectroAnalysis, Bonn, Germany (Jun. 11-15, 2000).
Electroanalysis 22 (2000), A12. 
35) A. A. Saboury and A. Mansuri-Daneshvar, "Thermodynamics of denaturation of -amylase with dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide in the presence of sucrose", Fourteen Symposium of the Protein Society, San Diago, California, USA (5-9 Aug. 2000).
36) A. A. Saboury and F. Karbassi, "Stability and binding properties of -amylase upon interaction with calcium", 12th International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC), Copenhagen, Denmark (Aug. 14-18, 2000).
37) A. K. Bordbar and A. A. Saboury, "Isothermal titration microcalorimetric study on the interaction of sodium dodecyl sulphate with some globular proteins", 12th International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC), Copenhagen, Denmark (Aug. 14-18, 2000).
38) A. A. Saboury and F. Karbassi, "Improved thermostability of -amylase by calcium binding", 15th FAOBMB Symposium, Beijing, China (Oct. 21-24, 2000).
39) A. K. Bordbar and A. A. Saboury, "Isothermal titration microcalorimetric study on the interaction of sodium dodecyl sulphate with some globolar proteins", 15th FAOBMB Symposium, Beijing, China (Oct. 21-24, 2000).
40) D. Ajloo, M. Sadeghi, S. Arab, H. Naderi-Manesh, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The comparative stability and accessible surface area of avian and vertebrate hemoglobins ", 15th FAOBMB Symposium, Beijing, China (Oct. 21-24, 2000).
41) B. Ranjbar, A. A. Saboury, P. Basiry and H. Naderi-Manesh, "Thermodynamic of hemoglobin and hexadecyl pyridinum bromide (HPB) interaction at varius pH", 15th FAOBMB Symposium, Beijing, China (Oct. 21-24, 2000).
42) S. Saeidian, A. A. Saboury, H. Sanati and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Thermodynamics of binding zinc ion on myelin basic protein", 45th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (17-21 Feb. 2001).
Biophysical Journal 80 (2001), A310.
43) A. A. Saboury, N. Sarri-Sarraf, S. Saeidian and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A new calorimetric data analysis to study binding of copper ion by myelin basic protein", 45th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (17-21 Feb. 2001).
Biophysical Journal 80 (2001), A310.
44) A. A. Saboury and H. Farid-Noori, "Effects of some polyalcohols on the interaction between horse radish peroxidase and dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide", 45th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (17-21 Feb. 2001).
Biophysical Journal 80 (2001), A310.
45) A. A. Saboury, F. Karbassi and M. U. Dahot, "Satability, activity and binding properties of alpha-amylase upon interaction with Ca2+ and Co2+", The first symposium on the alpha-amylase family, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia (Sept. 30Oct. 4, 2001).
46) A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. Arabzadeh, S. Z. Bathaie, H. Farsam, M. Amanlou, A. A.  Saboury and A. Shockravi, "Phisico-chemical studies of 8-methoxypsoralen and DNA complex", 46th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, San Francisco, California, USA (23-25 Feb. 2002).
Biophysical Journal 82 (2002), A141.
47) B. Zamani, K. Haghbin and A. A.  Saboury, "Efficient competitive inhibitor lets resonance Raman studies on cresolase activity of mushroom tyrosinase", 46th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, San Francisco, California, USA (23-25 Feb. 2002).
Biophysical Journal 82 (2002), A437-8.
48) F. Karbassi, K. Haghbin and A. A.  Saboury, "Kinetic evidence for the allostric behavior of mushroom tyrosinase", 46th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, San Francisco, California, USA (23-25 Feb. 2002).
Biophysical Journal 82 (2002), A438.
49) N. S. Sarraf, A. A.  Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Competitive inhibition of bovine carbonic anhydrase by product of esterase activity", 46th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, San Francisco, California, USA (23-25 Feb. 2002).
Biophysical Journal 82 (2002), A438.
50) A. A. Saboury, "New methods for data analysis of isothermal titration calorimetry", 8th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Institut Quimic De Sarria, Barcelona, Spain (Aug. 25-29, 2002).
51) F. Hosseini, M. Rezaei-Tavirani, B. Ranjbar and A. A. Saboury, "Structural changes of human serum albumin due to the binding of nickel ions", 8th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Institut Quimic De Sarria, Barcelona, Spain (Aug. 25-29, 2002).
52) F. Karbassi, A. A. Saboury, M. Rezaei-Tavirani, B. Ranjbar and K. Haghbeen, "Thermodynamic domain analysis and thermal stability comparison of latent and activated forms of mushroom tyrosinase", 8th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Institut Quimic De Sarria, Barcelona, Spain (Aug. 25-29, 2002).
53) N. S. Sarraf, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Isothermal microcalorimetry study on the inhibition of bovine carbonic anhydrase by product of estrase activity", 8th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Institut Quimic De Sarria, Barcelona, Spain (Aug. 25-29, 2002).
54) A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi , J. Chamani and A. A. Saboury, "The molten globule like-state of cytochrome c induced by n-alkyl sulfate at low concentrations: Isothermal titration calorimetry investigation", 8th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Institut Quimic De Sarria, Barcelona, Spain (Aug. 25-29, 2002).
55) F. Karbassi, K. Haghbeen and A. A.  Saboury, "Non-enzymicide substrate for the catecholase reaction of mushroom tyrosinase", 47th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, San Antonio, Texas, USA (1-5 Mar. 2003).
Biophysical Journal 84 (2003), 348a.
56) K. Haghbeen, B. Zamani and A. A. Saboury, "Inhibition studies on the catecholase reaction of mushroom tyrosinase failed to produce normal Dixon plots", 47th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, San Antonio, Texas, USA (1-5 Mar. 2003).
Biophysical Journal 84 (2003), A348a.
57) N. S. Sarraf, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The effect of some amino acids on the stability and activity of carbonic anhydrase", 47th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, San Antonio, Texas, USA (1-5 Mar. 2003).
Biophysical Journal 84 (2003), 347a.
58) Z. Moosavi-Movahedi, S. Safarian, M. Zahedi, A. A. Saboury, M. Sadeghi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Two sets binding analysis of bilirubin and human serum albumin complexes", 47th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, San Antonio, Texas, USA (1-5 Mar. 2003).
Biophysical Journal 84 (2003), 508a.
59) N. S. Sarraf and A. A. Saboury, "The effect of some amino acids on the structure and activity of carbonic anhydrase", HUPO 2nd Annual & IUBMB XIX World Congress, Montreal, Canada (8-11 Oct. 2003).
Proteomics: Molecular & Cellular 2, No. 9 (2003), 762.
60) F. Karbassi and A. A. Saboury, "The effect of N-acetylimidazole on the structure, stability and suicide substrate inactivation of mushroom tyrosinase", HUPO 2nd Annual & IUBMB XIX World Congress, Montreal, Canada (8-11 Oct. 2003).
Proteomics: Molecular & Cellular 2, No. 9 (2003), 762.
61) A. A. Saboury, "Application of a new method for data analysis of isothermal titration calorimetry in the interaction between human serum albumin and Ni2+", 7th International Symposium on Protein Structure Function Relationship, HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan  (20-24 Jan. 2003).
62) A. A. Saboury, "Development methods for isothermal titration calorimetry data analysis", 2nd International Conference on Chemistry and its Applications, Department of Chemistry, University of Qatar, Doha, Qatar  (6-9 Dec. 2003).
63) G. Ataie, S. Safarian, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Saboury, "Structure analysis of acidic and histidyl residues at the active site of adenosine deaminase via chemical modification", 2nd International Conference on Chemistry and its Applications, Department of Chemistry, University of Qatar, Doha, Qatar  (6-9 Dec. 2003).
64) A. A. Saboury, S. Bagheri, G. Ataie, and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Thermodynamic studies on the interaction of theophyline with adenosine deaminase", 48th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (14-18 Feb. 2004).
Biophysical Journal 86 (2004), 94a.
65) A. A. Moosavi-Movahed, A. R. Golchin, K. Nazaei, J. Chamani and A. A. Saboury, "Conformational study of DNA upon interaction with dimethyltin dichloride", 48th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (14-18 Feb. 2004).
Biophysical Journal 86 (2004), 310a.
66) A. A. Saboury, "Binding isotherm determination for protein interaction by isothermal titration calorimetry", 17th FAOBMB Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand (22-26 Nov. 2004).
67) N. Gheibi and A. A. Saboury, "Activation of mushroom tyrosinase by n-alkyl sulfates", 17th FAOBMB Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand (22-26 Nov. 2004).
68) M. Amani, M. Gharanfoli, Giovanni Floris, Silvia Longu, M. Rezaei-Tavirani, Anna Mura, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahed, "The comparative thermodynamic and kinetic study of amine oxidases from lentil seedings and Euphorbia latex", 49th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Long Beach, California, USA (12-16 Feb. 2005).
Biophysical Journal 88 (2005), 39a.
69) M. S. Atri, M. Rezaei-Tavirani, M. H. Sanati, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahed, "Structural study of human growth hormone: A thermodynamic and spectroscopic approch", 49th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Long Beach, California, USA (12-16 Feb. 2005).
Biophysical Journal 88 (2005), 212a.
70) N. S. Sarraf, S. Mamaghani-Rad and A. A. Saboury, "The effect of copper ions on the structure and activity of bovine carbonic anhydrase", 49th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Long Beach, California, USA (12-16 Feb. 2005).
Biophysical Journal 88 (2005), 218a.
71) F. Karbassi, N. Gheibi, A. A. Saboury and K. Haghbeen, "The effects of copper and nickel ions on the activity and stability of mushroom tyrosinase", 49th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Long Beach, California, USA (12-16 Feb. 2005).
Biophysical Journal 88 (2005), 389a.
72) A. A. Saboury, "Effect of copper ion binding on the structure and function of carbonic anhydrase", 8th International Symposium on Protein Structure Function Relationship, HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan  (7-10 Jan. 2005).
73) A. A. Saboury, M. Sadat-Atri, M. Kordbacheh, H. Ghourchaei and M. H. Sanati, "Thermodynamics of binding some metal ions on human growth hormone", 30th FEBS Congress and 9th IUBMB Congress: The Protein World, Budapest, Hungary (2-7 July 2005).
The FEBS Journal 272 (2005), 390.
74) N. Gheibi and A. A. Saboury, "The effect of some osmolytes on the activity and stability of mushroom tyrosinase", 30th FEBS Congress and 9th IUBMB Congress: The Protein World, Budapest, Hungary (2-7 July 2005).
The FEBS Journal 272 (2005), 372.
75) A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Comparative structural and conformational studies on two forms of beta lactoglobulin (A and B) upon interaction with lead ion", 30th FEBS Congress and 9th IUBMB Congress: The Protein World, Budapest, Hungary (2-7 July 2005).
The FEBS Journal 272 (2005), 340.
76) M. Mortazavi, H. Naghibi Beidokhti, A. A. Saboury and A. Nasehzadeh, "Study of amino acid complexation with metal by using different methods (Study of thermodynamics between histidine and copper II)", 30th FEBS Congress and 9th IUBMB Congress: The Protein World, Budapest, Hungary (2-7 July 2005).
The FEBS Journal 272 (2005), 256.
77) A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "The effect of Cr+3 on the structure and conformation of beta lactoglobulin-A", First International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 8th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Tehran, Iran (11-15 Sept. 2005).
Clinical Biochemistry 38 (2005), 832.
78) M. Amani, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, G. Floris, S. Longu, A. Mura, S. Z. Moosavi-Nejad and A. A. Saboury, "Conformational loak and thermal inactivation kinetics of Euphorbia amine oxidase", First International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 8th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Tehran, Iran (11-15 Sept. 2005).
Clinical Biochemistry 38 (2005), 849.
79) K. Haghbeen and A. A. Saboury, "Latent facts in the mushroom tyrosinase inhibition studies", First International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 8th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Tehran, Iran (11-15 Sept. 2005).
Iranian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1 (2005), 48.
80) A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "A comparative study on the interaction of a new Palladium complex with bovine -lactoglobulin-A and –B", 18th FAOBMB Symposium, Lahore, Pakistan (20-23 Nov. 2005).
81) S. Rezaei-Zaechi, H. Ghourchian, A. A. Saboury, P. Nouroozi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. R. Ganjali, "Electrochemical studies on the entrapped hemoglobin by nafion and its application as a hydrogen peroxide biosensor", 18th FAOBMB Symposium, Lahore, Pakistan (20-23 Nov. 2005).
82) N. Sattarahmadi, M. Habibi-Rezaei, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Structural changes of human serum albumin upon incubation of various concentration of glucose: fluorescence and circular dichroism approaches", 18th FAOBMB Symposium, Lahore, Pakistan (20-23 Nov. 2005).
83) K. Mahnam, A.A. Moosavi-Movahedi, G.H. Hakimelahi, G. Ataie, F. Ahmad,  A.A. Saboury, M. Amanlou and M. Habbi-Rezaei, "Surface esterification of adenosine deaminase by Woodward reagent K", 50th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (18-22 Feb. 2006).
Biophysical Journal 90 (2006).
84) A. A. Saboury, "Isothermal titration calorimetry study on metal ions binding by human growth hormone", 20th IUBMB International Congress and 11th FAOBMB Congress: Life: Molecular Integration and Biological Diversity, Kyoto, Japan (18-23 June 2006).
85) A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A study on the interaction between -lactoglobulin-A and a new antitumor reagent (2,2-bipyridinglycinato Pd (II) chloride)", 31th FEBS Congress: Molecular in Health and Disease, Istanbul, Turkey (24-29 June 2006).
The FEBS Journal 273 (2006), 333.
86) F. Bostanian, S. Safarian, A. A. Saboury, M. Amani, H. Heli and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Nickel ions induced substrate inhibition for DAAO", 31th FEBS Congress: Molecular in Health and Disease, Istanbul, Turkey (24-29 June 2006).
The FEBS Journal 273 (2006), 333.
87) S. Rezaei-Zarchi, A. A. Saboury, H. Ghourchian, P. Nouroozi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. R. Ganjali and A. Javed, "Electrochemical investigation on the ligand binding by hemoglobin", 31th FEBS Congress: Molecular in Health and Disease, Istanbul, Turkey (24-29 June 2006).
The FEBS Journal 273 (2006), 353.
88) M. Alijanianzadeh, A.A. Saboury,  H. Mansoori-Torshizi and K. Haghbeen, "Inhibition study on the cresolase activity of mushroom tyrosinase by new synthesized alkyl xanthates", 31th FEBS Congress: Molecular in Health and Disease, Istanbul, Turkey (24-29 June 2006).
89) S. Zolghadri and A.A. Saboury, "The Inhibitory effect of thiophenol on the activity of tyrosinase", 31th FEBS Congress: Molecular in Health and Disease, Istanbul, Turkey (24-29 June 2006).
90) P. S. Pourhosseini, M. N. Sarbolouki  and A.A. Saboury, "Polymersomes as drug delivery vehicles", 33rd Annual Meeting of Exposition of the Controlled Release Society, Vienna, Austria (22-26 July 2006).
91) S. Rezaei-Zarchi, A. A. Saboury, and S. Ahmadian, "Electrochemical ligand binding investigation of hemoglobin using silver nanoparticles as electron transfer species", 1st International Chemistry Congress on "Recent Challenges in Chemistry", Faisalabad, Pakistan (1-3 Nov. 2006).
92) G. Rezaei-Behbehani and A. A. Saboury, "A new method for thermodynamic study on the binding of magnesium with hydrophobic core of human growth hormone", 1st International Chemistry Congress on "Recent Challenges in Chemistry", Faisalabad, Pakistan (1-3 Nov. 2006).
93) M. Alijanianzadeh and A. A. Saboury, "The effect of temperature on the binding of ethyl xanthate to mushroom tyrosinase copper ion binding on the structure and function of carbonic anhydrase", 9th International Symposium on Protein Structure Function Relationship, HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan  (11-14 Jan. 2007).
94) S. Zolghadri and  A.A. Saboury, "Effects of temperature and pH on the kinetic properties of tyrosinase activity in the presence of thiophenol ", 51th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (3-7 March 2007).
Biophysical Journal 92 (2007), 993-Pos/B50.
95) S. Rezaei-Zarchi, A.A. Saboury and A. Javed, "Comparing redox behavior of some proteins using a bromine modified silver electrode", 51th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (3-7 March 2007).
Biophysical Journal 92 (2007), 1777-Pos/B4.
96) A. Divsalar, A.A. Saboury, R. Yousefi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and H. Mansoori-Torshizi, "Cytotoxic and apoptotic effects of the novel synthesized palladium (II) complex: K562 as the target", 51th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (3-7 March 2007).
Biophysical Journal 92 (2007), 2709-Pos/B74.
97) A. A. Saboury, "Calorimetric studies on the interaction between some metal ions and myelin basic protein", 19th FAOBMB Congress: Science and Technology for the Integration of Life, Seoul, Korea (27-30 May 2007).
98) P. S. Pourhosseini, A.A. Saboury, A. Divsalar and M. N. Sarbolouki, "Biophysical studies on biodegradable triblock coplymers", 6rd European Biophysical Societies' Association (EBSA) & British Biophysical Society Congress, Imperial College London, London, UK (14-18 July 2007).
European Biophysical Journal 36 (2007), S124-P-284.
99) A. Barzegar, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, R. Yousefi, T. Haertle, A.A. Saboury, M. R. Ganjali and P. Norouzi, "Prevention of in vitro alcohol dehydrogenase thermal aggregation by the camel -CN chaperone", 6rd European Biophysical Societies' Association (EBSA) & British Biophysical Society Congress, Imperial College London, London, UK (14-18 July 2007).
European Biophysical Journal 36 (2007), S231-P-685.
100) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. A. Saboury and A. Fallah-Bagheri, "A thermodynamic study on the binding of calcium ion with myelin basic protein", 12th Asian Chemical Congress (12ACC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Aug. 23-25, 2007).
101) M. Alijanianzadeh, A. A. Saboury and Hasan Mansoori-Torshizi, "An inhibition study on mushroom tyrosinase by alkyl xanthates", Second International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 9th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Shiraz, Iran (Oct. 29 – Nov. 1, 2007).
Archive of Iranian Medicine 10 (2007), Number 4, S64.
102) S. Rezaei-Zarchi, A. A. Saboury, A. Javed and H. Nazem, "Electrochemical behavior of redox proteins immobilized on riboflavin-nafion film modified gold electrode", Second International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 9th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Shiraz, Iran (Oct. 29 – Nov. 1, 2007).
Archive of Iranian Medicine 10 (2007), Number 4, S64.
103) E. Taleshi, G. Rezaei-Behbehani and A. A. Saboury, "Study on the interaction of sodium dodecyl sulfate and dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide with lysozyme by isothermal titration calorimetry", Second International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 9th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Shiraz, Iran (Oct. 29 – Nov. 1, 2007).
Archive of Iranian Medicine 10 (2007), Number 4, S65.
104) M. S. Atri, A. A. Saboury, R. Yousefi and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Purification of camel alpha-lactalbumin and comparison of it's thermal stability with bovine alpha-lactalbumin", Second International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 9th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Shiraz, Iran (Oct. 29 – Nov. 1, 2007).
Archive of Iranian Medicine 10 (2007), Number 4, S67.
105) A. Sharifizadeh, A. A. Saboury and R. Yousefi, "Comarative study of structural changes of beta caseins underthermal stress", Second International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 9th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Shiraz, Iran (Oct. 29 – Nov. 1, 2007).
Archive of Iranian Medicine 10 (2007), Number 4, S68.
106) A. Hekmat, A. A. Saboury and H. Ghourchian, "The effect of pH on the structure and function of choline oxidase", Second International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 9th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Shiraz, Iran (Oct. 29 – Nov. 1, 2007).
Archive of Iranian Medicine 10 (2007), Number 4, S82.
107) M. Salami, R. Yousefi, M. R. Ehsani, T. Heartle, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Tryptic chymotryptic hydrolysis of camel and bovine whole casein fractions: A comparative study", Second International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 9th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Shiraz, Iran (Oct. 29 – Nov. 1, 2007).
Archive of Iranian Medicine 10 (2007), Number 4, S128.
108) H. Ramshini, A. Ebrahim-Habibi, A. A. Saboury and M. Nemat-Gorgani, "The Role of phosphate in thermal aggregation of yeast hexokinase II", Second International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 9th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Shiraz, Iran (Oct. 29 – Nov. 1, 2007).
Archive of Iranian Medicine 10 (2007), Number 4, S271.
109) S. M. Kalantar, A. Javed, S. Rezaei-Zarchi, A. Jamil, M. Anvari and A. A. Saboury, "An invitro comparative study of ascorbic acid and FSH effects on the maturation of syrian mice follicles ", Second International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 9th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Shiraz, Iran (Oct. 29 – Nov. 1, 2007).
Archive of Iranian Medicine 10 (2007), Number 4, S276.
110) S. Rezaei-Zarchi, A. A. Saboury and A. Javed, "Characterization study for nano-compositions of methylen blue and riboflavin-nafion on the electrode surface", Iran's First International Conference on Biomaterials, Tehran, Iran (Nov. 12-15, 2007).
111) S. Rezaei-Zarchi, A. A. Saboury, P. Nourouzi, H. Ghourchian, M. R. Ganjali, A. Javed and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Characterization and immobilization studies of riboflavin-nafion film on the surface of gold electrode", Iran's First International Conference on Biomaterials, Tehran, Iran (Nov. 12-15, 2007).
112) S. Rezaei-Zarchi, A. A. Saboury, J. Hong, P. Nourouzi, S. Ahmadian, H. Ghourchian, A. Bayandori-Moghaddam, M. R. Ganjali, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. Javed, "Design of an electro-activity riboflavin-nafion film to be used in electrochemical investigations", Iran's First International Conference on Biomaterials, Tehran, Iran (Nov. 12-15, 2007).
113) A.A. Saboury and S. Amiri , "Thermodynamics of nickel ion binding to human growth hormone ", 52th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Long Beach, California, USA (2-6 Feb. 2008).
Biophysical Journal 94 (2008), 1073-Pos/B49.
114) A. Barzegar, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, K. Mahnam, H. Bagheri, A.A. Saboury, D. Ntentopoulou and M. R. Ganjali, "Experimental and computational docking study of alcohol dehydrogenase stabilization by α-CyD", 52th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Long Beach, California, USA (2-6 Feb. 2008).
Biophysical Journal 94 (2008), 1031-Pos/B7.
115) M. S. Atri, A.A. Saboury, R. Yousefi and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A comparative study on the structure and thermal stability of camel and bovine alpha-lactalbumin", 52th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Long Beach, California, USA (2-6 Feb. 2008). 
Biophysical Journal 94 (2008), 2732-Pos/B35.
116) A. Divsalar and A.A. Saboury, "Changing of function and structure of milk carrier Protein β-lactoglobulin-A upon interaction with new anti-cancer compounds Pd(II) Complexes", 52th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Long Beach, California, USA (2-6 Feb. 2008). 
Biophysical Journal 94 (2008), 2754-Pos/B57.
117) M. J. Bagheri, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "Effects of new anti-cancer compound (2,2'-bipyridine butylcinato Pd (II) nitrate) on the structure of blood carrier protein (human serum albumin)", 33rd FEBS Congress & 11th IUBMB Conference : Biochemistry of Cell Regulation, Athens, Greece (28 June-3 July 2008).
The FEBS Journal 275 (2008), 158.
118) A. Hekmat A. A. Saboury, A. Divsalar and H. Ghourchian, "Effects of pH on the structure of choline oxidase from Alcaligenes species", 33rd FEBS Congress & 11th IUBMB Conference : Biochemistry of Cell Regulation, Athens, Greece (28 June-3 July 2008).
The FEBS Journal 275 (2008), 166.
119) H. Ramshini, N. Rezaei-Ghaleh, A. Ebrahim-Habibi, M. Sabbaghian, A. Ghasemi, A. A. Saboury and M. Nemat-Gorgani, "Formation of small soluble aggregates may be responsible for irreversible thermal denaturation of yeast hexokinase B", 33rd FEBS Congress & 11th IUBMB Conference : Biochemistry of Cell Regulation, Athens, Greece (28 June-3 July 2008).
The FEBS Journal 275 (2008), 195.
120) S. Zolghadri, A. A. Saboury, A. Divsalar, S. Rezaei, and A. Golestani, "Probing the interaction of silver nanoparticle and hemoglobin at different temperature", 33rd FEBS Congress & 11th IUBMB Conference : Biochemistry of Cell Regulation, Athens, Greece (28 June-3 July 2008).
The FEBS Journal 275 (2008), 234.
121) A. Asadi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and M. N. Sarbolouki, "Energetics of serum albumin interaction with PEG containing diblock copolymerse", 33rd FEBS Congress & 11th IUBMB Conference : Biochemistry of Cell Regulation, Athens, Greece (28 June-3 July 2008).
The FEBS Journal 275 (2008), 390.
122) A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Effects of new Pd(II) complexes on the allergenicity and proteolysis of bovine -lactoglobulin", 33rd FEBS Congress & 11th IUBMB Conference : Biochemistry of Cell Regulation, Athens, Greece (28 June-3 July 2008).
The FEBS Journal 275 (2008), 446.
123) S. Rezaei-Zarch, A. A. Saboury and A. Javed, "Bromide-modified silver electrode for electrochemical recognition of metalloproteins", First Regional Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (13-15 October 2008).
124) A. Javed, S. Rezaei-Zarch and A. A. Saboury, "Electrochemical behaviour of redox proteins immobolized on nano-composition of riboflavin-nafion functional film modified gold electrode", First Regional Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (13-15 October 2008).
125) A. Hekmat, A. A. Saboury and H. Ghourchian, "The effects of hydrogen ions on the activity and structure of choline oxidase", First Regional Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (13-15 October 2008).
126) S. Rezaei-Zarch, A. A. Saboury and A. Javed, "Horseradish peroxidase immobilization on electrodeposited nanometer-scale silver particles and direct voltammetry", First Regional Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (13-15 October 2008).
127) A. Hekmat, A. A. Saboury, H.Ghourchian "Biotechnological application of choline oxidase, a glycine betaine synthesis enzyme, to inhibite human pathogens at hyperosmotic infection site" 13th International Biotechnology Symposium, (12-17 October 2008), Dalian, China. 
 Journal of Biotechnology 136S (2008) S543
128) A. A. Saboury, "Kinetic and thermodynamic analysis of an abnormal nonlinear secondary plot related to the Lineweaver-Burk plots of inhibition adenosine deaminase by theophylline", 20th FAOBMB Taipei Conference: Frontier in Life Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan (23-25 October 2008).
129) E. Amin and A. A. Saboury, "The inhibitory effects of benzyldithiocarbamate sodium salt on catecholase activity of mushroom tyrosinase", 20th FAOBMB Taipei Conference: Frontier in Life Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan (23-25 October 2008).
130) D. Ajloo, E. Taghizadeh and A. A. Saboury, "Effects of surfactant, salt and solvent on the structure and activity of adenosine deaminase: Molecular dynamic and spectrophotometric studies", 20th FAOBMB Taipei Conference: Frontier in Life Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan (23-25 October 2008).
131) A. Divsalar, M. J. Bagheri, A.A. Saboury and H. Mansoori-Torshizi, "A comparative study on the interaction of new designed aliphatic Pd(II) complexes with human serum albumin", 53th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Massachusetts, Boston, MA 02210, USA (28 Feb. - 4 Mar. 2009). 
Biophysical Journal 96 (2009), 596-597 (3073-Pos Board B120)
132) A. Hekmat,  A.A. Saboury and  A. Divsalar, "pH induced conformational and structural alterations on choline oxidase", 53th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Massachusetts, Boston, MA 02210, USA (28 Feb. - 4 Mar. 2009). 
Biophysical Journal 96 (2009), 582 (2996-Pos Board B43)
133) S. Zolghadri and A. A. Saboury, "Characterization of nanoparticles binding to hemoglobin", VIII European Symposium of the Protein Society, Zurich, Switzerland (14-18 June, 2009).
134) J. Badraghi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury and A. Sharifizadeh, "Effect of nanomolar concentration of sodium dodecyl sulfate on insulin aggregation", VIII European Symposium of the Protein Society, Zurich, Switzerland (14-18 June, 2009).
135) S. Bagheri, A. A. Saboury and J. Davoodi, "Evaluation of caspase inhibition by claps", VIII European Symposium of the Protein Society, Zurich, Switzerland (14-18 June, 2009).
136) A. Sharifizadeh, R. Yousefi, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and J. Badraghi, "A comparative study on temperature induced self-association of camel and bovine beta-caseins", VIII European Symposium of the Protein Society, Zurich, Switzerland (14-18 June, 2009).
137) A. A. Saboury, E. Amin and H. Mansuri-Torshizi, "Inhibition of mushroom tyrosinase by benzyl and p-xylidine-bis dithiocarbamate sodium salts", 21st IUBMB and 12th FAOBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Shanghai, China (2-7 August, 2009).
138) A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and H. Mansoori-Torshizi, "Cytotoxic and whey carrier protein binding studies of new synthesized palladium complexes", 21st IUBMB and 12th FAOBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Shanghai, China (2-7 August, 2009).
Selected as the best poster in the Young Scientists Section.
139) E. Tazikeh, A. A. Saboury, G. Rezaei-Behbehani and M. Monajjemi, "Thermodynamic characterization of binding copper ion to human growth hormone ", 21st IUBMB and 12th FAOBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Shanghai, China (2-7 August, 2009).
140)  R. Yousefi, N. Gheibi, A. Sharifizadeh, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, J. M. Chobert and T. Haertle, "Chaperone-like activity of the dimeric betacaseins: a first study towards development of Gemini-like protein surfactant", 34th FEBS Congress, Prague, Czech Republic (4-9 July 2009).
The FEBS Journal 276 (2009), 353.
141)  S. Zolghadri and A. A. Saboury, "Spectroscopic studies on the interaction of human hemoglobin and copper nanoparticles", 3rd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 10th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Tehran, Iran (16-19 November 2009).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 6 (2009), S13.
142)  M. Rahban, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Cytotoxicity and spectroscopic studies of silver nanoparticle: A biophysical approach to nanaotoxicology", 3rd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 10th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Tehran, Iran (16-19 November 2009).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 6 (2009), S15.
143)  R. Safaeijavan, M. Taghizadeh, A. A. Saboury and A. Divsalar, "Chitosan nanoparticles containing salicylic acid as a model for an oral drug delivery system", 3rd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 10th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Tehran, Iran (16-19 November 2009).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 6 (2009), S15.
144)  H. Mansouri-Torshizi, M. Khastan and A. A. Saboury, "Synthesis, characterization of 1,10-phenanthroline dithiocarbamato Pd(II) nitrate complexes and their interaction with calf thymus DNA", 3rd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 10th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Tehran, Iran (16-19 November 2009).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 6 (2009), S43.
145)  H. Ramshini, A. A. Saboury and, M. Nemat-Gorgani, "Inhibition of thermal aggregation of type B yeast hexokinase by small molecules: possible involvement of aromatic interactions", 3rd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 10th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Tehran, Iran (16-19 November 2009).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 6 (2009), S72.
146)  E. Tazikeh, A. A. Saboury, G. Rezaie-Behbehani and M. Monajjemi, "A thermodynamic study on the binding of zinc with human growth hormone", 3rd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 10th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Tehran, Iran (16-19 November 2009).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 6 (2009), S85.
147)  H. Mansouri-Torshizi, M. Saeidifar, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Interaction of calf thymus DNA with a diimine palladium (II) complex of hexyldithiocarbamato ligand: Thermodynamic, cytotoxic and spectroscopic studies", 3rd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 10th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Tehran, Iran (16-19 November 2009).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 6 (2009), S87.
148)  A. Fallah-Bagheri and A. A. Saboury, "A thermodynamic study on the binding of, magnesium and cobalt ions with myelin basic protein", 3rd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 10th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Tehran, Iran (16-19 November 2009).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 6 (2009), S89.
149)  M. Salami, R. Yousefi, M. R. Ehsani, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Effect of calcium binding on the functional properties of camel alpha-Lactalbumin", 3rd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 10th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Tehran, Iran (16-19 November 2009).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 6 (2009), S93.
150)  M. S. Atri, A. A. Saboury, R. Yousefi and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A comparative study on the stability of bovine and camel α-lactalbumin: Effects of temperature and N-dodecyl trimethylammonium Bromide", 3rd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 10th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Tehran, Iran (16-19 November 2009).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 6 (2009), S94.
151)  E. Amin, A. A. Saboury, H. Mansouri-Torshizi and A. A. Moosavi- Movahedi, "Potent inhibitory effects of benzyl and p-xylidine-bis dithiocarbamate sodium salts on catecholase activity of mushroom tyrosinase", 3rd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 10th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Tehran, Iran (16-19 November 2009).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 6 (2009), S98.
152)  R. Yousefi, A. Barzegar, T. Haertle, J.-M. Chobert, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, A. Sharifizadeh and M. Hasani-Saadi, "Analysis of reversible interaction between beta-casein chaperone and partially unfolded state of target protein (ADH)", 3rd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 10th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Tehran, Iran (16-19 November 2009).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 6 (2009), S209.
153)  G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. A. Saboury and M. Mohebbian, "A thermodynamic study of CN ion interaction with jack bean urease", 3rd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 10th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Tehran, Iran (16-19 November 2009).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 6 (2009), S238.
154)  L. Ahadi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "Effects of temperatures on interaction of human serum albumin with new designed platinum complex", 3rd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 10th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Tehran, Iran (16-19 November 2009).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 6 (2009), S239.
155)  A. Hekmat, A. Divsalar, G. Rezaie-Behbehani and A. A. Saboury, "Investigation of the interaction between silver nanoparticles and doxorubicin", 3rd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 10th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Tehran, Iran (16-19 November 2009).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 6 (2009), S239.
156)  J. Badraghi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, F. Farivar and  A. Shrifzadeh, "Agregation and disagregation of insulin by different concentration of sodium dodecyl sulphate: A spectroscopic study", 3rd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 10th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Tehran, Iran (16-19 November 2009).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 6 (2009), S240.
157) G. Rezaei Behbehani, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, " A thermodynamic study of nickle ion interaction with bovine carbonic anhydrase II molecule", 3rd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 10th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Tehran, Iran (16-19 November 2009).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 6 (2009), S240.
158) A.A. Saboury, E. Poorakbar and G.  Rezaei Behbehani, "Thermodynamics of binding silver ion to jack bean urease", 54th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, San Francisco, California, USA (20-24 Feb. 2010). 
Biophysical Journal 98 (2010), 240a. (1251-Pos)
159)  H. Ramshini, C. Parrini, A. Relini, M. Zampagni, B. Mannini, A. A. Saboury, M. Nemat-Gorgani and F. Chiti, "Role of aggregation conditions in structure, and toxicity of yeast hexokinase aggregates", 35th FEBS Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden, (June 26- July 1 2010).
The FEBS Journal 277 (2010), 254.
160)  M. S. Atri and A. A. Saboury, "Interaction of iron ion with camel alpha-lactalbumin", 35th FEBS Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden, (June 26- July 1 2010).
The FEBS Journal 277 (2010), 255.
161) A. A. Saboury and E. Amin, "Inhibition of mushroom tyrosinase by novel monofunctional and bifunctional dithiocarbamates sodium salts", 12nd IUBMB and 21st FAOBMB International Conference of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Melbourne, Australia (26 September-1 October, 2010).
162) A. Divsalar, S. Ebrahim-Damavandi and A.A. Saboury, "Investigations of effects of cooper  ion on the allergenicity of -lactoglobulin", 55th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (5-9 March 2011). 
Biophysical Journal 100 (2011), 57a. (295-Pos)
163) H. Derakhshankhah, A.A. Saboury, A. Divsalar and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "Synthesis, crystal structure, electrochemical studies and artificial tyrosinase activity of a new designed homobinuclear copper (II) complex", 55th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (5-9 March 2011). 
Biophysical Journal 100 (2011), 217a. (1187-Pos)
164) A. Divsalar, S. Ebrahim-Damavandi, A.A. Saboury and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "Improving in digestion and antioxidant activity of -lactoglobulin using newly designed copper complexes as artificial proteases", The 17th Conversation, Albany, USA (14-18 June  2011). 
Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 28 (2011), 1002-1003. (Paper No. 32)
165) A. Rashidnia, R. Rofougaran and A.A. Saboury, "Spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry studies on stability of the mouse R2 ribonucleotide reductase", 14th International Symposium on Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man, Tokyo, Japan (18-21 February  2011). 
Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids 2011
166) M. Alijanianzadeh, A. A. Saboury and M. R. Ganjali, "New generation of tyrosinase inhibitor: Inhibition and activation kinetics and computational prediction", 4th International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 12th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Mashhad, Iran (6-9 September 2011).
Clinical Biochemistry 44 (2011), Issue 13, Supplement 1, S24.
167) A. Hekmat and A. A. Saboury, "The effects of TiO2 nanoparticles and doxorubicin complexes on the structure of DNA and inducing of apoptosis in MCF7 cell line", 4th International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 12th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Mashhad, Iran (6-9 September 2011).
Clinical Biochemistry 44 (2011), Issue 13, Supplement 1, S77-S78.
168) S. Zolghadri, A. A. Saboury and M. S. Atri, "A calorimetric study on the concentration dependent of hemoglobin tetramer assembly", 4th International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 12th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Mashhad, Iran (6-9 September 2011).
Clinical Biochemistry 44 (2011), Issue 13, Supplement 1, S94.
169) H. Derakhshankhah, A. A. Saboury, A. Divsalar and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "Synthesis, structural characterization and DNA interaction studies of a new dicopper complex including amine", 4th International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 12th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Mashhad, Iran (6-9 September 2011).
Clinical Biochemistry 44 (2011), Issue 13, Supplement 1, S241.
170) A. Rashidnia, R. Rofougaran and A. A. Saboury, "Stability studies of the mouse R2 ribonucleotide reductase by spectroscopy techniques and differential scanning calorimetry", 4th International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 12th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Mashhad, Iran (6-9 September 2011).
Clinical Biochemistry 44 (2011), Issue 13, Supplement 1, S259.
171) S. Ebrahim-Damavandi. A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Reducing allergenicity of bovine beta lactoglobulin throughout Cu complexes", 4th International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 12th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Mashhad, Iran (6-9 September 2011).
Clinical Biochemistry 44 (2011), Issue 13, Supplement 1, S267.
172) M. Goodarzi, A. A. Saboury, M. Habibi-Rezaei and A. A. Moosavi-Mvahedi, "Spectroscopic evidences for heme degradation during hemoglobin fructation", 4th International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 12th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Mashhad, Iran (6-9 September 2011).
Clinical Biochemistry 44 (2011), Issue 13, Supplement 1, S267-S268.
173) A. Javid, S. Ahmadian, A. A. Saboury,  S. M. Kalantar, S. Rezaei-Zarchi, "Synthesis and characterization of chitosan-modified doxorubicin-loaded iron oxide nanoparticles", 2011 International Coference on Advanced Materials Engineering (ICAME 2011), Cario, Egypt (1-3 October 2011).
174) H. Derakhshankhah, R. Bazl, A. A. Saboury, A. Divsalar and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "DNA-Binding study by a novel homobinuclear copper (II) complex as an artificial enzyme", 22nd FAOBMB Conference, Singapore, Singapore (5-7 October, 2011).
175) Z. Izadi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, M. Nabiooni and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "Design of new nanocarrier system for delivery of anticancer drugs", 22nd FAOBMB Conference, Singapore, Singapore (5-7 October, 2011).
176) M. Razmi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, M. Nabiooni and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "-Casein nanoparticles: As nano-vehicles for platinium anticancer drugs", 22nd FAOBMB Conference, Singapore, Singapore (5-7 October, 2011).
177) Z. Zare, A. Divsalar, M. Nabiooni, A. A. Saboury, M. E. Kefayati and S. Agha-Alizade, "Spectroscopic studies of the interaction between new designed nano-emulsion and human serum albumin", 22nd FAOBMB Conference, Singapore, Singapore (5-7 October, 2011).
178) A. Divsalar, S. Ebrahim-Damavandi, A. A. Saboury, H. Mansouri-Torshizi and J. Salimian, "Artificial protease activities of new designed Cu (II) complexes reduce milk allergenicity", 22nd FAOBMB Conference, Singapore, Singapore (5-7 October, 2011).
179) N. Gheibi, A. A. Saboury and M. Sarreshtehdari, "Metal activation of tyrosinase as the key enzyme of melanogenesis pathway", 2nd Continental Congress of Dermatology, St. Petersburg, Russia (6-9 July, 2011).
180) A. Javid, S. Ahmadian, A. A. Saboury, S. M. Kalantar, S. Shahzad, and S. Rezaei-Zarchi, "Synthesis and characterization of chitosan-modified doxorubicin-loaded iron oxide nanoparticles", International Conference on Ecological, Environmental and Biological Sciences (ICEEBS'2012), Dubai, Emirate (Jan. 7-8, 2012).
181) A. Hekmat, A. Ghanbari Khosh and A. A. Saboury, "The study of the interaction between nano isopoly gaint ball and DNA and inducing of apoptosis in T47D cell line", 4th International Conference on Nanostructures, Kish Island, Iran (12-14 March 2012).
1821) S. Khodabakhshian, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "Investigation on the side effects of new designed anti cancer compound of 1,10-phenanthroline butyl dithiocarbamato palladium(II) nitrate", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A20-21.
183) J. Behroozi , A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Investigation of the side effects of bee venom via interaction with human hemoglobin", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A21.
184) Z. Delzendeh, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, H. Ravazadeh, N. Poursasan and M. Evini,  "The effects of wet cupping on the structure and function of extracted hemoglobin from diabetic volunteers", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A22.
185) B. Ghalandari, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, K. Parivar and R. Bazl,  "A theoretical investigation on oxaliplatin interaction with β-lactoglobulin", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A27-A28.
186) H. Mansouri-Torshizi, S. Shahraki, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury,  "Synthesis, characterization, cytotoxicity and interaction of a newly designed anti-cancer palladium(II) complex with calf thymus DNA", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A31.
187) H. Mansouri-Torshizi, Z. Sorinezami , A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Interaction studies between a [(phen)Pd µ-(S2CNH(CH2)3NHCS2)Pd(phen)](NO3)2 anti-tumor complex and calf thymus DNA", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A36-A37.
188) R. Rahimi Vaghar, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "Fluorescence spectroscopic studies of the interaction between a new designed Pd (II) complex with human hemoglobin", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A42.
189) E. Karbasi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "Spectroscopic studies of the interaction of bovine beta-lactaglobulin with a new designed Pd(II) complex", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A44.
190) A. Hekmat, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and R. Faraji-Dana, "The effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs) on the structure of DNA", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A51.
191) A. Fallahbagheri, L. Ma'mani, R. Khodarahmi, M. Bohlooli, S. Ranjbar, A. A. Saboury, A. Shafiee and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Effect of silica nanoparticle supported imidazolium ionic liquid on thermal reversibility of human carbonic anhydrase II", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A55-A56.
192) R. Amani, P. Sadat Pourhosseini, A. A. Saboury and F. Najafi, " Micro-/ Nanoparticles from polyethylene glycol and poly(L-lactic acid) triblock copolymer in aqueous solution as drug delivery systems", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), 60.
193) M. Alijanianzadeh, A. A. Saboury, M. R. Ganjali and  A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Evaluating of tyrosinase mechanism by it's inhibition and activation", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A63.
194) F. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, H. Hadi and  A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Thermal inactivation and conformational lock study on horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A67.
195) H. Zare, M. Salami, A. A. Saboury, M. Mirzaei, F. Farivar, R. Hosseinzadeh and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Autolysis comparison on isoenzymes of ficin extracted from the fig (Ficus carica cv. Sabz) latex", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A67-A68.
196) M. Bohlooli, F. Taghavi, M. Habibi-Rezaei, A. A. Saboury, Z.  Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi , "Enhancement of reversibility for human serum albumim upon incubation with hydroxybutyrate: Differential scanning calorimetry approach", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A68.
197) F. Taghavi, M. Bohlooli, M. Habibi-Rezaei, A. A. Saboury, Z. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Characterization study of human serum albumin under sodium benzoate incubation as an oxidative stress agent", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A70-A71.
198) F. Sanginabady, F. Sanginabady, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and M. Avini, "Spectroscopic studies of the interaction between new designed nanoemulsion with human hemoglobin", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A71.
199) F. Sanginabady, F. Sanginabady, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and M. Avini, "Spectroscopic studies of the interaction between new designed palladiumcomplex(II) with human hemoglobin", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A71.
200) M. Goodarzi, M. Habibi-Rezaei, A. A. Saboury, M. Shourian, H. Ghourchian and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Study of ROS production manner during hemoglobin fructation and its relation to heme degradation", The First International and 11th Iranian iophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A72-A73.
201) S. Bagheri, A. A. Saboury and J. Davoodi, "The role of Bir1 in caspase inhibition", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A73.
202) F. Farivar, M. Salami, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, A. Niasari-Naslaji and M. Bohlooli, "Differential scanning calorimetry study of camel serum albumin in presence and absence of fatty acids", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A77.
203) F. Ghamari, M. Salami, S. M. Ghaffari, F. Moosavi-Movahedi, F. Farivar, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The comparative study of the antioxidant influence and α-glucosidase inhibitory effect of aloin", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A78.
204) Y. Sefidbakht, S. Hosseinkhani, M. Torkzadeh-Mahani, I. Tavakkolnia, R. Faraji-Dana, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Mobile phone electromagnetic field effect on HEK cell line trough luciferase reporter", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A85.
205) S. Ebrahim-Damavandi, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Diminishing the allergenicity of beta-lactoglobulin by digester copper complexes", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A85-A86.
206) M. Mazaheri, A. A. Saboury, N. Poursasan and A. A. Moosavi Movahedi, "The fibrillation study of β-lactoglobulin upon incubation with aflatoxin M1", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A110.
207) L. Fotouhi, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi Movahedi, "Effect of butachlor herbicide on hemoglobin structure and species", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A114.
208) S. Moradi, D. Ajloo T. Lashkarbolouki, R. Alizadeh, M. Evini, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Spectrophotometery studies on the interaction of Au(III)(Phend)Cl3 new complex with calf thymus DNA", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A115-A116.
209) M. Saeidifar, H. Mansouri-Torshizi, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, " Spectroscopic studies of human serum albumin upon interaction with an anti-tumor Pd(II) complex ", The First International and 11th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil (June 13-15, 2012).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 9 (2012), A121.
210) A. Hekmat, A. A. Saboury and E. Sadrrodiny, "The effects of TiO2 nanoparicles on inhibition and stimulation of MCF7 cells and human endometrial adult stem cells", 4th International Confgress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Kashan, Iran (8-10 September 2012).
211) M. Razmi, A. Divsalar, Z. Izadi, A. A. Saboury and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "Beta-Casein and its complexes with chitasan as nanovehicles for oral delivery of platinum anticancer drug", 4th International Confgress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Kashan, Iran (8-10 September 2012).
212) A. Salehzadeh-Yazdi, A. Masoudi-Nejad, A. A. Saboury and Sh. Akbari-Birgani, "Hubs and non-hubs in protein-protein interaction networks: A biophysical interpretation" dexa, pp.231-232, 2012,  23rd International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2012.
213) A. Hekmat and A. A. Saboury, "The effect of TiO2 nanoparticles and doxorubin complexes on the structure of DNA and their effects on the growth of MCF7 cells and human endometrial adult stem cells", 13th FAOBMB Congress, Bangkok, Thailand (25-29 November, 2012).
214) A. Hekmat and A. A. Saboury, "The conformational change of DNA by mobile phone radiofrequency (940 MHz)", First International Conference on Environmental Crisis and its Solutions, Kish Island, Iran (13-14 Feb, 2013).
215) A. Hekmat and A. A. Saboury, "The effects of TiO2 nanoparticles on inhibition and stimulation of MCF7 cells and human endometrial adult stem cells", 5th International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 13th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Yazd, Iran (16-19 April 2013).
Iranian Journal of Biotechnology 11 (2013), Issue 42, Supplement 1, 44.
216) S. Khodabakhshian, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "Probing the interaction of a new synthesized anti-cancer compound of 1,10-phenanthroline hexyl dithiocarbamato palladium(II) nitrate with human serum albumin", 5th International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 13th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Yazd, Iran (16-19 April 2013).
Iranian Journal of Biotechnology 11 (2013), Issue 42, Supplement 1, 123.
217) F. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A.Saboury, H. Hadi and A. A.Moosavi-Movahedi, "New mechanism for thermal denaturation of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase ", 5th International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 13th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Yazd, Iran (16-19 April 2013).
Iranian Journal of Biotechnology 11 (2013), Issue 42, Supplement 1, 125.
218) B. Ghalandari, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, M. Eslami-Moghadam ,K. Parivar1, R. Bazl and M. Amanlou, "A computational study on oxali-palladium interaction with β-Lactoglobulin", 5th International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 13th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Yazd, Iran (16-19 April 2013).
Iranian Journal of Biotechnology 11 (2013), Issue 42, Supplement 1, 154.
219) P. S. Pourhosseini, R. Amani, A. A. Saboury and F. Najafi, "Study on the interaction of bovine insulin to LnEmLn triblock copolymer", 5th International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 13th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Yazd, Iran (16-19 April 2013).
Iranian Journal of Biotechnology 11 (2013), Issue 42, Supplement 1, 157.
220) J. Behroozi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and  N. Poursasan, "Bee venom decreases the complications of diabetes by preventing hemoglobin glycation", 5th International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & 13th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Yazd, Iran (16-19 April 2013).
Iranian Journal of Biotechnology 11 (2013), Issue 42, Supplement 1, 261.
221) R. Bazl, M. R. Ganjali, A. A. Saboury, A. R. Foroumadi, P. Nourozi and M. Amanlou, "A new strategy based on pharmacophore-based virtual screening in adenosine deaminase inhibitor s detection and in-vitro study", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
222) L. Fotouhi, N. Salehi, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Structural and functional survey on interaction of human hemoglobin with n-alkyl sulfates homologues", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
223) M. Alijanianzadeh, A. A. Saboury, M. R. Ganjali, H. Hadi-Alijanvand and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The inhibitory effect of a new synthesized ligand on mushroom tyrosinase", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
224) A. Javid, S. Ahmadian, A. A. Saboury, S. M. Kalantar and S. 
Rezaei-Zarchi, "Novel biodegradable heparin-based nanocomposite system for targeted drug delivery against human ovarian cancer", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
225) Z. Izadi, A. Divsalar, M. Razmi, A. A. Saboury, H. Mansuri-
Torshizi, "Synthesis and in vitro evaluation of drug-loaded nanoparticles as new drug delivery system fot colon cancer", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
226) M. Mazaheri, A. A. Saboury, M. Habibi-Rezaee and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The study of seeding effects on fibrillation of bovine serum albumin", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
 227) B. Ghalandari, M. E-Moghadam, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and K. Parivar, "Binding of oxali-palladium to β-lactoglobulin: A spectroscopic approach", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
228) E. Kachooei, A. Ghasemi, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi,  "Study of lysozyme amyloid fibril formation in the presence of taxol as a polyphenol inhibitor", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
 229) J. Behroozi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury,  "Decreasing hemoglobin glycation in a diabetic condition by bee venom", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
230) M. Razmi, A. Divsalar, Z. Izadi, A. A. Saboury and H. Mansuri-Torshizi, "Characterization and cytotoxicity of platinum anticancer complex encapsulated in beta-casein-chitosan nanoparticles", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
231) M. Bohlooli, M. Habibi-Rezaei, F. Taghavi, A. A. Saboury, Z. Moosavi-Movahedi, P. Maghami and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Fasting inhibits advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in human serum albumin upon incubation with 3-ß-hydroxybutyrate", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
 232) A. Khammari, A. A. Saboury and M. H. Karimi-Jafari, "Interaction between (E)- 3 -(3-(2,3- dimethoxyphenyl) acryloyl)- 6- hydroxy -2H- chromen-2- one (DAC) with human serum albumin", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
233) A. A. Meratan, A. Ghasemi, A. A. Saboury and M. Nemat-Gorgani, "Study on the specific activity of mitochondrial membrane-bound enzymes upon interaction with lysozyme amyloid aggregates", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
 234) F. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, M. Bohlooli and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Effects of silica nanoparticle ionic liquid as a green additive on thermal reversibility of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
235) B. Delavari, M. S. Atri and A. A. Saboury, "Investigation of the interaction of vitamin D3 with bovine alpha-lactalbumin", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
236) M. Goodarzi, A. A. Saboury, M. Habibi-Rezaei and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Destructive effect of fructation on hemoglobin via oxygen transporter molecule (heme)", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
 237) P. S. Pourhosseini, R. Amani, F. Najafi and A. A. Saboury, "Protein formulations based on biodegradable block copolymers", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
238) M. Pirhaghi, P. S. Pourhosseini, F. Najafi  and A. A. Saboury, "Studies on gemini surfactants as membrane mimetics", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
239) Z. Ghasemi, M. H. Karimi-Jafari and A. A. Saboury, "Investigation of the interaction of anti asthma drugs with human serum albumin (HSA)", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
 240) M. S. Atri, A. A. Saboury and Z. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Interaction of gemini surfactant with alpha-lactalbumin", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
 241) Z. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. S. Atri, A. A Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Isothermal titration calorimetry study of heme-imidazole complex in camel β-casein as a caseoperoxidase", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
 242) A. A Saboury, "Status of researches in biological sciences", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
243) A. Hekmat and A. A. Saboury, "The effects of TiO2 nanoparticles on inhibition and stimulation of MCF7 cells and human endometrial adult stem cells", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
244) R. Rahimi-Vaghar, A. Divsalar, A.A. Saboury and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "The structural changes in human hemoglobin upon interaction with a new designed Pd (II) complex", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
245) F. Sanginabady, F. Sanginabady, A. Divsalar , A. A. saboury, N. Gheibi and M. Sanginabady, "Fluorescence spectroscopic studies of the interaction between nanoemulsion including drug with human hemoglobin", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
246) A. Divsalar, S. Khodabakhshian, A. A. Saboury, H. Mansuri-Torshizi and Mina Evini, "Probing of the interaction between human serum albumin and a new synthesized Pd(II) complex using spectroscopic methods", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
247) E. Karbasi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "Interaction study of bovine beta-lactaglobulin with a new designed Pd (II) complex by fluorescence spectroscopy", First Tabriz International Life Science & 12nd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz, Iran (22-24 May 2013).
248) L. Fotouhi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, S. Yousefinejad, M. Shourian, A. A. Saboury "Comparison of heme degradation patterns during interaction of hemoglobin with n-alkyl sulfates", 18th International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) Congress, Brisbane, Australia (3-7 August 2014).
249) B. Bigdeli, B. Delavari, S. Samaei Daryan, A. A. Saboury and B. Goliaei, "Biophysical and molecular investigation of the interaction between enterolactone and human serum albumin", 60th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Los Angeles, California, USA (27 Feb.-2 March 2016). Biophysical Journal 110 (2016), 49a. (258-Pos)
250) F. Aliakbari, D. Morshedi, A. A. Shabani, H. Bardania,C. Sue, A. T. Marvian, S. A. Shojaosadati and A. A. Saboury, "The effects of different concentrations of nanoliposome on the fibrillation of alpha-synuclein", 5th Asian and Oceanian Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders Congress, Manila, Philippines, (11-13 March 2016).Movement Disorders 31/Supplement 1, Pages: S61-S62, Meeting Abstract: 129.

251) F. Taghavi, M. Habibi-Rezaei, M. Bohlooli, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The comparative studies of potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate upon treated with human serum albumin",  3rd World Congress on Maillard Reaction & Glycation, The Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest, Hungary (26-27 May 2016).

Journal of International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition & Health  3/No. 2 (2016), DOI: 10.18143/JISANH_v3i2_1065

252) F. Aliakbari, D. Morshedi,  A. A. Shahani, H. Mohammad Beigi, H. Bardania, A. Tayaranian Marvian, A. A. Saboury and S. A. Shojaosadati, "Neurotoxicity of pre-incubated alpha-synuclein with different concentrations of nanoliposome on the PC12 and SHSY5Y cell lines", 6th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS6), Kish Island, Iran (March 7-10, 2016). [Full Paper]

253) S. Ashkevarian, J. Badraghi, A. A. Saboury, A. Banaei and E. Pourfakhraei, "Testing for enzyme activity using multi-wall carbon nano tubes", 6th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS6), Kish Island, Iran (March 7-10, 2016). [Full Paper].

254) F. Azadimanesh, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and K. Parivar, "Cytotoxicity effect of a new designed oxali-palladium nanoparticles against human colon cancer cell line", 6th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS6), Kish Island, Iran (March 7-10, 2016). [Full Paper].

255) B. Ghalandari, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Evaluation of β-lactoglobulin ability based nanoparticle for presence in colorectal cancer oral drug delivery", The 6th international congress on nanoscience and nanotechnology (ICNN2016), Kharazmi University, Karaj, Iran (26-28 October 2016). [Full Paper].

256) M. Saeidifar, Sh. Khoramian, A. Zamanian and A. A. Saboury, "The adsorption of human gamma globulins to magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles to cancer treatments", The 6th international congress on nanoscience and nanotechnology (ICNN2016), Kharazmi University, Karaj, Iran (26-28 October 2016). [Full Paper].

257) F. Kazemi, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Investigation of structural changes in human haemoglobin resulted interaction with propolis nanoparticles", The 6th international congress on nanoscience and nanotechnology (ICNN2016), Kharazmi University, Karaj, Iran (26-28 October 2016). [Full Paper].

258) S. Mirhaji, H. Derakhshankhah, S. Jafari, M. Soleymanpour and A. A. Saboury, "Preparation of chitosan/fibrinogen hydrogel-loaded nicin for skin wounds healing", First International Iranian Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Congress, July 18-20, 2018, Tehran, Iran.

259) M. Soleymanpour, S. Jafari, H. Derakhshankhah, S. Mirhaji and A. A. Saboury, "Preparation of alginate/fibrinogen hydrogel-loaded nicin for skin wounds healing", First International Iranian Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Congress, July 18-20, 2018, Tehran, Iran




05 03 2016 22:20

کد خبر : 10027869

تعداد بازدید : 50

National Proceedings
1) A. A. Saboury, A. K. Bordbar and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A novel method of analysis for protein ligand binding", The Third Iranian Congress of Biochemistry and Laboratory Sciences, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz (30 Sept. - 3 Oct.  1995).
2) A. A. Saboury, "Research on thermodynamic aspect of protein ligand binding and protein thermal profiles", First Congress of Ph.D. Students in Basic Science, University of Tehran, Tehran (May. 12-13, 1996).
3) A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, H. Rowshan and A. A. Saboury, "Comparative thermodynamic stability and kinetic of -lactaglobulin A and B", Iranian Second Congress of biology, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman (Aug. 25-27, 1997).
4) A. A. Saboury, "Simple novel methods with new equations for studding the combined inhibitory effects", The Fourth Biochemistry Congress, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol, (Oct. 19-22, 1997).
5) J. Chamani, A. A. Saboury, M. R. Housaindokht and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Thermodynamics studies for -lactalbumin with interaction of n-alkyl trimethylammonium bromides", The Fourth Biochemistry Congress, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol (Oct. 19-22, 1997).
6) N. Zohari, A. A. Saboury, M. R. Gholami and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The effects of glycine on the interaction of urease and n-dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide", The Fourth Biochemistry Congress, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol (Oct. 19-22, 1997).
7) S. Ghobadi, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Unusual binding of nickel ions to bovine liver glutamate dehydrogenase", The Fourth Biochemistry Congress, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol (Oct. 19-22, 1997).
8) S. Z. Bathaie, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Ziaee and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The microcalorimetry and spectroscopical study of DNA-Aspirin interaction", The Fourth Biochemistry Congress, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol (Oct. 19-22, 1997).
9) A. A. Saboury, "Thermodynamics of protein-surfactant interaction", First Seminar on Ligand-Biomacromolecule Interaction and Protein Denaturation, University of Tehran, Tehran (Oct. 24-25, 1996).
10) A. A. Saboury, "Development of titration calorimetric methods", Second Seminar on Ligand-Biomacromolecule Interaction and Protein Denaturation, University of Tehran, Tehran (Dec. 20-21, 1997).
11) J. Chamani, M. R. Housaindokht, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The comparison of unfolding of apo and native forms of -lactalbumin in the presence of cationic surfactant", Second Seminar on Ligand-Biomacromolecule Interaction and Protein Denaturation, University of Tehran, Tehran (Oct. 24-25, 1997).
12) K. Nazari, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Saboury, "Potentiometric titration of horseradish peroxidase in the presence of n-dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide", Second Seminar on Ligand-Biomacromolecule Interaction and Protein Denaturation, University of Tehran, Tehran (Oct. 24-25, 1997).
13) N. Alizadeh, H. Naderimanesh and A. A. Saboury, "Thermodynamic study of denaturation of bovine serum albumin with hexadecyl pyridinium bromide by surfactant selective electrode", Second Seminar on Ligand-Biomacromolecule Interaction and Protein Denaturation, University of Tehran, Tehran (Oct. 24-25, 1997).
14) S. Mansoury and A. A. Saboury, "Thermodynamics and kinetics studies on the spontaneous denaturation of glucose oxidase in the presence of some amino acids", 13th Iranian Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Congress, Tarbiat-Modarres University, Tehran (Feb. 16-18, 1999).
15) A. A. Shamsaei, A. A. Saboury, H. Mansori-Torshizi and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Thermodynamic studies of the interaction of human serum albumin with 2,2-bipyridineglycinato palladium (II) chloride", 13th Iranian Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Congress, Tarbiat-Modarres University, Tehran (Feb. 16-18, 1999).
16) A. A. Saboury, "A novel method for investigation on kinetic stability of proteins", Third Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, University of Tehran, Tehran (Feb. 23-25, 1999).
17) J. Chamani, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury and M. R. Housaindokht, "Investigation on the effect of some ions on the stability of apo -lactalbumin", Third Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, University of Tehran, Tehran (Feb. 23-25, 1999).
18) A. A. Shamsaei, A. A. Saboury and H. Mansori-Torshizi, "The effects of binding 2,2-bipyridineglycinato palladium (II) chloride on the structure of human serum albumin", Third Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, University of Tehran, Tehran (Feb. 23-25, 1999).
19) B. Ranjbar, B. Sadeghilar, A. A. Saboury and H. Naderimanesh, "Increased thermal stability of BSA in the presence of L-proline and sucrose", Third Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, University of Tehran, Tehran (Feb. 23-25, 1999).
20) J. G. Ataie, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Saboury, "Thermodynamic study of chemical modification at the active site of adenosine deaminase", Third Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, University of Tehran, Tehran (Feb. 23-25, 1999).
21) S. Ghobadi, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The interaction of ionic and non-ionic detergents with glutamate dehydrogenase", Third Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, University of Tehran, Tehran (Feb. 23-25, 1999).
22) S. Mansoury and A. A. Saboury, "Microcalorimetry and spectroscopy studies on the stability of glucose oxidase and the effect of some osmolytes", Third Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, University of Tehran, Tehran (Feb. 23-25, 1999).
23) R. Yousefi, A. A. Saboury, M. Ghadermarzi and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Structural and biological activity effects of NADPH on the catalase in the presence of natural inactivator metabolism", Third Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, University of Tehran, Tehran (Feb. 23-25, 1999).
24) B. Ranjbar, P. Basiri, A. A. Saboury and M. Mirshahi, "Thermodynamical analysis of hemoglobin under hexadecyl pyridinium bromide", Third Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, University of Tehran, Tehran (Feb. 23-25, 1999).
25) G. Ataei, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Modification of adenosine deaminase by diethyl pyrocarbonate and Wood-Ward reagent in the presence and in the absence of nucleosides", The Fifth Iranian Biochemistry Congress, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia (Sept. 6-9, 1999).
26) F. Bagherzadeh, K. Nazari, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Physicochemical studies on the interaction of divalent metal ions with urease", Fourth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, University of Tehran, Tehran (Feb. 15-17, 2000).
27) S. Z. Bathaie, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, B. Ranjbar and A. A. Saboury, "The mechanism of H1-DNA complex dissociation by sodium dodecyl sulfate", Fourth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, University of Tehran, Tehran (Feb. 15-17, 2000).
28) A. A. Saboury, "Distribution of science in the wourld", Fourth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, University of Tehran, Tehran (Feb. 15-17, 2000).
29) G. Ataei, S. Safarian, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury and B. Ranjbar, "Structural analysis of adenosine deaminase active site via chemical modification", Fourth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, University of Tehran, Tehran (Feb. 15-17, 2000).
30) F. Karbassi and A. A. Saboury, "Effect of environmental calcium ions on the stability of -amylase", Fourth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, University of Tehran, Tehran (Feb. 15-17, 2000).
31) N. Mohammadian, A. Mahmoodi, K. Nazari, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Inhibitory effects of benzhydroxamic acid and nicotineamide on the catalytic behavior of horseradish peroxidase", Fourth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, University of Tehran, Tehran (Feb. 15-17, 2000).
32) A. Mahmoodi, N. Mohammadian, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, K. Nazari and A. A. Saboury, "Analysis of thermal denaturation for peroxidase in the presence of metal ions", Fourth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, University of Tehran, Tehran (Feb. 15-17, 2000).
33) A. Mansuri-Daneshvar, A. A. Saboury and K. Nazari, "Effect of sucrose on the interaction between -amylase and DTAB", Fourth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, University of Tehran, Tehran (Feb. 15-17, 2000).
34) M. H. Norozi, A. K. Bordbar, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Study on the interaction of a homologous series of n-alkyltrimethylammonium bromide with lysozyme by UV-VIS and fluorescence spectroscopy and microcalorimetry", Fourth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, University of Tehran, Tehran (Feb. 15-17, 2000).
35) H. Farid-Noori and A. A. Saboury, "Effect of some polyalcohol on the interaction between peroxidase and DTAB", Fourth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, University of Tehran, Tehran (Feb. 15-17, 2000).
36) A. K. Bordbar, M. T. Akbary Jochy, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Saboury, "Isothermal titration micro-calorimetric study on the interaction of sodium n-dodecyl sulphate with urease, human serum albumin, amino acid oxidase, peroxidase and lysozyme", First  Iranian Congress of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Tehran, Tehran (Jan. 16-17, 2001).
Iranian Biomedical Journal 4 (2000), 168 (P45).
37) G. Ataie, S. Safarian, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, S. Mardanyan, A. Antonyan, G. H. Hakimelahi and A. A. Saboury, "Structural analysis of acidic residues at the active site of adenosine deaminase via chemical modification", First  Iranian Congress of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Tehran, Tehran (Jan. 16-17, 2001).
Iranian Biomedical Journal 4 (2000), 142 (S21).
38) A. A. Saboury, "A Scatchard-like analysis of isothermal titration calorimetric data", Fifth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman (Jun. 6-8, 2001).
39) D. Ajloo, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Saboury, "Free energy transfer of amino acids in different solvents: Application of molecular orbital and scaled particle theories", Fifth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman (Jun. 6-8, 2001).
40) A. Mahmoudi, K. Nazari, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Saboury, "Stabilization enthalpy of horseradish peroxidase in the presence of Ni2+", Fifth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Seminar, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman (Jun. 6-8, 2001).
41) A. A. Saboury, "Science production and evaluation", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
42) G. Ataie, S. Safarian, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Kinetic and structural analysis of the inhibition of adenosine deaminase by acetaminophen", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
43) N. Gheibi, A. A. Saboury and H. Mansoori-Torshizi, "inhibition effects of some disulfide compounds on the activity of mushroom tyrosinase", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
44) M. Soleimani, A. Khodai Joopair, S. Safarian, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Thermodynamic elucidation of DNA upon interaction with fullerol (C60(OH)n)", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
45) H. Mansoori-Torshizi, A. A. Saboury and M. Islami-Moghaddam, "An overlook and comparison of the observed data in the interaction of 2,2-bipyridinedithiocarbamato palladium (II) family with HAS or BSA", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
46) A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "A review on ADA inhibitors", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
47) H. Mansoori-Torshizi, A. A. Saboury and M. Islami-Moghaddam, "Spectroscopy studies on the interaction of HAS with 2,2-bipyridinebuthyldithiocarbamato palladium (II) choloride", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
48) H. Mansoori-Torshizi, A. A. Saboury, A. Sabzbani and M. Islami-Moghaddam, "2,2-bipyridinebenzyldithiocarbamato palladium (II) choloride on bovine serum albumin", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
49) M. Kordbacheh, A. A. Saboury, S. Safarian, F. Mizani, M. H. Sanati, M. Shamsipur, B. Yakhchali and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Spectroscopy, calorimetry and potentiometry study on the interaction of human growth hormone with copper ion", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
50) A. A. Saboury and Tahereh Nemati, "Thermodynamic stability of bovine carbonic anhydrase", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
51) H. Tavakoli, H. Ghourchian and A. A. Saboury, "Choline oxidase inhibition kinetics in the presence of paraoxon and ethyl parathion", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
52) K. Mahnam, N. Poursasan, S. Mardanian, M. N. Soltani-Rad, A. Khalafi-Nezhad, G. H. Hakimelahi, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Inhibitory effect of new synthesized nucleosides on adenosine deaminase", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
53) D. Ajloo, M. Vanaki, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Saboury, "The physicochemical study of kinetic of oxidation and interaction of human A and S of hemoglobin with 2,2-dithiobispyridine in the absence and presence of surfactants", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
54) D. Ajloo, H. Behnam, F. Mohamadi-Zonoz, B. Ranjbar, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. Gharanfoli, L. Hasani, K. Alizadeh  and H. Mousavi-Nik, "The physicochemical study of interaction some of polyoxometalate with human serum albumin", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
55) S. Mamaghani-Rad and A. A. Saboury, "A thermodynamic study on the binding properties of carbonic anhydrase upon interaction with copper ion", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
56) H. Mansoori-Torshizi, A. A. Saboury, S. Sanchuli and M. Islami-Moghaddam, "Bifuntional interaction of -paraphenylenbisdithiocarbamato (bis 2,2-bipyridine palladium (II) choloride on bovine serum albumin", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
57) S. Ghasemi-Moosavi and A. A. Saboury, "Thermodynamic stability of -amylase from Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
58) D. Ajloo, N. Haghi-Asli, A. A. Saboury and G. Ataie, "Kinetic and thermodynamic study on the effect of aspirin and declofenac on adenosine deaminase activity", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
59) H. Mansoori-Torshizi, A. A. Saboury and M. Islami-Moghaddam, "Binding parameters in the interaction of 2,2-bipyridineoctyldithiocarbamato palladium (II) choloride with HSA", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
60) N. Mortazavi, H. Naghibi, A. Nasehzadeh and A. A. Saboury, "Thermodynamic studies of the interaction between histidine and copper ion by spectrophotometric, potentiometric and calorimetric methods", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
61) N. Keramat, S. Nafisi and A. A. Saboury, "A microcalorimetry and spectroscopy study on the interaction between DNA and methylen blue, etidium bromide and acridine orange", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
62) H. Mansoori-Torshizi, A. A. Saboury and M. Islami-Moghaddam, "Thermodynamic of binding in the interaction of 2,2-bipyridinehexyldithiocarbamato palladium (II) choloride with HSA", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
63) H. Mansoori-Torshizi, A. A. Saboury, A. Sabzbani and M. Islami-Moghaddam, "Thermodynamic Binding parameters of  in the interaction of -paraxylidinbisdithiocarbamato (bis 2,2-bipyridine palladium 2,2-bipyridineoctyldithiocarbamato palladium (II) choloride on bovine serum albumin", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
64) H. Mansoori-Torshizi, A. A. Saboury, S. Sanchuli and M. Islami-Moghaddam, "Interaction studies of 2,2-bipyridine phenyl dithiocarbamato palladium (II) choloride on bovine serum albumin", Sixth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Damghan University of Basic Science, Damghan (Sept. 7-9, 2004).
65) A. Barzegar, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. R. Ganjali, P. Norouzi, A. A. Saboury and S. Sobhanian, "Monitoring horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase aggregation during thermal unfolding by dynode voltage in circular dichroism spectroscopy", Seventh Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz University, Tabriz (June 18-19, 2006).
66) F. S. Nematpour, K. Haghbeen, N. Gheibi and  A. A. Saboury, "Application of enzymatic inhibitors for catechol derivaties production", Seventh Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz University, Tabriz (June 18-19, 2006).
67) A. A. Saboury, "A general theory for the enzyme inhibition", Seventh Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz University, Tabriz (June 18-19, 2006).
68) H. Mansouri-Torshizi, A. A. Saboury and M. Eslami-Moghaddam, "Thermodynamics of Binding  in the interaction of 2,2-bipyridineoctyldithiocarbamato palladium (II) choloride with calf thymus DNA", Seventh Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz University, Tabriz (June 18-19, 2006).
69) S. Nafisi, A. A. Saboury, N. Keramat, J.-F. Neault and H. A. Tajmir-Riahi, "Stability and structural features of DNA interaction with ethidium bromide, acridine orange and methylene blue", Seventh Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz University, Tabriz (June 18-19, 2006).
70) H. Mansouri-Torshizi, A. A. Saboury and M. Eslami-Moghaddam, "Binding studies of 2,2-bipyridinehexyldithiocarbamato palladium (II) choloride with calf thymus DNA", Seventh Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz University, Tabriz (June 18-19, 2006).
71) H. Mansouri-Torshizi, A. A. Saboury and M. Eslami-Moghaddam, "Binding parameters in the interaction of 2,2-bipyridinebuthyldithiocarbamato palladium (II) choloride with  DNA", Seventh Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz University, Tabriz (June 18-19, 2006).
72) R. Khoshneviszadeh, K. Haghbeen, M. Sadeghi and A. A. Saboury, "Quaternary structure of mushromm tyrosinase", Seventh Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz University, Tabriz (June 18-19, 2006).
73) D. Ajloo, H. Dayani, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. Aghapour, A. Shokravi and M. Ahmadi, "Structure activity relationship study on some of adenosine deaminase inhibitors", Seventh Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz University, Tabriz (June 18-19, 2006).
74) A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, H. Mansouri-Torshizi, and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Refolding studies of chemically denatured -lactoglobulin  types A and B", Seventh Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz University, Tabriz (June 18-19, 2006).
75) S. Zolghadri and A. A. Saboury, "Activation and inhibition of mushroom tyrosinase by different concentration of thiophenol", Seventh Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz University, Tabriz (June 18-19, 2006).
76) H. Mansouri-Torshizi, A. A. Saboury, M. Eslami-Moghaddam and F. Zeidali, "Interaction studies of 2,2-bipyridinebenzyldithiocarbamato palladium (II) nitrate with DNA", Seventh Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz University, Tabriz (June 18-19, 2006).
77) N. Sattarahmadi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. Habibi-Rezaei and A. A. Saboury, "Specialization of Maillard reaction for HAS with glucose at different days of incubation", Seventh Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz University, Tabriz (June 18-19, 2006).
78) H. Mansouri-Torshizi, A. A. Saboury, M. Eslami-Moghaddam and M. Saeidifar, "Spectroscopic studies on the interaction of DNA with 2,2-bipyridinephenyldithiocarbamato palladium (II) nitrate", Seventh Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz University, Tabriz (June 18-19, 2006).
79) M. S. Atri, A. A. Saboury and M. Kordbacheh, "Thermodynamics of metal ions binding to human growth hormone", Seventh Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz University, Tabriz (June 18-19, 2006).
80) M. Alijanianzadeh, A. A. Saboury, H. Mansouri-Torshizi and K. Haghbeen, "Inhibition study on the catecholase activity of mushroom tyrosinase by new synthesized alkyl xanthates", Seventh Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz University, Tabriz (June 18-19, 2006).
81) N. Mortazavi, A. A. Saboury,  A. Nasehzadeh, H. Naghibi Beidokhti and A. Abdollahpour, "Study of coordination of tranferrin components with metal ions by using different methods", Seventh Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz University, Tabriz (June 18-19, 2006).
82) K. Mahnam, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, H. Bahrami, G. Ataei, S. Jalili, A. A. Saboury, "Site determination of modified acidic residues of adenosine deaminase: hydration free energy calculation", Seventh Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz University, Tabriz (June 18-19, 2006).
83) Z. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. Zahedi, H. Bahrami, K. Mahnam,   A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Lysine site determination of human serum albumin apon interaction with bilirubin in aqueous solution: Theoretical calculations", Seventh Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz University, Tabriz (June 18-19, 2006).
84) D. Ajloo, L. Najafi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury and S. J. Moosavi, "The effect of mobile electromagnetic field on the activity and structure of adenosine deaminase", Seventh Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz University, Tabriz (June 18-19, 2006).
85) R. Yousefi, M. Amani, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. Mura, G. Floris and A. A. Saboury, "Conformational changes and transitional switch between regular secondary structures of LSAO induced by TFE: Relation to the protein aggregation", Seventh Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tabriz University, Tabriz (June 18-19, 2006).
86) S. Rezaei-Zarchi, A. A. Saboury, S. Ahmadian, H. Ghourchian, J. Hong, P. Norouzi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, M. R. Ganjali and A. Javed, "Silver nanoparticle as electron transfer in electrochemical ligand binding investigation of hemoglobin", 14th National & 2nd International Conference of Biology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran (August 29-31 2006).
87) M. Bakhti, M. Habibi-Rezaei, S. Rezaei-Zarchi, H. Ghourchian, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and J. Zargar, "Electrochemical analysis of the glycation induced protein unfolding", 14th National & 2nd International Conference of Biology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran (August 29-31 2006).
88) S. Rezaei-Zarchi, A. A. Saboury and A. Javed, " Design of a hydrogen proxide biosensor by using of a silver nanoparticle and hemoglobin-modified graphite electrode", The Second Nanotechnologh Student Conference, Kashan University, Kashan (September 5-7 2006).
89) A. Hekmat, A. A. Saboury and H. Ghourchian, "Effect of temperature and pH on the activity of choline oxidase from Alcaligenes species", The Second National Congress of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Kerman, Iran (Jan 29-30, 2008).
90) A. Hekmat, A. A. Saboury and H. Ghourchian, "Usage of choline oxidase, a glycine betaine synthesis enzyme, to inhibit human pathogens at hyperosmotic infection site", The First Congress of Medical Proteomics, Tehran, Iran (Feb 19, 2008).
91) H. Mansouri-Torshizi, A. A. Saboury and M. Eslami-Moghaddam, "Interaction of a mixed-ligand palladium (II) complex of 2,2-bipyridine and amino acid derivative with bovine serum albumin", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
92) M. Amani, R. Yousefi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, F. Pintus, A. Mura, G. Floris, B. I. Kurganov and A. A. Saboury, "Structural changes and aggregation process of Cu/containing amine oxidase in the presence of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
93) M. J. Bagheri, A. A. Saboury, A. Divsalar and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "Investigation of the interaction of an anti-cancer compound (2,2¢-bipyridin octylglycinato Pd(II) nitrate) with Human serum albumin: fluorescence quenching and CD approaches", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
94) J. Badraghi, A. A. Saboury, R. Yousefi, A. Shrifizadeh, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and T. Haertle, "Derivation of thermodynamic  parameters involved in the elucidation of Camel α-S1 CASEIN thermal profiles", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
95) E. Tazikeh, M. T. Baei, A. A. Saboury and M. Monajjemi, "The theoretical study of  interaction of oxytocin hormon with Li+ cation", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
96) A. Hekmat, A. A. Saboury, H. Ghourchian and A. Divsalar, "Effects of pH on the structure and conformation of choline oxidase from Alcaligenes species", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
97) H. Mansouri-Torshizi, M. Khastan and A. A. Saboury, "Structural-activity relationship and cytotoxicity of a series of EDTA family-ligated palladium (II) complexes", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
98) A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "Anti-proliferative activity and apoptosis induction in chronic Myelogenous Leukemia cell line K562 by new anti-cancer compounds Pd (II) complexes", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
99) S. Zolghadri, A. A. Saboury, S. Rezaei-Zarchi and A. Golestani, "Induction of conformation change of hemoglobin by nano silver: A fluorescence and CD spectroscopic study", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
100) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. A. Saboury and E. Taleshi, "Study on the interaction of sodium dodecyl sulfate and dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide with lysozyme by isothermal titration calorimetry", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
101) S. Rezaei-Zarchi,  A. A. Saboury and A. Javed, "Hydrogen peroxidase biosensor based on hemoglobin-carbon nanotube modified graphite electrode", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
102) H. Mansouri-Torshizi, M. Saidifar and A. A. Saboury, "Synthesis, structural characterization and cytotoxicity studies of four new -diimine-1,2-diamine-palladium (II) complexes of 8-hydroxyquinoline", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
103) M. Salami, R. Yousefi, M. R. Ehsani,  T. Haertle, S. Hadi-Razavi, F. Ahmad, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Proteolysis of camel and bovine native and apo α-lactalbumin using intestinal proteases", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
104) H. Mansouri-Torshizi, S. Shahraki and A. A. Saboury, "Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity of a seies of 1,10-phenathroline and dithiocarbamate-ligated Pd (II) compounds", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
105) E. Taleshi, G. Rezaei-Behbehani and A. A. Saboury, "Determination of partial unfolding enthalpy for lysozyme upon interaction with sodium dodecyl sulfate and dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide using an extended solvation model", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
106) E. Bazyari, D. Ajloo, S. A. Sharifian, M. Evini, G. Ataei, M. Amanloo, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Spectroscopic and molecular dynamic studies on the effect of midazolam and lorazpam on the structure and activity of adenosine deaminase", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
107) M. S. Atri, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and R. Yousefi, "Effect of pH on the structure of Camel alpha-lactalbumin: Fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopic studies", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
108) M. Alijanianzadeh and A. A. Saboury, "Modification of active site's histidyl residues in mushroom tyrosinase by diethyl pyrocarbonate", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
109) N. Gheibi and A. A. Saboury, "Dual effects of aliphatic carboxylic acids on cresolase and catecholase reactions of mushroom tyrosinase", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
110) A. Fallah Baghery, G. Rezaei-Behbehani and A. A. Saboury, "Using the solvation model for thermodynamic study on the interaction of magnesium ion with myelin basic protein", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
111) F. Mohammadi, A. K. Bordbar, A. Divsalar, K. Mohammadi and A. A. Saboury, "Interaction of curumin and some of its derivatives with bovine serum albumin", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
112) L. Najafi, D. Ajloo, M. Evini, H. Beniafar, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Effect of some of diacid, diamide and dinitro aromatic compounds on the structure and activity of adenosine deaminase", Eighth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (March 11-13, 2008).
113) H. Mansouri-Torshizi, A. A. Saboury and M. Eslami-Moghaddam, "Interaction of new platinum (II) dithiocarbamate complex with calf thymus DNA", 10th Iranian Inorganic Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (May 14-15, 2008).
114) H. Mansouri-Torshizi, A. A. Saboury and M. Eslami-Moghaddam, "Spectroscopic studies on the interaction of 2,2΄-bipyridinebuthylglycinato platinum (II) nitrate with BSA", 10th Iranian Inorganic Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (May 14-15, 2008).
115) H. Mansouri-Torshizi, M. Saiedifar, M. Eslami-Moghaddam and A. A. Saboury, "Binding studies of DNA with ethylendiamine 8-hydroxyquinolinato palladium (II) chloride", 10th Iranian Inorganic Chemistry Conference, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Zahedan (May 14-15, 2008).
116) A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and H. Mansoori-Torshizi, "Detection of molten globule state in -lactoglobulin by a novel palladium (II) complex", 12th Iranian Physical Chemistry Conference, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj (July 20-23, 2009).
117) S. Zolghadri and A. A. Saboury, "Thermodynamic characterization of silver nanoparticle binding to hemoglobin", 12th Iranian Physical Chemistry Conference, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj (July 20-23, 2009).
118) M. J. Bagheri, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and H. Mansoori-Torshizi, "Effect of new anti-cancer compound (2,2'-bipyridin ethylglycinato Pd (II) nitrate) on the structure of blood carrier protein (human serium albumin)", 12th Iranian Physical Chemistry Conference, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj (July 20-23, 2009).
119) M. Rahban, A. Divsalar and  A. A. Saboury, "Spectroscopic studies of the interaction of silver nanoparticle with calf thymus DNA ", 12th Iranian Physical Chemistry Conference, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj (July 20-23, 2009).
120) A. Hekmat,  A. A. Saboury and A. Divsalar, "Investigation of the interaction between silver nanoparticles and doxorubicin (an anticancer drug)", The First Congress of the Role of Basic Science in Nanotechnology, Tehran, Iran (9-10 December 2009).
121)  E. Poorakbar-Esfahani, A. A. Saboury and G. Rezaei-Behbehani, "Thermodynamics of binding silver ions with jack bean urease", Nineth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran (February 24-25, 2010).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 7 (2010), A1.
122)  H. Mansouri-Torshizi, M. Saeidifar, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Cytotoxicity and rich DNA-binding studies of 1,10-phenanthrolinebutyldithiocarbamato palladium(II) complex", Nineth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran (February 24-25, 2010).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 7 (2010), A6.
123) M. Payehghadri, D. Ajloo, S. A. Pourmousavi, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Binding studies of dihydropyrimidinone drivationes to serum albumin by fluorescence, molecular docking and QSAR", Nineth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran (February 24-25, 2010).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 7 (2010), A7.
124) S. Hajipour, D. Ajloo, S. Zakeri, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, " The effect cationic and anionic porphyrins on the structure and activity of adenosine deaminase", Nineth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran (February 24-25, 2010).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 7 (2010), A9.
125)  H. Mansouri-Torshizi, M. Saeidifar, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Study on interaction of DNA from calf thymus with 1,10-phenanthroline diimine palladium(II) complex of short hydrocarbon chain ethyldithiocarbamate ligand as potential antitumor agent", Nineth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran (February 24-25, 2010).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 7 (2010), A13.
126)  H. Mansouri-Torshizi, I. Bamery and A. A. Saboury, "Synthesis and characterization of three novel nickel (II) complexes as models for tyrosinase", Nineth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran (February 24-25, 2010).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 7 (2010), A19.
127)  M. Rahban, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and A. Golestani, "Nanotoxicology and spectroscopy studies of interaction between silver nanoparticles and DNA", Nineth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran (February 24-25, 2010).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 7 (2010), A26.
128)  M. Mohebbian and A. A. Saboury, "A calorimetric study of the binding of cyanide ions to jack bean urease", Nineth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran (February 24-25, 2010).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 7 (2010), A26.
129)  S. Zolghadri, A. A. Saboury and M. Imani, "The changes of hemoglobin species ratio related to its conformational changes upon superparamagnetic iron oxide nanopraticle binding", Nineth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran (February 24-25, 2010).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 7 (2010), A31.
130)  M. Salami, M. R. Ehsani, I. Khaki- Najafabadi, F. Moosavi-Movahedi, R. Yousefi, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Antioxidant peptides derived from camel casein", Nineth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran (February 24-25, 2010).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 7 (2010), A31.
131)  A. Hekmat, A. A. Saboury and A. Divsalar, "The biophysical chemistry interaction of silver nanoparticles and doxorubicin", Nineth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran (February 24-25, 2010).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 7 (2010), A32.
132)  M. Alijanianzadeh, A. A. Saboury, M. R. Ganjali, and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Effect of ethylenediamine on mushroom tyrosinase activity", Nineth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran (February 24-25, 2010).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 7 (2010), A35.
133)  A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and H. Mansoori-Torshizi, "Effects of new designed anti-cancer Pd(II) complexes with different aliphatic tails on Human serum albumin", Nineth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran (February 24-25, 2010).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 7 (2010), A40.
134)  N. Gheibi, A. A. Saboury and M. Sirati-Sabet, "Effect of Co2+ on the kinetic, structure and stability of mushroom tyrosinase", Nineth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran (February 24-25, 2010).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 7 (2010), A69.
135)  A. A. Saboury, "A review on the scientific documents of Iran during the last decade: A more emphasis on Biosciences", Nineth Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran (February 24-25, 2010).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 7 (2010), A71.
136)  A. Hekmat and A. A. Saboury, "The study of the interaction between silver nanoparticles, DNA and doxorubicin", 3rd Conference on Nanostrucrure, Kish Island, Iran (March 10-12, 2010). Pages 827-828.
137)  P. Daneshgar, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Saboury, "Detection of DNA hybridization based on carbon-nanotubes loaded \silver nanoparticles as electrochemical sensor", 3rd Conference on Nanostrucrure, Kish Island, Iran (March 10-12, 2010). Pages 765-767.
138) E. Poorakbar-Esfahani, A. A. Saboury and G. Rezaei-Behbehani, "Thermodynamics of binding copper ion to jack bean urease ", 13th Iranian Physical Chemistry Conference, Shiraz University, Shiraz (April 12-15, 2010)
139) S. Zolghadri and A. A. Saboury, "Thermodynamic characterization of Fe2O3 nanoparticles binding to human hemoglobin", 13th Iranian Physical Chemistry Conference, Shiraz University, Shiraz (April 12-15, 2010)
140) J. Badraghi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, A. Niasari-Naslaji, A. Sharifzadeh and A. Banaei, "Camel S1-casein: Thermal and chaperone behaviors of phosphorylated and dephosphorylated states", First Symposium on Camel and Biomolecular Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (13 December 2010).
141) M. S.. Atri, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, B. Goliaei and A. Niasari-Naslaji, "Binding of oleic acid to camel holo -lacalbumin at high temperature and its influence on the structure and stability", First Symposium on Camel and Biomolecular Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (13 December 2010).
142) A. Sharifzadeh, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The role of temperature on self-association of -caseins from camel  and bovine milk", First Symposium on Camel and Biomolecular Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (13 December 2010).
143) H. Derakhshankhah, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "Synthesis, electrochemical studies and artificial tyrosinase activity of a new designed homobinuclear copper (II) complex", The Eleventh Biochemistry Congress, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin (February 8-10, 2011).
144) S. Ebrahim-Damavandi, A. Divsalar, A.  A. Saboury, "Artificial protease activity of a new designed copper complex against bovine - lactoglobulin", The Eleventh Biochemistry Congress, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin (February 8-10, 2011).
145) L. Alaei, H. Derakhshankhah, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Thermal inactivation and conformational lock in mushroom tyrosinase", The Eleventh Biochemistry Congress, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin (February 8-10, 2011).
146) A. Hekmat and A.  A. Saboury, " Investigation of the effect of interaction TiO2 nanoparticles and doxorubicin drug on breast cancer", First National Conference on Nano Science and Technology, Payam-e-Noor University, Yazd (February 16-18, 2011).
147)  A. Divsalar, S. Ebrahim-Damavandi, A. A. Saboury, H. Mansouri-Torshizi and N. Poursasan, "Artificial protease activities of new synthesized Cu (II) complexes: beta-lactoglobulin as a target", 10th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, (February 22-23, 2011).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 8 (2011), A3.
148)  A. A. Saboury, "Sixteen years of research on the physical chemistry of proteins", 10th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, (February 22-23, 2011).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 8 (2011), A4-A5.
149)  A. Rashidnia, R. Rofougaran and A. A. Saboury, "Study of guanidine hydrochloride and temperature effects on the stability of the mouse R2 ribonucleotide reductase", 10th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, (February 22-23, 2011).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 8 (2011), A5.
150)  M. S. Atri and A. A. Saboury, "Effect of magnesium ion on the structure of apo camel alpha-lactalbumin", 10th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, (February 22-23, 2011).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 8 (2011), A6.
151)  H. Derakhshankhah, A. A. Saboury, A. Divsalar and L. Alaei, "Synthesis, structure, characterization and biological activity of a new dicopper complex including amine", 10th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, (February 22-23, 2011).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 8 (2011), A15.
152)  H. Mansouri-Torshizi, I. Bamery and A. A. Saboury, "Synthesis and characterization of new asymmetric binuclear copper complexes as model for active sites of tyrosinase", 10th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, (February 22-23, 2011).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 8 (2011), A15.
153)  J. Badraghi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury, F. Faridbod and A. Banaei, "New method for determination of the phosphate groups and extent of dephosphorylation of camel and bovine S1-casein", 10th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, (February 22-23, 2011).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 8 (2011), A16.
154)  M. Goodarzi, A. A. Saboury, M. Habibi-Rezaei and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi , "Time dependency of heme degradation for endogenous glycated hemoglobin", 10th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, (February 22-23, 2011).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 8 (2011), A17.
155)  M. Razmi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "Induction of structural changes in -casein upon interaction with new designed Pt (II) complex", 10th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, (February 22-23, 2011).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 8 (2011), A18.
156)  M. Saeidifar, H. Mansouri–Torshizi and A. A. Saboury, "A binding studies on interaction of novel palladium (II) complex with calf thymus DNA", 10th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, (February 22-23, 2011).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 8 (2011), A20-A21.
157) N. Gheibi, A. A. Saboury, A. Levina and P. A. Lay, "Structural comparisons of native apo and reconstituted tyrosinase", 10th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, (February 22-23, 2011).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 8 (2011), A24.
158)  S. Ebrahim-Damavandi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "Effects of a new synthesized Cu (II) complex on the BLG digestion", 10th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, (February 22-23, 2011).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 8 (2011), A30.
159)  S. Zolghadri, A. A. Saboury and N. Poursasan, "Structure and function relationship hemoglobin upon interaction with nanoparticles", 10th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, (February 22-23, 2011).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 8 (2011), A30-A31.
160)  H. Mansoori-Torshizi, A. A. Saboury, S. Shahraki, Z. Souri-Nezami, "Thermodynamics of binding in the interaction of [Pd (en) (dpq)] (NO3)2 with calf thymus DNA", 10th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, (February 22-23, 2011).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 8 (2011), A34.
161)  Z. Izadi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, H. Mansouri-Torshizi, "Specroscopic studies of the interaction between a new designed Pt (II) complex with β-lactoglobulin", 10th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, (February 22-23, 2011).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 8 (2011), A38-A39.
162)  H. Mansoori-Torshizi, A. A. Saboury, Z. Souri-Nezami, S. Shahrakia, M.Saeidifar, "Spectroscopy studies on the interaction of calf thymus DNA with [µ-ethylen bis(dithiocarbamato)-bis(bipyridine) palladium(II)] nitrate", 10th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, (February 22-23, 2011).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 8 (2011), A39.
163)  Z. Zarea, A. Divsalar, M. Nabiuni, A. A. Saboury, M. E. Kefayati, "Investigation of the side effects of new designed nanoemulsion system: human serum albumin as a target", 10th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, (February 22-23, 2011).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 8 (2011), A40.
164)  A. Hekmat and A. A. Saboury, "The effects of TiO2 nanoparticles and doxorubicin complexes on the structure of ct DNA", 10th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, (February 22-23, 2011).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 8 (2011), A43.
165) A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. Mohamadi-Nejad, N. Sattarahmady, M. Habibi-Rezaei, A. A. Saboury and  M. Bohlooli, " Structural change and amyloid formation of human serum albumin due to glycation under diabetic", Symposium of Biophysics and Bioinformatics of Diabetes: Amyloid Frontier, Departments of Biological Sciences & Physics, IASBS and Iran Society of Biophysical Chemistry,  Zanjan ( January 17, 2011).
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 8 (2011), A52-A55.
166) A. Rashidnia, A. A. Saboury and R. Rofougaran, "Thermodynamic stability of mouse  Ribonucleotide Reductase R2 protein", 15th Iranian Physical Chemistry Conference, University of Tehran, Tehran (September 3-6, 2012).
167) G. Rezaei-Behbehani, Sh. Rafiei and A. A. Saboury, "A thermodynamic study on the binding of human serum albumin with beta-cyclodextrin", 15th Iranian Physical Chemistry Conference, University of Tehran, Tehran (September 3-6, 2012).
168) P. S. Pourhosseini, R. Amani, A. A. Saboury, F. Najafi and M. Imani, "Physical chemistry study of LnEmLn block copolymeric micelles for protein delivery", 15th Iranian Physical Chemistry Conference, University of Tehran, Tehran (September 3-6, 2012).
169) M. Bohlooli, F. Taghavi, P. Maghami, A. A. Saboury, A. Shockravi, M. Sanchooli, M. khajeh, M. Habibi-Rezaei  and  A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Investigation of thermodynamic stability of modified human serum albumin by 3-β-hydroxybutyrate", 16th Iranian Physical Chemistry Conference, University of  Mazandaran, Babolsar (October 29-31, 2013).
170) M. Pirhaghi, P. S. Pourhosseini, F. Najafi and A. A. Saboury, "Interaction of insulin with cationic gemini surfactants as drug delivery vehicles", The 1st Middle East & The 6th Iranian Controlled Release Conference, Razi International Conference Hall, Tehran, (February 25-27, 2014).
171) P. S. Pourhosseini, R. Amani, A. A. Saboury and F. Najafi, "Biodegradable PLA/PEG micelles for controlled release of peptide drugs", The 1st Middle East & The 6th Iranian Controlled Release Conference, Razi International Conference Hall, Tehran, (February 25-27, 2014).
172) A. Khammari, M. H. Karimi-Jafari and A. A. Saboury, "Finding the best binding models of protein-ligand interaction using the docking on the ensemble structures of human serum albumin", The 5th Iranian Conference on Bioinformatics, University of Tehran, Tehran (May 20-22, 2014).
173) E. Morad, B. Goliaei, F. Mehrnejad and and A. A. Saboury, "Prediction of bovine carbonic anhydrase II binding sites by computational solvent mapping", The 5th Iranian Conference on Bioinformatics, University of Tehran, Tehran (May 20-22, 2014).
174) Z. Ghasemi, M. H. Karimi-Jafari and A. A. Saboury, "Computational investigation of the interaction between mushroom tyrosinase and its reference inhibitor: tropolon", The 5th Iranian Conference on Bioinformatics, University of Tehran, Tehran (May 20-22, 2014).
175) P. Esfandfar, M. Falahati and A. A. Saboury, "Lysozyme fibrillation inhibition by fisetin and diadzin small molecules",   The National Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences: From Basic to Medical and Indastrial Applications, Shiraz University, Shiraz (December 10-11, 2014).
Molecular Biology Research Communications 3 (2014), Suppl. 1, 129.
176) Sh. Roqanian, A. A. Meratan, Sh. Ahmadian, M. Shafiezadeh, A. Ghasemi and A. A. Saboury, "Inhibition of lysozyme amyloid fibril-induced reduction of brain hexokinase activity by resveratrol",   The National Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences: From Basic to Medical and Indastrial Applications, Shiraz University, Shiraz (December 10-11, 2014).
Molecular Biology Research Communications 3 (2014), Suppl. 1, 140.
177) S. Shariatizi, A. A. Meratan, A. Ghasemi, D. Morshedi, A. A. Saboury and M. Nemat-Gorgani, "Inhibition of lysozyme fibrillogenesis and cytotoxicity by resveratrol",   The National Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences: From Basic to Medical and Indastrial Applications, Shiraz University, Shiraz (December 10-11, 2014).
Molecular Biology Research Communications 3 (2014), Suppl. 1, 141.
 178) M. Mazaheri, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Effects of some toxins on fibrillation processes of proteins",   The National Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences: From Basic to Medical and Indastrial Applications, Shiraz University, Shiraz (December 10-11, 2014).
Molecular Biology Research Communications 3 (2014), Suppl. 1, 207.
179) M. Moradi, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Studying the side effects of deferasirox on the structure and function of liver catalase",   The National Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences: From Basic to Medical and Indastrial Applications, Shiraz University, Shiraz (December 10-11, 2014).
Molecular Biology Research Communications 3 (2014), Suppl. 1, 221.
180) T. Naderi-Jelodar, A. Ghasemi, A. A. Saboury, M. A. Ebrahimi and S. Shariatizi, "Inhibition study on lysozyme fibrillation by safranal and crocin small molecules",   The National Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences: From Basic to Medical and Indastrial Applications, Shiraz University, Shiraz (December 10-11, 2014).
Molecular Biology Research Communications 3 (2014), Suppl. 1, 227.
181) H. Nedaei, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Meratan and M. Falahati, "Lysozyme fibrillation inhibition by phloridzin small molecules",   The National Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences: From Basic to Medical and Indastrial Applications, Shiraz University, Shiraz (December 10-11, 2014).
Molecular Biology Research Communications 3 (2014), Suppl. 1, 232.
 182) M. Pirhaghghi, P. S. Pourhosseini, A. A. Saboury and F. Najafi, "Spectroscopic evidence for the formation of insulin-cationic gemini surfactant complex",   The National Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences: From Basic to Medical and Indastrial Applications, Shiraz University, Shiraz (December 10-11, 2014).
Molecular Biology Research Communications 3 (2014), Suppl. 1, 242.
183) A. Poursoleiman, A. A. Saboury, M. Bagheri and M. H. Karimi-Jafari, "A thermodynamics study of the interaction between human serum albumin and polymyxin B as A group of peptide antibiotics",   The National Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences: From Basic to Medical and Indastrial Applications, Shiraz University, Shiraz (December 10-11, 2014).
Molecular Biology Research Communications 3 (2014), Suppl. 1, 247.
184) H. Soleymani and A. A. Saboury, "Study on the interaction of vitamin D3 with insulin", The National Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences: From Basic to Medical and Indastrial Applications, Shiraz University, Shiraz (December 10-11, 2014).
Molecular Biology Research Communications 3 (2014), Suppl. 1, 293.
185) F. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Conformational locks and thermal kinetics of Silica nanoparticle ionic liquid on horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase", The National Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences: From Basic to Medical and Indastrial Applications, Shiraz University, Shiraz (December 10-11, 2014).
Molecular Biology Research Communications 3 (2014), Suppl. 1, 319.
186) O. Abazari, Z. Shafaei, R. Karimi, A. Divsalar, M. Eslami-Moghadam and A. A. Saboury, "Induction structural alterations in human hemoglobin by an anti-cancer compound of amyl-glycine 1, 10-phenanthroline platinium nitrate", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
187) Kh. Abbasi-Tejarag, A. Divsalar, and A. A. Saboury, "A spectroscopy study on the interaction between oxali-platinium and human hemoglobin", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
188) F. Azadimanesh, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, M. Eslami-Moghadam and K. Parivar, "Green synthesis of oxali-platinium nanoparticles using silybum marianum extract", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
189) J. Behroozi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and A. Ghasemi, "Effects of bee venom on the structural alterations in human hemoglobin during fructation", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
190) H. Derakhshankhah, R. Dinarvand, M. Mahmoudi, A. A. Saboury and E. Barzegari, "Fibrinogen and A-peptide interaction: Alzheimer disease", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
191) A. Divsalar, B. Ghalandari, A. A. Saboury and M. Razmi, "Production of milk proteins nanocapsules for oral drug delivery systems in cancer therapy", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
192) Y. Entezari-Heravi, H. Sereshti, J. B. Ghasemi and A. A. Saboury, "3D QSAR studies, pharmacophore modeling and virtual screening of some new Diarylpyrrazole-benzensulfonamide derivatives as human carbonic anhydrase II inhibitors", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
193) P. Eskandari, A. A. Saboury and M. Khoobi, "Enzyme responsive release from nanogated ensemble based on gold nanoparticles-capped mesoporous silica", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
194) L. Fotouhi, A. A. Saboury, M. Habibi-Rezaei and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Heme degradation and ROS production upon interaction of hemoglobin with n-alkyltrimethylammonium bromides", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
195) B. Ghalandari, A. Divsalar, M. Eslami-Moghadam and A. A. Saboury, "Multi spectroscopic study on oxaliplatin interaction with -lactoglobulin", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
196) A. Hekmat and A. A. Saboury, "The interaction between cobalt-zinc ferrite nano paricles and DNA and inducing of apoptosis in T47D cell line", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
197) M. Hosseini-Koupaei, B. Sharegh and A. A. Saboury, "Kinetics studies on the proteinase K in the presence of Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
198) F. Kazemi, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury, O. Abazari and U. Sahebi, "Design and production of nanopropolis via green chemistry", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
199) A. R. Lotfabadi, R. Dinarvand, M. Mahmoudi, A. A. Saboury and H. Derakhshankhah, "Study of interaction between Fibrinogen and gold nanoparticles", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
200) M. Mohammadirad, A. A. Saboury, A. Ghasemi and B. Delavari, "Chemical synthesis of silver nanoparticles: Affects on adsorption of human serum albumin", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
201) L. Momeni, B. Sharegh and A. A. Saboury, "Effect of osmolytes on the structure and activity of trypsin", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
202) T. Naderi-Jelodar, M. Dehghan, A. A. Saboury and M. A. Ebrahimi, "Amyloid aggregation of lysosyme: The inhibition study of saffron smal molecules", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
203) H. Nadaei, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Meratan, "Inhibition of amyloid fibrillation of lysosyme by phloridzin", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
204) S. Noorizadeh, A. Divsalar, M. Eslami-Moghadam, S. Abbasi-Dezfuli and A. A. Saboury, "Biochemical study of a new design platinium complex interaction with human serum albumin", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
205) M. Pirhaghghi, P. S. Pourhosseini, A. A. Saboury and F. Najafi, "Structural change in insulin induced by complexation with a cationic gemini surfactant", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
206) A. Poursoleiman, A. A. Saboury, M. Bagheri and M. H. Karimi-Jafari, "Binding of polymyxin B to human serum albumin: Thermodynamics and theoretical approach", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
207) S. Shariatizi, A. A. Meratan, A. Ghasemi, A. A. Saboury and M. Nemat-Gorgani, "Resveratrol redirect lysosyme from its normal amyloid formation pathway into nontoxic amorphous aggregates", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
208) H. Soleymani, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and S. Yousefinejad, "Study on the interaction of α-tocopherol with human insulin", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
209) O. Abazari, U. Sahebi, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "In vitro decreasing of human hemoglobin glycation by propolis", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
210) Kh. Abbasi-Tejarag, A. Divsalar, and A. A. Saboury, "Reducing the stability of human hemoglobin due to interaction with oxali-platinium", 13rd Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil (May 26-27, 2015).
211) F. Aliakbari, H. Bardania, D. Morshedi, A. A. Shabani, H. Mohammad Beigi, A. Tayaranian Marvian, A. A. Saboury and S. A. Shojaosadati,  "Neurotoxicity of neutral charge nanoliposome as a candidate in order to drug delivery on the SHSY5Y and PC12 cell line", 14th Iranian Pharmaceutical Sciences Congress, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran (Dec 21-24, 2015).
212) F. Aliakbari, D. Morshedi,  A. A. Shahani, H. Mohammad Beigi,  A. Tayaranian Marvian, S. A. Shojaosadati and A. A. Saboury,  "Alternative response of PC12 and SHSY5Y cell lines on the toxic aggregated- Alpha-synuclein", 4th Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Congress, Razi Hall, Tehran (Dec 23-25, 2015).
213) R. Ghasemi Tabesh, P. S. Pourhosseini, A. A. Saboury and F. Najafi, "Study on the terturay structural chang of insulin due to the interaction with nanoparticles of urethane cationic Gemini surfactant", 14th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry, Shahid Behesti Univerity of Medical Sciences, Tehran (Aug 16-18, 2016).
214) M. Hosseini Koupaei, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury, F. Davar and A. Semnani, "Weak interaction at nanoparticles alter function and conformation of proteinase K", The second Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan (April 27-28, 2016).
215) A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Application of β-casein nano-vehicles for oral drug delivery systems in cancer therapy", The second Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan (April 27-28, 2016).
 216) Z. Zolmajd-Haghighi, Q. Hanley and A. A. Saboury, "Homo-FRET in labeled proteins by steady-state fluorescence anisotropy, revising the theory, rethinking the assumptions ", The second Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan (April 27-28, 2016).
 217) B. Ghalandari, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Potential application of β-lactoglobulin for presence in nano scale oral drug delivery systems ", The second Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan (April 27-28, 2016).
218) A. Najaran,  A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and N. Rudbani, "A spectroscopic study on the interaction of blood carrier protein of albumin with a new designed Palladium complex", The second Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan (April 27-28, 2016).
218) T. Naderi Jelodar, M. Dehghan , A. A. Saboury, M.A. Ebrahimi and  A. Ghasemi, "The survey of the effect of crocin and saffranal in terms of the inhibition of the formaion beta sheets in neurodegenerative diseases in vitro and in silico", The second Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan (April 27-28, 2016).
219) Lida Momeni, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury, F. Davar and A. Semnani, "Analysis of the interactions between putrescine and bovine pancreatic trypsin by spectroscopic techniques", The second Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan (April 27-28, 2016).
220) A. Leilabadi-Asl,  A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and K. Parivar, "Probing the interaction of chemotherapeutic drug of 5-fluorouracil and milk carrier protein of -lactoglobulin", The second Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan (April 27-28, 2016).
221) F. Kazemi, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "A thermodynamic study on the interaction of propolis and human 
hemoglobin", The second Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan (April 27-28, 2016).
222) R. Ghobadi, A. Divsalar, A. Harifi Mood, A. A. Saboury and M. Eslami Moghadam, "The effects of a novel phenanthroline-imidazole derivative of platinum complex on the structure and function of bovine liver catalase", The second Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan (April 27-28, 2016).
223) M. Azami-Movahed, A. A. Meratan, A. Ghasemi, A. Ebrahim-Habibi, A. A. Saboury and  M. Nemat-Gorgani, "Effect of lysine residue acetylation on the structure of apomyoglobin", The second Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan (April 27-28, 2016).
224) R. Ghasemi Tabesh, P. S. Pourhosseini, A. A. Saboury and F. Najafi, "Effect of spacer length of the synthetic cationic urethane gemini surfactants on the secondary structure of insulin", The second Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan (April 27-28, 2016).
225) U. Sahebi, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Investigating on the synergistic inhibitory effect of aspirin and propolis on the glycation of human hemoglobin by fructose", The second Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan (April 27-28, 2016).
226) M. Hosseini Koupaei, B. Shareghi , A. A. Saboury, A. Semnani , F. Davar and F. Reisi, "Exploring the thermal stability and activity of proteinase K in the presence of spermidin by biophysical techniques and molecular dynamic simulations", The second Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan (April 27-28, 2016).
227) P. Eskandari, A. A. Saboury and M. Khoobi, "Gold nanoparticles-capped mesoporous silica for enzyme responsive controlled release of doxorubicin in cancer therapy", The second Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan (April 27-28, 2016).
228) A. Poursoleiman, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and M. Eslami Moghadam, "A thermodynamic approach of the interaction between human serum albumin and a new synthesized platinum complex", The second Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan (April 27-28, 2016).
229) U. Sahebi, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury, "Comparison on the inhibitory effects of propolis on the structural changes of glycated human hemoglobin resulted glucose and   fructose ", The second Conference on Protein & Peptide Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan (April 27-28, 2016).
230) A. A. Saboury, "Status of research in biological sciences of Iran ", 19th National and 7th International Congress of Biology, University of Tabriz, Tabriz (Aug 30- Sep 1, 2016).
231) B. Ghalandari, A. Divsalar, and A. A. Saboury, "Production of controlled release oral drug delivery system using β-lactoglobulin anoparticle", 14th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Zabol, Zabol (Oct 25-27, 2016).
232) M. Bagherpour, K.  Abrari, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and P. Pourhosseini, "Multi-Spectroscopic studies on the interaction of human Erythropoietin and cationic synthetic gemeni", 14th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Zabol, Zabol (Oct 25-27, 2016).
233) A. A. Saboury, "Status of research in Iran basic sciences", 14th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Zabol, Zabol (Oct 25-27, 2016).
234) R. Ghobadi, A. Divsalar, A. Harifi Mood, A. A. Saboury and M. Eslami Moghadam,  "The investigation of functional and structural effects of phenanthroline-imidazole derivative of palladium on bovine liver catalase by spectroscopic techniques", 14th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Zabol, Zabol (Oct 25-27, 2016).
235) R. Ghasemi Tabesh, P. S. Pourhosseini, A. A. Saboury  and F. Najafi,  "Binding affinity of cationic gemini surfactants to insulin: Effect of the spacer length", 14th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Zabol, Zabol (Oct 25-27, 2016).
236) H. Derakhshankhah, E. Barzegari, R. Dinarvand, A. A. Saboury, M. Raoufi and M. Mahmoud,  "Amyloid Beta (Aβ) peptide incompatibility with fibrinogen results in Alzheimer's disease", 14th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Zabol, Zabol (Oct 25-27, 2016).
237) A. Leilabadi-Asl, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and Kazem Parivar,  "A study on the interaction of two chemotherapeutic drugs of oxali-Palladium and 5-Fluorouracil simultaneously with milk carrier protein of β-lactoglobulin", 14th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Zabol, Zabol (Oct 25-27, 2016).
238) M. Mazaheri, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Saboury,  "Effects of curcumin on beta-lactoglobulin and HSA fibrillation", 14th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Zabol, Zabol (Oct 25-27, 2016).
239) A. Naji, A. Seyedarabi, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Meatan,  "The effect of Rosa damascene on lysozyme aggregation as a model system for neurodegenerative diseases", 14th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Zabol, Zabol (Oct 25-27, 2016).
240) S. S. Jafarypour, S. Gharaghani, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Meratan, "Three dimensional pharmacophore modeling of Alpha-synuclein aggregation inhibitors", 14th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Zabol, Zabol (Oct 25-27, 2016).
241) A. Najaran, A. Divsalar, A. A. Saboury and, M. Eslami-Moghadam, "Alterations in the structure of blood carrier protein of albumin upon interaction with new synthesized Pt(II) complex", 14th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Zabol, Zabol (Oct 25-27, 2016).
241) M. Besharati Vineh, A. A. Saboury, L. Ma'mani and A. M. Rashidi, " Studies on secondary structures of Horseradish peroxidase immobilized on reduced graphene oxide nanoparticle", 14th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, University of Zabol, Zabol (Oct 25-27, 2016).
242) P. S. Pourhosseini, R. Ghasemi Tabesh, A. A. Saboury  and F. Najafi,  "Biophysical studies on the interaction of cationic Urethane gemini surfactant with insulin", 20th Iranian Physical Chemistry Conference, University of Arak, Arak (Aug 20-22, 2017).
243) A. A. Saboury, "The Role of chemistry in Iran scientific documents quantitavely and qualitavely", 20th Iranian Chemistry Congress, Ferdowsi University of Mashdad, Mashhad (July 17-19 2018).
244) P. S. Pourhosseini, S. Fayazzadeh, A. A. Saboury  and F. Najafi,  "Molecular mechanism of insulin fibrillation in the presence of a cationic gemini surfactant: Spectroscopy and conductometric studies", 21st Iranian Physical Chemistry Conference, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz (Sep 6-8, 2018).
245) B. Ghalandari, A. Poursoleiman, M. Fekri, A. Divsalar and A. A. Saboury,  "Protein interaction and cytotoxicity of novel Pt(II) and Pd(II) complexes", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 3-4.
246) S. Zolghadri and A. A. Saboury, "Hyperpigmentation treatments: A comprehensive review", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 7-8.
247) H. Nedaei and A. A. Saboury, "NMR and MD as two methods of monitoring the self-association of small molecules in aqueous solutions for biological application", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 8-9.
248) L. Karami, E. Tazikeh-Lemeski and A. A. Saboury, "The interaction of aspirin with human serum albumin: A molecular dynamics simulation study", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 10.
249) A. Aghaei, S. Gharaghani and A.A. Saboury, "Thiamin pyrophosphate riboswitch is going to accept new compounds as antibacterial to repress gene expression", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 11.
250) B. Katebi, A.A. Meratan, A. Ghasemi and A.A. Saboury, "Protective effects of silibinin against insulin amyloid fibril-induced toxicity in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 12.
251) M. Mazaheri, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and A. A. Saboury, "Effects of lead-HSA interactions on fibrillation of protein", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 13.
252) M. Rahban, N. Salehi , M. H. Karimi-Jafari, A. A. Saboury, S. Hosseinkhanib and A.A. Mossavi-movahedi, "Substitution of His by Asp modify thermal stability of firefly luciferase", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 14-15.
253) M. Pirhaghi, A. A. Saboury, S. Gharaghania and A. A. Meratan, "An alpha synuclein-peptide docking study to select appropriate peptides interacting with the protein NAC domain", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 15.
254) N. Babaknejad, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury and S. Farhadian, "A spectroscopy study on the interaction between SiO2 nanoparticle and bovine alkaline phosphatase", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 16.
255) M. Mahdavimehr, A.A. Meratan , A. Ghasemi and A. A. Saboury, "Inhibitory effect of graphene oxides on hen egg white lysozyme amyloid fibril formation", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 16.
256) F. Mamashli, J. Badraghi, B. Delavari, M. Sabbaghi,E. Pourfakhraei, S. Ashkevarian, M. Hosseini and A. A. Saboury, "Conformation and dynamic of versatile peroxidase in the presence of the glycerol based deep eutectic solvent", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 17.
257) Z. Dehghani, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Meratan, "Release of brain hexokinase 1 from mitochondria induced by amyloid aggregates of α-synuclein", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 17.
258) M. Basfahrjani, M. Habibi-Rezaei and A. A. Saboury, "Investigation on the effect of kosmotropic and chaotropic of zinc and copper ions in vitro fibrillization of human serum albumin", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 18.
259) M. Mohammadi , B. Shareghi and A.A. Saboury, "Stability of carboxypeptidase A on presence of putrescine", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 18-19.
260) T. Zohoorian Abootorabi, A. A. Saboury and A. A. Meratan, "Generation of reactive oxygen species by alpha-synuclein fibrils and oligomers", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 19.
261) S. Mirhaji, S. Jafari, H. Derakhshankhah, M. Soleymanpour and A. A. Saboury, "Effect of chitosan on the fibrinogen structure and conformation", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 23.
262) M. Soleymanpour, S. Jafari, H. Derakhshankhah, S. Mirhaji, B. Goliaei and A.A. Saboury, "A biophysical study on the interaction between alginate and fibrinogen", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 26.
263) S. Kialashaki, A. A. Saboury and H. Derakhshankhah, "Chicken egg white lysozyme structural and functional changes in its interaction with different size super paramagnetic nanoparticles (SPION)", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 27.
264) F. Toosi Moghadam, A. A. Saboury and M. Khoobi, "Stabilization of alpha-lipoic acid by complex formation with human serum albumin", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 30.
265) A. Zare Karizak, A. A. Saboury, A. Divsalar and B. Goliaei, "A study on the interaction of Fe3O4 nano particles with bovine beta-casein", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 31.
266) M. Besharati Vineh, A. A. Saboury and A. Poostchic, "Covalent immobilization of horseradish peroxidase on functionalized reduced graphene oxide and biodegradation of high Phenol concentration", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 32.
267) M. Bayat, L. Karami, H. Gourabi, F. Ahmad, K. Dormianie, A. A. Saboury and M. H. Nasr Esfahani, "Stabilizing osmolytes' effects on the sructure, sability and function of tcTenecteplase: A one peptide bond digested form of tenecteplase", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 33.
268) S. Moradi, B. Shareghi, A. A. Saboury and S. Farhadian,  "Comparative studies on the interaction of putrescine with acid phosphatase by multispectroscopic", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 37-38.
269) M. Mohammadi, B. Shareghi and A. A. Saboury, "Structural studies of carboxypeptidase A thermal stabilization in the presence of spermidine", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 41-42.
270) E. Poorakbar, A. A. Saboury, R. Haji Hosseini and K. Khoshnevisan,  "Enhancement of cellulase enzyme in activity and thermal stability on core-shell magnetic nanoparticles functionalized by aspartic acid", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 62-63.
271) M. Mohammadi, B. Shareghi and A. A. Saboury, "The study of structure and stability of carboxypeptidase A in the presence of spermine by spectroscopy methods", 15th Iranian Biophysical Chemistry Conference, Islamic Azad University of Gorganl, Gorgan (Oct 23-24, 2018)
Biomacromolecular Journal 4, Issue 2 (2018), 45.
272) S. Davoodi, P. S. Pourhosseini, N. Ghorbanmehr, A. A. Saboury, F. Najafi and Z. Landarani, "Self-assembly and DNA binding of cationic gemini amphiphiles: A biophysical study", 22nd Iranian Physical Chemistry Conference, University of Zanjan, Zanjan (Aug 20-22, 2019)


14 02 2016 07:31

کد خبر : 10028657

تعداد بازدید : 79

Books (Persion Language)

1) A. A. Saboury and A. A. Mirzaei, Quantum Mechanic in Chemistry, by Melvin W. Hanna, Translated from English to Persian, Mashad Publishing Co., Mashad (1992, 1998).

2) A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, Enzyme Kinetic, Tehran University Press, Tehran (1996).

3) A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, Chemical Thermodynamics, Tehran University Press, Tehran (1998, 2007).

4) A. A. Saboury, Experimental Physical Chemistry, Daneshnegar Publishing Co., Tehran (1999).

5) A. A. Saboury, Standards for the Ph.D. Degree in the Molecular Biosciences, by IUBMB, Translated from English to Persian, Institue for Research and Planning in High Education, Tehran (2000).

6) A. A. Saboury and Davood Ajloo, Quantum Biological, , Tehran University Press, Tehran (2002).

7) A. A. Saboury and A. A. Mirzaei, Physical Chemistry, by P.  W. Atkins, Translated from English to Persian, Nopardazan Publishing Co., Tehran (2002).

8) A. A. Saboury, Solution Manual for Physical Chemistry, by P.  W. Atkins, Translated from English to Persian, Nopardazan Publishing Co., Tehran (2002).

9) A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, A. A. Saboury and J. Chamani, Methods in Biochemistry and Biophysics, Tehran University Press, Tehran (2002, 2007, 2010).

10) D. Ajloo, A. K. Bordbar,  A. A. Mirzaei, A. A. Rafati, Gh. Rezaei-Behbehani, A. A. Saboury and A. R. Salabat, Physical Chemistry, by P.  W. Atkins, Translated from English to Persian, Nopardazan Publishing Co., Tehran (2008).

11) A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi and M. Amini, A Practical Guide to International Journals, Tehran University Press, Tehran (2008).

12) M. Isami-Moghaddan and A. A. Saboury, Guide to Publishing a Scientific Paper, Translated from English to Persian, Tehran University Press, Tehran (2010, 2011).

13) M. S. Atri and A. A. Saboury, Oxygen and Evolution of Life, Translated from English to Persian, Tehran University Press, Tehran (2012).

14) M. Saeidifar and A. A. Saboury, Principles and Applications of Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Translated from English to Persian, Tehran University Press, Tehran (2013).

15) A. A. Saboury, H. Derakhshankhah and L. Alaei, Biological Applications of Nanomaterials, Volume I: Principals, Chemistry and Structure of Nanomaterials, Tehran University Press, Tehran (2015.

16) A. A. Saboury, H. Derakhshankhah and L. Alaei, Biological Applications of Nanomaterials, Volume II:  Drug delivery, Gene Therapy and Biomedical Imaging, Tehran University Press, Tehran (2015).

17) A. A. Saboury, H. Derakhshankhah and L. Alaei, Biological Applications of Nanomaterials, Volume III: Implants, Tissue Engineering and Biocompatibility, Tehran University Press, Tehran (2015. 

18) O. Tajedini, A. Sadatmoosavi and A. A. Saboury, Handbook of World-Famous Indexes and Abstracts, Tehran University Press, Tehran (2018). 

19) M. S. Atri and A. A. Saboury, Topics in Cell Biophysics, Tehran University Press, Tehran (2019). 

20) M. Pirhaghi and A. A. Saboury, Principle and Rules of Writing Lab Notes, Tehran University Press, Tehran (2019). 

21) E. Tazikeh-Lemeski and A. A. Saboury, Mathematics for Physical Chemistry, by Robert G. Mortimer, Translated from English to Persian,Tehran University Press, Tehran (2019). 

22) A. Hekmat and A. A. Saboury, Principle and Fundamental of Infrared Spectroscopy and Applications in Biosciences, Islamic Azad University Press, Tehran (2020).

23) A. A. Saboury, S. Jafari, H. Derakhshankhah and L. Alaei, Martin's Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume I: Thermodynamics and Dissolution Phenomenas, by Patrick J. Sinko, Translated from English to Persian,Tehran University Press, Tehran (2020, in press).

Chapters in Books (Persian)
1) A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, Physical Chemistry of Biomacromolecule 1, Tehran University Press, Tehran (1995).
Entitled: Ligand binding (chapter 1)
2) A. A. Saboury and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, Physical Chemistry of Biomacromolecule 1, Tehran University Press, Tehran (1995).
Entitled: Protein titration (chapter 2)
3) A. A. Saboury, R. Rahimi-Vaghar and E. Karbasi, Studies in Research Ethics, Institute of Social and Cultural Studies, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Tehran (2015).
Entitled: The importance of research ethics and ethical research principles (chapter 1)



14 02 2016 05:45

کد خبر : 10028687

تعداد بازدید : 87

Activity in Scientific Journals

1)   Managing Editor of "Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society" (Iran Chemical Society).

2)   Editorial member of Rahyaft (Science Policy Quarterly), (2006-2009).

3)   Editorial member of International Journal of Environmental Research (University of Tehran Press)

4)   Editorial member of Sport Bioscience (University of Tehran Press)

5)   Editorial member of Analytical & Bioanalytical Electrochemistry.

6)   Editorial member of Journal of Thermodynamics (Hindawi Publishing Corporation)

7)   Editorial member of "Iranian Journal of the Chemistry and Chemical Engineering" (Jahad-e-Daneshgahi Publishing).

8)   Associate Editor of "Physical Chemistry Research" (Iran Chemical Society).

9)   Editorial member of Science Cultivation  (FAST).

10) Editorial Advisory Board of International Nano Letters (IAU Kermanshah)

11) Reviewer of many international journals, such as "Journal of Chemical Thermodynamic", "Colloid & Surfaces B", "Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry", "Biochimie", "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry", ….

Activity in Scientific Societies

1)  Member of Biophysical Society in USA.

2)  Member of International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC).

3)  Member of FAOBMB council meeting and delegate of FAOBMB in Iran.

4)  Member of IUBMB council meeting and delegate of IUBMB in Iran.

5)  Associate member of Abdus-Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP;  Triest, Italy)

6)  Secretary of Iranian Society of Biophysical Chemistry (ISOBC).

7)  Member of Iranian Chemistry Society (ICS).



12 02 2016 23:31

کد خبر : 10028702

تعداد بازدید : 141


Honors and Awards

1) National distinguished student, 1995.
2) National distinguished student author (for Enzyme Kinetics Book), 1996.
3) Distinguished researcher in University of Tehran, 1999.
4) Distinguished researcher in University of Tehran, 2002 (Receiving the badge of the third order for research)
5) Distinguished professor in University of Tehran, 2003.
6) Executive of the best project in University of Tehran, 2004.
7) The best researcher in University of Tehran, 2005 (Receiving the badge of the first order for research).
8) Executive of the best project in University of Tehran, 2007.
9) Selected as a leading scientist of OIC members in 2008.
10) Selected as the best scientist in humanities and art in 2008 by Iranian ministry of Science and Technology according to the number of citations recorded by ISC
11) Distinguished researcher in Tehran University of Medical Science (10th Avicena Festival), Tehran, 2009
12) Receiving of Science Production Medal from Iranian Society of Biophysical Chemistry, Jahrom, Iran, Feb. 2011
13) National distinguished academic author, (for translation of Oxygen and Evolution of Life Book), 2013.
14) Distinguished Professor selected by Iran Elite Foundation, (Second Festival of Tabatabaei Award), Tehran, 2013
15) Selected as an international Scientists by Essential Science Indicators (ESI) in Biochemistry and Biology, Thomson Reuters, USA,  May 2013.
16) Distinguished professor in University of Tehran(the third festival of Education in University of Tehran) , 2016
17) National distinguished academic author, (for writing Biological Applications of Nanomaterials (Three Volumes) Book), 2018.
18) National Distinguished Scientist for Popularization Science  selected by Iranian Association for Popularization Science, (19th Awward) Tehran, 2018.


09 02 2016 20:43

کد خبر : 10028717

تعداد بازدید : 111

Research Postgraduate Students Supervised
A) M.Sc Students:

1) Mr. Ali Asghar Shamsaei (Biophysics, 1999)
University of Tehran, IBB
Thermodynamic studies on the interaction between human serum albumin and 2,2′-bipyridinglycinato palladium (II) chloride.


2) Mr. Reza Yousefi Edimi (Biochemistry, 1999)
University of Tehran, IBB
Effects of NADPH on the structure and biological activity of catalase in the presence of natural inactivator metabolits.


3) Mr. Farhad Karbassi (Biophysics, 1999)
University of Tehran, IBB
Effect of excess calcium ion on the structure and fuction of alpha-amylase.


4)  Mr. Akbar Mansoury-Daneshvar (Chemistry, 1999)
Azad University of Arak, Chemistry Department
Thermodynamic stability study of alpha-amylase by spectrophotometric and calorimetric methods.


5) Mr. Hassan Farid-Noori (Biophysics, 2000)
University of Tehran, IBB
Effect of some polyhydric alcohols on the stability and interaction between peroxidase and cationic surfactant.


6) Mrs. Zohre Saeidi (Chemistry, 2000)
University of Sistan and Bluchestan, Chemistry Department
Preparation and identification of 2,2′-bipyridin hexil glycinato palladium (II) nitrate and its interaction with bovine serum albumin.


7) Mr. Shahriar Saeidian (Biochemistry, 2000)
University of Tehran, IBB
Interaction between copper and zinc metal ions and myelin basic protein.


8) Mr. Mohammad Reza Mahmoodian (Chemistry, 2001)
Azad University of Arak, Chemistry Department
Thermodynamic investigation on the interaction between lead ion and glycylglycine dipeptide by titration spectrophotometry, potensiometry and calorimetry.


9) Mr. Mahmood Okhovatian (Chemistry, 2001)
Azad University of Arak, Chemistry Department
Thermodynamic investigation on the interaction between zinc ion and glycylglycine dipeptide by titration spectrophotometry, potensiometry and calorimetry.


10) Mrs. Bita Zamani (Chemistry, 2002)
University of Birjand, Chemistry Department
Spectroscopy and calorimetry study on the inhibition of oxidase activity of tyrosinase.


11) Mrs. Fatame Housaini-Kishani (Biophysics, 2002)
University of Tehran, IBB
Kinetics and thermodynamics of the interaction between human serum albumin and Ni2+.


12) Mrs. Adeleh Divsalar (Biophysics, 2002)
University of Tehran, IBB
Kinetics and thermodynamics of adenosine deaminase inhibition by inosine and some similar ligand.
(Selected as the best MSc thesis in University of Tehran, 2004)


13) Mrs. Setareh  Ghasemi (Biophysics, 2004)
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Section
Thermodynamical stability of alpha-amylase from Bacillus Amyloliquefacien


14) Mrs. Tahere Nemati (Biophysics, 2004)
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Section
Thermodynamical stability of bovine carbonic anhydrase


15) Mrs. Niaz Mortazavi (Chemistry, 2004)
Shahid-Bahonar University of Kerman, Chemistry Department
Thermodynamical investigation on the interaction between histidine and Cu2+ by spectroscopy, potentiometry and calorimetry.


16) Mrs. Nahid Keramat (Biophysics,2004)
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Section
Studies on the interaction between some interclating druges and DNA.


17) Mrs. Soghra Bagheri (Biophysics, 2004)
University of Tehran, IBB
Kinetic and thermodynamic study on the effect of some purine drugs on the activity of adenosine deaminase.


18) Mrs. Marzieh Kordbacheh (Biophysics,2004)
University of Tehran, IBB
Effect of ionic strengh and pH on the thermodynamic stability of human growth hormon.


19) Mrs. Shokofeh  Mamaghani-Rad (Chemistry, 2004)
Azad University of Shahrood, Chemistry Department
Thermodynamics of binding Cu2+ on carbonic anhydrase.


20) Mrs. Aghdas Paziar (Biophysics,2005)
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Section
Thermodynamical stability of beta-amylase from Barley.


21) Mrs. Maliheh Sadat-Atri (Biophysics, 2005)
University of Tehran, IBB
Thermodynamics of interaction between Mg2+, Ca2+, Fe2+ and human growth hormon.
(Selected as the best MSc thesis in University of Tehran, 2005)


22) Mr. Hosain Ghourchaei (Biophysics, 2005)
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Section
Interaction between cobalt ion with human growth hormon.


23) Mrs. Elham Tazikeh (Chemistry, 2005)
Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin,
A Thermodynamic study of enthalpy transfer some derivaties urea from aqueous phase to alcohol phase.


24) Mrs. Samaneh Zolghadr Jahromi (Biophysics, 2006)
University of Tehran, IBB
Effect of pH and temprature on the Inhibition of mushroom tyrosinase by benzenethiol.


25) Mr. Mahdi Alijanianzadeh (Biophysics, 2007)
University of Tehran, IBB
Effect of some alkyl xanthates, sodium salts, on the function of mushroom tyrosinase.
(Selected as the best MSc thesis in University of Tehran, 2007)


26) Mrs. Safora Amiri  (Biophysics, 2007)
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Section
Interaction between nickel ion with human growth hormon via experimental and theoretical.


27) Mrs. Azadeh Fallah-Bagheri (Chemistry,2007)
Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin,
Thermodynamics of binding some metal ions on mylen basic protein.


28) Mr. Ebrahim Taleshi-Anbohi (Chemistry, 2008)
Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin,
A Thermodynamic study on the interaction of lysozyme by SDS and DTAB using the solvation theory.


29) Mrs. Azadeh Hekmat  (Biophysics, 2008)
University of Tehran, IBB
Role of pH and temperature in the structure and function of coline oxidase.


30) Mrs. Elham Zemanati-Yar  (Biophysics, 2008)
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Section
Evaluation of cytotoxic and apoptotic effects of some Pt and Pd (II)-complexes as novel synthetic compounds.


31) Mr. Ehsan Amin (Biophysics, 2009)
University of Tehran, IBB
Effect of some synthetic dithiocarbamates on the structure and function of mushroom tyrosinase.


32) Mr. Mohammad Javad Bagheri-Arabi (Biophysics, 2009)
University of Tehran, IBB
A study on the intraction between some Pt and Pd(II) complexes (anti-cancer compouds) and human serum albumin (HSA).


33) Mrs. Leyla Ahadi (Biophysics, 2009)
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Section
A study on the intraction between some Pt and Pd(II) complexes (anti-cancer compouds) and human serum albumin (HAS).


34) Mrs. Zohreh Esmaeilzehi (Biophysics, 2009)
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Section
Studies of the interaction of Ni (II) complexes bearing planar aromatic ligands with calf thymus DNA.


35) Mrs. Maryam Mohebbian (Chemistry, 2009)
Payam-e-Noor University (Abhar)
Thermodynamics of  cyanide ion binding to jack bean urease.


36) Mrs. Leyla Barzegar-Yulghouch Aghach (Chemistry, 2009)
Payam-e-Noor University (Abhar)
Thermodynamics of nickel ion binding to myelin basic protein.


37) Mrs. Sanaz Tahmasbi-Servestani (Chemistry, 2009)
Payam-e-Noor University (Abhar)
Thermodynamics of theophylline binding to human serum albumin.


38) Mr. Omid Zareaan (Chemistry, 2009)
Payam-e-Noor University (Abhar)
Thermodynamics of  mercury ion binding to myelin basic protein.


39) Mr. Ali Abbasi (Chemistry, 2009)
Payam-e-Noor University (Abhar)
Thermodynamics of  nickel and cobalt ions binding to jack bean  urease.


40) Mrs. Elaheh Yahaghi (Chemistry, 2010)
University of Tehran, School of Chemistry
Thermodynamical studies on the interaction of nickel and cobalt ions with carbonic anhydrase.


41) Mrs. Robabeh Akbari (Chemistry, 2010)
Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin.
A thermodynamic study on lysozyme with dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) in different temperatures and pH.


42) Mrs. Shahrbanoo Ramazani Gasht-Roodkhani (Chemistry, 2010)
Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin,
A thermodynamic study on lysozyme with sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) in different temperatures and pH.


43) Mrs. Mahdieh Rahban (Biophysics, 2010)
University of Tehran, IBB
Thermodynamical investigation on the effects of silver nanoparticles on the structure of calf thymus DNA and determination of its cytotoxicity on K562 cell line.


44) Mrs. Elaheh Poorakbar-Esfahani (Biochemistry, 2010)
Payam-e-Noor University (Tehran)
A study on the interaction between jack been urease and Ag+ & Cu2+.


45) Mrs. Zahra Rezaei-Behbehani (Chemistry, 2010)
Islamic Azad University (Gachsaran)
A thermodynamic study on the binding of iron and magnesium ions with carbonic anhydrase.


46) Mr. Eiraj Alvanian (Chemistry, 2010)
Payam-e-Noor University (Abhar)
A thermodynamics study on the interaction of zinc ions with carbonic Anhydrase  at different temperature.


47) Mr. Rahim Malekjani (Biophysics, 2010)
University of Tehran, IBB
Enzymatic characterization of a dinuclear copper compound ([Cu(phen)2(phen-dione)Cu(phen)2]Cl2)  in comparison with mushroom tyrosinase.


48) Mr. Ehsan Habibi (Biophysics, 2010)
University of Tehran, IBB
Study of the effects of DNA methylation on the Reelin (RELN) promoter in the brain of schizophrenic patients and probable changes in recruitment of transcription factors by molecular dynamics simulation.


49) Mr. Aziz Mollaaghazadeh-Yamchi (Chemistry, 2011)
Payam-e-Noor University (Abhar)
A thermodynamic study on the binding of mercury and cadmium ions to urease.


50) Mr. Mojtaba Yousefi-Majzoob (Chemistry, 2011)
Payam-e-Noor University (Abhar)
A thermodynamic study on the binding of Aspirin to Human serum albumin.


51) Mrs. Farkhondeh Sabbaghi (Chemistry, 2011)
Payam-e-Noor University (Abhar)
Thermodynamics of the effect of temperature on the binding of zinc ion to jack bean urease.


52) Mr. Hossain Darakhshankhah (Biophysics, 2011)
University of Tehran, IBB
Designing and investigating the features of arificial nanoenzymes containing nickle and copper mimiced from active site of  mushroom tyrosinase and its comparison with native enzyme.


53) Mrs. M. Mehreshtiagh (Chemistry, 2011)
Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin
A thermodynamic study on the binding of  p-phenylene-bis dithiocarbamate and phenyl dithiocarbamate to mushroom tyrosinase.


54) Mrs. S. Mohammadi-Gorgi (Chemistry, 2011)
Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin
A comparison on the thermodynamics parametere  of binding xanthates to mashroom tyrosinase.


55) Mrs. Sajedeh Ebrahim-Damavandi (Biophysics, 2011)
University of Tehran, IBB
Decresing of  allergic properties of  BLG  via different copper complexes.


56) Mrs. Masoomeh Goodarzi (Biophysics, 2011)
University of Tehran, IBB
Heme degradation during hemoglobin fructation: emphasising on reactive oxygen Species (ROS).


57) Mr. Mojtaba Eslamdoost Pashtiri (Chemistry, 2011)
Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin
Termodynamics of the interaction between a nanosolfonamid and human serum  albumin.


58) Mr. Mohammad Kia Kiani-Savadkoohi (Chemistry, 2011)
Payam-e-Noor University (Abhar)
A thermodynamic study of the interaction between ytterbium ion (Yb3+)  and human serum albumin.


59) Mr. Mohammad Biglari (Chemistry, 2011)
Payam-e-Noor University (Abhar)
Thermodynamic study of  Jack Bean Urease Interaction with Feric and chromium ions.


60) Mrs. Sahar Parsafar (Chemistry, 2012)
Payam-e-Noor University (Abhar)
A thermodynamic study on jack bean urease interaction with  La2+ ion by isothermal titration calorimetry.


61) Mrs. Zeinab Rahmani (Chemistry, 2012)
Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin
Effect of temperature on the binding of copper ion to human serum albumin.


62) Mr. Reza Amani (Biophysics, 2012)
University of Tehran, IBB
Biophysical studies on block copolymers as drug delivery vehicles.


63) Mr. Ali Rashidnia (Biophysics, 2012)
University of Tehran, IBB
Purification and stability comparison of  R2 and p53R2 subunits from the  mouse and human ribonucleotide reductase.


64) Mrs. Faezeh Moosavi-Movahedi (Biophysics, 2012)
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Section
Study of conformational lock in alcohol dehydrogenase in the presence and absence of a novel nano-ionic liquid.


65) Mrs. Matin Sadat Mousavi (Chemistry, 2012)
Payam-e-Noor University (Abhar)
A calorimetric  study on the interaction of HAS and lysozyme  with Vitamin-B6.


66) Mrs. Nasrin Eslami (Chemistry, 2013)
Payam-e-Noor University (Abhar)
Study of human serum albumin interaction with iron (II) ion by isothermal titration calorimetry.


67) Mrs. Roya Rahimi Vaghar (Biophysics, 2013)
University of Tehran, IBB
Investigation of the interaction between human hemoglobin and anticancer drugs based on palladium complexes.


68) Mrs. Elnaz Karbasi (Biophysics, 2013)
University of Tehran, IBB
Alternations in structure and function of Beta lactoglobuline (BLG) upon interaction with anticancer drugs of Pd complexes including bipyridine.


69) Mr. Behdad Delavari (Biophysics, 2014)
University of Tehran, IBB
Investigation of interaction of vitamin D3 with bovine and camel alpha-lactalbumin.


70) Mrs. Anahita Khammari (Biophysics, 2014)
University of Tehran, IBB
Thermodynamics and theoretical studies of the interaction between human serum albumin with some derivatives of cinnamoylcoumarins.


71) Mrs. Zahra Ghasemi (Biophysics, 2014)
University of Tehran, IBB
Computational investigation of the molecular interaction between tyrosinase and its reference inhibitors (kojic acid and tropolon).


72) Mr. Younes Sahebi (Biochemistry, 2014)
Kharazmi University
Investigating on the effect of Propolis and aspirin on hemoglobin glycation.


73) Mrs. Mitra Pirhaghi (Biophysics, 2014)
University of Tehran, Collage of Agriculture
Preparation of foam from protein hydrogel reinforced with cellulose microfiber and nanofibrills


74) Mrs. Maedeh Ahmadi (Food Science & Technology, 2014)
University of Tehran, IBB
Biophysical studies on the interaction between a novel synthesized cationic gemini surfactant and insulin


75) Mr. Hossein Soleimani (Biophysics, 2015)
University of Tehran, IBB
Effects of heat shocks on stability and conformational changes of tau protein from human neuronal cells.


76) Mrs. Atefeh Poursoleiman (Biophysics, 2015)
University of Tehran, IBB
Thermodynamics and theoretical studies of the interaction between human serum albumin with peptide antibiotics from the group of polymyxins.


77) Mrs. Roya Hedayati (Chemistry, 2015)
Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin
Kinetic and thermodynamic study on interaction of some flavonoids (Gallic acid ,Apigenin,Chrysin)with jack bean urease


78) Mrs. Tahereh Naderi Jlodar (Aricultural Biotechnology, 2015)
Payam-e-Noor University (Tehran)
The effect of safranal and crocin extracted from Crouus Sativus on the thermal stability and protein aggregation of lysozyme


79) Mrs. Zahra Mubarakabadi (Chemistry, 2016)
Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin
Thermodynamic and kinetic study on the interaction of Jack bean Urease with Kaempferol, Naringin and Naringenin


80) Mrs. Fahimeh Azadimanesh (Biophysics, 2016)
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Section
Design and production of nano-oxali palladium via green chemistry method as a noble drug delivery system for colon cancer therapy


81) Mr. Hadi Nedaei (Biophysics, 2016)
University of Tehran, IBB
A study on the inhibition of hen egg white lysozyme amyloid fibrillation using diethylstilbestrol and phloridzin


82) Mrs. Fatemeh Kazemi (Biophysics, 2016)
University of Tehran, IBB
Design and optimization of nanopropolis and investigation of its effect on human hemoglobin glycation


83) Mrs. Parvaneh Eskandari (Biophysics, 2016)
University of Tehran, IBB
Capped mesoporous silica nanoparticles as an enzyme-responsive nanosystem for drug controlled release in cancer therapy


84) Mrs. Shabnam Khoramian (NanoMaterials, 2016)
Institute of Materials and Energy
The adsorption of human gamma globulins to magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles: A thermodynamic and binding study


85) Mrs. Rezvaneh Ghasemi Tabesh (Biophysics, 2017)
University of Alzahra
Study on the Interaction of a Novel Synthetic Cationic Urethane Gemini Surfactant and Insulin


86) Mrs. Leyla Lotfi-Waresabad (Scientomery, 2017)
University of Tehran, Faculty of Management
The role of publishers and societies in publishing scholarly journals based on Scopus Database (comparing Iran with the world

87) Mrs. Nasrin Moradi (Scientomery, 2017)
University of Tehran, Faculty of Management
Size of research groups in Iran and its effect on citation

88) Mrs. Arefeh Naji (Biophysics, 2017)
University of Tehran, IBB
The effect of phenylethyl alcohol in preventing aggregation in lysozyme

89) Mrs. Sedigheh Sadat Jafarypour (Biophysics, 2017)
University of Tehran, IBB
Prediction of inhibitors for α-synuclein fibrillation through pharmacophore modelling and virtual screening

90) N. Fattahian Kolhar (Nanomaterial, 2018)
Research Center of Materials and Energy, Tehran
Albumin – Curcumin derivative nanoparticles as a potential drug delivery system with biophysical properties

91) Mrs. Shaghayegh Kialashaki (Biophysics, 2018)
University of Tehran, IBB
Structural study on chicken white egg lysozyme in its interaction with super paramagnetic nanoparticles with different surface properties

92) Mrs. Soheyla Namdarnia-Fard (Chemistry, 2018)
Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin
Kinetic and thermodynamic study on  the interaction of two  flavonoids of quercetin and gallic polyphenols with jack bean  urease

93) Mr. Behzad Gholampour (Scientomery, 2019)
University of Tehran, Faculty of Management
Comparative Evaluation of Research Trends in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Iran and Selected Countries in order to Identify Research Gaps and Emerging and Hot Topics

94) Mrs. Samaneh Mirhaji (Biophysics, 2019)
University of Tehran, IBB
Preparation of chitosan /fibrinogen hydrogel-loaded nisin for skin wounds healing

95) Mrs. Marjan Soleimanpour (Biophysics, 2019)
University of Tehran, IBB
Synthesis of 'alginate/fibrinogen' hydrogel-loaded nicin for skin wounds healing

96) Mr. Mahmoud Karami-Ghourchebalagh (Biophysics, 2020)
University of Tehran, IBB
Investigation on the effect of electrical field of 100 to 400 kHz on the structure of bovine serium albumin


B) Ph.D Students

1) Mr. Farhad Karbassi (Biophysics, 2004)
University of Tehran, IBB
Thermodynamic and kinetic analysis of relationship between structure and function for mushroom tyrosinase.

2) Mrs. Naghme Sarri-Sarraf (Biophysics, 2004)
University of Tehran, IBB
Thermodynamic and kinetic analysis of relationship between structure and function for bovine carbonic anhydrase.

3) Mr. Nematollah Gheibi (Biophysics, 2007)
University of Tehran, IBB
Examining the effects of some metal ions and synthetic ligands on the activity and active structure of mushroom tyrosinase.

4) Mrs. Adeleh Divsalar (Biophysics, 2007)

University of Tehran, IBB

Comparative structural study on proteins β-lactoglobulin A and B by interaction with some of anti-tomur drugs and metal ions.

(Selected as the best PhD thesis in University of Tehran, 2007)

5) Mr. Saeid Rezaei-Zarchi (Biophysics, 2007)
University of Tehran, IBB
Investigation on the electrochemical properties of different hemoglobins in the presence of organic phosphates.

6) Mr. Abdolmajid Bayandori-Moghaddami (Chemistry, 2008)
University of Tehran, School of Chemistry
Application of nanomaterials (NiO and SWCNT) in electrochemical study of proteins (Cytochrome c and Tyrosinase).

7) Mr. Ali Asgar Rastegari (Biophysics, 2009)
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Section
Interaction of cationic surfactants with cellulase: A potentiometric and isothermal titration calorimetry study

8) Mr. Hassan Ramshini (Biochemistry, 2009)
University of Tehran, IBB
Induction of intermediate structures of hexokinase leading to its aggregation, and inhibition of the processes involved

9) Mr. Jalil Badraghi (Biophysics, 2009)
University of Tehran, IBB
Comparison structural and chaperone studies on phosphorylated and dephosphorylated αs1 caseins from camel and bovine milk

10) Mrs. Samaneh Zolghadr Jahromi (Biophysics, 2010)
University of Tehran, IBB
Thermodynamic and kinetic study of silver and ferric oxide nanoparticles upon interaction withhemoglobin

(Selected as the best researcher PhD student in University of Tehran, 2010)

11) Mrs. Elham Tazikeh (Chemistry, 2010)
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Section
A Thermodynamic study on the interaction between human growth hormone with some metal ions (Zn,Cu,Hg) and detergents (SDS , DTAB)

12) Mrs. Maliheh Sadat-Atri (Biophysics, 2011)
University of Tehran, IBB
Study of camel alpha-lacalbumin structure and its interaction with some C18-fatty acides and metal ions

13) Mr. Mojtaba Falahati (Biophysics, 2011)
University of Tehran, IBB
Increasing the activity and stability of superoxide dismutase by means of nonporous material

14) Mrs. Soghra Bagheri (Biophysics, 2012)
University of Tehran, IBB
Structural study of IAPs and investigation on their interaction with Caspase-7

15) Mr. Mahdi Alijanianzadeh (Biophysics, 2012)
University of Tehran, IBB
Evaluation of the tyrosinase mechanism by its inhibition and activation with some oxidants and reductants

16) Mr. Ahmad Sharifizadeh (Biophysics, 2012)
University of Tehran, IBB
Physicochemical investigation and chaperon activation of Beta caseins from Camel and Bovine

17) Mrs. Azadeh Fallah-Bagheri (Biophysics, 2013)
University of Tehran, IBB
Denaturation and reversibility studies on carbonic anhydrase II in the presence and absence of nano chaperones

18) Mrs. Azadeh Hekmat (Biophysics, 2013)
University of Tehran, IBB
The synergic effects between various nanoparticles and doxorubicin for breast cancer treatment

19) Mrs. Roya Bazl (Chemistry, 2013)
University of Tehran, School of Chemistry
Investigation the effect of non-nucleoside compounds on adenosine deaminase activity by docking and analytical methods

20) Mr. Behafarid Ghalandari (Biophysics, 2014)
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Section
Design and production of Beta-Lactoglobulin nanocapsules for drug delivery system and investigation of its interaction with oxali-platine

21) Mr. Ali Salehzadeh-Yasdi (Biophysics, 2014)
University of Tehran, IBB
Static and Dynamic modeling of metabolic networks based on kinetic equations and biophysical constraints according to epigenetic data and assessment of its topological properties

22) Mrs. Leyla Fotouhi (Biophysics, 2015)
University of Tehran, IBB
Study of heme degradation and ROS production upon interaction of hemoglobin with ionic surfactant

23) Mrs. Mansooreh Mazaheri (Biophysics, 2015)
University of Tehran, IBB
The study of effects of Aflatoxin M1 and lead ion on fibrillation of proteins (Bovine Serum Albumin, Bovine Beta-lactogolobulin and Human Serum Albumin) in vitro

24) Mrs. Mansoreh Hoseini-Kopaei (Biochemistry, 2016)
University of Shahrekord
Kinetic and structural study of proteinase K in the presence of Mn2O3, ZnO and CuO nanoparticles and chemical denaturants

25) Mrs. Lida Momeni-Brojeni (Biochemistry, 2016)
University of Shahrekord
Structural and functional studies of Trypsin in the presence of Nano-TiO2, NiO , CuO and different chemical factors

26) Mr. Sadegh Farhadian (Biochemistry, 2016)
University of Shahrekord
Effect of iron and TiO2 nanoparticles, osmolits and polyamines on the structure and function of α-chymotrypsin

27) Mr. Hosein Darakhshankhah (Pharmaceutical Biomaterials, 2017)
Faculty of Pharmacy, Tehran University of Medical Science
Study of protein corona pattern on the surface of zeolite nano particles in adsorption and Amyloid Beta (Aβ1-42) Peptid fibrillation process and its effects on fibrin clot

28) Mrs. Mahdieh Rahban (Biophysics, 2017)
University of Tehran, IBB
The effect on the stability of the luciferase enzyme mutagenicity in the flexible area

29) Mrs. Monireh Besharati Vineh (Biophysics, 2017)
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Section
Structure and function studies of horseradish peroxidase immobilized on hybrid carbon nanostructur support for removal of pollutant components from wastewater

30) Mrs. Amineh Leilabadi Asl (Biophysics, 2018)
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Section
Design of oral β-lactoglobulin nano-capsules for delivery of two chemotherapy drugs of Oxali-Palladium and 5-Fluoriuracil simultaneously

31) Zahra Eslami (Education Assessment, 2018)
University of Tehran, Faculty Of Education and Psychology
Designing a model to assessment research productivity among faculty members of social science and humanities colleges in University of Tehran

32) Ali Reza Lotfabadi (Pharmaceutical Biomaterials, 2018)
Faculty of Pharmacy, Tehran University of Medical Science
Evaluation of the protein corona patterns of different pre-coated (albumin, Transthyretin and plasma corona) sphere- and rod-gold nanoparticles in the cerebrospinal fluid and their effects on fibrillation of beta-amyloid

33) Mrs. Yeganeh Entezari (Chemistry, 2018)
University of Tehran, School of Chemistry
Design and synthesis of novel inhibitors of human carbonic anhydrase II (hCAII): A computational and experimental approach

34) Mrs. Mahdieh Bayat (Genetics, 2018)
Royan Institute
Structural study of recombinant human Tenecteplase produced in Chinese hamster ovary cells in the aim of protein stabilization

35) Mrs. Elaheh Poorakbar-Esfahani (Biochemistry, 2018)
Payam-e-Noor University (Tehran)
Study of activity and thermal stability of cellulase immobilized by Au-magnetic silica mesoporous nanoparticles

36) Mrs. Fatemeh Mamashli (Biophysics, 2019)
Institute of Applied Basic Sciences, Jihad-e-Daneshgahi
Structural and functional investigation of versatile peroxidase immobilized on iron oxide nanoparticles and its effect on degrading heavy organic molecules

37) Mrs. Hoda Keshmiri-Neghab (Biophysics, 2019)
University of Tehran, IBB
Enhancement in cardiac optogenetic performance of isolated rat cardiomyocyte by vitamin A in vitro

38) Mrs. Nasim Babaknejad (Biochemistry, 2019)
University of Shahrekord
Structural and kinetic studies of alkalin phosphtase in the presence of Al2O3,  Co3O4, SiO2, TiO2 , Mn2O3 and  CdTe nanoparticles and different chemical factors

39) Mrs. Sakineh Sadeghi (Biochemistry, 2019)
University of Shahrekord
Kinetic and structural studies of elastase in the presence of Nano SiO2, CoO, MgO, CuO and different  chemical denaturants

40) Mr. Behdad Delavari (Nanobiotechnology, 2019)
University of Tehran, Faculty of New Sciences & Technologies
Design, preparation, and evaluation of alpha-lactalbumin-Fe3O4 smart system as a carrier for paclitaxel and doxorubicin effective in cancer diagnose and therapy

41) Mrs. Marziyeh Ghaeidamini (Chemistry, 2019)
University of Tehran, School of Chemistry
Synthesis and characterization of carbon nanostructures and surface-modified magnetic nanoparticles and their effects on the refolding of α-Amylaze enzyme and the suppression of alpha synuclein protein aggregation

42) Mrs. Akram Najaran (Biophysics, 2020)
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Section
Investigation on the binding sites of new designed Oxali-Platin analogues on blood carrier protein of Albumin

43) Mr. Saber Ghannad (Material Engineering, 2020)
University of Tehran, Collage of Engineering, School of Metallurgy and Materals Engineering
Investigation on the performance of multilayer ceramic support for immobilization of alcohol dehydrogenase in conversion of formaldehyde to methanol

44) Mrs. Mojgan Mohammadi (Biochemistry, 2020)
University of Shahrekord
The study of activity and stability  modifications of Carboxypeptidase A in the presence of nani TiO2, CuO, Fe2O3, NiO and  different chemical factors

45) Mrs. Sima Moradi (Biochemistry, 2020)
University of Shahrekord
Kinetic and Thermodynamic studies of Acid Phosphatas in the presence of Nano TiO2, MoO3, Co3O4, CoFe2O4, MnFe2O4, MnFe2O4 and different  osmolites

46) Mrs. Ziba Dehghani (Biophysics, 2020)
University of Tehran, IBB
Investigation on the effect of α-synuclein amyloid aggregates on the release of hexokinase I from rat brain and protection by polyphenols

47) Farahnaz Azarakhsh (Biophysics, current)
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Section
Design and synthesis of  magnetic -casein-nanomicelles including anticancer drug of Oxali-Palladium for detection and treatment of colorectal cancer

48) Mr. Arsalan Aghaei-Kiaseh (Biophysics, current)
University of Tehran, IBB
Introducing new ligands to control gene expression in TPP riboswitch through computational and experimental studies

49) Mrs. Saboora Ashkavarian (Biophysics, current)
Institute of Applied Basic Sciences, Jihad-e-Daneshgahi
Binding effect of magnetic nanoparticles Fe3O4,، γFe2O3 , CoFe2O4 and magnetic single wall carbon nanotubes on the structure and function of the lipase enzyme in biodiesel production

50) Mrs. Toktam Zohourian Abotorabi (Biophysics, current)
University of Tehran, IBB
An investigation on the effects of dopamine on the interaction of alpha-synuclein aggregates with  mitochondrial membrane    
51) Mrs. Fatameh Toosi Moghadam (Biophysics, current)
University of Tehran, IBB
Drug Delivery Systems Based protein for Cancer Therapy Targeted Redox-Sensitive

52) Mrs. Mohadeseh Basferjani (Biophysics, current)
University of Tehran, IBB
Investigation on the kosmotropic and chaotropic effects of zinc, copper, nickel and cobalt ions in human serum albumin fibrillation

53) Mr. Ashkan Zare Karizak (Biophysics, current)
University of Tehran, IBB
Design and synthesis of -casein magnetic nano-micelles including chemotherapeutic drug of 5-fluorouracil for targeted treatment of gastric cancer

54) Mrs. Mitra Pirhaghi (Biophysics, current)
University of Tehran, IBB
Investigation on the effect of synthetic peptides interacting with the NAC region of alpha synuclein on the fibrillation of this protein and interaction of the protein with rat brain mitochondria

55) Deihim Atarod (Biochemistry, current)
University of Tehran, IBB
Study on the effect of calcium, magnesium and zinc cations on the structure and function of alpha synuclein related to microtubule activity.

56) Mr. Hossein Khabbaz Khoob (Biophysics, current)
University of Tehran, IBB
Investigating on roles of physicochemical properties of antimicrobial peptides on their cytotoxicity and interaction with membrane

57) Mr. Hadi Nedaei (Biophysics, current)
University of Tehran, IBB
Investigation of amyloid-β peptide amyloidogenesis in the presence of amide-containing fluorinated small molecules

58) Mrs. Faezeh Moosavi-Movahedi (Biophysics, current)
University of Tehran, IBB
The effect of Tempreture, zinc, copper, iron and nickel cations on the structure and chaperon activity of alphaB-crystallin

C) Post Doc Researchers
1)   Dr. Robert Heinrich (Nov. 2006 – Nov. 2007)
2)   Dr. Saeid Rezae-Zarchi  (Aug. 2007 – Aug. 2008) 
3)   Dr. Adeleh Divsalar (Aug. 2007 – Mar. 2009)
4)   Dr. Azadeh Hekmat (Nov. 2013-Nov. 2014)
6)   Dr. Leyla Karami (April 2015 – April 2016)
7)   Dr. Zahra Zomajdi-Haghighi (June 2015 – June 2016)
8)   Dr. F. Mamashli ( Oct 2020-Oct 2021)
9)   Dr. M. Besharati Vineh (Dec. 2020-Dec. 2021)


14 02 2016 08:13

کد خبر : 10028627

تعداد بازدید : 40

   Course titles taught

  • Biothermodynamics
  • Physical Biochemistry
  • Enzyme Kinetics
  • Biospectroscopy
  • Special topics in Physical Biochemistry