Dr. Kaveh Kavousi




Kaveh Kavousi

Assistant Professor of Systems Biology and Bioinformatics, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IBB), University of Tehran
Tel:  (+98)-21-88994062
Fax: (+98)-21-66404680 
E-mail: kkavousi@ut.ac.ir 
Web page: http://bioinformatics.ut.ac.ir/node/3
Website: http://cbb.ut.ac.ir  




Personal Records                                                



Last name: Kavousi
First name: Kaveh
Date of birth: March. 04, 1974
Position: Assistant Professor of Systems Biology and Bioinformatics, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IBB), University of Tehran.   
Contact Info
Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IBB), Department of Bioinformatics, Laboratory of Complex Biological Systems and Bioinformatics (CBB), University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
P.O.Box: 13145-1384.
E-mail:        kkavousi@ut.ac.ir
Web page: http://bioinformatics.ut.ac.ir/node/3
Website:     http://cbb.ut.ac.ir
Web page: ibb.ut.ac.ir/kavousi
Office:       Tel:  (+98)-21-66969261, (+98)-21-61113448
                 Fax: (+98)-21-66404680 
(2007-2012) Artificial Intelligence & Bioinformatics School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran
(1998-2001) Artificial Intelligence and Robotics School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran
(1992-1997) Computer Hardware Engineering School of Computer Engineering, Amir Kabir University of Technology (Poly Technic of Tehran), Tehran, Iran


Research Interests

Bioinformatics & Computational Biology

Complex Systems and Complex Networks analysis

Data Mining and Sensor/Data/Information Fusion

Distributed Systems

Intelligent Agents, Multi Agent environments, and Distributed AI

Information Coding/Cryptography based on biological systems


Skills and Expertise



Hardware Design

Computer interfacing, ISA & PCI board design, serial and parallel communications, data acquisition, microprocessor and microcontroller boards

Operating Systems


Linux(Cent OS, Ubuntu, ROCKS), MS DOS, Windows 3.1/9x/2000/XP/NT/Vista/7, VAX/VMS

Cluster Computing

ROCK Clustering tools

Programming Languages & Tools

MATLAB, Java, C++ .Net, C# .Net, R, Phython, Microsoft SQL Server, Borland Delphi (Object Pascal), Borland C++ Builder

Chemometrics Analysis


Web Programming

ASP .NET, HTML, Java Script, VB Script, Microsoft Front Page


Inter Process Communication mechanisms, Socket Programming, Messaging, TCP/IP, Multithreaded programming, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point)




Publications (Journal papers)
A. A. G. Ghahramani, A. M. A. Hemmatyar, K. Kavousi, "A Network Model for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: An Introduction to the Obligatory Attachment Rule", IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE), 3, 2, 82-94,2016.
S. Babakhanbak, K. Kavousi, F. Farokhi, "Application of a time delay neural network for predicting positive and negative links in social networks", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 24(4), 2825-2837, 2016.
Z. Mousavian, S. Khakabimamaghani, K. Kavousi, A. Masoudi-Nejad, "Drug–target interaction prediction from PSSM based evolutionary information",Journal of pharmacological and toxicological methods 78, 42-51, 2016.
Z. Mousavian, K. Kavousi, A. Masoudi-Nejad, "Information theory in systems biology Part I: Gene regulatory and metabolic networks", Seminars in cell & developmental biology, 2015.
M. S. Atri, A. A. Saboury, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, K. Kavousi, S. Ariaeenejad, "Effects of zinc binding on the structure and thermal stability of camel alpha-lactalbumin" Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2014.
Y. Asgari Nezhad, B. Tokhmechi, A. Kamkar Rouhani, S. Sherkati, K. Kavousi, A. Jamali, "A combined Parzen-wavelet approach for detection of vuggy zones in fractured carbonate reservoirs using petrophysical logs", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 119, 1-7, 2014.
S. Ariaeenejad, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, K. Kavousi, M. R. Dayer, J. Hong , "The Species and Heme Pocket Properties of Sturgeon Hemoglobins Upon Interaction with N-dodecyl Trimethylammonium Bromide", Protein and peptide letters 21 (2), 171-178, 2014.
K. Kavousi, M. Sadeghi, B. Moshiri, B. Araabi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Evidence Theoretic Protein Fold Classification Based on the Concept of Hyperfold", Elsevier Mathematical Biosciences, 240, 2, 148-160, 2012.
Sh. Ariaeenejad, M. Habibi-Rezaei, K. Kavousi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Biochemical Characterization of Hemoglobins from Caspian Sea Sturgeons (Acipenser persicus and Acipenser stellatus) ", Springer Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 62, 73-81, 2012. 
H. Sepasi Tehrani, A.A. Moosavi-Movahedi, H. Ghourchian, M. S. Atri, Sh. Ariaeenejad, K. Kavousi and A.A. Saboury "Effect of Compatible and Non-compatible Osmolytes on the Enzymatic Activity and Thermal Stability of Bovine Liver Catalase", Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 31(12), 1440-1454, 2013.
Sh. Ariaeenejad, Sh Jamili, M. Habibi Rezaei, M. R. Fatemi, N. Poursasan, K. Kavousi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "Computational Analysis between two different hemoglobins from Caspian Sea sturgeons (Acipenser persicus and Acipenser stellatus) induced by n-dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide", The FASEB Journal, 26, 983, 2012.
K. Kavousi, B. Moshiri , M. Sadeghi, B. Araabi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A Protein Fold Classifier Formed by Fusing Different Modes of Pseudo Amino Acid Composition via PSSM", Elsevier Computational Biology and Chemistry, 35, 1-9, 2011. 
K. Kavousi, M. Sadeghi, B. Moshiri, B. Araabi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "An Information Theoretic and Fusion Approach to Protein Secondary Structure Class Prediction Based on Sequence Extracted Features", Protein & Peptide Letters, under review, 2012.
Sh. Ariaeenejad, M. Habibi, K. Kavousi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi,"Denaturation and intermediates study of two sturgeon hemoglobins by n-dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules , 53, 107-113, 2013
Sh Ariaeenejad, K. Kavousi, M. Habibi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A comparative study on aggregation and thermal denaturation of hemoglobin components from Caspian Sea sturgeon (Acipenser persicus and Acipenser stellatus): Chemometric study", Elsevier Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, under review.
Sh Ariaeenejad, K. Kavousi, "DNA and Proteins: music of life ", Journal of Science Cultivation, 2010, Tehran, Iran.
K. Kavousi, B. Moshiri, "An Architectural Design of an Adaptive Intelligent Agent for Search of Commercial Information, Using the Theory of Information Fusion", Global Media Journal, Volume 1, Issue 4, 2007.
K. Kavousi, B. Moshiri,"Improving the Intelligent Methods of Information Fusion Agent", Journal of Faculty of Engineering (Special issue: Electrical and Industrial Engineering) University of Tehran, Vol.38, No.1, May 2004, PP. 85-98.
B. Moshiri, K. Kavousi, "Information / Data Fusion and Its Applications in Intelligent Decision Making Process, parts 1 and 2 ", Intelligent Industry Magazine, Oct. 2001, Tehran, Iran.

Conference papers
Sh. Ariaeenejad, A. A. Moosavi Movahedi, E. Allahi, K. Kavousi,"Amplification of alpha globin gene amplicons of two caspian sea sturgeons and derivation of gene and protein sequence",  1st internationl & 13th iranian genetics congress, 2014.
K. Kavousi, M. Sadeghi, B. Moshiri, B. Araabi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "The Concept of Hyperfold and Its Application to Evidence Theoretical Protein Fold Prediction", 1st International Conference on Biophysical Chemistry, Jun, 2012, Ardabil, Iran.
K. Kavousi, B. Moshiri, M. Sadeghi, B. Araabi, A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi, "A Protein Fold Combined Classifier Based on Information Content of Sequence Extracted Features", The 9th ISOBC Conference, TMU, Tehran, Iran, February 2010.
M. Pakdaman, B. Moshiri, K. Kavousi, "Protein Fold Recognition Using Bagging Ensemble of SVM Classifiers", 8th International Conference on Applications and Principles of Information Science, Okinawa, Japan, January 2009.
K. Kavousi, A. Tohidi, M. Rahgozar, B. Moshiri, "A Novel Architecture for Broad Hetrogeneous Database Integration", 14th International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems of WOSC, September 2008.
K. Kavousi, A. Tohidi, B. Moshiri, "Parameter Optimization for Evidence Theoretic KNN Protein Fold Classifiers", 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management for Composite Materials (KMCM 2008), Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 2008.
A. Younessi, M. Jamaluddin, K. Kavousi, "Decision Supporting System for Investment in MEMS Industries Using Fuzzy Inference and Data Fusion Techniques", International Symposium on Information Technology, ITSim2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2008.
K. Kavousi, B. Moshiri,"Architecture Design of an Intelligent Information Fusion Agent for Information Retrieval From Dynamic Environments", The 10th International Conference on Information Fusion,Quebec city, Canada, July 2007. 
K. Kavousi, B. Moshiri,"Behavioral Model Extraction of Search Engines",The First International Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology ,Amirkabir University of Technology,Tehran,Iran,2003


Activity in Scientific Societies
• Member of the Korean Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (KSBMB)
• Member of the board of directors in Iranian Bioinformatics Society (IBIS)
• Member of Iran Society of Biophysical Chemistry (ISOBC).
Supervised Ph.D. students 
1) Fatemeh Mansouri, (2013) (Joint supervision with Dr. M. Rahgozar)
Investigation of cancer signaling pathways using information extracted from biological networks.
2) Samaneh Maleknia (2016)
Complex biological network analysis of systemic lupus erythematosus by combining Bayesian network approach.
Supervised MSc students 
1) Akram Ahmadi (2014) (Joint supervision with Dr. A. Moeini)
A New Method for Drug-Target Prediction with Drug Repositioning Approach
2) Ehsan Heydari (2015) (Joint supervision with Dr. M. Rahgozar)
Identification of disease subnetwork markers in protein-protein interaction networks
3) Seyed Majid Moosavi Kheyri (2015) (Joint supervision with Dr. M. Rahgozar)
Employing protein properties for detecting sparse complex in PPIs network
4) Ali Sayyahi (2016) (Joint supervision with Dr. S. A. Ghorshi)
Improving Robustness of Complex Networks through Centrality Metrics Analysis
5) Shahab Ebrahimi (2016) (Joint supervision with Dr. Mohammad Izadi)
An Algorithm for Distributed Connectivity Decomposition and its Applications in Information Dissemination
6) Nooshin Sadat Taheri (2016) (Joint supervision with Dr. S. A. Ghorshi)
Text mining in biological data for protein-protein interaction
7) Mahsa Sarvghad Khorasani (2016) (Joint supervision with Dr. S. A. Ghorshi)
The effect of Genetic Variations on Complex Social Networks Attributes
Course Titles 
Advanced Algorithms in Bioinformatics
Biological Sequence Analysis
Machine Learning
Complex Dynamical Networks
Biological Databases
Distributed Systems
Discrete Mathematics
Advanced Programming
Data Structures and Algorithm Design
Teaching Experience
Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IBB), University of Tehran
Lecturer, September 2012 – present
Teaching Advanced Algorithms, Advanced Programming, Machine Learning, Biological Sequences Analysis, and Algorithms in Bioinformatics for bioinformatics PhD candidates.
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tehran
Lecturer, September 2012 – 2015
Teaching Data / Information Fusion for graduate students.
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tehran
Lecturer, September 2012 – 2015
Teaching Data / Information Fusion for graduate students.
Department of Algorithms & Computation, Faculty of Engineering, Sciences College of Engineering, University of Tehran
Lecturer, September 2012 – current
Teaching Distributed Systems for graduate students.